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ShanMods...anyone know about it?


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Criminals that aren't brought to justice continue with criminal activity. Don't doubt it. Anyone robbed by this bitch needs to act for the good of the vaping community as a whole to stop this bitch in her tracks. Don't fall for the pity routine, it will certainly show your capacity for compassion (and I commend you for that) but future victims will pay the price. Express yourself in tough love if you feel that compassion and do what is needed to protect future victims.


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That almost looks exactly like a rebranded 100 watt Sigelei,Oh shit it IS a...


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I've already spoken to authorities and the people with the right facts on this matter. Here's the thing, there's not a fucking thing they will do, other that file a complaint and move on to more serious cases. Privacy have been breached as well as THREATS to mine and my son's wellness [which has and will be handled accordingly]. There is NOT fraud because I have the proof of EXACT figures, as well as proof mods are STILL being built - but again all most of you are doing is speculating and pulling shit out of your asses, because you live for the drama. Here's a FACT, most of you are trolls with nothing better to do than post on forums all day long about a situation you know half truths, half bullshit or absolutely nothing about. RobB you got a half assed mod upon your request to get it done as fast as possible. It had nothing to do with your sad little threat. I was just sick of dealing with your mangina bullshit. I haven't gone to ECF in almost 3 years, but I was told that thread was a hoot, but not nearly as bad as most of you here. I won't be back to bother reading more of your bullshit, nor will any more of my friends or supportive customers give any more fuel to what you know nothing about. Damn right I fucked myself, by listening to people telling me to do pre-orders, when I was FINE releasing 3 - 5 mods a month with my own money, and on my own time. The local PD told me the only way anyone can do anything is by taking me to civil court and it would cost them 4x's the amount to file anyway, both with their state and my state, go ahead waste more money on mods that I'm still building, again nothing you know anything about, only speculation. FACT: You can't sue someone who has no money, who lost the money due to chargebacks and disputes. The worst that "could" happen is it go against my credit, being I never had the money to become an LLC or actual "business". None of this was a "scam" but think what you will. I'll continue modding and updating the document on my healthy days and doing as I can. Now that I've found a way to communicate with my existing customers without a FB page or childish forums like this, I'm going to do just that. Continue talking shit about things you know nothing about. To the cunt who's been vaping 4 months. I've been building a reputation for 4 years in this community, while you're just a drama whore hoping people will like you offering your 2 cents on something you aren't even part of, or know NOTHING about. I'm not concerned with 12 - 18 people who might not like me or who talk like paper assholes, when I have well over 3,000 supporters. It's going to be a shame should this forum get shut down for threats, false accusations, and fraudulent claims, what ever will you lifeless people do? Christ, focus on your own lives or at least get your laws, facts, and figures right.

Thank You James [the OP] for contacting me.
Thank you Shann Dah, you couldn't have said it better than me on how crappy your product is. I quote you......" RobB you got a half assed mod upon your request to get it done as fast as possible. It had nothing to do with your sad little threat. I was just sick of dealing with your mangina bullshit " ......Wow. Classy. $150 not well spent..... I will make it my life long personal duty to let everyone know how you treat your paying customers. Well ex paying customers. I will also contact the IRS and let them know of your wonderful little thing you got going on. Glad there is a track record of the credit card transactions. Bet you didn't know that the end of the year, Paypal will send a report to the IRS on all your CC transactions. Have fun coming up with the tax money. Bankruptcy won't get you out of paying your tax's. It follows you around for life unlike the women in your life. Oh Snap, did I just say that?


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I have been a customer of Shan's for a few years and have had outstanding, beautiful work done on the multiple mods Ive purchased from her.
Had a hassle free experience with the few times Ive sent back a mod, first being because I changed my mind on the decor design and battery set up (converted a the BOOM to a Gadget/Hybrid as she called it), and 2nd time because my RDA damaged the center post. She did a great job and the only cost to me was shipping. Most other places would charge maintenance fees plus the shipping.

Its very distressing and unfortunate for both Shan and her customers to see that the successful practices she had been accustomed to back when she was making the Splash VV's (where the distributor of her mod parts was an honorable, reliable company) were not prepared to account for all the unexpected misfortune of Evolv's poor services. Among other things such as the unreasonable charge backs put onto her when it was Evolv causing extensive delays on the RMA's. Understandably this is frustrating for everyone that even something at as low of price as a little over $100 is still expensive for most individuals to spend their hard earned money on.

Ridiculous still is this lynch mob of a thread. The lot of you ought to be very ashamed of yourselves behaving so uncivilized like a bunch of feces throwing wild animal chimps. Most notable to name is VapedCrusader, Cherrycakes, and RobB for senseless name calling and perpetuating so much unreasonable hatred toward one person to the point of endangering her family and friends. Dislike Shan all you want, but this rally of hate needs to stop. We have a judicial system for a reason, its not "the 50's" anymore for a reason, and that is where you need to address your concern. No more violence.

From my dealing with Shan as a customer and through interactions with her in the community for a few years now I know she is not the kind of person to deserve this treatment. Shan has already paid a huge price and lost everything (not to mention her health and father), she really loved vaping and this community, and now that is all ruined for her over this Evolv DNA chip issue.
She has over the years made it clear that she is a person will do whatever she can to honor her customers. If she says she will complete as many of the orders as she possibly can I personally believe she will.
Voir Dire....did you fart? Cuz it sure smells like shit in here since you came on the scene.


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I pre-ordered a custom mod from ShanMods earlier this year. Understanding that it takes time I have been patient. There is a Google doc to let customers know the status of the order. But it moves VERY slow.

Recently Shan has taken down the FB page.

Is there anyone out there that has communicated with Shan lately?


I believe her Pay Pal account was seized from what I was told.


Custard Junkie
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I've already spoken to authorities and the people with the right facts on this matter. Here's the thing, there's not a fucking thing they will do, other that file a complaint and move on to more serious cases. Privacy have been breached as well as THREATS to mine and my son's wellness [which has and will be handled accordingly]. There is NOT fraud because I have the proof of EXACT figures, as well as proof mods are STILL being built - but again all most of you are doing is speculating and pulling shit out of your asses, because you live for the drama. Here's a FACT, most of you are trolls with nothing better to do than post on forums all day long about a situation you know half truths, half bullshit or absolutely nothing about. RobB you got a half assed mod upon your request to get it done as fast as possible. It had nothing to do with your sad little threat. I was just sick of dealing with your mangina bullshit. I haven't gone to ECF in almost 3 years, but I was told that thread was a hoot, but not nearly as bad as most of you here. I won't be back to bother reading more of your bullshit, nor will any more of my friends or supportive customers give any more fuel to what you know nothing about. Damn right I fucked myself, by listening to people telling me to do pre-orders, when I was FINE releasing 3 - 5 mods a month with my own money, and on my own time. The local PD told me the only way anyone can do anything is by taking me to civil court and it would cost them 4x's the amount to file anyway, both with their state and my state, go ahead waste more money on mods that I'm still building, again nothing you know anything about, only speculation. FACT: You can't sue someone who has no money, who lost the money due to chargebacks and disputes. The worst that "could" happen is it go against my credit, being I never had the money to become an LLC or actual "business". None of this was a "scam" but think what you will. I'll continue modding and updating the document on my healthy days and doing as I can. Now that I've found a way to communicate with my existing customers without a FB page or childish forums like this, I'm going to do just that. Continue talking shit about things you know nothing about. To the cunt who's been vaping 4 months. I've been building a reputation for 4 years in this community, while you're just a drama whore hoping people will like you offering your 2 cents on something you aren't even part of, or know NOTHING about. I'm not concerned with 12 - 18 people who might not like me or who talk like paper assholes, when I have well over 3,000 supporters. It's going to be a shame should this forum get shut down for threats, false accusations, and fraudulent claims, what ever will you lifeless people do? Christ, focus on your own lives or at least get your laws, facts, and figures right.

Thank You James [the OP] for contacting me.

AWWW look who's back!!! What happened to your previous post when you said 'I will only be making this one post' - you should really invest in a notebook so you can keep better track of your lies..

And how about you focus on your own life instead of telling people how to live theirs.. How about you do a better job of managing your finances and then you wouldn't have to cry to a bunch of 'drama whore hoping people' (whatever the fuck that means) about all your money woes..

Oh and good luck getting this forum shut down.. I'm sure your Local PD is all over that too right?

VU and it's members don't support people who rip others off - it doesn't matter what your intentions where at the beginning or how many 'supporters' you claim you have or what has happened in your personal life - you promised to deliver a product - and after almost a year - you haven't - end of story. Take responsibility for your actions instead of making excuses - it's called being a grown up.


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VU forum admins and certain moderators can easily verify whether the messages posted by these three accounts associated with her were initiated from the same IP or not.

Same IP does not equate to same person behind the IP. Meaning even if it is the same IP who's to say they weren't all posted from a friends house by different people. Same as if I went to a coffee shop and posted with a different IP doesn't mean it's not me just because I have a different IP than I would if I had been at home.


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How many sock puppet accounts do you have?

  1. Voir dire (/ˈvwɑr ˌdiər/) is a legal phrase that refers to a variety of procedures connected with jury trials. It originally referred to an oath taken by jurors to tell the truth (Latin: verum dicere), i.e., to say what is true, what is objectively accurate or subjectively honest, or both.


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I've already spoken to authorities and the people with the right facts on this matter. Here's the thing, there's not a fucking thing they will do, other that file a complaint and move on to more serious cases. Privacy have been breached as well as THREATS to mine and my son's wellness [which has and will be handled accordingly]. There is NOT fraud because I have the proof of EXACT figures, as well as proof mods are STILL being built - but again all most of you are doing is speculating and pulling shit out of your asses, because you live for the drama. Here's a FACT, most of you are trolls with nothing better to do than post on forums all day long about a situation you know half truths, half bullshit or absolutely nothing about. RobB you got a half assed mod upon your request to get it done as fast as possible. It had nothing to do with your sad little threat. I was just sick of dealing with your mangina bullshit. I haven't gone to ECF in almost 3 years, but I was told that thread was a hoot, but not nearly as bad as most of you here. I won't be back to bother reading more of your bullshit, nor will any more of my friends or supportive customers give any more fuel to what you know nothing about. Damn right I fucked myself, by listening to people telling me to do pre-orders, when I was FINE releasing 3 - 5 mods a month with my own money, and on my own time. The local PD told me the only way anyone can do anything is by taking me to civil court and it would cost them 4x's the amount to file anyway, both with their state and my state, go ahead waste more money on mods that I'm still building, again nothing you know anything about, only speculation. FACT: You can't sue someone who has no money, who lost the money due to chargebacks and disputes. The worst that "could" happen is it go against my credit, being I never had the money to become an LLC or actual "business". None of this was a "scam" but think what you will. I'll continue modding and updating the document on my healthy days and doing as I can. Now that I've found a way to communicate with my existing customers without a FB page or childish forums like this, I'm going to do just that. Continue talking shit about things you know nothing about. To the cunt who's been vaping 4 months. I've been building a reputation for 4 years in this community, while you're just a drama whore hoping people will like you offering your 2 cents on something you aren't even part of, or know NOTHING about. I'm not concerned with 12 - 18 people who might not like me or who talk like paper assholes, when I have well over 3,000 supporters. It's going to be a shame should this forum get shut down for threats, false accusations, and fraudulent claims, what ever will you lifeless people do? Christ, focus on your own lives or at least get your laws, facts, and figures right.

Thank You James [the OP] for contacting me.

Shan you having been scamming people for a long time.
I've been vaping almost 4 years and shortly after MAP Tanks came out and he backed you, you still couldn't deliver on what you were promising.
I myself ordered 10 (11 in total at least) tanks from you and only received one. I paid you upfront for those tanks.
You sent me tracking for these tanks {which never came} and did not want to be responsible.
When I mentioned that they had the same tracking number as the the first and only tank?
You called me a liar.
This went back and forth for weeks with me proving she never sent them and that the tracking she sent was for the first tank.
She accused me of scamming her!

If you have proof of all the parts you allegedly bought from Evolv that were {or never} refunded for being faulty?
Charge backs?
3,000 supporters?
Why aren't they here supporting you?
I've seen one person {Voir Dire} support you and your GF......probably.
Have a great year!
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She's a scum bag, The only thing that will set her straight is legal action. She thinks she's slicker that the law. Her time is going to be up sooner than she knows. She's a dark stain on all mod makers and the vaping community.


Member For 4 Years
Same IP does not equate to same person behind the IP. Meaning even if it is the same IP who's to say they weren't all posted from a friends house by different people. Same as if I went to a coffee shop and posted with a different IP doesn't mean it's not me just because I have a different IP than I would if I had been at home.

Did I imply or say something like "Same IP equates to same person behind the IP"? I don't think I did.

Usually a simple Traceroute or the same will lead you to geographical location and that's all that matters.

It's pointless to over-estimate her criminal intelligence and tech skills.
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Member For 4 Years
Hey guys. I know people have been a little bit ticked off at Shan. The purpose of this thread was to ask the community if they knew what was going on...not to bash the shit out of Shan.

I understand the frustration. Trust me I do.

That being said I have been in contact with her recently. And guess what??!! I just got my tracking number!! YAYeah!

I will post pics when it comes and let you guys know the quality of the craftsmanship.

Until then let's try and be cool. Remember the golden rule.


Member For 4 Years
OP, she thanks you for contacting her - mind shedding some light on the deal you got from her?
I emailed her as soon as she said to do so on the Google doc. Deal? I got no special treatment if that's what your wondering. All I received was a communication that stated she had every intention of honoring her customers and was sorry she changed her business model.

And of course she didn't appreciate the pitch forks and torches that were being passed around lol
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Bronze Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I pre-ordered a custom mod from ShanMods earlier this year. Understanding that it takes time I have been patient. There is a Google doc to let customers know the status of the order. But it moves VERY slow.

Recently Shan has taken down the FB page.

Is there anyone out there that has communicated with Shan lately?


I am just curious on what exact date did you place your order and is there people before you that haven't got there mods yet? and also what did you order did you order a DNA chip and if so is that what she's giving you? And if not are you getting a discount for her using are inferior chip?


Member For 4 Years
I am just curious on what exact date did you place your order and is there people before you that haven't got there mods yet? and also what did you order did you order a DNA chip and if so is that what she's giving you? And if not are you getting a discount for her using are inferior chip?
I ordered in June. She has stated on her googledoc to email her. Those that email her get the mod shipped in order. I got a dna30 chip. I guess I won't know if it's a real one unless I open it up and see. But she stated that it was a dna30.


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it is easy to tell if you have a clone chips or a real 1 you do not have to open your mod to tell the difference I think why people were upset is they pre ordered and they paid upfront she should then mod out in order from when people paid not when they email her that is ridiculous how are people know that's what you're supposed to do she should be emailing people to let them know what's going on the whole thing just stinks but I hope everything works out for you bud


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I emailed her as soon as she said to do so on the Google doc. Deal? I got no special treatment if that's what your wondering. All I received was a communication that stated she had every intention of honoring her customers and was sorry she changed her business model.

The entire RMA section was purged. It looks like some are sacrificed to make the "new" customers happy.

I am almost sure that you will likely be treated as if you were GrimmGreen since that's the same tricks she's been playing in the past years to survive. And this trick's been working so effective that more GrimmGreens (sorry, Nick, not offense) decided to give her more credits and even endorsed her.

Anyway, all these remedies are too little and too late now because this time, she will be going down hard.
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Member For 4 Years
The entire RMA section was purged. It looks like some are sacrificed to make the "new" customers happy.

I am almost sure that you will likely be treated as if you were GrimmGreen since that's the same tricks she's been playing in the past years to survive.

Anyway, all these remedies are too little and too late now because this time, she will be going down hard.
Where you on the purged RMA section?


Member For 4 Years
Where you on the purged RMA section?

You can forget about it if you didn't pay attention to that top section of the list before - it's not worth your time to talk about it.

Regardless, that's her list and she does whatever she likes.

Nonetheless, you'll be surprised by the fact that how many RMAs were never registered on the list and how many customers who have to fix the broken mods themselves or pay others to get it fixed. The bottom line is: she neither has the intention (once she said "RMA is not my thing") nor has the desire/capability to deal with RMAs while she blames everything on Evolv instead of her own wiring and soldering faults.

Don't worry. The chances are that she will work hard to get you a good working one (keep your finger crossed) so you can speak for her in public (in fact you already did - which's perfectly fine with me). Enjoy the "privilege" she granted and please don't forget to keep us posted here as you're OP. Thanks.
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Member For 4 Years
You can forget about it if you didn't pay attention to that top section of the list before - it's not worth your time to talk about it.

Regardless, that's her list and she does whatever she likes. But the bottom line is: she neither has the intention (once she said "RMA is not my thing") nor has the desire/capability to deal with RMAs while she blames everything on Evolv instead of her own wiring and soldering faults.

Don't worry. The chances are that she will work hard to get you a good working one (keep your finger crossed) so you can speak for her in public (in fact you already did - which's perfectly fine with me). Enjoy the "privilege" she granted and please don't forget to keep us posted here as you're OP. Thanks.

I always noticed the RMA section so yes I am aware that it disappeared. My question is whether you were on it and it got removed without the fixes or you just noticed it was gone. I want to believe that it is gone because the work is done.

I won't forget and I will continue to monitor. My hope is that she will not only do good by me but by others as well. She has been in the community for quite a while (I asked 2 different forums about her and they gave positive feedback) and that is one of the reasons I chose to purchase from her and was willing to wait. Shit happens to all of us and it sucks that 1 persons shit can effect others...but it does.

Hopefully within a couple or few weeks from now everyone has their shiny new toys vaping away :)

Has everyone who participated in this thread checked out the googledoc and emailed her? Did you get a response?


Member For 4 Years
I always noticed the RMA section so yes I am aware that it disappeared. My question is whether you were on it and it got removed without the fixes or you just noticed it was gone. I want to believe that it is gone because the work is done.

I won't forget and I will continue to monitor. My hope is that she will not only do good by me but by others as well. She has been in the community for quite a while (I asked 2 different forums about her and they gave positive feedback) and that is one of the reasons I chose to purchase from her and was willing to wait. Shit happens to all of us and it sucks that 1 persons shit can effect others...but it does.

Hopefully within a couple or few weeks from now everyone has their shiny new toys vaping away :)

Has everyone who participated in this thread checked out the googledoc and emailed her? Did you get a response?

I cannot speak for others but what I can tell you is that - I never got mine back before the section disappeared.

"shiny new toys vaping away"? I got a dead one sitting in my drawer since April and the funny thing is I only used it as a spare/backup for less than 30 days. The RMA that I did and never got it back was few months before the one died on me in April. Go figure.

You think the list is creditable? I'd rather consider that as one of her many tricks including those live modding shows she did earlier this year.

"No candy for meanies" is her golden rule. What a self-traumatized child.....
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Member For 4 Years
Yep, consider yourself warned. BTW, more updates from ECF's Shanmods thread that she referred as a "hoot":

"well she replied on VU"

"Yes she did. And unfortunately it is so vitriolic and full of foul language that it can't be pasted here. She is a victim in this (according to her). Oh please. Everyone who has been blatantly ripped off by her really needs to take action now. Without delay. This kind of behavior in a typically benevolent vaping society cannot be rewarded by allowing a free pass to scammers like her that prey on the good will of the typical ECF member. Any scammer that is given a free pass just promotes further scamming. I would post her personal information here but fear that would violate the ECF TOS, fair enough and I will abide by the TOS, but I sincerely wish that I could so anyone affected by this blatant ripoff could easier seek proper legal redress for this situation."

"classical professional scam artist ploy. let me guess did it go something like those blah,blah,haters are trying to keep me from following my dreams to help the vaping community?,or something very similar."


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I always noticed the RMA section so yes I am aware that it disappeared. My question is whether you were on it and it got removed without the fixes or you just noticed it was gone. I want to believe that it is gone because the work is done.

I won't forget and I will continue to monitor. My hope is that she will not only do good by me but by others as well. She has been in the community for quite a while (I asked 2 different forums about her and they gave positive feedback) and that is one of the reasons I chose to purchase from her and was willing to wait. Shit happens to all of us and it sucks that 1 persons shit can effect others...but it does.

Hopefully within a couple or few weeks from now everyone has their shiny new toys vaping away :)

Has everyone who participated in this thread checked out the googledoc and emailed her? Did you get a response?
LOL, Shinny New Toy! Remember I got the piece of shit mod and it's not shinny but dull plastic.


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Funny to see ECF talking about us over at VU.


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Since I have nothin better to do, I am going to branch out to see if my buddies can figure out how many of those 3,000 "supporters" are actual humans vs sock puppet accounts...this isn't new and this practice still thrives.

Research time activate...








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I ordered in June. She has stated on her googledoc to email her. Those that email her get the mod shipped in order. I got a dna30 chip. I guess I won't know if it's a real one unless I open it up and see. But she stated that it was a dna30.

You GOT a DNA30, or you ordered a DNA30? Unless you received delivery between 9:00PM last night and 1:00AM this morning (your 2 posting times here) you didn't GET anything yet. Also, it is easy to tell a DNA30 from a Cloupor. The Cloupor doesn't say Evolve on system startup. The Fasttech clone does say Evolve on startup. I'd be surprised if Shan didn't use the Fasttech instead of the Cloupor since it would look both more "legit" and is much cheaper. The Cloupor is almost as expensive as the real DNA30 when bought in small quantities.


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^^thank you Caption Obvious for stating mail doesn't get delivered in the middle of the night.

I ordered a dna30. I didn't know that the authentic said evolv on startup and will be looking for that. I will also be inspecting the chip as I have an authentic chip and know what it looks like.


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Ok, so I finally got Shanndah to reply to me via her Etsy account earlier this week. Basically I thinks she's cra-cra -
She mailed me all the parts. It'll be interesting to see what's in the box. I'll keep you all posted. :cool::cool:

btw, she's now taken down her "Shanndah" Facebook page too. Seems like the water's getting a little hot for Shan....
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The only thing I found different between my Fasttech Chana DNA30 and my Evolv DNA 30 is that when you press the fire button the real one it fires instantly and the clone has a delay.


Member For 4 Years
Thanks Rob. I will pay attention to that. they look the same? The fasttech version has the purple button?


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just a warning this is not ECF. links are just fine
Some people are so conditioned to the mod gestapo tactics at ECF and their never ending list of rules, either written or made up on the fly, that they dont realize that VU doesn't run anything like that...that crap like that on ECF is one of the main reasons that VU was give folks the freedom to express themselves without fear of being banned at the whim of the mods...I like that we can speak freely, post links from other forums, and criticize others, including even the mods here...

It's a good thing...


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hi all,
dropped in from ECF to follow the thread here.
from what i have read the scamming has been going on for quite some time.
despite a couple of supporters that claim that for at least 3 years she was selling good stuff.
i find that hard to one poster has stated he got conned 4 years ago.
you find this on ebay all the time with padded buyer satisfaction ratings.
i would like to see a picture of one of the so called nice mods she built.
seeing how a few have said they have gotten them.
a picture is worth a thousand words.


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So I got the mod today. I am almost confident it is an authentic chip. The performance is so much better than either one of my Chana mods. Build quality looks solid. The insides are not for showing but it works.


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I had her send me the parts. I got them yesterday and put the thing together myself.


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