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Fun CVS story: My Doctor (you know, the one with the MD) raised my level of medication.

The pharmacist (the one without an MD, who doesn't know me or my problems) first asked me if I raised the amount by myself (???), accused me of being a drug addict, then got pissed off when I asked for my prescription back and told her to go fuck herself.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk


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I use to get my son's meds at wal-mart. After a pharmacist tried to steal (or misplace) his adderal I called her out. I told her she had until the next day to find his medication. If not I was calling the DEA on her. The medication turned up the next day. They count the meds (being a low paid nurse kinda helps with the knowledge part). I also had the same thing happen at a Walgreens. This time they tried to tell me that I was given the medication. I asked/told them I would be calling the local police department. I don't fuck around with these pharmacist/drug stores. Too much shit gets diverted and I'm not going to play the game.


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I just don't do brick and mortar pharmacies anymore. I got way tired of ppl giving me the stink eye because I had a legal prescription for something they deemed addictive and dangerous. Now I order from a nice man on the phone who calls me when I forget to refill them.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
I use to get my son's meds at wal-mart. After a pharmacist tried to steal (or misplace) his adderal I called her out. I told her she had until the next day to find his medication. If not I was calling the DEA on her. The medication turned up the next day. They count the meds (being a low paid nurse kinda helps with the knowledge part). I also had the same thing happen at a Walgreens. This time they tried to tell me that I was given the medication. I asked/told them I would be calling the local police department. I don't fuck around with these pharmacist/drug stores. Too much shit gets diverted and I'm not going to play the game.
all pharmacies now are all corrupt in one way or another


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Well, I guess we're lucky with our Walgreens, we've always had good service from them, and they know us well, we never have to say who we are or anything, we just pick up our stuff and go. Now, the real issue is having meds that are too costly to get filled even with insurance. :cuss2::headbang:


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The clown shit is getting alittle bit out of hand. Showing up in the afternoon at elementary school. Showing up on peoples property when the wife is home alone. That will get ass shot for just being stupid.


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I approve this message!!



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Yeah, but neither of them were any better than the other. That debate was just the biggest pile of shit I have ever seen.

It really was disgraceful, on ALL accounts. The candidates AND the moderators sucked total ass.

It was good stand up comedy show bro!



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It would be, were it another country. But one of those two idiots is going to be president.

That's not really funny. We have to live with whatever choice people make.
There's this thing called a recall election which is more than likely what will happen.Hopefully we'll get things right the second time around.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Gawd I love you sometimes woman.

Heh... back in the 90s, I was very active on a multi-user BBS here in Atlanta called Atlanta Chatline, and the Animaniacs were the latest greatest thing... we literally had FIGHTS over who was Yakko, who was Wakko, and who was Dot. It was finally settled that I was certainly Yakko, because I was there about 25 hrs a day, the fastest typist in the constant trivia contest that ran in the channel... and nobody else even came close, in either regard. :giggle: The reason why I even knew who Wakko, Yakko and Dot were? Because I had a single-digit-aged kid! And the Animaniacs were some of the best toons on TV at the time, including Pinky and the Brain. :giggle:



Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Heh... back in the 90s, I was very active on a multi-user BBS here in Atlanta called Atlanta Chatline, and the Animaniacs were the latest greatest thing... we literally had FIGHTS over who was Yakko, who was Wakko, and who was Dot. It was finally settled that I was certainly Yakko, because I was there about 25 hrs a day, the fastest typist in the constant trivia contest that ran in the channel... and nobody else even came close, in either regard. :giggle: The reason why I even knew who Wakko, Yakko and Dot were? Because I had a single-digit-aged kid! And the Animaniacs were some of the best toons on TV at the time, including Pinky and the Brain. :giggle:


But where will we find a duck and a hose at THIS hour?


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79 year old male stabbed himself to the chest
Then my FUCKing tank spilled some juice on my forearm yesterday!!!



Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Banks are the new Evil Empire. Fuck you banks. You are so full of shit. My Out of State check deposit will take TEN FUCKING days for the funds to clear into my account.

However, I can use some bastard company ATM machine on the summit of Mount Everest, and the $3 atm fee will post to my account within hours. WE ALL GET THE IDEA OF FLOAT! You made billions off of it when interest rates were high. Now, you're pissing me off for pennies.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Banks are the new Evil Empire. Fuck you banks. You are so full of shit. My Out of State check deposit will take TEN FUCKING days for the funds to clear into my account.

However, I can use some bastard company ATM machine on the summit of Mount Everest, and the $3 atm fee will post to my account within hours. WE ALL GET THE IDEA OF FLOAT! You made billions off of it when interest rates were high. Now, you're pissing me off for pennies.

Hasn't that been true for nearly 10 yrs now? Robo-foreclosures, etc? The economy goes to shit, nearly everyone loses their home, but not banks, oh no, they make a bloody FORTUNE in foreclosed properties... and they're TOO BIG TO FAIL??? FUCK THAT NOISE!!! If they make loans to those who can't support them, they're STUPID and they DESERVE to fail!!!!!!!!!!



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I'm getting tired of VAPING, I feel like I'm done with it, but at the same time I don't want to....
I need new juice,RDA,RTA and a mod.. I need to feel energize again, right now I'm just blah!! Or maybe, I'm in that mode again, DEPRESSion!!! I get like this once in a while, I don't know what it is, but days like today I feel like I want to disappear, no worries I'm not gonna kill my self, I just feel like I need to go away and refresh you know!! Maybe I work too damn much! Or maybe I just need to masturbate, I don't know
I want a reset!!


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I'm getting tired of VAPING, I feel like I'm done with it, but at the same time I don't want to....
I need new juice,RDA,RTA and a mod.. I need to feel energize again, right now I'm just blah!! Or maybe, I'm in that mode again, DEPRESSion!!! I get like this once in a while, I don't know what it is, but days like today I feel like I want to disappear, no worries I'm not gonna kill my self, I just feel like I need to go away and refresh you know!! Maybe I work too damn much! Or maybe I just need to masturbate, I don't know
I want a reset!!

certain threads here give me depression


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Sometimes I sit in my room watching TV late at night and think to myself,"You really should try harder to care about others and their opinions." I squint my eyes really hard wishing for it like a kid before Christmas thinking about the one thing that they really, really want. Then I wake up the next morning and proclaim,"Today I will try to care more!" Then I run into some stupid motherfucker and realize,"There's always tomorrow."

Hank F. Spankman

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Sometimes I sit in my room watching TV late at night and think to myself,"You really should try harder to care about others and their opinions." I squint my eyes really hard wishing for it like a kid before Christmas thinking about the one thing that they really, really want. Then I wake up the next morning and proclaim,"Today I will try to care more!" Then I run into some stupid motherfucker and realize,"There's always tomorrow."



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I'm getting tired of VAPING, I feel like I'm done with it, but at the same time I don't want to....
I need new juice,RDA,RTA and a mod.. I need to feel energize again, right now I'm just blah!! Or maybe, I'm in that mode again, DEPRESSion!!! I get like this once in a while, I don't know what it is, but days like today I feel like I want to disappear, no worries I'm not gonna kill my self, I just feel like I need to go away and refresh you know!! Maybe I work too damn much! Or maybe I just need to masturbate, I don't know
I want a reset!!

I hear ya ej. I get there, too, buddy. Lately, a little too much. If you wanna try something for vape excitement, maybe try your hand at DIY? Then again, it might be another thing to get blah on. I'm blah with DIY, but I'd rather make my own that buy juice HUGE money saver. Gives mo funds for gears!

Or just go masturbate.
Some threads try to get me down then I just remember how I really feel......



Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm getting tired of VAPING, I feel like I'm done with it, but at the same time I don't want to....
I need new juice,RDA,RTA and a mod.. I need to feel energize again, right now I'm just blah!! Or maybe, I'm in that mode again, DEPRESSion!!! I get like this once in a while, I don't know what it is, but days like today I feel like I want to disappear, no worries I'm not gonna kill my self, I just feel like I need to go away and refresh you know!! Maybe I work too damn much! Or maybe I just need to masturbate, I don't know
I want a reset!!

You are reaching vaping nirvana. The point where you realise all the 'competitive' bits of vaping are just bullshit. No mod is the atty is the best...they all pretty much the same shit in a different box. Then you can relax and just vape. Which is cool. As for the rest of it...well that's life. Having ups and downs is's not having them that is abnormal. Like those clever Chinese say "You have to taste bitter to be able to taste sweet." Woo!


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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no atty is the best..

Though I agree with the rest of what you said, that one isn't true -- when you don't give a rip about "cloudz bro" and want both rich intense flavor AND a tight draw, your choices are extremely limited, and once you find it, you stick with it.

As for the rest... yep. I just remind myself, if not for vaping, I'd be smoking, so I keep vaping. :) And people will always say "even after more than two years without smoking?" and the answer is YES! If I didn't vape, I'd smoke. I'd have to get used to nasty taste, filthy smell, and being broke all the time all over again, but somehow, I'd manage. So I keep vaping. Strawberries & cream taste better than any tobacco ever grown.



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I have been so lazy with the diy eliquid making/creating. I feel ashamed at times. Yesterday, I even wanted to buy some liquid so I wouldn't have to make it. I ended up making 120ml of cake batter with icing and 120ml of cinnamon crunch with milk. Now I need to make some tobacco flavors for me. After 6 years of vaping I still love the taste.


Diamond Contributor
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I have been so lazy with the diy eliquid making/creating. I feel ashamed at times. Yesterday, I even wanted to buy some liquid so I wouldn't have to make it. I ended up making 120ml of cake batter with icing and 120ml of cinnamon crunch with milk. Now I need to make some tobacco flavors for me. After 6 years of vaping I still love the taste.
Never gave up my 555 ADV some others mixed in there but always vaped that with no breaks....LOL

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Though I agree with the rest of what you said, that one isn't true -- when you don't give a rip about "cloudz bro" and want both rich intense flavor AND a tight draw, your choices are extremely limited, and once you find it, you stick with it.
Innokin Endura Prism T18 & Clone-Buki + Aspire Nautilus w/1.8 ohm Clapton coil.Would be my choices.

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