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ha! for real I am 30 Albeit I am younger then you, There for I win!


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I swore off apple's shit, when the apple IIe was around.

LONG time apple anti-fan.

I just refuse to pay that much for proprietary shit, when ISA is so much less costly. For that same reason, I do sometimes entertain ideas about switching from windows to linux, but haven't yet felt that ambitious. But I'm in favor of open source as much as open architecture.



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Out of the blue, ECF and Uwell both started spamming me with stuff.

Typical cases of automatically signing people up for communication and forcing them to unsubscribe. The Uwell thing I get. With ECF, it's just funny, bordering on ironic.


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News story about "clown threats" aka people scaring other people, so high schools have hired extra security and parents are terrified.

WTF has happened to us!?!?!?! smfh :facepalm:


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News story about "clown threats" aka people scaring other people, so high schools have hired extra security and parents are terrified.

WTF has happened to us!?!?!?! smfh :facepalm:
Personally, I think all this clown business is FUNNY as fuck.

The mere sighting of a "scary clown" puts people in terror? What a bunch of weak kneed pansies.


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Personally, I think all this clown business is FUNNY as fuck.

The mere sighting of a "scary clown" puts people in terror? What a bunch of weak kneed pansies.

I do as well, this whole "I'm offended" generation makes me want to vomit. Knotts Farm closed a Halloween attraction themed around a Mental Hospital because people complained it was insensitive to the mentally ill. Won't be long before they try to cancel Halloween all together since a lot of decorations are murder themed and victim's rights advocates will shit their pampers.

And just this morning I saw a news story that one person, complained that a Halloween decoration was offensive so they yanked it from the shelves. ONE PERSON!

We are going to keep going until none of us can do anything for fear of offending some dumb fucker somewhere and can do nothing. Seriously people need to grow a fucking spine and thicken their skin so just looking in their general direction doesn't hurt their delicate little sensibilities. Bunch of fucking pansies.

And hold on a sec and I will tell you how I really feel. :giggle::giggle:


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Clown sightings in at least 17 states. And counting.

Yes, it's awesome. Obviously people are hearing the reports and contributing to the spread.

So here's my question:
Is it bad for our entertainment value when assholes start posting clown threats regarding schools? Or will the increased panic make this a better story?


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Saw an article breaking down the problem. I think the focus was the over-reaction at colleges.

Basically, people are spending too much time complaining about their feelings instead of tangible shit. And then everyone else takes these complaints too seriously.

Feelings aren't logical. Your brain can twist any situation to Butthurt Level Alpha. And social media doesn't help because it gives everyone an equal-sized worldwide bullhorn.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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I do as well, this whole "I'm offended" generation makes me want to vomit. Knotts Farm closed a Halloween attraction themed around a Mental Hospital because people complained it was insensitive to the mentally ill. Won't be long before they try to cancel Halloween all together since a lot of decorations are murder themed and victim's rights advocates will shit their pampers.

And just this morning I saw a news story that one person, complained that a Halloween decoration was offensive so they yanked it from the shelves. ONE PERSON!

We are going to keep going until none of us can do anything for fear of offending some dumb fucker somewhere and can do nothing. Seriously people need to grow a fucking spine and thicken their skin so just looking in their general direction doesn't hurt their delicate little sensibilities. Bunch of fucking pansies.

And hold on a sec and I will tell you how I really feel. :giggle::giggle:

It is actually all very complicated. Before Government got involved, Darwinism ruled the land. We could do whatever stupid shit we wanted to. The people who did the dumbest shit, found it more challenging to reproduce, as it should be. Obviously, the people who did the least dumb shit thrived and prospered, and had large numbers of progeny. Each of those, was likely less likely to do dumb shit than the progeny of dumbasses, if they made it that far.

Also, a rude motherfucker would earn a punch to the face on occasion. This often had the effect of making that person somewhat less rude of a motherfucker, or at least marked him so people were prepared to deliver the next blow.

Now we have laws. You gotta do this before you can do that or you might kill yourself. You can't punch a rude motherfucker in the face anymore. So we have dumbasses breeding unabashed, and rude motherfuckers running around largely unchecked. Add to this the idea that if you have a problem, any damn problem, there is likely a branch of government set up to address it slowly and ineffectually, but still feeding the idea that you should whine loudly about your problem, difficulty, or perceived offense against you and someone else will solve that problem FOR you.

I was walking downtown in a big college town lately. I was looking at the dudes. Pretty much all skinny, pale, wiry but socially aware and sensitive, I am sure. Point being, if a REAL war broke out anytime soon, we'd be super fucked. There are hardly any real men left.
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Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Which brings me to my next point. I think the cultural divide between states is going to eventually come to a head, and the Union will not survive.

I work a lot in Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota.. and recently did a tour of the northern USA on my bike. Wyoming, Idaho, Colorado, Utah, Nevada.

In those states, there are some nancy assed boys and gangsta's in their biggest cities. Walkin round hunched and arms swinging like apes, with pants half down. I want to stop and laugh in their faces. Dude, do you even REALIZE how far away is the 313?!? But by and large, I see and talk to Farm Boys. THOSE fuckers will kick your ass. Polite and pleasant as all hell mostly, but you do NOT want to cross the line with them. Between tossing around bales of hay and picking up steer, they play games like Football. Between the farm and school, they don't have time for hanging out on Starbucks Wifi. And they are going to get tired of the bullshit the rest of us call normal living. The Farm teaches you a LOT. Don't prepare, you starve. Bad luck, you starve. Lie in a field all day smoking grass and thinking of who you can fuck out of the next few dollars, you are going to get run out of town.

Mostly, they don't know about the pussies all around them. Their papers have things like farm reports, and how well Martha's Bake Sale helped the volunteer Fire Department. But some day they are going to find out how soft the rest of the country has become. Then we have a problem. They are much too polite to conquer, but I fear if they decide to cut strings, the price of beef is going to get ridiculous. Good thing we have Tofu.


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I heard about this clown thing a couple weeks ago. Turns out, locally, they've been seen just standing in parks, near the wooded areas. Some holding knives. WTF is with people?

As for people being offended by Halloween decorations, don't fucking participate!

Then somewhere in another thread, ej is sitting in his bathroom taking a voop. Oy.


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So here's this morning's Group Think, boiled down.

How We Got Here

--> The Information Age creates a giant pile of soft people who get to sit on their ass all day and accuse blue-collar workers of being retards.

--> In an attempt to boost equality, the government goes overboard and unwittingly establishes a Blame Culture and breeds a new level of Social Justice Warrior.

--> Entitled Gen Xers procreate and shit out an astronomical mountain of humans who are told they are Special Snowflakes.

--> These attention-seeking Millennials find a captive audience with social media.

--> Technology creates the Smart Phone and gives everyone the ability to engage in everything and nothing, every second of the day... and also becomes yet another vanity outlet via selfies.

--> The constant multi-tasking leads to attention deficit and suddenly memes are the primary method of distributing facts.

--> The explosion of news sites and blogs destroys perspective and creates a level of hyperbole where one Tweet equals National Outrage.

--> Companies are forced to overreact to negative publicity by giving us a world defined by This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things.

--> The lack of logic runs rampant and unchecked to a point where anyone attempting to inject reality similar to the ending of The Emperor's New Clothes is accused of being [pick anything derogatory] and shamed into submission.


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So here's this morning's Group Think, boiled down.

How We Got Here

--> The Information Age creates a giant pile of soft people who get to sit on their ass all day and accuse blue-collar workers of being retards.

--> In an attempt to boost equality, the government goes overboard and unwittingly establishes a Blame Culture and breeds a new level of Social Justice Warrior.

--> Entitled Gen Xers procreate and shit out an astronomical mountain of humans who are told they are Special Snowflakes.

--> These attention-seeking Millennials find a captive audience with social media.

--> Technology creates the Smart Phone and gives everyone the ability to engage in everything and nothing, every second of the day... and also becomes yet another vanity outlet via selfies.

--> The constant multi-tasking leads to attention deficit and suddenly memes are the primary method of distributing facts.

--> The explosion of news sites and blogs destroys perspective and creates a level of hyperbole where one Tweet equals National Outrage.

--> Companies are forced to overreact to negative publicity by giving us a world defined by This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things.

--> The lack of logic runs rampant and unchecked to a point where anyone attempting to inject reality similar to the ending of The Emperor's New Clothes is accused of being [pick anything derogatory] and shamed into submission.
Oh, so you saw the first couple episodes of this season's Survivor, too, huh? Yeah, skippppp.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I just have to say, the way the world is getting, it makes me really glad to be one of the old people. I won't have to be here to see the natural outcome of all this stupidity.


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