Why did
everyone wait so long?
Don't feel bad for doing it, put (Merged) in front of the original thread's title and wonder... "why the fuck did they go so long before being merged ?".
What the hell is wrong with the moderation of this board?
No one cares if Joe pimps some crap vendor, it pays the bills, but was there no introductory convo with prospective "moderator" candidates that explained how a forum worked?
What the fuck is wrong with half of you (the "Royal" you)?
You spend half your time vacillating between "Oh my God... you pissed me off."
And... "Oh my God... I'll look like ECF if I do
It's a god damn forum. You're moderators. You have a job to do.
Yes... it's a volunteer job.
Do the fuckin' job. We adults don't begrudge you... we appreciate it.
(I can't think of an appropriate smilie here... this isn't my usual joke post)