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I have a crippling weakness for mom baiting.

Lost both parents before I turned 30, so most who would bait me over them... are dead by now themselves. :p

Condolences to anyone else though.


And how can you take that opening I left, large enough to drive a truck through, and just close the door? I'll never understand "self-restraint". :rolleyes:



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Lost both parents before I turned 30, so most who would bait me over them... are dead by now themselves. :p

Condolences to anyone else though.


And how can you take that opening I left, large enough to drive a truck through, and just close the door? I'll never understand "self-restraint". :rolleyes:

Condolences to you, too. I still want my Mom and Dad when I don't feel well, lol. I revert to a little kid kicking and screaming for my blankie and a drink of water.


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Member For 4 Years
You lease 1 of your rigs to some ego toting newb, kinda like sub-letting.
Next caller....

Hey Rat... long time listener, first time caller.

So... I got worried using my 0.06 ohm build because my Efests are well... weeping.
Would I be cool if I just backed it up to say 0.12? Twice the safety margin right?

Thanks man... your show's the best.

Woodworking Shop Jim... "They call me Lefty".


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About the same, can't sleep, deciding how I'm going to make it thru the's the weather over there?

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We actually might get some rain today, that's because I had the car washed. We need rain, they're giving tickets and fines for water your lawn. So that's bad.

Hell yeah those canucks are crazy...

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Ok, i just moved from Fallbrook which is next to Oceanside so used to be neighbors...

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Member For 4 Years
Oh I'm sorry to hear that, yes many good hospitals and treatment centers there, La Jolla and there's another big one there, can't think of the name now.....

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Well time for another day at the rat race....lately those damn rats have been winning, but not today!!

Have a great day Always & Whiskey, and everyone else!

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Gonna resurrect my old thread and get to work on an avatar for me?

Only if you act like my current list of clients. You'd have to...

--Demand frequent meetings, but only talk about the need for a multi-billion dollar avatar creation conglomerate.
--Constantly talk about how many important meetings you've attended where avatars where the primary topic of discussion.
--Complain about the electricity used to create the avatar and say I should have solar panels.
--Constantly remind me that avatar creation is not my primary line of work.
--Ignore email questions related to the avatar and make excuses for not doing it, all tied to a different major personal crisis.
--Have one of your friends PM me to say I should not be asking questions about the avatar because you don't know what you want.
--Have your friends tell me that they could make a way better avatar, but that they're too busy to make one.
--Have someone else make an avatar at the same time, and start using that one without saying anything.

--Oh, you also have to make a passive-aggressive complaint about pizza during a meeting and disguise it as a joke. Then immediately get pompous and go on a rant about the carbon footprint of cheese.*

Can you do all that? Canya? Canya?

*This really happened.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Can we please make it a felony to even SAY the words "carbon footprint"??????


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