I've already spoken to authorities and the people with the right facts on this matter. Here's the thing, there's not a fucking thing they will do, other that file a complaint and move on to more serious cases. Privacy have been breached as well as THREATS to mine and my son's wellness [which has and will be handled accordingly]. There is NOT fraud because I have the proof of EXACT figures, as well as proof mods are STILL being built - but again all most of you are doing is speculating and pulling shit out of your asses, because you live for the drama. Here's a FACT, most of you are trolls with nothing better to do than post on forums all day long about a situation you know half truths, half bullshit or absolutely nothing about. RobB you got a half assed mod upon your request to get it done as fast as possible. It had nothing to do with your sad little threat. I was just sick of dealing with your mangina bullshit. I haven't gone to ECF in almost 3 years, but I was told that thread was a hoot, but not nearly as bad as most of you here. I won't be back to bother reading more of your bullshit, nor will any more of my friends or supportive customers give any more fuel to what you know nothing about. Damn right I fucked myself, by listening to people telling me to do pre-orders, when I was FINE releasing 3 - 5 mods a month with my own money, and on my own time. The local PD told me the only way anyone can do anything is by taking me to civil court and it would cost them 4x's the amount to file anyway, both with their state and my state, go ahead waste more money on mods that I'm still building, again nothing you know anything about, only speculation. FACT: You can't sue someone who has no money, who lost the money due to chargebacks and disputes. The worst that "could" happen is it go against my credit, being I never had the money to become an LLC or actual "business". None of this was a "scam" but think what you will. I'll continue modding and updating the document on my healthy days and doing as I can. Now that I've found a way to communicate with my existing customers without a FB page or childish forums like this, I'm going to do just that. Continue talking shit about things you know nothing about. To the cunt who's been vaping 4 months. I've been building a reputation for 4 years in this community, while you're just a drama whore hoping people will like you offering your 2 cents on something you aren't even part of, or know NOTHING about. I'm not concerned with 12 - 18 people who might not like me or who talk like paper assholes, when I have well over 3,000 supporters. It's going to be a shame should this forum get shut down for threats, false accusations, and fraudulent claims, what ever will you lifeless people do? Christ, focus on your own lives or at least get your laws, facts, and figures right.
Thank You James [the OP] for contacting me.