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Teresa P

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I do buy locally grown if I need anything and being in the country setting I'm in, that's easy to do. Most everyone around here has gardens and there are local markets every few hundred feet in season. It's easy to get enough to store and maintain yourself through winter. And if I do buy from a store it's usually organic, I just prefer the quality. But if I were in a bigger city, I would not feel comfortable buying just anything from a supermarket. But that's me. Taste cabbage from someone's garden, then taste cabbage from a grocery store. Totally different. Homegrown is always better.


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I do buy locally grown if I need anything and being in the country setting I'm in, that's easy to do. Most everyone around here has gardens and there are local markets every few hundred feet in season. It's easy to get enough to store and maintain yourself through winter. And if I do buy from a store it's usually organic, I just prefer the quality. But if I were in a bigger city, I would not feel comfortable buying just anything from a supermarket. But that's me. Taste cabbage from someone's garden, then taste cabbage from a grocery store. Totally different. Homegrown is always better.
And their are plenty of reasons WHY the cabbage doesn't taste the same.
1 It is picked before totally ripe. If they picked it ripe and shipped it to the warehouse, then out to the store, it would be spoiled before it hit the store.
2 It's gown in as ideal of water/nutrient conditions as possible. Read that as to produce as much and as quickly as possible. It's not about taste with that, it's about the amount of food that can be produced.
3 Commercial seed is not done with our taste buds as the total target in mind. The plant has to produce the food at the target size, in the target time frame with the ideal storage (or keep time) time. Those are the priorities of seed development.

Take the tomatoes. They are grown two ways.
1 To be BIG, uniform shape, and BIG.
2 To be "flavorful".
Tomato 1 is not made for flavor. It's grown for consumer "appeal".
Tomato 2 may be a flavor item, but it also have to have lots of traits, like high yields and disease resistance.


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Do tell brother, how many years have YOU spent farming? Tell me about the contracts you signed for the seed technology. Tell me how some of those guy aren't being the LEAST bit crooked, planting their seed corn next to Monsanto or Pioneer, to PURPOSELY cross pollinate their seed stock, to steal genetics the other "corporate assholes" spent millions developing.

Oh, those POOR farmers can't save crops to replant next year? OH THE HORROR! It's SO terrible they signed a CONTRACT that stops them from doing that to begin with.

I support free markets too. That means IF I develop a genetic strain, and I require purchasers to sign a contract to protect MY interest, then too bad for assholes trying to steal what's mine. The crop is theirs, NOT the technology.

Their is two sides to a story. It's easy to believe a story about the "little guy" getting stomped by the "giant corporate asshole" when you are totally ignorant of the facts. Just buy your food at the grocery store, and let those who know what they are doing, do what they do best.

Or better yet, just GROW ALL your own fruits, vegetables, and meat. That'll show those assholes!
Bullshit Europe does fine without GMOs.hell most of the world has outlawed GMOs


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Understand something. Corn root borer is a problem with farmers. You could poison the hell out of the soil to control it (and everyone would be up in arms over that) or you can breed resistance through genetics. There are many "traits" that are "stacked" in corn genetics. Mostly for the very reason I mentioned.

Farmers HAVE to feed the world. They HAVE to produce.

Everyone is worried about nothing.

I don't have a problem with it, doing it via cross-pollination to achieve the desired characteristics. It's doing something to the DNA in a lab that gives me the willies. I don't have a problem with pesticides or fertilizers or any of that, not a granola hippy. But I have a problem with taking a process to some frankenstein level when it's a fine process without all that laboratory nonsense. Gregor Mendel taught the world how to do it, and why. But cross-pollination is a LOOOOOOOOOOONG way from altering a plant's genome in a laboratory.



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Do tell brother, how many years have YOU spent farming? Tell me about the contracts you signed for the seed technology. Tell me how some of those guy aren't being the LEAST bit crooked, planting their seed corn next to Monsanto or Pioneer, to PURPOSELY cross pollinate their seed stock, to steal genetics the other "corporate assholes" spent millions developing.

Oh, those POOR farmers can't save crops to replant next year? OH THE HORROR! It's SO terrible they signed a CONTRACT that stops them from doing that to begin with.

I support free markets too. That means IF I develop a genetic strain, and I require purchasers to sign a contract to protect MY interest, then too bad for assholes trying to steal what's mine. The crop is theirs, NOT the technology.

Their is two sides to a story. It's easy to believe a story about the "little guy" getting stomped by the "giant corporate asshole" when you are totally ignorant of the facts. Just buy your food at the grocery store, and let those who know what they are doing, do what they do best.

Or better yet, just GROW ALL your own fruits, vegetables, and meat. That'll show those assholes!

You are so full of shit many of these farmers especially in southeren Canada have had farms for generations they did not MOVE their farm to be next to some frankenfurter GMO horseshit Monsantos infected witches brew at least try and tell the sembelance of the truth......that last assertion was just plain ridiculous....


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Bullshit Europe does fine without GMOs.hell most of the world has outlawed GMOs
Think so?
I know for a fact, we ship them there.

Why do I know that? Because I actually WORKED in AG.

GMO is a catch phrase to strike fear in the hearts of the ignorant. When you come to understand even the vaunted "Europe" even buys GMO corn and beans, you start seeing through the lies, people are spoon fed.

Check out the Vistive bean, by Monsanto . It's a GMO bean approved for E.U. shipments. Vistive beans are oil beans.

Oh no! That sumbitch just showed me my ignorance.


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Think so?
I know for a fact, we ship them there.

Why do I know that? Because I actually WORKED in AG.

GMO is a catch phrase to strike fear in the hearts of the ignorant. When you come to understand even the vaunted "Europe" even buys GMO corn and beans, you start seeing through the lies, people are spoon fed.

Check out the Vistive bean, by Monsanto . It's a GMO bean approved for E.U. shipments. Vistive beans are oil beans.

Oh no! That sumbitch just showed me my ignorance.

I know so can't use GMO seed. and my experince with agriculture 6 of my great uncles were farmers 2 of my uncles are farmers I grew up on their farms.


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You are so full of shit many of these farmers especially in southeren Canada have had farms for generations they did not MOVE their farm to be next to some frankenfurter GMO horseshit Monsantos infected witches brew at least try and tell the sembelance of the truth......that last assertion was just plain ridiculous....

Yeah, I'M the one FULL of shit. Keep talking out your ass. You have never worked in AG. You just read some bullshit story and think it's true, because it fits your bullshit agenda.

You want to hate Monsanto, be my guest. You look like an ignorant toadie doing it. You don't know what the fuck you are blabbing on about.


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I know so can't use GMO seed. and my experince with agriculture 6 of my great uncles were farmers 2 of my uncles are farmers I grew up on their farms.
You are a lying sack of shit. You most CERTAINLY CAN send GMO beans and corn to the E.U. Why do you feel the need to lie?

Vistive beans are E.U. approved.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
You are a lying sack of shit. You most CERTAINLY CAN send GMO beans and corn to the E.U. Why do you feel the need to lie?

Vistive beans are E.U. approved.
from the agbioforum

Over the past decade, the United States (US) and the European Union (EU) have implemented widely divergent regulatory systems to govern the production and consumption of genetically modified (GM) agricultural crops. In the United States, many products have been tested and commercially produced and marketed, while in the EU, few products have been approved and a de facto moratorium has limited the production, import, and domestic sale of most GM crops.


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Yeah, I'M the one FULL of shit. Keep talking out your ass. You have never worked in AG. You just read some bullshit story and think it's true, because it fits your bullshit agenda.

You want to hate Monsanto, be my guest. You look like an ignorant toadie doing it. You don't know what the fuck you are blabbing on about.
Yeah you fucking moron a farmer is going to sell his farm and go and buy a new farm just so he can get blow over from Monsantos feild like that is cheaper than just buying Monsantos seed.


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from the agbioforum

Over the past decade, the United States (US) and the European Union (EU) have implemented widely divergent regulatory systems to govern the production and consumption of genetically modified (GM) agricultural crops. In the United States, many products have been tested and commercially produced and marketed, while in the EU, few products have been approved and a de facto moratorium has limited the production, import, and domestic sale of most GM crops.

Oh, so you CAN send GM corn and beans to the E.U.?

Seems like precisely what I just said, and you told me I was wrong.



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Yeah you fucking moron a farmer is going to sell his farm and go and buy a new farm just so he can get blow over from Monsantos feild like that is cheaper than just buying Monsantos seed.

No you fucking moron, most farmers RENT ground. Derp! No farmer wants 10+ thousand acres.

Boy, that's SOME AG experience you have under your belt...

You are fool sometimes.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
No you fucking moron, most farmers RENT ground. Derp! No farmer wants 10+ thousand acres.

Boy, that's SOME AG experience you have under your belt...

You are fool sometimes.
Many farmers have had their farms for generations you dipshit...who the fuck do you think you're talking to....this is a forum of vapers...we have seen the power that Big Tobacco wields..we have seen how Big Tobacco lied to the public they lied about what was in their products..Today we are dealing with being shut down completely because of the power Big Tobacco can bring to bear...Monsantos has even MORE influence with the FDA than Big Tobacco.....this isn[t 1950 most of us have lived through shit like Love Canal the Oil spills, the enviromental rape caused by corporations who were able to buy our political class and still do you wanna bury your head up your ass fine....Monsantos is effectively trying to create a monoply on all seeds.


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You ungrateful bitch
I hope you get another stroke...
My patient daughter got kick out of the house, and those were her last words...


Hank F. Spankman

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Many farmers have had their farms for generations you dipshit...who the fuck do you think you're talking to....this is a forum of vapers...we have seen the power that Big Tobacco wields..we have seen how Big Tobacco lied to the public they lied about what was in their products..Today we are dealing with being shut down completely because of the power Big Tobacco can bring to bear...Monsantos has even MORE influence with the FDA than Big Tobacco.....this isn[t 1950 most of us have lived through shit like Love Canal the Oil spills, the enviromental rape caused by corporations who were able to buy our political class and still do you wanna bury your head up your ass fine....Monsantos is effectively trying to create a monoply on all seeds.
All I see is more whining, unintelligently.

Lots of people still own their family farmland. They just don't farm it because they know there is no money in farming a hundred acres, or 40 acres. NO ONE wants to farm anymore. You are an ignorant fool if you think everyone wants to farm.

You are so far removed from what farming is, what it takes to do it, and how to go about it, all you can do is pound a keyboard filling the screen with your ignorant tripe. You truly don't know shit about farming.

My bet is, you've never spent a day farming. You just hear what some family member says, that you see once a year, while they whine how they need more government welfare.

Good god. Get real dude. Bitch some more while you stuff your face with Monsanto technology grown crops.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
All I see is more whining, unintelligently.

Lots of people still own their family farmland. They just don't farm it because they know there is no money in farming a hundred acres, or 40 acres. NO ONE wants to farm anymore. You are an ignorant fool if you think everyone wants to farm.

You are so far removed from what farming is, what it takes to do it, and how to go about it, all you can do is pound a keyboard filling the screen with your ignorant tripe. You truly don't know shit about farming.

My bet is, you've never spent a day farming. You just hear what some family member says, that you see once a year, while they whine how they need more government welfare.

Good god. Get real dude. Bitch some more while you stuff your face with Monsanto technology grown crops.

your experince is 10 years ...I've been in my trade for 35 years...guys like you with 10 years experince are the ones we send for coffee.You can continue to view these corprate vampires as a boon to civilization and I will continue to view them as worse than war criminals we will have to agree to dis agree.


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ECF Refugee
All I see is more whining, unintelligently.

Lots of people still own their family farmland. They just don't farm it because they know there is no money in farming a hundred acres, or 40 acres. NO ONE wants to farm anymore. You are an ignorant fool if you think everyone wants to farm.

You are so far removed from what farming is, what it takes to do it, and how to go about it, all you can do is pound a keyboard filling the screen with your ignorant tripe. You truly don't know shit about farming.

My bet is, you've never spent a day farming. You just hear what some family member says, that you see once a year, while they whine how they need more government welfare.

Good god. Get real dude. Bitch some more while you stuff your face with Monsanto technology grown crops.
Fuck I wanna farm, and to farm it.
I know the labor involved.

The crop is not one I can post here but FUCK ya I want to farm.


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I feel bad.
Some homeless creepy dude is camping out in one of our complex parking lots.
Poor office girl flying solo. He creeped me out enough I warned her have one of the grounds dudes go check him out or the police.
She asked if I knew what a mj plant looked like and showed me a pick of a plant this gal has growing on her front porch.

I bust out laughing and just confirm yep that is what you think it is.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Oh, so you CAN send GM corn and beans to the E.U.?

Seems like precisely what I just said, and you told me I was wrong.

Countries in Europe with Offical bans on GMO cultivation



Northern Ireland



The Netherlands


















Bosnia and Herzegovina


Ukraine (although there is massive GM contamination in the country)



but then nobody in those countries has your extensive knowledge of agriculture.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I feel bad.
Some homeless creepy dude is camping out in one of our complex parking lots.
Poor office girl flying solo. He creeped me out enough I warned her have one of the grounds dudes go check him out or the police.
She asked if I knew what a mj plant looked like and showed me a pick of a plant this gal has growing on her front porch.

I bust out laughing and just confirm yep that is what you think it is.
I have couple of friends up in Southeren Oregon and apparently that bussiness is booming up there everyone in the nieghborhood grows.


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ECF Refugee
I have couple of friends up in Southeren Oregon and apparently that bussiness is booming up there everyone in the nieghborhood grows.
Not on this property.
From an insurance standpoint I see the no growing no smoking it policy.
With the solvent stuff the no risk of explosion and fire aspect, besides they started taking section 8 and have to abide by federal law.

But no one said fuck all about not eating it.


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Not on this property.
From an insurance standpoint I see the no growing no smoking it policy.
With the solvent stuff the no risk of explosion and fire aspect, besides they started taking section 8 and have to abide by federal law.

But no one said fuck all about not eating it.
I was up fishing on a river I will not name that was on Reservation land, and everybody under 30 reeked of bud, they were growing it all over the Rez.


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ECF Refugee
I was up fishing on a river I will not name that was on Reservation land, and everybody under 30 reeked of bud, they were growing it all over the Rez.
Warm springs. Ya the feddies are all sorts of pissed about it.

At this point in time, I control my pain my way in a legal fashion that harms or bothers no one.


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My shit swollen and shit
I it doesn't feel like a DVT though
I'm 50/50 at this point
I'm too young to get DVT SHIT!!!
Nursing diagnosis
Nursing intervention
Rest, rest ,rest
Less swelling in 2 days
No pain and swelling in 2 days , if pain and swelling persist
Go to urgent care or Ed depending on the condition of the right calf...


Teresa P

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My shit swollen and shit
I it doesn't feel like a DVT though
I'm 50/50 at this point
I'm too young to get DVT SHIT!!!
Nursing diagnosis
Nursing intervention
Rest, rest ,rest
Less swelling in 2 days
No pain and swelling in 2 days , if pain and swelling persist
Go to urgent care or Ed depending on the condition of the right calf...

:( You work on your feet for very long, it happens. Maybe some compression socks and daily aspirin?

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My shit swollen and shit
I it doesn't feel like a DVT though
I'm 50/50 at this point
I'm too young to get DVT SHIT!!!
Nursing diagnosis
Nursing intervention
Rest, rest ,rest
Less swelling in 2 days
No pain and swelling in 2 days , if pain and swelling persist
Go to urgent care or Ed depending on the condition of the right calf...

Dude, those things are my constant nightmares... especially in my condition. if you suspect it, go to the er and let them do a sonogram on your leg. Better to be sure.


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your experince is 10 years ...I've been in my trade for 35 years...guys like you with 10 years experince are the ones we send for coffee.You can continue to view these corprate vampires as a boon to civilization and I will continue to view them as worse than war criminals we will have to agree to dis agree.
Again.... "your trade" is NOT agriculture. So you can try to minimize my REAL experience in AG, but your are being intellectually dishonest. Guys like me with ten years of expertise in my field are in HIGH demand. I know, because I looked at the opportunities before returning to fabrication. I actually interviewed with several different companies, including JBS. They all wanted me, but I did not want them.

I did not want to move, so fuck the AG industry.


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Countries in Europe with Offical bans on GMO cultivation



Northern Ireland



The Netherlands


















Bosnia and Herzegovina


Ukraine (although there is massive GM contamination in the country)



but then nobody in those countries has your extensive knowledge of agriculture.

In case you missed it in English class, cultivated means grown. Is there a 100% ban on cultivated GMO beans and corn? No. Some are approved, remember?
Is there a 100% ban on IMPORTS of GMO corn/beans? Nope.

So if your point was there is "some" types of bans on SOME GMO corn/beans, you are right. But that is not what you conveyed in your postings. Fact is GMO is NOT all banned in the EU.

So if GMO corn/beans were the poison you keep trying to elude to, WHY does the EU even allow any of it at all?

Everything you keep trying to post as fact, ends up proving my point. Maybe you should stick to whatever trade you know, instead of trying to act like you know a trade you never even worked in.

Fact is nearly 100% of the world depends on farmers to mass produce food to feed us on a daily basis. There are only a handful of people in the US that are even capable of feeding themselves independently. I for one, do not have the time to tend 2-3 acres of garden crops, tend to a cow for milk, pigs and chickens for meat, and months of canning, to secure my food sources. Hate on "corporate" farmers all you want. But they are the ones giving the world what it WANTS. Even you.

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