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Haha, thought you would like it. It's a great little mech! My Sig 150 feels weird and clunky to hold compared to the Jaybo. And the Jaybo is more powerful to boot! I've been using it for my at-work vape because when I run 0.7 to 1 ohm coils, I find I don't need to bring batteries. One pair of Samsung 30Q's will maybe be at 3.8v by the time I drop em on the charger at the end of a full day of vaping. It's nice and pocket friendly. And I still get a really killer, high-powered vape. Even simple dual 26g 2.5mm coils can chuck all sorts of flavor and vapor all day long at those resistances. It's like magic.

Maybe it's just due to my inexperience working with 8v, but I like standard coils for it better than a lot of other builds I've tried. I'm liking an 11-wrap, dual 24g @ 3mm in my MX v3 the best so far.
Dude i LOVE it!! It's been interesting trying to build at higher resistances. I've got a pair of 9 wrap 3mm ID 26//40g fused claptons in there at .35 and it is just beastly. Anywhere between .3-.5 for me seems to be working out real well. It's weird because even with the .7 i had in there last night it didn't feel like it was really hitting and then it was a TON of vapor on the exhale hahaha. Even at a .35 my batteries last about 3x longer than they did in either my parallel mech box or my sigelei. I might have a tough time using any other mod for a while, this lil fella is that good!
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So I decided to try to make a 38g N80 zipper coil, because I'm running out of RDA space and it will fit the post holes of my Patriot clone. The zipper came out nicely, but physics decided that a coil made at that size wasn't gonna happen. No matter how much tension I used, the coil just would not hold it's shape.

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Did you try torching it while its still wrapped on the rod? Either that or feed the leeds into the post holes and adjust the coil by pulling leeds little by little on each end
If you do tc you need to adjust the coefficient.

I run a clapton in my subtank mini that is 26 awg nichrome core wrapped in 32 gauge kanthal wrapped at 2mm running 70 watt. My velocity is a fused clapton. 26 gauge nichrome core wrapped in 32 gauge kanthal at 2mm. All being 6-8 wraps. My current TC build is in my freakshow. That is double dual 28 gauge 430 stainless steel at 2mm. Run that guy at 400 degrees now and it is very nice. All those have been great builds. This mod runs them great.

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So my wire came in today and I decided I would try make the smallest Fused Claptons Ive ever tried so I could fit them in the TF-R2 RBA without hassle, they are smaller then the Fused Clapton I made yesterday.
Here is the the steps Ive taken going smaller and smaller for the wire....The wire to the lower left is 24g and 26g above it, to show the comparison on how small these damn things are...I accidentally dropped the wire after wrapping them with the swivels and I had a hard time finding the wire-and it landed in my fucking lap!
20151118_122956.jpg 20151118_122938.jpg

Heres the new build on the TF-R2. 32g/44g Fused Claptons, 7 wraps on a 3mm bit @ .63 Ohms. Its great at 42w so far and I just broke them in...
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So my wire came in today and I decided I would try make the smallest Fused Claptons Ive ever tried so I could fit them in the TF-R2 RBA without hassle, they are smaller then the Fused Clapton I made yesterday.
Here is the the steps Ive taken going smaller and smaller for the wire....The wire to the lower left is 24g and 26g above it, to show the comparison on how small these damn things are...I accidentally dropped the wire after wrapping them with the swivels and I had a hard time finding the wire-and it landed in my fucking lap!
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Heres the new build on the TF-R2. 32g/44g Fused Claptons, 7 wraps on a 3mm bit @ .63 Ohms. Its great at 42w so far and I just broke them in...
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Very nice! Just got my 40 gauge kanthal. Going to make some 32 gauge core wrapped in 40. See how that goes!

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Custom Hand Crafted Coils -
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Speaking of fused Claptons... :D

I tried (and failed) a couple fancy builds for the new TM clone that I just got. So I was like, "Fuck it" and made some fused Claptons to go on there. Went with a pair of 2x30K/40N staged with 26N. 6.5 wraps, 2.5mm. Comes in at 0.18Ω

Holy crap does this thing work! Way cool flavor and vapor. No wonder the fused Clapton had (and has again) become my "go to" coil.

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Speaking of fused Claptons... :D

I tried (and failed) a couple fancy builds for the new TM clone that I just got. So I was like, "Fuck it" and made some fused Claptons to go on there. Went with a pair of 2x30K/40N staged with 26N. 7.5 wraps, 2.5mm. Comes in at 0.18Ω

Holy crap does this thing work! Way cool flavor and vapor. No wonder the fused Clapton had (and has again) become my "go to" coil.

View attachment 34019
Its weird how even smaller fused claptons hit like a train and can fit in anything!


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I have to say I really like working with 36&40g Ni80 it's more forgiving and easier to keep it smooth I was just messing around with it I took the core out of a Clapton and just did a small piece and tried making alien wire and for the little bit I did it came out pretty good granted it was only like a half of an inch because it was just left over materials I had laying around I think you guys are rubbing off on me lol thank you for all your help

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Its weird how even smaller fused claptons hit like a train and can fit in anything!
I did a single clapton that I threw into my subtank mini and it was my best coil there. Didn't have the 40 gauge or I would have done a 32 gauge core wrapped in 40.

Maybe I will try that in my new crown tank...

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Wish I hadn't fallen off with vaping. Need to get back on it.. Just ordered a new Sigelei and I've been trying out braided coils lately. Pics to come soon!

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TF Vaping

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I started on one last night, I need one of you guys to perfect it though. Take 26 ga and Clapton with 36 ga. Do this to a piece about 18 long. Now cut a 6 inch length of the wire and clip it off. Decore that wire as you would with an alien, now cut the other 12 inch Clapton into two 6" pieces. Put them in the drill Chuck parallel and take your decored Clapton and wrap it around the two paralleled Clapton's. It gives an alien appearance but I didn't have swivels to keep my wires held correctly. If you guys have time try it out and let me know how it works. I will continue to try it today.
Good thing about working weekends I have week days off.

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Swivels to make fused claptons and all sorts of other cool things

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement
You can go fishing in Bah-stin with those swivels

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You can go fishing in Bah-stin with those swivels

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I'm way too impatient to fish if I can't do something good enough I don't bother with it fishing falls into that category lol

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I really don't think I could go back to a regular wire. I'm having issues with the fused Clapton right now but that probably has more to do with my kids trying to kill each other than something I am or am not doing but I'll get it.

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


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I really don't think I could go back to a regular wire. I'm having issues with the fused Clapton right now but that probably has more to do with my kids trying to kill each other than something I am or am not doing but I'll get it.

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement
I'm with you there. Once I got into staple builds, especially the alien framed staples I've been building lately, even fused claptons are weak for flavour.

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I'm with you there. Once I got into staple builds, especially the alien framed staples I've been building lately, even fused claptons are weak for flavour.

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Oh I'm sure once I get there what I'm doing now won't work but I'm learning as I go so far so good I'm excited about building wire that's just funny to me if a year ago if someone told me I wouldn't be smoking and be this into it I'd tell them they're crazy. But it truly is my hobby is I'm not building in one way or another I'm buying things to build

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So I got the Velocity and Im impressed with what I can fit in it, you guys were right....I built this coil just for it but I didnt make enough Micro Clapton to make enough for a second coil, later found out the Velocity isnt a Single Coil Deck, but it still vapes great! Im really glad I bought one (Tobecco Clone for $8 shipped)
Fused Clapton-22g Core and Claptoned with 32g and 34g/42g Clapton. 4 Wraps @ .16 Ohms and its a Amazing vape @ 125w....Ill make the second coil tomorrow...
20151119_131508.jpg 20151119_131330.jpg 20151119_131541.jpg 20151119_131538.jpg 20151119_131535.jpg


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You could run a single between the posts similar to a single coil setup on the Dotmod

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You could run a single between the posts similar to a single coil setup on the Dotmod

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O I know but I meant there isnt a option to shut down the airflow to one side...but with this coil and how its attributes are it may be better to reseat it to the middle of the rda instead of dual coiling it. I had to flatten and twist the leads to get them to get into the holes....Itll be fun to get them out and back in :p

Note: Im actually worried about doing that, the coil seems to big to fit between the posts...Its one of the biggest coils Ive ever used/could use..

robot zombie

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I really don't think I could go back to a regular wire. I'm having issues with the fused Clapton right now but that probably has more to do with my kids trying to kill each other than something I am or am not doing but I'll get it.
Haha, yeah, fused claptons are great. Keep at it! Once you get it down, it's like riding a bike - not in that you never forget, but in that it kind of wraps itself.


28/34 kanthal. Ohms out to .47. I had a hell of a time getting them to fire evenly. One of them was lighting up in patches and stealing current from the other... ...until I accidentally collapsed it with my tweezers. After I scooped it back together with a rod, pulled it back out, and squeezed it, they fired evenly! Go figure.

Sucker's hot on my Jaybo - not at all too hot to vape (for me,) but hot enough to ruin certain juices. I tried Churrios (one of my faves) in it first and it tasted really weird - mostly straight cinnamon with a hint of spoiled custard. Vapor production is not as good as I expected. It just doesn't have that chewiness. The flavor is great with LV Meringue Monsoon, though.

Honestly, I'm having better luck with single-core claptons with this mod. I'm having trouble hitting the right power level for the surface area with fused claptons. Maybe I just need to add a wrap to those builds and use thinner outer wire...
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Haha, yeah, fused claptons are great. Keep at it! Once you get it down, it's like riding a bike - not in that you never forget, but in that it kind of wraps itself.


28/34 kanthal. Ohms out to .47. I had a hell of a time getting them to fire evenly. One of them was lighting up in patches and stealing current from the other... ...until I accidentally collapsed it with my tweezers. After scooped it back together with a rod, pulled it back out, and squeezed it, they fired evenly! Go figure.

Sucker's hot on my Jaybo - not at all too hot to vape (for me,) but hot enough to ruin certain juices. I tried Churrios (one of my faves) in it first and it tasted really weird - mostly straight cinnamon with a hint of spoiled custard. Vapor production is not as good as I expected. It just doesn't have that chewiness. The flavor is great with LV Meringue Monsoon, though.

Honestly, I'm having better luck with single-core claptons with this mod. I'm gaving trouble hitting the right power level for the surface area with fused claptons. Maybe I just need to add a wrap to those builds and use thinner outer wire...
Use thinner core wire, outer wire doesnt change the resistance by much and for higher resistance drop 2 gauges and you'll be around a .5-.7 and it will be much better for series. Try Dual 30g/38g or 32g/40g Fused Claptons 7-9 wraps, it wont disappoint with series and it wont be too much to use. Fr your glowing issue, make sure you strum the coils after pinching and pulsing them, it works magic and gets all the kinks out.

robot zombie

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Use thinner core wire, outer wire doesnt change the resistance by much and for higher resistance drop 2 gauges and you'll be around a .5-.7 and it will be much better for series. Try Dual 30g/38g or 32g/40g Fused Claptons 7-9 wraps, it wont disappoint with series and it wont be too much to use. Fr your glowing issue, make sure you strum the coils after pinching and pulsing them, it works magic and gets all the kinks out.
Thanks for the tips. I'll have to get some more 30 and 32. I haven't used those gauges in so long. I think I have everything but those two. I was hoping 28 was thin enough for a fused core, but even that's too much without making something that barely fits in my Twisted Messes! I've noticed that smaller is better for series claptons in general. A standard 34 over 28 is one I've been digging a lot.

And as far as getting shorts out for an even glow... ...what you describe is how I do it! I also wiggle. I did all that for 20 minutes with no success. I also tried messing with the grubs and re-positioning the leads. Nothing changed until I accidentally collapsed it. The thing folded into a sharp "V" shape under the heat. It was very bizarre. Never seen anything like it. 3 wraps on one end of the coil and a random one towards the middle on the other end just would not cooperate with me. I mean, I've seen that before, but it's usually a quick and easy fix.

Actually, now that I think about it, those wraps are where it ended up folding. Maybe it was just a stubborn short between the cores.

robot zombie

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Here's a 24/34 kanthal clapton. At.49, it's got a warm-up for the first hit on the Jaybo. It doesn't vape shit for like a second and a half. Once it kicks-up, it immediately vapes great... goes from 0-100 out of nowhere. Once it hits that, you're vaping with no ramp. One thing I will say is that I can run the cotton bone-dry with these and not get a dry hit. It's better with that than any of the claptons I've done already are.

I just thought it was worth a shot because I find a plain dual 24 with this many wraps would be perfect if only wicking issues weren't causing the juice to burn a little. I just wanted something similar that self-wicks and doesn't hit quite as hard. I was close. 34 was just too thick on the outside. Gonna try 38 or 40 next time to get that warm-up under control.

Suckers were almost too big for this Mutation X v3 (hex grubs FTW!) I had to really bring em up and in to get off of that AFC top.

The colors came out perfect - some of the best I've gotten from all-kanthal coils. You can see that one has looser wraps on the 34 gauge. I didn't secure them enough before wrapping that coil. To keep the outer wire from stretching and pushing off of the core as I wrap, I usually bend both ends over each other. It takes the springyness completely out and keeps the outer wraps as close as they were fresh off of the drill. I just didn't pinch hard enough on one of them, so it slid off a bit.
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San Miguel

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There are some pretty fancy multi-coils being posted here.

For me, I vape on a SvoëMesto Kayfun Lite-Plus, or a Lemo 2 RTA.

I vape mouth to lung, so I just make a simple Kanthal 27 gauge single coil:

7 wraps around a 7/64" (2.8 mm) rod = 1.2 Ohms

12.5 Watts / 3.9 Volts = 3.2 Amps

Heat Flux = 131 (fairly cool vape)

Heat Capacity = 28 (fast initial heating)

Coil Surface Area = 89 mm
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There are some pretty fancy multi-coils being posted here.
For me, I vape on a SvoëMesto Kayfun Lite-Plus, or a Lemo 2 RTA.

My TFV4 Single Deck (Kayfun Style)
Thought you may like this since its on the same type of deck style and single coils....



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So I got the Velocity and Im impressed with what I can fit in it, you guys were right....I built this coil just for it but I didnt make enough Micro Clapton to make enough for a second coil, later found out the Velocity isnt a Single Coil Deck, but it still vapes great! Im really glad I bought one (Tobecco Clone for $8 shipped)
Fused Clapton-22g Core and Claptoned with 32g and 34g/42g Clapton. 4 Wraps @ .16 Ohms and its a Amazing vape @ 125w....Ill make the second coil tomorrow...
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I love the velocity I have it in every color and the aromamizer with the velocity deck now if I could only build wire like that I'd be all set in life.

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Just showed up in the mail! Holla, gonna build tonight. Will throw some pics up tonight for it. Have a triple 26 gauge nichrome core wrapped in 32 gauge kanthal stand sitting on my dresser waiting in anticipation for this guy!

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Just showed up in the mail! Holla, gonna build tonight. Will throw some pics up tonight for it. Have a triple 26 gauge nichrome core wrapped in 32 gauge kanthal stand sitting on my dresser waiting in anticipation for this guy!

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One of my top 3 favs

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So I tried to put the coil in the middle like @iLiptiKal said, it wouldn't fit between then posts due to its diameter. I decided I would try to get it tightened up on a smaller bit. I tried a 2.5mm because any lower and there wouldn't be enough cotton for wicking, which there may not be now anyways. It still is too big to fit between the post vertically or horizontally so I just used it as a 5 wrap single coil for now...Ill try making a duplicate and put it on later if I have time.
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@CrazyChef Look at the Wicking Properties of this coil...thats almost 1.7ml being held by it without any sign of it going anywhere...

The new cutters came, I dont trust the ones I see everyone using since Ive gone through multiple pairs of them (blue handled). I use clippers for animals and just got in some heavy duty flush cutters meant for thick coaxial cables...
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Think of it a a 4 Post Velocity without the Indirect Airflow...Its a beast...Just use the Delrin Drip Tip on it...
I'm afraid to use the metal tips that came with it. As warm as the delrin tips get at 90+ watts...

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I'm afraid to use the metal tips that came with it. As warm as the delrin tips get at 90+ watts...

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The metal tips do get hot after a few 100w+ draws, the metal tip is pretty thick so it takes a couple pulls to get it warm but once its hot it stay hot for a few minutes. The delrin tip is my favorite, it doesnt get hot, its the perfect size and wide enough to drop on the coils and it has a smaller bore then the metal tip so not as much spitback. When Im out and about and use the delrin tip I do end up pulling the tip off to drip onto my coils, its easy to pull it off if you grab it with your mouth like your going to take a draw and then drip in it then put it on with your hands, less spills...


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@raymo2u What battery are you using to fire that quad coil?
Samsung 25R or I use the HB6, Its not as nice on the tubes, its better on the Snow Wolf...All those build are between .11-.17 within "my" safe margin
I wouldnt advise others to follow my lead though, I live dangerously and Im a fool
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It really depends on how long of a pull you take. According to the Samsung 25R spec sheet, you can pulse 45 amps out of it for up to 5 seconds, with a minimum 12 second rest in between pulses. At 4.2 volts, you should (theoretically) be able to go as low as 0.09Ω


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Those are just my concentrates never mind what I already have made lol

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement

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