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Preparing for Regulations?


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I have to disagree. If the Czech Republic was "freedom loving" they made a huge mistake in joining the EU. They are no longer sovereign.
Sure they are but they need to be able to eat. That means trading with their neighbors. Look at a map of CR.
Given the location they gotta play nice with either the EU or the Russians.

The point though is that ANTS isn't "Czechoslovakian", it's sticking one's tongue out at
the NUTZ over at ECF and he carried it over.
I had a similar sig but ditched it 'cause it pissed some lady off.


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Sure they are but they need to be able to eat. That means trading with their neighbors. Look at a map of CR.
Given the location they gotta play nice with either the EU or the Russians.

The point though is that ANTS isn't "Czechoslovakian", it's sticking one's tongue out at
the NUTZ over at ECF and he carried it over.
I had a similar sig but ditched it 'cause it pissed some lady off.

The immigration crisis(among other things) proves otherwise.

European Union interior ministers were due to discuss redistributing 120,000 migrants at a meeting in Brussels Tuesday, and the dissenting countries may be outvoted on the issue under the EU's decision-making rules if there is no agreement..

When you can be outvoted by other countries on your own immigration policies, you can't be considered a sovereign nation. That's a bit different than a trade agreement or a mutual defense treaty.

I'm just talking about Czech. We ought not discuss Steve again. :p


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Sure they are but they need to be able to eat. That means trading with their neighbors. Look at a map of CR.
Given the location they gotta play nice with either the EU or the Russians.

The point though is that ANTS isn't "Czechoslovakian", it's sticking one's tongue out at
the NUTZ over at ECF and he carried it over.
I had a similar sig but ditched it 'cause it pissed some lady off.
CR doesn't abide by the EU rules. They won't adopt the Euro, won't pass smoking regulations and have given the 'refugees' such a hard time they don't want to stay...


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Czechoslovakia is no longer. It is the Czech Republic and no longer part of the non existing soviet union.
Beautiful country too..full of beautiful ladies.
Yes, it is, and I have working my way through all of them... Aged 21-27...


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Member For 4 Years
The immigration crisis(among other things) proves otherwise.

European Union interior ministers were due to discuss redistributing 120,000 migrants at a meeting in Brussels Tuesday, and the dissenting countries may be outvoted on the issue under the EU's decision-making rules if there is no agreement..

When you can be outvoted by other countries on your own immigration policies, you can't be considered a sovereign nation. That's a bit different than a trade agreement or a mutual defense treaty.

I'm just talking about Czech. We ought not discuss Steve again. :p

LOL..well, I'm not talking about Steve. Like I said, I had a similar sig, it's a libertarian
statement and I'm no commie.

About CR, yea I'll grant you that but
what about US? We're not in the EU... not supposedly anyhow.
But look our illegal immigration crisis and the amount of people some of the politicos
want to let in. Seems to me the people here are getting outvoted by somebody
or we wouldn't be having basically the same problem as the EU has.

That's what I'm hinting at when I said elsewhere that the present situation
ie. war, AIDS, all the shit isn't the older generation's fault per se.
Sure, a lot of folks sold out 'cause like in CR you gotta eat and feed your family.
But nobody asked my permission to fuck things up, I didn't fuck things up,
and I'm getting fucked along with y'all.

I don't know Time, but I doubt the citizens of CR wanted to be part of
any union. After being slaves to the former soviets for so long
they appreciate their independence.
But you have to consider two things. One is as I mentioned, trade.
The other is that being part of the gang affords them a degree of security
in case Putin's balls get too big.


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ya left out the word "been"...old man. LOL

My sleep patterns are all screwed up. I had just fallen asleep, when Sandra started messaging me, then Nikola and Denisa, and I have to be up at 5am for work...


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
My sleep patterns are all screwed up. I had just fallen asleep, when Sandra started messaging me, then Nikola and Denisa, and I have to be up at 5am for work...
You stud...LOL.
Man, I fucked up one of my best gigs ever 'cause of my old lady calling me and keeping me up all night
b4 we shacked up. Goto sleep.


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You stud...LOL.
Man, I fucked up one of my best gigs ever 'cause of my old lady calling me and keeping me up all night
b4 we shacked up. Goto sleep.

I caught up on sleep Sunday, so I'm good for a few days. I'm in training for Prague anyway, so I need to cut back on my sleep times...
All the ladies want Victoria's Secret panties for Christmas. I ordered 40 pairs...


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I caught up on sleep Sunday, so I'm good for a few days. I'm in training for Prague anyway, so I need to cut back on my sleep times...
All the ladies want Victoria's Secret panties for Christmas. I ordered 40 pairs...

You'll of course deliver them one at a time dressed up in your Santa suit.
Steve, you party pooper. I was having a peaceful conversation with Time.



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You'll of course deliver them one at a time dressed up in your Santa suit.
Steve, you party pooper. I was having a peaceful conversation with Time.

Fortunately they are all size small, except Pet'ulka, who is a Medium... Yes, I will be conducting the fittings and removals without the assistance of any will be a very merry Christmas in the land of freedom...


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I'm off to set fire to an insect...;)
Catch y'all later. Have phun and remember, the enemy is "them" not us.


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I'm off to set fire to an insect...;)
Catch y'all later. Have phun and remember, the enemy is "them" not us.

Later. I should probably be getting to sleep, as I've got to be up in 2 hours. Fortunately my job of certifying and testing PCBs which go into missile systems, aircraft and satellites doesn't require much concentration or attention to detail...


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
About CR, yea I'll grant you that but
what about US? We're not in the EU... not supposedly anyhow.
But look our illegal immigration crisis and the amount of people some of the politicos
want to let in. Seems to me the people here are getting outvoted by somebody
or we wouldn't be having basically the same problem as the EU has.

True enough. Our sovereignty is apparently an illusion.

That's what I'm hinting at when I said elsewhere that the present situation
ie. war, AIDS, all the shit isn't the older generation's fault per se.
Sure, a lot of folks sold out 'cause like in CR you gotta eat and feed your family.
But nobody asked my permission to fuck things up, I didn't fuck things up,
and I'm getting fucked along with y'all.

Understood. What's gone on can't be put on an individual. But, we can't overlook the effects of complacency either. We got here because people fell asleep.

I don't know Time, but I doubt the citizens of CR wanted to be part of
any union. After being slaves to the former soviets for so long
they appreciate their independence.
But you have to consider two things. One is as I mentioned, trade.
The other is that being part of the gang affords them a degree of security
in case Putin's balls get too big.

Yes, I'm aware of their history. They've been switching sides depending on who is strongest at the time for quite awhile. I don't see this time as any different. They just switched sides again. But all of europe has been a mess, forever, in this regard. Aliances drawn and redrawn. One of our founding fathers suggested we not get bound by them for good reason.

For the libertarian minded, I highly recommend listening to the UK's libertarian loudmouth. I love me some Nigel Farage. There is no freedom in the EU.


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True enough. Our sovereignty is apparently an illusion.

Understood. What's gone on can't be put on an individual. But, we can't overlook the effects of complacency either. We got here because people fell asleep.

Yes, I'm aware of their history. They've been switching sides depending on who is strongest at the time for quite awhile. I don't see this time as any different. They just switched sides again. But all of europe has been a mess, forever, in this regard. Aliances drawn and redrawn. One of our founding fathers suggested we not get bound by them for good reason.

For the libertarian minded, I highly recommend listening to the UK's libertarian loudmouth. I love me some Nigel Farage. There is no freedom in the EU.

Got me some bud(dies ;) waiting but I'll post one more for ya.
I did mention complacency elsewhere. But I really think it's not so much complacency as it is necessity.
I'll speak for myself but it applies to a few others here, that most folks are asleep
is the main argument of some of us who are awake but we get labeled this or that, in the case of vaping, ANTZ.

Those of us who don't believe in 2 daddys or 2 mommies being cool getting taught in
elementary school were labeled thugs and bigots. People who think all life is sacred
get labeled as being religious nuts. You get my drift. People get labeled
so there's a handle to grab in order to condemn free thought.
It's PC or naught..mandatory.

There is no freedom anywhere, man. It's all an illusion, or as I've been saying for
entirely too long, It's all bullshit.
Anyway, gotta go. Nice chatting peacefully with you.


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Got me some bud(dies ;) waiting but I'll post one more for ya.
I did mention complacency elsewhere. But I really think it's not so much complacency as it is necessity.
I'll speak for myself but it applies to a few others here, that most folks are asleep
is the main argument of some of us who are awake but we get labeled this or that, in the case of vaping, ANTZ.

Those of us who don't believe in 2 daddys or 2 mommies being cool getting taught in
elementary school were labeled thugs and bigots. People who think all life is sacred
get labeled as being religious nuts. You get my drift. People get labeled
so there's a handle to grab in order to condemn free thought.
It's PC or naught..mandatory.

There is no freedom anywhere, man. It's all an illusion, or as I've been saying for
entirely too long, It's all bullshit.
Anyway, gotta go. Nice chatting peacefully with you.

Later. Have a good night.


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Man o man all I can say is people don't go back to cigarettes lol an prepared to spend money racking up on juice ect.

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Every body here is basically saying nic this nic that right? We only need to worry about nic. Well I hate to break it to you but you're all SOL if the vaping devices we use can't be sold. I heard they want all e cigs equivalent to one on the market of 2007.

Correct me if I'm wrong but uh, no point to a bunch of vg juice if you have nothing to vape it in. And don't even let me get started on juice with more than 50% vg... I'm fairly sure nothing in 2007 can handle anything other than the shitty cigarette store juice...

But seriously, correct me if I'm wrong and I'm over thinking this (I tend to do that a lot).

Sent from my dos terminal.
Your right but they wont pull current mods for 2 yrs from what i understand. Also makeing a mods not to tuff so they'll be around but makeing a tank would be near impossible.


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I have to disagree. If the Czech Republic was "freedom loving" they made a huge mistake in joining the EU. They are no longer sovereign.

It certainly looks like Merkal (sp) is running the show from my view.


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For those of you who think the government can't regulate flavoring. You need to think again.

They don't have to ban or tax it. All they have to do, is restrict the retail sales. Legitimate businesses will still have access to it.

This is done now, in 1000's of industries.


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I won't be surprised if big tobacco start buying all this VAPE stores!!



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I won't be surprised if big tobacco start buying all this VAPE stores!!


That won't happen. Literally every convenience store in America has dedicated space for BT and soft drinks.

I've noticed in my travels, not a single small vendor has ever been displayed.


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For those of you who think the government can't regulate flavoring. You need to think again.

They don't have to ban or tax it. All they have to do, is restrict the retail sales. Legitimate businesses will still have access to it.

This is done now, in 1000's of industries.
A permit to buy flavorings? Im paranoid but thats hardcore. Then no one could buy splenda again. No more flavored coffee creamer its impossible.


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That won't happen. Literally every convenience store in America has dedicated space for BT and soft drinks.

I've noticed in my travels, not a single small vendor has ever been displayed.
What I meant was
BT will buy the online stores like
101 VAPE,
Vapenw etc etc..
This FDAregulations are the same damn thing the MICROBREWERIES are experiencing for a long time.



VU Donator
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For those of you who think the government can't regulate flavoring. You need to think again.

They don't have to ban or tax it. All they have to do, is restrict the retail sales. Legitimate businesses will still have access to it.

This is done now, in 1000's of industries.
I agree with you being realistic.



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What I meant was
BT will buy the online stores like
101 VAPE,
Vapenw etc etc..
This FDAregulations are the same damn thing the MICROBREWERIES are experiencing for a long time.

They wouldnt buy retail stores just like big beer dosent buy beer distributors they buy the breweries they would buy the makers like kanger aspire eleaf etc


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I agree with you being realistic.

Hey they better ban garlic pepper ginger thats flavoring and dont forget vanilla and if you bake that goes in almost everything


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Hey they better ban garlic pepper ginger thats flavoring and dont forget vanilla and if you bake that goes in almost everything

I don't think it's going to be as bad as we anticipate. I don't think they will kill the industry, but they intend to make it cost prohibitive.

You can't tell me, the loss of millions of tax dollars they "claimed" to be using to fund health programs. Hasn't pissed a bunch of politicians and welfare leaches off.

No regulation they pass will affect my vaping. Because I intend quit. Even if I don't quit, I'll still have NAT's. DIY can never be fully regulated :)


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I don't think it's going to be as bad as we anticipate. I don't think they will kill the industry, but they intend to make it cost prohibitive.

You can't tell me, the loss of millions of tax dollars they "claimed" to be using to fund health programs. Hasn't pissed a bunch of politicians and welfare leaches off.

No regulation they pass will affect my vaping. Because I intend quit. Even if I don't quit, I'll still have NAT's. DIY can never be fully regulated :)
Yup, I'm sure there's a lot of pissed of politicians out there, especially to the states with SATE TAX, ca,New York etccccccc..



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I don't think it's going to be as bad as we anticipate. I don't think they will kill the industry, but they intend to make it cost prohibitive.

You can't tell me, the loss of millions of tax dollars they "claimed" to be using to fund health programs. Hasn't pissed a bunch of politicians and welfare leaches off.

No regulation they pass will affect my vaping. Because I intend quit. Even if I don't quit, I'll still have NAT's. DIY can never be fully regulated :)
Ya i agree but there not worried about the at home mixer but the people makeing $. Anyone who has a vape shop or mixing company will be sol. Vaping will go underground and once the big companys like kanger aspire etc go under bt will buy them up. Than bt will get legistration over turned and remarket all our fav brands back to us. Well thats what i'd do if i wanted to make as much $ as possible.


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Yup, I'm sure there's a lot of pissed of politicians out there, especially to the states with SATE TAX, ca,New York etccccccc..


Funny that.

They taxed it to reduce usage. It went way down. And they lost revenue, so they raised it again.

Much like is what's about to happen with petrol. They regulated fuel efficient cars. Lost revenue. Now, they want to tax by the mile, to prevent any future loss of revenue.

The tax man, coming to a freezer near you. That food didn't magically appear in your grocery store. ;)


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paranoid or



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paranoid or


I think this is an adjustment. We'll begin to see lower prices, industry wide soon.

I'm basing that on a recent video I saw of a conference. Discussing pricing and cloning.

In the end, the taxes will still force $20 per 30mil juice. Nobody I know can afford $40+ juice. So the market will tighten up, or collapse.


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For those of you who think the government can't regulate flavoring. You need to think again.

They don't have to ban or tax it. All they have to do, is restrict the retail sales. Legitimate businesses will still have access to it.

This is done now, in 1000's of industries.

If the leaked documents are true, and they appear to be, the FDA says they have no intention of enforcing regulations on the manufacture of ingredients, only the final product(juice itself). I believe that the FDA will leave flavor companies alone(TFA, FA, etc.) and nicotine manufactures and distributers.

That said, I think we may see states try to disrupt the availability of ingredients. Both nicotine and flavors.


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If the leaked documents are true, and they appear to be, the FDA says they have no intention of enforcing regulations on the manufacture of ingredients, only the final product(juice itself). I believe that the FDA will leave flavor companies alone(TFA, FA, etc.) and nicotine manufactures and distributers.

That said, I think we may see states try to disrupt the availability of ingredients. Both nicotine and flavors.

A certain industry recently saw a 300% tax on the wholesaler, and a 100% tax on the retailer. Plus sales tax. God Bless America :/


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
VU Donator
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They wouldnt buy retail stores just like big beer dosent buy beer distributors they buy the breweries they would buy the makers like kanger aspire eleaf etc
American tobacco companies might buy American manufacturers like provari, but why would Chinese manufacturers want to sell to Americans?
Chinese manufacturers can make and sell whatever they want to the rest of the world and don't give a rat's ass about American regulations and it's most likely that the Chinese government wouldn't let them even if they wanted to.


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A permit to buy flavorings? Im paranoid but thats hardcore. Then no one could buy splenda again. No more flavored coffee creamer its impossible.

Ski, you're really over thinking this. I'll give you two easy examples.

#1 Cigarettes - While they are legal in the U.S. You can't just rent a Uhaul, run down to VA, buy retail @ $42 a carton. Then take a truck load to NY and sell them for $55 a carton. It's illegal, and you would eventually get caught. Although cigarettes ARE legal in both states.

#2 Sudafed - A simple OTC that now requires an ID at purchase. And your name goes into a database. Cuz the DEA needs to know how much you bought.

Regulation can take many forms.


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Ski, you're really over thinking this. I'll give you two easy examples.

#1 Cigarettes - While they are legal in the U.S. You can't just rent a Uhaul, run down to VA, buy retail @ $42 a carton. Then take a truck load to NY and sell them for $55 a carton. It's illegal, and you would eventually get caught. Although cigarettes ARE legal in both states.

#2 Sudafed - A simple OTC that now requires an ID at purchase. And your name goes into a database. Cuz the DEA needs to know how much you bought.

Regulation can take many forms.
So you really think that when you go buy vanilla your names gona go in a data base or that they will start putting a state tax stamp on it and do you think that those two examples you gave dont need permits to sell those items


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American tobacco companies might buy American manufacturers like provari, but why would Chinese manufacturers want to sell to Americans?
Chinese manufacturers can make and sell whatever they want to the rest of the world and don't give a rat's ass about American regulations and it's most likely that the Chinese government wouldn't let them even if they wanted to.
Why would they want to sell to americans bc $ is $ period now if china would alow that idk and will do some research.


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So you really think that when you go buy vanilla your names gona go in a data base or that they will start putting a state tax stamp on it and do you think that those two examples you gave dont need permits to sell those items

Again, you're over thinking it. They are businesses, and as such, they are required to have a license.

But you're more than welcome to buy from back ally locations and vendors if you want.

Greed is driving all this, on both sides. Show me another market that has been able to maintain 1000%+ profit margins without the government demanding a slice of it.

This has absolutely nothing to do with safety. So the regulations and the taxes are coming. We just don't know what they will encompass.


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
VU Donator
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Greed is driving all this, on both sides. Show me another market that has been able to maintain 1000%+ profit margins without the government demanding a slice of.
So maybe if the profit margin of American manufacturers was 10% instead of 1000%, the government wouldn't have been in such a rush to enforce regulations.


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Again, you're over thinking it. They are businesses, and as such, they are required to have a license.

But you're more than welcome to buy from back ally locations and vendors if you want.

Greed is driving all this, on both sides. Show me another market that has been able to maintain 1000%+ profit margins without the government demanding a slice of it.

This has absolutely nothing to do with safety. So the regulations and the taxes are coming. We just don't know what they will encompass.
Ya know what your right. With your great insight on how the goverment will tax everything bc i was unaware of that. Or about this magic business license that only exists in 3 citys in my state. So i better move to one of those citys bc every store outside those citys are seedie blackmarket establishments. And next time i see that danm mary kay/ avon ladie im calling the cops bc wheres her business license!
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R3alJim Shady

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Member For 4 Years
So maybe if the profit margin of American manufacturers was 10% instead of 1000%, the government wouldn't have been in such a rush to enforce regulations.
Ding ding ding! Exactly, but iMd say this is less about the hardware and more about the consumables, i.e. Juice. The government wants taxes to keep coming in, so one time sales tax on a mod or atty isn't going to cut it for them. Money lost on pack after pack of cigs could be replaced with money from bottle after bottle of juice.

I'm not so sure if it's about the size of the profit margins as recovery from taxes lost when we all stopped buying the stickies.

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Ya know what your right. With your great insight on how the goverment will tax everything bc i was unaware of that. Or how this magic business license that only exists in 3 citys in my state. So i better move to one of those citys bc every store outside those citys are seedie blackmarket establishments.

Operating a business is over your head, isn't it?

Every legit business in the U.S. has a tax ID number. And most likely a DBA. It's how we identify ourselves to wholesellers and for taxes.


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Operating a business is over your head, isn't it?

Every legit business in the U.S. has a tax ID number. And most likely a DBA. It's how we identify ourselves to wholesellers and for taxes.
Do you have to get a license for that? Or is it just like you said for taxes?


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Ding ding ding! Exactly, but iMd say this is less about the hardware and more about the consumables, i.e. Juice. The government wants taxes to keep coming in, so one time sales tax on a mod or atty isn't going to cut it for them. Money lost on pack after pack of cigs could be replaced with money from bottle after bottle of juice.

I'm not so sure if it's about the size of the profit margins as recovery from taxes lost when we all stopped buying the stickies.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You're exactly right.

But we as consumers and vendors have shown the Fed what we're willing to pay.

And those greedy vendors, filed tax returns. Showing the profits.


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
VU Donator
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In the past I envied you for your variety and possibilities.
But even though the vaping possibilities in my county are more limited due to restriction, the enforcement of them is lacking.
Much more lacking then it's going to be in the U.S. (Eventually).


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Do you have to get a license for that? Or is it just like you said for taxes?

It will vary, by state, county, and local law. But all the Fed has to do, is require the wholesellers to provide documentation of a sale. Which they already do.

The vast majority of wholesellers I've dealt with, have even gone as far as requesting pictures of a store front before authorizing a business/individual to be placed on their authorized customer list.


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In the past I envied you for your variety and possibilities.
But even though the vaping possibilities in my county are more limited due to restriction, the enforcement of them is lacking.
Much more lacking then it's going to be in the U.S. (Eventually).
I have huge possibilities still. I DIY :) Although I may need to learn how to build a mod still.

My intent is to quit. And it's coming together nicely. But, I don't want the Fed destroying the industry. It's been a real blessing for me, as a former smoker. And I want others to have an affordable option as well.

The city of Chicago should be a real wake up call for the entire industry. Because that's just city tax. The state and the Fed hasn't even started yet. It could drive a 30ml bottle of juice to $50-70 if they bite as deep as the city did. Which I doubt they do. But it could happen.

And It will devastate the industry as a whole.

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