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I don't have any freckles... ;)




Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I have to say I am very disappointed with my latest BCV order. Ordered Friday usps picked up Sat morning and nothing. I must be the only one that has the shittiest luck ordering my diy.

I placed an order on Tuesday, early afternoon, with both sweet-vapes and wizlabs, and neither of them have even shipped! I was kinda prepared for that with the wizlabs one, because they have a note up saying they're badly backlogged, and sweet-vapes has always been kinda slow to get stuff shipped out, but I don't think it's ever taken more than 2 full working days.

What I *can't* figure is why they're so badly backlogged in mid-Feb. Makes no sense.


Teresa P

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I have to say I am very disappointed with my latest BCV order. Ordered Friday usps picked up Sat morning and nothing. I must be the only one that has the shittiest luck ordering my diy.
The US postal system will always be a never ending source of grief, and they're getting worse every day. From flavor vendors to eBay, shipping is getting slower and slower on the post office end.

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Wow... wrestling hasn't change in 20years.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Ive been bouncing between Discount Vapers and 101Vape for coils, lately. Ordered Monday, got 'em today, from 101.

When I used replacement coils, I always used discountvapers... great prices and amazingly fast shipments -- CT to GA is a long way, but you'd never guess it from how fast I got stuff from them!



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My package moved today. :) I might see it sometime next week...

The usps in these two cities are vile. I think they do it on purpose. IDK I feel bad for the vendor. It's not their fault the locals are lazy assholes.

I think you hit the nail on the head. Nothing's perfect but USPS has been pretty solid for me over the years and more cost effective than the other carriers. Screw-ups are usually because of the few employed geniuses (idiots, usually present in every organization).

Two vape mails sent out for me this past week via USPS. One Priority Mail... sent yesterday from MI, scheduled for delivery tomorrow. The other was sent 1st Class from Topeka Kansas and it's been delivered to my PO Box in LI NY. First class delivery in two days from halfway across the country !!! I think USPS is pretty damn good.


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Indeed. There's this rumor I've heard that redheads are crazy... no doubt started by someone who pissed off a redhead. :D

LOL! MY mom one sister and I are the only TRUE redheads in the family so we came about our bitchiness honestly; with great Irish genes and hard work. My sister, on the other hand, is just a frakin' bitch with no heart and soul. ☺

Ruadh gu brath! (Scots Gaelic for Red heads forever!)


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Gonna be back in the DNA game soon!

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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I'll share some of mine with you!

Ruadh gu brath! (Scots Gaelic for Red heads forever!)

It seems one either gets dry skin and freckles, or oily skin and acne, but not usually both -- I got the latter, and I'm also one of those VERY! rare redheads who will tan (probably thx to my VERY brunette mom!) -- if I'm silly enough to expose my skin to the sun! My son got the freckles; some acne but nothing like what I had. But now he's losing his hair, which thankfully I'll never have to deal with personally. :D So in a few yrs, only his beard and freckles will identify his redhair gene. :D



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It seems one either gets dry skin and freckles, or oily skin and acne, but not usually both -- I got the latter, and I'm also one of those VERY! rare redheads who will tan (probably thx to my VERY brunette mom!) -- if I'm silly enough to expose my skin to the sun! My son got the freckles; some acne but nothing like what I had. But now he's losing his hair, which thankfully I'll never have to deal with personally. :D So in a few yrs, only his beard and freckles will identify his redhair gene. :D

I tan too, and you're right about that being rare. Makes people think I'm not a true Ginger. I don't give a crap though but will tell them they'll NEVER find out! My poor son only burns. When he was in Kinder (he's 28 now) he would beg me to shave off his red hair and "put it back" brown so the kids wouldn't tease him! Of course now no one would dare tease a 6'5, all muscle, Army MP!

Ruadh gu brath! (Scots Gaelic for Red heads forever!)


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I tan too, and you're right about that being rare. Makes people think I'm not a true Ginger. I don't give a crap though but will tell them they'll NEVER find out! My poor son only burns. When he was in Kinder (he's 28 now) he would beg me to shave off his red hair and "put it back" brown so the kids wouldn't tease him! Of course now no one would dare tease a 6'5, all muscle, Army MP!

Ruadh gu brath! (Scots Gaelic for Red heads forever!)

Well... I'm a true redhead, which means nowadays I do have to color it, since red hair seems to lose its pigment VERY fast -- the entire top of my head is so white, if I go too long between touch-ups, I look like I've been standing out in a blizzard!

My son burns too, even the tops of his ears and his scalp -- he once got so badly burned when he was a kid and went with my folks to Jekyll Island and was too impatient for the sunblock, that now he takes me very seriously when I remind him to use it! I always keep an aloe plant, not just because I like to cook, but because of my poor boy's terrible tendency to burn -- aloe from a real live plant is the only kind that truly helps.

But his arms, he swears they're tanning -- I told him it only looks that way because all his freckles have run together. :D


ETA: our boys are almost the same age! Mine will be 28 in May!


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OMG! Both my sister and I started going white at the roots in our late 20's and I was devastated! I just touch it up though and at least I know that IF I decide to let it go my hair will be a beautiful pure white like my mom's.

Ruadh gu brath! (Scots Gaelic for Red heads forever!)


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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OMG! Both my sister and I started going white at the roots in our late 20's and I was devastated! I just touch it up though and at least I know that IF I decide to let it go my hair will be a beautiful pure white like my mom's.

Ruadh gu brath! (Scots Gaelic for Red heads forever!)

Unfortunately mine is really spotty -- some parts of my head are still growing my very-dark auburn; as I mentioned, my mom and her mom were very dark brunettes; my grandmother had some dark hair mixed with the white into her 90s. So it may be a while before I can let it go, or decide to become a moonlight-blonde. Dang it all. That dark auburn doesn't go blonde very easily; I did the bleaching thing when I was a teenager, ONCE, because I had to bleach it TWICE to get it actually blonde -- the first bleach just made it orange! :eek: And that Sun-In stuff? Orange. :mad:



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Unfortunately mine is really spotty -- some parts of my head are still growing my very-dark auburn; as I mentioned, my mom and her mom were very dark brunettes; my grandmother had some dark hair mixed with the white into her 90s. So it may be a while before I can let it go, or decide to become a moonlight-blonde. Dang it all. That dark auburn doesn't go blonde very easily; I did the bleaching thing when I was a teenager, ONCE, because I had to bleach it TWICE to get it actually blonde -- the first bleach just made it orange! :eek: And that Sun-In stuff? Orange. :mad:

Question? (I'm sure people are getting sick of us monopolizing the convo to which they can't relate.) We have the MC1R gene mutation which gives us our red hair. Has this also caused you to be more susceptible to pain and have a higher tolerance to pain meds than others without the red?

Ruadh gu brath! (Scots Gaelic for Red heads forever!)


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I can send mail from WI to SW MO.first class and 9/10 times its delivered within 2 days. I sent off a package to my SIL on Tues afternoon and she received it on Thursday morning. The local post offices are great here so no complaints. My whine about sweet-vapes was related to the processing time which use to be the same day. I think that must have changed recently.
I put in a couple orders from them(a while back), one was really fast, the other no so much


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Question? (I'm sure people are getting sick of us monopolizing the convo to which they can't relate.) We have the MC1R gene mutation which gives us our red hair. Has this also caused you to be more susceptible to pain and have a higher tolerance to pain meds than others without the red?

Ruadh gu brath! (Scots Gaelic for Red heads forever!)

No... in fact I'd have to say just the reverse; always had a fairly high tolerance to pain, and ever since I got sober 24 yrs ago, I have about ZERO tolerance for any type of depressant or narcotic. Not sure if it's because of some damage to my liver from my drinking, though my blood work always comes back normal now, or just because I no longer use any depressants recreationally so I've lost what tolerance I did have (which was massive, while I was drinking).

About 8 months ago, I burned my finger pretty badly, 2nd degree with full blistering, from the steam off a microwave dinner; I still have about a half-bottle of hydrocodone from my appendectomy in 2014, so I took one of those, so I could get enough pain relief to let me fall asleep -- and discovered that I no longer like that sensation AT ALL, it made me feel so bleary and dizzy and icky I had no choice but to go to bed -- but that was exactlty what I was after, and it did help the pain, so that was ok.


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