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Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
The best spoof ever got a couple of cartoons in one.
The venture brothers the running johnny quest spoof.
They had two episodes where there was a scooby slam.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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My ex was the hairiest human I've ever known... but that guy is twice as hairy!



Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
A dude in high school wore a flat top.
It looked like a full head of hair was sprouting on his back out the collar.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
In case you missed it in English class, cultivated means grown. Is there a 100% ban on cultivated GMO beans and corn? No. Some are approved, remember?
Is there a 100% ban on IMPORTS of GMO corn/beans? Nope.

So if your point was there is "some" types of bans on SOME GMO corn/beans, you are right. But that is not what you conveyed in your postings. Fact is GMO is NOT all banned in the EU.

So if GMO corn/beans were the poison you keep trying to elude to, WHY does the EU even allow any of it at all?

Everything you keep trying to post as fact, ends up proving my point. Maybe you should stick to whatever trade you know, instead of trying to act like you know a trade you never even worked in.

You really are quite are given a list of just the nations in europe that ban GMO crops ,because they don't want their crops cross poliinated by frankefoods and you scream they are fools because you shoveled cow shit for 10 years.

I;m not hating on big farms I'm hating on monsantos
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Diamond Contributor
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Who is the nasty motherfucker that keeps shitting in the flour mill or not washing their hands?

E.coli means someone's filthy asshole is touching your food... or a motherfucker don;t wash their hands.

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I will find you the venture brothers episodes that have their spoof.
Found it .. That is just wrong.
Velma was the cute nerdy one.

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I just wanna say
just saying



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
But y'all ain't old!!! Old is like 100... I outta know I took care of my neighbor every weekend for 2 years starting at 17. She died peacefully in her sleep at 100yrs and 4months old. She was the best neighbor ever. I loved that old lady!
I had a few old gals that were 99-100+ spry and a couple of em told the most horrible blue jokes ever.


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This woman, Gladys, was a seriously christian old lady who Never was mean or grumpy... Unless she didn't have her snuff. She'd been dipping snuff for 97 years... Yup since she was 3. Her parents friend gave it to her kids, Gladys was sitting on a blanket with them, and was given it to keep them occupied while the parents worked the fields. She never had one health problem from it either. :eek:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
Turn your ass around, when you get back to town get a couple shirts have a slice of pie at the fuck off cafe!

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