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Just curios: what do folks here think about the Across the Universe movie from a few years back? For whatever reason, Bono simply annoyed me, and I didn't necessarily agree with some of the song arrangements. But I actually liked it overall


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Truly not a Bono or U2 fan (well, outside of their raising dough for charity). Didn't see the movie. I can't even imagine choosing a favorite Beatles album or song. Madness, sheer madness, I tell you!!

Here's a question - who else heard French for the first time in Michelle?

I felt so cool teaching my friends what that bit of French meant! Yup, big doof even way back then.


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Just curios: what do folks here think about the Across the Universe movie from a few years back? For whatever reason, Bono simply annoyed me, and I didn't necessarily agree with some of the song arrangements. But I actually liked it overall

Pretty much my feelings exactly!

Truly not a Bono or U2 fan (well, outside of their raising dough for charity).

What? Not even their early work like October and Boy? I liked that stuff a lot and I thought War was decent but their later efforts, not nearly so much. :)


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Just curios: what do folks here think about the Across the Universe movie from a few years back? For whatever reason, Bono simply annoyed me, and I didn't necessarily agree with some of the song arrangements. But I actually liked it overall

I seem to remember my sister claiming it was fantastic and had my daughter and I watch it with her once
during a family get together. It wasn't my cup of tea. I tend not to like loose interpretations of The Beatles
work. I want to say I felt it was blasphemy. heheh

btw @moecat, your favorite album and song are exactly what mine would be if I could actually make up my
mind. :D


Vapid Vapetress
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Pretty much my feelings exactly!

What? Not even their early work like October and Boy? I liked that stuff a lot and I thought War was decent but their later efforts, not nearly so much. :)
dare i say it? U2 in later years has lost their "edge". that signature edge guitar sound was what made U2 U2. when it went away so did my allegiance to the band.


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Yeah, I also think that The Edge's unique guitar approach is what set U2 apart from the rest.
A huge part of their song writing hook. I haven't really been a fan of theirs since The Joshua Tree though.

I should add though, now that I'm middle aged, I don't really become "a fan" of music artists the way
I did when I was a child through my twenties. I acknowledge when a song is good, but they are usually
graded on a song by song basis now and rarely feel compelled to call myself a fan of the artist. I'll still
hope the best for certain artists on their follow up records, but it doesn't crush me if they disappoint.
For example, I'm currently hoping the best for Awolnation on their next release.

Ahhhhh, enough bla bla bla. Time for some music from a band I'll always be a big fan of.



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Pretty much my feelings exactly!

What? Not even their early work like October and Boy? I liked that stuff a lot and I thought War was decent but their later efforts, not nearly so much. :)

I never liked any of their early work or much of anything they have ever done, save for a couple songs. However, their latest album, Songs of Innocence, I love. But i've always danced to a beat of a different drum.:D


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dare i say it? U2 in later years has lost their "edge". that signature edge guitar sound was what made U2 U2. when it went away so did my allegiance to the band.

Yes indeed ... not the same at all. :(

I never liked any of their early work or much of anything they have ever done, save for a couple songs. However, their latest album, Songs of Innocence, I love. But i've always danced to a beat of a different drum.:D

I understand, different strokes and all, it's kewl. :cool: I'm almost embarrassed to admit this but I haven't even listened to their latest album. :eek:

Are you sure that qualifies as dancing? For some reason, I'm reminded of Elaine from Seinfeld .... :p

At least we all have a love for the Beatles in common right? :D


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Yes indeed ... not the same at all. :(

I understand, different strokes and all, it's kewl. :cool: I'm almost embarrassed to admit this but I haven't even listened to their latest album. :eek:

Are you sure that qualifies as dancing? For some reason, I'm reminded of Elaine from Seinfeld .... :p

At least we all have a love for the Beatles in common right? :D

U2's new album was a free download off of itunes. I figured i couldn't go wrong and ended up liking it.


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U2's new album was a free download off of itunes. I figured i couldn't go wrong and ended up liking it.

Yup. That ninja album's still in my phone. Shows the epic profundity of my laziness that I haven't gotten around to cleaning my digital house. I knew I'd raise some hackles with the U2 comment, but it's something about Bono's voice/style of singing that's just not my cup of tea. In fairness, I haven't listened to very many U2 songs, but who doesn't love judging from a position of ignorance, right?!

Now both Monty Python and the Elaine dance have graced the thread, and, yea, it is good.

Just one more appeal to include song titles for us tapalosers (mouse in my pocket?) to go look 'em up in YouTube? (kelli's annoyingness is rubbing off on me...taking extra vitamin C and zinc to try to ward off the vapidity!)


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"but who doesn't love judging from a position of ignorance" Just love that. lol
It's more of the style than his voice that has turned me off from U2 over the years. However, it may be me changing from a twenty something to a fifty something.:D I'm thinking maybe I matured a little, but I doubt it.:rolleyes:

Here's Bono rocking it out on the Tonight Show. I love this performance, his voice, and, above all, the words to this song. This performance is what made me take another look at him and his music. For me, this is a guy who is on top of his trade.:)
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but who doesn't love judging from a position of ignorance, right

I just dig that! :D I hope I don't soon forget that line.


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I don't want to alarm anyone, as this pertains only to those of us with a Business in the US.
Corporate tax returns are due postage stamped no later than March 16th.(tomorrow)

Individual tax return filing procrastinators have have until April 15th. ;)



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Monday's simple Spanish lesson-

I Will (subtitulado)

Second song I learned to play (poorly, as is my signature) on the guitar. Hope your Modays gallop along at a good clip, guys.


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You just cannot go wrong learning Beatles songs on guitar. :D Their chord vocabulary certainly wasn't lacking.


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You just cannot go wrong learning Beatles songs on guitar. :D Their chord vocabulary certainly wasn't lacking.

Yeah, a lot of the songs turn out to be a lot less simple you think they are. Takes true chops to make it sound easy the way they so often did. I shoulda said second non-folk song. I started with Michael, Row Your Boat Ashore and then a bunch of other simple folk songs, like most everyone else who takes lessons. Only ever took a few lessons, and, man, sure did take me forever to learn this sweet little pearl of a song. If any of you play, here's a really great I Will tutorial -



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Yup, I've got the album of bootleg recordings. First heard it on a weekly radio show I've listened to forever, though I've been less than faithful for a while -

I've kinda been holding out on you about my Beatles fandom. I've got the notes from I Am The Walrus, "standing in the English rain," traveling around with me, behind my left shoulder -


Now, that's just partly inspired by lifelong Beatlemania - more of it comes from lifelong Anglophilia (and a love of rain, to boot...and the color blue, while I'm at it). Wherever I am, I'll probably always rather be standing in the English rain.

But I'm on all my sleep meds and getting babbly, as is my wont. I'll be back in three or four hours. Good night/good morning.

...oh, wow, why is that picture so enormous? Only photos I've ever posted of myself on the Internet are of tattoos, and just here and ECF, so I don't know how to make it normal size. I'll likely take that down when I get up, and leave the pics to my photogenic friend, kelli!
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Yup, I've got the album of bootleg recordings. First heard it on a weekly radio show I've listened to forever, though I've been less than faithful for a while -

I've kinda been holding out on you about my Beatles fandom. I've got the notes from I Am The Walrus, "standing in the English rain," traveling around with me, behind my left shoulder -


Now, that's just partly inspired by lifelong Beatlemania - more of it comes from lifelong Anglophilia (and a love of rain, to boot...and the color blue, while I'm at it). Wherever I am, I'll probably always rather be standing in the English rain.

But I'm on all my sleep meds and getting babbly, as is my wont. I'll be back in three or four hours. Good night/good morning.

...oh, wow, why is that picture so enormous? Only photos I've ever posted of myself on the Internet are of tattoos, and just here and ECF, so I don't know how to make it normal size. I'll likely take that down when I get up, and leave the pics to my photogenic friend, kelli!

I've been listening to Breakfast with the Beatles since the early 80s on WMGK in Philly. It's hosted by Andre Gardner, who is a walking history book on the Beatles. His library of Beatles music is incredible.


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Yeah, a lot of the songs turn out to be a lot less simple you think they are. Takes true chops to make it sound easy the way they so often did. I shoulda said second non-folk song. I started with Michael, Row Your Boat Ashore and then a bunch of other simple folk songs, like most everyone else who takes lessons. Only ever took a few lessons, and, man, sure did take me forever to learn this sweet little pearl of a song. If any of you play, here's a really great I Will tutorial -

I could have saved myself years had I started out properly. I was into drumming first during the grade school years, and
the lure of guitar didn't grab me until my teen years in the '80s. I wasted years uninterested in real guitar playing, in favor
of power chord hard rock and metal. The real music I'd grown up with like The Beatles and Simon and Garfunkel were
lost to me. I played in a couple really bad punk/metal bands in the late eighties. Snapped to my senses early nineties though
and joined my drummer brothers band playing early REM and The Police covers mostly, other rock songs and originals too.

I was never comfortable on stage though and ended up selling most of my gear for home down payment money to settle
and raise children. I didn't play for four years until a careless power tool "incident" left a 1/8" wide tip to cuticle cut on a finger.
I'm sitting in the emergency room getting "patched" and all I can think about is will I ever be able to play guitar again. Hehe
Four years of disinterest disintegrated over night. This was many years ago, and I can laugh about it now, but I remember
being deeply concerned about it at the time.

I started playing again what I could, when I could in very short order. This was when my first real training began. I wasn't
interested in electric anymore or acquiring notoriety or to impress. This time I was playing for me, intending not to share.
With music and songwriting, you can say things with no social stigmas, repercussions or awkwardness of listeners not sure
how to react to unguarded honesty. Much of Lennons work exemplifies this as I'm sure you all know. I felt being a musician
wasn't a priority anymore. I just wanted to write songs. Without ever having any real lessons, I bought a Beatles music
transcriptions book with every song they ever wrote and recorded, in order to study how brilliant songs are written and
arranged. That helped me a great deal to improve both playing and songwriting. Had to learn a few new chords ;):D
To this day I don't consider myself a musician, I'm a songwriter. I can play well enough to please me and that is all that matters.

I have not learned to play "I will", but I will ;) definitely check out the link. Video lessons are often faster and easier than digging
in the book, which I mostly use now to make sure which ever youtube lesson is done correctly.

Pictures of my fingers as they are now are shamelessly shared on page two of the thread linked in my sig if anyone is into
amputation fetishes. :eek:

My apologies for the long read folks, I thought it was a much smaller post when I started typing. :D
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I'll likely take that down when I get up, and leave the pics to my photogenic friend, kelli!

It isn't too large on my monitor, and what I see is every bit as photogenic as Kelli. ;) You should leave it.
If anyone should be taking down pics, it should be me and my amputation photos. :D


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I remember spending a couple of weeks in beginner guitar class just learning the basic open chords using only the second and third fingers, the theory being that it was important to learn how to coordinate all of your fingers simultaneously on every chord change. Once you get the hang of it, adding the first finger should be relatively straightforward. Keep the thumb lined up along the fret where the second finger is and use your elbow to help you dig into the barre chords and you're practically there. Your thumb moves laterally under the guitar neck along the fret where your second finger is. Your thumb and your elbow can make the difference between hitting or missing a chord. There was an exercise where you play a chord, take your fingers off of it, straighten them and then bring them back down into the chord to help you master the chord shape.

Then, of course, there's the trick of playing only a muffled chord right before the chord change if you need it.


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I could have saved myself years had I started out properly. I was into drumming first during the grade school years, and
the lure of guitar didn't grab me until my teen years in the '80s. I wasted years uninterested in real guitar playing, in favor
of power chord hard rock and metal. The real music I'd grown up with like The Beatles and Simon and Garfunkel were
lost to me. I played in a couple really bad punk/metal bands in the late eighties. Snapped to my senses early nineties though
and joined my drummer brothers band playing early REM and The Police covers mostly, other rock songs and originals too.

I was never comfortable on stage though and ended up selling most of my gear for home down payment money to settle
and raise children. I didn't play for four years until a careless power tool "incident" left a 1/8" wide tip to cuticle cut on a finger.
I'm sitting in the emergency room getting "patched" and all I can think about is will I ever be able to play guitar again. Hehe
Four years of disinterest disintegrated over night. This was many years ago, and I can laugh about it now, but I remember
being deeply concerned about it at the time.

I started playing again what I could, when I could in very short order. This was when my first real training began. I wasn't
interested in electric anymore or acquiring notoriety or to impress. This time I was playing for me, intending not to share.
With music and songwriting, you can say things with no social stigmas, repercussions or awkwardness of listeners not sure
how to react to unguarded honesty. Much of Lennons work exemplifies this as I'm sure you all know. I felt being a musician
wasn't a priority anymore. I just wanted to write songs. Without ever having any real lessons, I bought a Beatles music
transcriptions book with every song they ever wrote and recorded, in order to study how brilliant songs are written and
arranged. That helped me a great deal to improve both playing and songwriting. Had to learn a few new chords ;):D
To this day I don't consider myself a musician, I'm a songwriter. I can play well enough to please me and that is all that matters.

I have not learned to play "I will", but I will ;) definitely check out the link. Video lessons are often faster and easier than digging
in the book, which I mostly use now to make sure which ever youtube lesson is done correctly.

Pictures of my fingers as they are now are shamelessly shared on page two of the thread linked in my sig if anyone is into
amputation fetishes. :eek:

My apologies for the long read folks, I thought it was a much smaller post when I started typing. :D

I completely loved the long read, Slicknic! I thank you for it. You may not consider yourself a musician, but you're now officially a rock star in my eyes. So many different kinds of cool in that one post. Any videos out there of gigs you played back in the day?

I've got RA and stiff fingers, so playing is rough, these days, but you soldiered on with worse, and I'm getting back to practicing.

I don't see signatures on tapatalk, but I bet I can go check out all the gore on your profile page! I hope those kids for whom you sold your gear an settled down appreciate that they've got a rock star dad.


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Thank you for your kind words.
I think between my brother and sister, there are some photos of the days my brother and I were rockers.
I do know for a fact that there are mp3's floating around of some live shows that my brother was wise enough
to preserve in digital form. I have one cd here in my office somewhere, my brother I think has some more.
He is the organized one, and I well, not organized. :D I think he's even preserved some show fliers. Perhaps
I can try to get these things available for sharing. I bet some then and now photos would produce some smiles.
May also produce a lot of teasing. :D (I keep my hair now much shorter) :rolleyes:

I'm getting stiff fingers also. It sucks getting old, but it's worse to die young. ;) Sometimes I don't play for a
month or two and when I return to playing the stiffness causes some missed chords. After a few days and a
few dozen "oops" it gets better.

My twenty year old daughter is currently my guitar student. :cool:

Below is a link direct to my post with "the pics"
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I remember spending a couple of weeks in beginner guitar class just learning the basic open chords using only the second and third fingers, the theory being that it was important to learn how to coordinate all of your fingers simultaneously on every chord change. Once you get the hang of it, adding the first finger should be relatively straightforward. Keep the thumb lined up along the fret where the second finger is and use your elbow to help you dig into the barre chords and you're practically there. Your thumb moves laterally under the guitar neck along the fret where your second finger is. Your thumb and your elbow can make the difference between hitting or missing a chord. There was an exercise where you play a chord, take your fingers off of it, straighten them and then bring them back down into the chord to help you master the chord shape.

Then, of course, there's the trick of playing only a muffled chord right before the chord change if you need it.

A great example of the things better learned early on.


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I felt funny "liking" that particular post! But that ain't gore, man...I was promised gore!! I won't pressure you for show and tell from the band days (I can't stand when people do that), but I'd love to hear or see anything you might feel like sharing.

My dad (who managed to chop off a couple toes with his old push lawnmower, speaking of gore) has always gotten super frustrated real easy, so I opted out after three lessons from him. Your daughter's lucky to have a laid back pop for a teacher.

Since it's always critical to be patient and take your time learning to play a new instrument, I'll go with Slow Down -



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Shooting for "Hard day's night" started today in 1964.

Edit. Read it wrong. While shooting HDN today in 1964. Filmed a scene dancing to "I wanna be your man"
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Wrong vid
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Vapid Vapetress
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Yup, I've got the album of bootleg recordings. First heard it on a weekly radio show I've listened to forever, though I've been less than faithful for a while -

I've kinda been holding out on you about my Beatles fandom. I've got the notes from I Am The Walrus, "standing in the English rain," traveling around with me, behind my left shoulder -


Now, that's just partly inspired by lifelong Beatlemania - more of it comes from lifelong Anglophilia (and a love of rain, to boot...and the color blue, while I'm at it). Wherever I am, I'll probably always rather be standing in the English rain.

But I'm on all my sleep meds and getting babbly, as is my wont. I'll be back in three or four hours. Good night/good morning.

...oh, wow, why is that picture so enormous? Only photos I've ever posted of myself on the Internet are of tattoos, and just here and ECF, so I don't know how to make it normal size. I'll likely take that down when I get up, and leave the pics to my photogenic friend, kelli!
your lips look quite luscious and photogenic, becky. :)


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well if you guys weren't such creepers :p


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Bz day, bz week. No time for a green beer or any beer today.:( Someone have one or two for me.;)


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No "likes" for any of you who've turned me from a human being into a cherry tomato

I shoulda known some smartass would quote that post (lookin' at you, Rush and kelli). That supermegacloseup does something very freaky to my ridiculously pale skin, turning my face into a mass of pores, little red veins, and peach fuzz. But thanks for the creepy compliments, weirdos. Must Not Post After Sleep Meds. Ah, well. I should have known better...



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No "likes" for any of you who've turned me from a human being into a cherry tomato

I shoulda known some smartass would quote that post (lookin' at you, Rush and kelli). That supermegacloseup does something very freaky to my ridiculously pale skin, turning my face into a mass of pores, little red veins, and peach fuzz. But thanks for the creepy compliments, weirdos. Must Not Post After Sleep Meds. Ah, well. I should have known better...

The Beatles have a song for every occasion.:) I don't see the little red veins, but on second look I did catch the peach fuzz.:D I hope you take more pictures of yourself when you're on sleep meds.:p

I'm out. Have a good night, people.
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Vapid Vapetress
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No "likes" for any of you who've turned me from a human being into a cherry tomato

I shoulda known some smartass would quote that post (lookin' at you, Rush and kelli). That supermegacloseup does something very freaky to my ridiculously pale skin, turning my face into a mass of pores, little red veins, and peach fuzz. But thanks for the creepy compliments, weirdos. Must Not Post After Sleep Meds. Ah, well. I should have known better...

you have nothing on me when it comes to being pale, becky. the only color i have comes from freckles. hideous.

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