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I say it and I'm a dumb ass ... anyone else says it and its enlightening.
support the narrative and you're golden .. say anything not supportive, and you're an infidel that must be berated, belittled and insulted.



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I should drag your ass into the middle of the desert dunes with a 200lb ball and 3ft chain shackled to your neck and hand cuff your ankles together.

No dragging allowed mother fucker! Carry that shit!

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Innokin Endura Prism T18 & Clone-Buki + Aspire Nautilus w/1.8 ohm Clapton coil.Would be my choices.

I got a Nautilus once. Fucking HATED it. Just fucking HATED IT!!!! I sold it immediately, and got a Kayfun. Problem solved. But, now I'm so spoiled with my Achilles RDAs, I can't taste anything from any tank anymore. Except the cotton wick.



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Since this is the SAY IT HERE thread, I'd just like to tell the Grim fucking Reaper to fuck off, right off the goddamn planet, and leave my mother alone, fucking bastard.



The Sky has Fallen. the End is Here.
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I say it and I'm a dumb ass ... anyone else says it and its enlightening.
support the narrative and you're golden .. say anything not supportive, and you're an infidel that must be berated, belittled and insulted.

speaking of


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Since this is the SAY IT HERE thread, I'd just like to tell the Grim fucking Reaper to fuck off, right off the goddamn planet, and leave my mother alone, fucking bastard.

Sorry to hear about your mom, my dad is in the hospital again, he's not doing very good.


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This shit happens when you vape lazy

I was VAPING on a supreme Rdta fucking tank was flooded right?! So I closed the jc and blew on it while I was laying down!!! Hot fucking Jooze came out of the afc and landed on my left forearm, it blistered immediately, stupid me, popped the blisters and left my arm in open air which was a big Nono!!
So anyways I'm at work now, I applied bacitracin,and covered them up..
Shit will be fix soon!!
TGIF folks!

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Sending prayers to both Whiskey and Andria
This shit happens when you vape lazy

I was VAPING on a supreme Rdta fucking tank was flooded right?! So I closed the jc and blew on it while I was laying down!!! Hot fucking Jooze came out of the afc and landed on my left forearm, it blistered immediately, stupid me, popped the blisters and left my arm in open air which was a big Nono!!
So anyways I'm at work now, I applied bacitracin,and covered them up..
Shit will be fix soon!!
TGIF folks!

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Ohhhhhh OUCH!!!!!!! Dayum


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I have always wished for a magic wand to help those who are suffering or sick (I know a magical thinking thought). @Whiskey I wish your father a speedy recovery.

@AndriaD Sorry to hear about your mom. Get better/well wishes sent her way.

@ej1024 Looks painful. When I burned my hand (with boiling water) a few years back I washed the area with HIBICLENs and covered.


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Dear consumers, If you are in a store and you see a woman working in the aisle. She has head phones on. She is using instruments and a computer you've never seen before. It looks vaguely important. Please let her be. Don't use your cart to try to squeeeezzzzeeee around her. Don't ask her questions. Don't, for the love of all things, touch her. She is very likely to get both irritated and possibly smack you in the head. Go the fuck around!!

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This shit happens when you vape lazy

I was VAPING on a supreme Rdta fucking tank was flooded right?! So I closed the jc and blew on it while I was laying down!!! Hot fucking Jooze came out of the afc and landed on my left forearm, it blistered immediately, stupid me, popped the blisters and left my arm in open air which was a big Nono!!
So anyways I'm at work now, I applied bacitracin,and covered them up..
Shit will be fix soon!!
TGIF folks!

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Haha you dummy!

Sucks dude! I've done stupid sh!t like that before too.
Drink a beer you'll be fine

Sent from a phone


Diamond Contributor
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I got a Nautilus once. Fucking HATED it. Just fucking HATED IT!!!! I sold it immediately, and got a Kayfun. Problem solved. But, now I'm so spoiled with my Achilles RDAs, I can't taste anything from any tank anymore. Except the cotton wick.

The Nautilus sucked mostly because the original coils were crap.The newer Triton Mini Clapton Coils rock.I never liked the Kayfun it was just way too restrictive of a draw for me.Years of hand rolling and stuffing my own lead me to prefer a slightly loose draw.As for RDA's I just don't have the dexterity to wrap my own coils anymore or fiddle with small thing like wire.Not to mention the pain involved...Ouchies my poor hands.


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This shit happens when you vape lazy

I was VAPING on a supreme Rdta fucking tank was flooded right?! So I closed the jc and blew on it while I was laying down!!! Hot fucking Jooze came out of the afc and landed on my left forearm, it blistered immediately, stupid me, popped the blisters and left my arm in open air which was a big Nono!!
So anyways I'm at work now, I applied bacitracin,and covered them up..
Shit will be fix soon!!
TGIF folks!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


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The Nautilus sucked mostly because the original coils were crap.The newer Triton Mini Clapton Coils rock.I never liked the Kayfun it was just way too restrictive of a draw for me.Years of hand rolling and stuffing my own lead me to prefer a slightly loose draw.As for RDA's I just don't have the dexterity to wrap my own coils anymore or fiddle with small thing like wire.Not to mention the pain involved...Ouchies my poor hands.

I think I'm pretty much the exact opposite. I want the tightest possible draw; like a carto, but with an RDA's rich flavor. Hence, the Achilles -- perfection! I think I hated the nautilus because of the dual coils; I didn't even like dual-coil cartos, I thought they totally sucked too. The Nautilus just completely destroyed the flavor of ejuice, to me. Too hot, with a draw as tight as I like, and too airy, if I opened it enough to make it not so damn hot. I do not want the sensation of sucking air thru an empty straw, nor do I have any interest in huffing; I'm replacing smoking, not huffing. Really a kayfun was great, about 1/4 open, until I got spoiled with the Achilles' flavor.

Since I hate dual coils, I'm pretty sure I'd feel much the same about "clapton" coils -- too much vapor, and with the immense gunk factor of my ADV, much too short-lived for my convenience. My 29ga 3/32 2Ω 9-wrap kanthal single coils are perfect. Take 5 minutes to wrap around a drillbit, 5 more minutes to get mounted and wicked and filled and ready to vape. Clapton is Slowhand, guitar god, not a vape.


Lotus Insane

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s for RDA's I just don't have the dexterity to wrap my own coils anymore or fiddle with small thing like wire.Not to mention the pain involved...Ouchies my poor hands.
Snake, that is when you make an "Elder" request to one of the young ones to wrap coils for you and send them to you in the mail with no expectation of compensation.


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I think I'm pretty much the exact opposite. I want the tightest possible draw; like a carto, but with an RDA's rich flavor. Hence, the Achilles -- perfection! I think I hated the nautilus because of the dual coils; I didn't even like dual-coil cartos, I thought they totally sucked too. The Nautilus just completely destroyed the flavor of ejuice, to me. Too hot, with a draw as tight as I like, and too airy, if I opened it enough to make it not so damn hot. I do not want the sensation of sucking air thru an empty straw, nor do I have any interest in huffing; I'm replacing smoking, not huffing. Really a kayfun was great, about 1/4 open, until I got spoiled with the Achilles' flavor.

Since I hate dual coils, I'm pretty sure I'd feel much the same about "clapton" coils -- too much vapor, and with the immense gunk factor of my ADV, much too short-lived for my convenience. My 29ga 3/32 2Ω 9-wrap kanthal single coils are perfect. Take 5 minutes to wrap around a drillbit, 5 more minutes to get mounted and wicked and filled and ready to vape. Clapton is Slowhand, guitar god, not a vape.

We might not agree on what is good and what ain't but you can sit at my table anytime you want...Cheers!


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Snake, that is when you make an "Elder" request to one of the young ones to wrap coils for you and send them to you in the mail with no expectation of compensation.
I've actually had that thought.Just didn't want to come off as a mooch/user/loser.I'll stick with coil tanks unless my wife shockingly decides to go the RDA route*.Then she could do them for me I guess.



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We might not agree on what is good and what ain't but you can sit at my table anytime you want...Cheers!

Well the main thing for me is to be *able* to vape at all, with my asthma. Unlike most asthmatics, my asthma hasn't improved since switching to vaping; it actually got a bit worse, so I had to go on Advair, though I previously refused any steroids. Slowly, slowly, there are improvements, but I think it's the moisture of the vapor that actually messes with my lungs; high humidity in the summer does the same thing, it's like trying to breathe jello. But people always asked, once finding out that I was asthmatic, HOW I was able to smoke... and I'd always just say that smoking as an asthmatic was a damn sight easier than NOT smoking. :giggle: And much the same is true of vaping; I just have to keep it very low-impact, low-temp, low vapor. Keeping a tight draw satisfies my urge to smoke, and demands a high-ohm low-wattage style of vaping, which is the only kind I can tolerate anyway.



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Well the main thing for me is to be *able* to vape at all, with my asthma. Unlike most asthmatics, my asthma hasn't improved since switching to vaping; it actually got a bit worse, so I had to go on Advair, though I previously refused any steroids. Slowly, slowly, there are improvements, but I think it's the moisture of the vapor that actually messes with my lungs; high humidity in the summer does the same thing, it's like trying to breathe jello. But people always asked, once finding out that I was asthmatic, HOW I was able to smoke... and I'd always just say that smoking as an asthmatic was a damn sight easier than NOT smoking. :giggle: And much the same is true of vaping; I just have to keep it very low-impact, low-temp, low vapor. Keeping a tight draw satisfies my urge to smoke, and demands a high-ohm low-wattage style of vaping, which is the only kind I can tolerate anyway.

You could move to Arizona.The dry heat might help with the asthma.My uncle Mac* had emphysema and his doctor told him "move to Arizona".It got better within 4 months although it didn't completely clear up.

*Short for Machiavelli*


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You could move to Arizona.The dry heat might help with the asthma.My uncle Mac* had emphysema and his doctor told him "move to Arizona".It got better within 4 months although it didn't completely clear up.

*Short for Machiavelli*

We've discussed it, but the main problem is employment. We undertook a cross-country move in 1990 solely because the auto industry, in which my husband was employed in Michigan, was experiencing one of their periodic downturns, his hours had been shortened, and we were finding it hard to survive, with a 2 yr old baby; so we came to GA, where I'm from, so that 1) there were family handy who gave a damn if we had groceries, and 2) our son could grow up with a large extended family as we both did; and 3) the built-in babysitting of grandparents is one of the greatest parts of parenthood. :D It took my husband about 6 months to find a really good job, and he was only 38 then; now he's almost 64 and has zero plans to retire from his good job, so I reckon we'll be staying put.


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jesus mary and joseph


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jesus mary and joseph

I remember getting a booklet about that subject in grammar school; we all had to know what to do, in the event of kiss-your-ass-goodbye from the russkies. :D


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