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If you're posting about your current health malady, please remember one very important illness linked to vaping.


You contract VAPES because
1. With the exception of Ohm's Law, everything about vaping is not fully understood.
2. There is conflicting and inaccurate health information everywhere.
3. Self-diagnosis takes the path of least resistance.


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Troubleshooting a malady is easier if you can blame the battery-filled box and the bottle of juice in front of your face. "Vaping must be the problem" is much easier than learning the complexities of those invisible biological oddities like germs, cells and DNA.

It's also easier to blame vaping than mentally run through your recent lifestyle changes. But honestly, if you really thought about that big callus on your toe for an extra few seconds, you'll probably remember that you just bought new shoes or started wearing cheaper socks. Your dry skin? Winter. Vomiting blood? Maybe that glass-eating trick you learned at the bar last night didn't set well with your stomach.

You've probably heard people who say you can catch a cold if you have wet hair. That's a much easier idea to embrace than understanding how colds really work. Before you buy into anything, simply take a second to think about it as a skeptic.
Hey wait, if people can catch colds from wet hair, why aren't surfers always sick?


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I go along with most of that... except the part about self-diagnosis. I've been diagnosing my own ailments for quite a while now, almost always correctly. The reason I have to do this is because I lack medical insurance, so i can't go trotting off to the doc for the least little thing as so many seem to do -- it's up to me to figure out a) is this serious enough to actually warrant a doctor? b) if not, what can I do to fix it? and c) if so, how the hell am I going to pay for it? I correctly figured out, in June 2014, that the EXTREME! agony in my belly was very likely something very serious, such as appendix -- and it was. And I got "charity" designation due to low-income and no insurance... and I'm STILL paying for it; still owe almost $1000 to the surgeon and a bit under $400 to the hospital. I might be finished paying them in another year, and meanwhile, I hope my gallbladder doesn't explode before I'm done paying the bills for the appendix; I need to have the stupid thing out, but with my lack of insurance (which i cannot afford), the only way anyone will agree to take it outta me is if it's an authentic emergency.

It IS possible to self-diagnose a lot of problems, and then to self-treat when appropriate... or to see a doc immediately if not sooner if your self-diagnosis indicates that you'd better do so. But just looking shit up on the internet isn't the best way to do it -- it requires a lifelong study of one's own body, and understanding of what makes it work best, and what makes it sick. If you have depended your whole life on daddy doctors to extend their magical touch and figure out what's wrong with you and magically make you well... you're probably best off sticking with that magical thinking.



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OK, here's a summary. Yeah, you probably know 99% of this already, but let's see what it looks like typed out.
--ECF had a partial meltdown. Butthurt.
--Refugees arrived. Much celebration. Some culture shock.
--Culture clash and butthurt.
--Mega threads born out of nothing.
--Apparently TC snobs are a thing now.
--Drunk posting and new acronyms.
--The Tesiyi guy is still trying.
--Is vaping the cause of my _____ feeling funny?
--1,000,000 posts achieved.
--Coincidentally, that is the same number of new juice flavors that have hit the market in 2016.
--Blogs. Not ready yet.
--You're actually Saying it Here over There now.
--See post #4755. That was specifically for you.
--Oh, and people have been talking a ton of shit behind your back. I think the thread is called Dave is Gone So Let's Talk a Ton of Shit About Dave Until Dave Announces His Return.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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OK, here's a summary. Yeah, you probably know 99% of this already, but let's see what it looks like typed out.
--ECF had a partial meltdown. Butthurt.
--Refugees arrived. Much celebration. Some culture shock.
--Culture clash and butthurt.
--Mega threads born out of nothing.
--Apparently TC snobs are a thing now.
--Drunk posting and new acronyms.
--The Tesiyi guy is still trying.
--Is vaping the cause of my _____ feeling funny?
--1,000,000 posts achieved.
--Coincidentally, that is the same number of new juice flavors that have hit the market in 2016.
--Blogs. Not ready yet.
--You're actually Saying it Here over There now.
--See post #4755. That was specifically for you.
--Oh, and people have been talking a ton of shit behind your back. I think the thread is called Dave is Gone So Let's Talk a Ton of Shit About Dave Until Dave Announces His Return.

You left out the part about so many trolls arriving along with the refugees -- unless that was the "mega threads out of nothing" entry. :D



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OK, here's a summary. Yeah, you probably know 99% of this already, but let's see what it looks like typed out.
--ECF had a partial meltdown. Butthurt.
--Refugees arrived. Much celebration. Some culture shock.
--Culture clash and butthurt.
--Mega threads born out of nothing.
--Apparently TC snobs are a thing now.
--Drunk posting and new acronyms.
--The Tesiyi guy is still trying.
--Is vaping the cause of my _____ feeling funny?
--1,000,000 posts achieved.
--Coincidentally, that is the same number of new juice flavors that have hit the market in 2016.
--Blogs. Not ready yet.
--You're actually Saying it Here over There now.
--See post #4755. That was specifically for you.
--Oh, and people have been talking a ton of shit behind your back. I think the thread is called Dave is Gone So Let's Talk a Ton of Shit About Dave Until Dave Announces His Return.


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One more thing @OBDave. The staff has been getting together on Tuesdays to have their private weekly Spread Hideous Rumors About Dave sessions. It's a Who's Who of VU. Apparently the group has been able to create 64 new synonyms and euphemisms for the male anatomy while discussing the primary agenda topic.

VU Staff Online 26 Apr 16.png


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OK, here's a summary. Yeah, you probably know 99% of this already, but let's see what it looks like typed out.
--ECF had a partial meltdown. Butthurt.
--Refugees arrived. Much celebration. Some culture shock.
--Culture clash and butthurt.
--Mega threads born out of nothing.
--Apparently TC snobs are a thing now.
--Drunk posting and new acronyms.
--The Tesiyi guy is still trying.
--Is vaping the cause of my _____ feeling funny?
--1,000,000 posts achieved.
--Coincidentally, that is the same number of new juice flavors that have hit the market in 2016.
--Blogs. Not ready yet.
--You're actually Saying it Here over There now.
--See post #4755. That was specifically for you.
--Oh, and people have been talking a ton of shit behind your back. I think the thread is called Dave is Gone So Let's Talk a Ton of Shit About Dave Until Dave Announces His Return.


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OK, here's a summary. Yeah, you probably know 99% of this already, but let's see what it looks like typed out.
--ECF had a partial meltdown. Butthurt.
--Refugees arrived. Much celebration. Some culture shock.
--Culture clash and butthurt.
--Mega threads born out of nothing.
--Apparently TC snobs are a thing now.
--Drunk posting and new acronyms.
--The Tesiyi guy is still trying.
--Is vaping the cause of my _____ feeling funny?
--1,000,000 posts achieved.
--Coincidentally, that is the same number of new juice flavors that have hit the market in 2016.
--Blogs. Not ready yet.
--You're actually Saying it Here over There now.
--See post #4755. That was specifically for you.
--Oh, and people have been talking a ton of shit behind your back. I think the thread is called Dave is Gone So Let's Talk a Ton of Shit About Dave Until Dave Announces His Return.
Excellent summation - knew I could count on you for the penultimate tl;dr, Lost!


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This really happened.

Fact 1: Somebody robbed an Oregon pet store called Zany Zoo. $7,000 gone... including money from a Girl Scout Cookie donation jar. Also missing was a laptop and a $2,500 Galago primate named Gooey.

Fact 2: Turns out the dude robbed his own store, and it was his unknowing wife that reported the crime.

Fact 3: Detectives found out that the dude used the money to pay for a prostitute, and gave her the primate as a gratuity.

Fact 4: Detectives found the prostitute, rescued the primate and arrested the dude as he was leaving a porn shop next to a State Police office, allegedly high on m*th.

Humble suggestion for a headline:

Girl Scout Thief Has Sex With Prostitute, Leaves Her Gooey
So this is post 4755...I've got to assert my innocence in that the primate was merely a witness to my unspeakable actions, not a participant, willing or otherwise!


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So this is post 4755...I've got to assert my innocence in that the primate was merely a witness to my unspeakable actions, not a participant, willing or otherwise!
Poor primate...

But Dave it seems like it was a lot of fun. Where my invite?


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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if this person does not get out of my office and shut the fuck up, I will go to prison for justifiable homicide

If it's justifiable, you won't go to prison. ;)



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Nazis and Hitler:
Godwin's Law says that if an internet discussion goes on long enough, one of those will be mentioned.

there is a tradition in many [forums] that once such a comparison is made, the thread is finished and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost

VU's version of that should be "Your Mom's Basement."


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So this is post 4755...I've got to assert my innocence in that the primate was merely a witness to my unspeakable actions, not a participant, willing or otherwise!

And I haven't been over to Eugene in ages (~60 miles, the Malheur standoff was about another 150... weird shit happens in this state)... so you all can just stop lookin' at me.
All my primates are accounted for.

Besides... I prefer goats.



VU Donator
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And I haven't been over to Eugene in ages (~60 miles, the Malheur standoff was about another 150... weird shit happens in this state)... so you all can just stop lookin' at me.
All my primates are accounted for.

Besides... I prefer goats.

Baahhdd baaaad joke, goats are part of the sheep family

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