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I love Chinese logic.

Saw a story this morning about how they deal with serial high beam drivers. They yank them out of the car slap 'em in a special chair and make them stare into their high beams for a minute, while reciting proper use of headlights. I so want this to happen here so I can drive by and laugh at those assholes. :)


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I love Chinese logic.

Saw a story this morning about how they deal with serial high beam drivers. They yank them out of the car slap 'em in a special chair and make them stare into their high beams for a minute, while reciting proper use of headlights. I so want this to happen here so I can drive by and laugh at those assholes. :)

I saw that how great is that ! Taste of your own medicine!

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Who you need beat up?

Hey you?! Did you? What was that all about?



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I hate my new fucking job. The other two nurses are so frinking catty and backstabbing. I need to have a meeting with the DON and transfer away from these nasty women. Never in my life have I been subjected to humiliation and disrespect from these two. They are in late 50s and one is 64 and act like they are 12. All the other workers are nice but these two? I might have to look for a new job. I'm having chest pain from yesterdays adventure. I don't know if its anxiety or a health issue. I might have to see a quack.

Off to work....I might go off on them...


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Hey you?! Did you? What was that all about?
Did I ? PM me.

I'm having chest pain from yesterdays adventure. I don't know if its anxiety or a health issue. I might have to see a quack.
NOT worth that kind of aggravation. I realize jobs are a necessity, trust me I do, but that kind of anxiety, if it can't be handled by higher ups... I can't say that any job is worth leading to a heart attack.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Can we beat up daylight saving time? This dark-at-5-p.m. thing is bullshit.

Totally agree. Every year at this time, we debate the pros and cons of moving to Arizona.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Except it's no longer daylight savings time; now it's standard time.



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Did I ? PM me.

NOT worth that kind of aggravation. I realize jobs are a necessity, trust me I do, but that kind of anxiety, if it can't be handled by higher ups... I can't say that any job is worth leading to a heart attack.

I'm going to be out job hunting again. I will think about this job.I found a nurse today covering up a fall with a resident. Does this shit really happen? It's fucked up.I had to investigate and gather statements because I'm not going to lose my license for incompetent nurses.


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I'm going to be out job hunting again. I will think about this job.I found a nurse today covering up a fall with a resident. Does this shit really happen? It's fucked up.I had to investigate and gather statements because I'm not going to lose my license for incompetent nurses.

There's a lot of dumb nurses out there



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I'm going to be out job hunting again. I will think about this job.I found a nurse today covering up a fall with a resident. Does this shit really happen? It's fucked up.I had to investigate and gather statements because I'm not going to lose my license for incompetent nurses.

Are these geriatric patients? A fall could be deadly to older people, who are prone to brittle bones. I'd definitely report that nurse.



Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Are these geriatric patients? A fall could be deadly to older people, who are prone to brittle bones. I'd definitely report that nurse.

Yes,the lady is old and just recently fell and she already has a broken wrist. How dumb can people get.. One just has to write up a occurance/fall report and be done with it. Assess and report. Lazy folks I suppose.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Yes,the lady is old and just recently fell and she already has a broken wrist. How dumb can people get.. One just has to write up a occurance/fall report and be done with it. Assess and report. Lazy folks I suppose.

Really it was when my mother fell the first time and broke the first hip that set in motion most of the really bad stuff, the pain and swelling, that she lived with for the last 5 yrs of her life, and undoubtedly contributed greatly to her recent demise -- it's hard to stay healthy when you can't even walk, and your lower limbs swell so horribly because of it. I would not wish that on anyone, knowing how she suffered. That nurse should lose her job, and be prevented from any future care-giving jobs.



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The last 3 days have been long and slow. 2 days left and I don't expect them to go much better. Come on already Wednesday!


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Really it was when my mother fell the first time and broke the first hip that set in motion most of the really bad stuff, the pain and swelling, that she lived with for the last 5 yrs of her life, and undoubtedly contributed greatly to her recent demise -- it's hard to stay healthy when you can't even walk, and your lower limbs swell so horribly because of it. I would not wish that on anyone, knowing how she suffered. That nurse should lose her job, and be prevented from any future care-giving jobs.

I agree. I am disgusted at this point. This lady deserved better care. I tired to provide that after the fact that a prior nurse diagnosed the fall as "it didn't happen". Lawsuit time for sure. I don't think these assisted living nurses realize the importance of performing their job. The end game is: the patient suffers.

Sorry that your mom suffered. Falls and fractures do contribute to a unhealthy health status but you already know that. It's hard to see a love one suffer.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I agree. I am disgusted at this point. This lady deserved better care. I tired to provide that after the fact that a prior nurse diagnosed the fall as "it didn't happen". Lawsuit time for sure. I don't think these assisted living nurses realize the importance of performing their job. The end game is: the patient suffers.

Sorry that your mom suffered. Falls and fractures do contribute to a unhealthy health status but you already know that. It's hard to see a love one suffer.

It was impossible to convince her to get up and do her PT aftercare, considering she already had painful arthritic knees. Then when she broke the other hip a couple years later... that was the beginning of her end. :facepalm:

Really hate to hear of stuff like that in assisted living; right now my stepfather is still at home, doing his grieving of course, but I have a feeling it won't be long till he really needs assisted living himself, after 3 strokes and a heart attack, and no longer being able to drive.



Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It was impossible to convince her to get up and do her PT aftercare, considering she already had painful arthritic knees. Then when she broke the other hip a couple years later... that was the beginning of her end. :facepalm:

Really hate to hear of stuff like that in assisted living; right now my stepfather is still at home, doing his grieving of course, but I have a feeling it won't be long till he really needs assisted living himself, after 3 strokes and a heart attack, and no longer being able to drive.

I have read from different parts of the country some great stories of quality assisted living places. . Milwaukee area does not have a good reputation of quality facilities.


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Was in a pinch this weekend, and just grabbed a bottle of HUMCO glycerin from WalMart to make some quick mixes, need to order some good VG still, and couldn't wait on it so I figured I would try it out as a lot of people have had good results from it. That was a huge fucking mistake. Lungs hurt, feeling nauseous, fucking shit is absolute garbage. Just threw 100ML of juice in the trash. So, if you're ever in a pinch for DIY supplies, just go buy some premium juice and save yourself the headache and lung aches. Fucking trash VG.

Looks like im making a mad dash to the vape shop on my lunch break to get some juice that won't make my lungs feel like I've been getting kicked in the ribs for hours on end.


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As a reminder, failure to participate by 4pm PST December 2, 2016 will result in disciplinary action on December 5, 2016 unless there are extenuating circumstances.

We are committed to ensuring a safe environment for our staff and patients this flu season.




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Aww ej, it's just a little poke. Nothing too scary. You got this, I believe in you.

It's not the poking bro, i don't like taking flu shots from my employer, I'd rather go to KAISER and get it from there, but these fuckers always makes the process so difficult!!



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Member For 4 Years
Ahh, I see where you're coming from now. Yech.

For some reason, I think my employer is using cheap vaccines,last year I lost my voice twice during flu season, I didnt get fever though! Man, it was rough!
I couldn't vape!lol



Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Omg!! Don't lie to me dammit I'm much happier if I know the truth and I can work around your dumb ass. Ugh.

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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I won't take flu shots, period... they're only 49% effective, IF you are under 49 yrs of age. After 49, their efficacy goes down DRASTICALLY. Best bet is Vit C and echinacea, keep the immune system strong.



VU Donator
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I won't take flu shots, period... they're only 49% effective, IF you are under 49 yrs of age. After 49, their efficacy goes down DRASTICALLY. Best bet is Vit C and echinacea, keep the immune system strong.





Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Fucking prop 56 passes in California will go into effect 4-1-17

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Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Out in the sticks, we don't get fancy stickers.

And I didn't use that fucking electronic machine either. Paper ballot for me.

Have they got cable tv and internet in your sticks? My sticks may just be stickier than your sticks..


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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No cable. Only city and major through ways have it. JUST got high speed internet about a year ago.

Well then, it's 4G or satellite here. And not to press the point, but propane, well, septic, and you can tell how long any of the few neighbors have been here, by how many chainsaws they own. Everyone has a 4x4, or some winter days, you won't get home. Sticky as all hell. ;)


Gold Contributor
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Well then, it's 4G or satellite here. And not to press the point, but propane, well, septic, and you can tell how long any of the few neighbors have been here, by how many chainsaws they own. Everyone has a 4x4, or some winter days, you won't get home. Sticky as all hell. ;)
The same here. Propane, well, septic, cellular internet, chainsaws, cows, and deer hunters.

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