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Have a good night!!


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I wouldn't give a shit about this string of mystery companies selling a lame battery. But they keep posting stupid things here.

They're not lying correctly and it's irritating.

Tell us better lies please.


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Warning: Pointless Anecdote for Mother's Day

My mom almost dropped dead about 20 years ago. Heart arrhythmia.

She called 911 and then cleaned up the house so the ambulance people could see a tidy space. She flat-lined after the EMTs got there, and then at least once at the hospital.

They diagnosed her with Long QT, which shouldn't have randomly cropped up in an older woman. Word got out to the heart experts in Los Angeles, who took her on as a patient. Suddenly she was being taken care of by one of the premier heart people on the West Coast. And the maker of a pacemaker/defibrillator had a rep frequently sitting in on their fireside chats.

She spent a full year feeling like she wasn't a whole human because of "the device" hooked up to her heart. Compounding this problem was my dad, who would not stop fussing about every single thing she did. Endless fussing.

After a year of this insane bullshit, I flew out to talk some sense into them. Not because I'm a psychologist, or because I think I'm important. Because they were being dumb and I know exactly how to word things specifically for them. I started off gentle, but got too much push-back from both sides. So they got a talking to. A riot act. Things instantly turned around.

This near-death experience is how my mom finally achieved a sense of self-worth. And how my dad learned to help out around the house and feed himself once in a while.

They're now in their 70's. Many people will say they lead boring lives. But they're constantly busy. And happy.

This concludes the pointless anecdote for Mother's Day.


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Alternate headlines for today:

Aging Hipster Whines Because His Hipster Neighborhood is Inconveniently Located in Brooklyn

Here's Yet Another Wildfire Article Where We Refuse to Give You Perspective on Its Size

We Found a New Way to Package our Annoying Collection of Celebrity Selfies: MOTHER'S DAY

(Perspective: The wildfire in Alberta has burned more than 600 square miles, which is: 1) Half of Rhode Island, 2) Bigger than NYC's 5 combined boroughs, 3) Bigger than LA's entire city limits, 4) Approaching 3 Chicagos.


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22 years. Not one dentist.

Turns out it doesn't matter how long it's been, or how perfect your teeth are, you're going to get the same scripts from the hygienist:

Cleaning girl: "Do you floss?"
Me: "Every day."
Cleaning girl: "Well, you really should floss every day. Some experts say it's more important than brushing."

Dentist walks in.
Cleaning girl: "This is Lost. He had some very interesting questions about autoclaves."

Even after the 8,000-day winning streak they just witnessed, I'll still only be remembered as The Autoclave Guy.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
SENSITIVE FOLKS... Don't post shit
If you ain't ready to accept criticisms!


I don't get bent out of shape about people criticizing a post. I welcome it. I do, however, have an issue with people who have the "holier than thou" attitude. I was referring to a kid I ran into at a local vape store who informed me that anyone not using a DNA is not really committed to vaping. I kind of laughed and then thought about knocking him out. However, last time I did that I wound up in prison for 4 years, so I decided not


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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I don't get bent out of shape about people criticizing a post. I welcome it. I do, however, have an issue with people who have the "holier than thou" attitude. I was referring to a kid I ran into at a local vape store who informed me that anyone not using a DNA is not really committed to vaping. I kind of laughed and then thought about knocking him out. However, last time I did that I wound up in prison for 4 years, so I decided not
Most folks at VAPE shops don't know shit,,
What an asshole!!! The DNA is a very good chip, but for him to say that is fucking STUPID..
You should've knock him out and ran lol


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I was referring to a kid I ran into at a local vape store who informed me that anyone not using a DNA is not really committed to vaping.

Nice. People who are like that... the only thing you can do is let them stew in their own stupidity.

Because if he was smart enough to accept reason, he'd already be smart enough to realize that was an amazingly moronic thing to say.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I don't get bent out of shape about people criticizing a post. I welcome it. I do, however, have an issue with people who have the "holier than thou" attitude. I was referring to a kid I ran into at a local vape store who informed me that anyone not using a DNA is not really committed to vaping. I kind of laughed and then thought about knocking him out. However, last time I did that I wound up in prison for 4 years, so I decided not

My attitude to that sort of thing is that anyone who spends more than they can really afford for ANYTHING, is not really committed to survival on planet Earth. Because poverty is not really conducive to survival.

If they can afford it, then bully for them, but they have no right and no business making judgments about what others can or can't afford.


Hank F. Spankman

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Following up on your petition on the tobacco regulations:

A few months back, we sent an initial response to a petition you signed on the tobacco deeming regulations. At the time, the rule in question was still under interagency review. But now, there's more to say.

Last week, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration finalized a rule extending its authority to all tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, cigars, hookah tobacco, and pipe tobacco, among others.

This rule will allow the FDA to improve public health and protect future generations from the dangers of tobacco use through a variety of steps, including restricting the sale of these tobacco products to minors nationwide.

Tobacco use poses a significant threat to public health and is the leading cause of preventable deaths in the U.S. today. While there has been a major decline in the use of traditional cigarettes among youth over the past decade, their use of other tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, continues to climb.

In 2015, 3 million middle and high school students were using e-cigarettes.

Prior to FDA’s actions this week, there was a big difference between the rules for the makers of traditional tobacco cigarettes and the rules for these new products.

If you were to purchase a traditional cigarette today, you would be warned about the health risks. You'd also be over the age of 18, because it is illegal to sell cigarettes to minors. These safeguards have greatly contributed to the decline in smoking. But the newer tobacco products haven't had these same safeguards in place.

The new regulations are aimed at making sure all tobacco manufacturers and retailers follow the same rules -- rules to protect children and make sure everyone can make informed decisions about their own health and the products they purchase.

So what do the new provisions say? For starters:

Stores will not be allowed to sell e-cigarettes, cigars, and hookah tobacco to people under 18 years of age.
All sales to those 26 and under will require a photo ID -- just like needing an ID for cigarettes.
Manufacturers will be required to place health warnings on product packages and ads.
You can read more about the new regulations and what this means for manufacturers, retailers, and our nation's health here.

These regulations mark a new chapter in the FDA's efforts to end preventable tobacco-related disease and death, ensure consumers can make informed decisions, and protect the health of America's youth from the dangers of tobacco.

Thanks again for raising your voice on this issue.

-- The We the People Team


Hank F. Spankman

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That's bullshit. So they say that 3million high school and middle school aged kids were using ecigs. Not that I'm for them using them, but they weren't smoking. I was, at that age.
It's absolute fucking bullshit! I am absolutely fucking disgusted with these fucking twits. It embarrasses me beyond belief that I defended these people in any way, shape or fucking form. They can all go choke on a giant bag of fucking dicks. Fuck em all


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Yeah. We the People. Just trying to make sure I hate them correctly. You know, for the right reasons.

The ECF thing, and the drama, and the trolls, and the FDA thing, and the panic. Haven't been venturing out much lately.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yeah, WTF... we the people had sent an email month (s) ago about defending vape rights.
Just got a email from them thanking me for helping them get vape regulated.
WTF was that?


Silver Contributor
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Oh, I get it. WTP is the White House petitioning system.

Just got a email from them thanking me for helping them get vape regulated.
WTF was that?

On first read, it sounds like that. But it actually seems like they're just acknowledging that you chimed in on the issue overall. And used really shitty spin to do it.

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