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Smok X Cube II - Smok's Temp Control Take 2


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Is your tricoil nickle, or the one that came with your TFV4? and are you getting a double red flash when it kicks out of TC into watt mode?


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There is the problem. The tricoil that comes with the TFV4 is not a TC coil. The a Kanthal coil, and incapable of Temp Control. The new firmware must be acting differently than before, but rest assured that you never had temp control operating on that coil. The only mod that does TC (of a fashion) on Kanthol is the Asolo.
There is the problem. The tricoil that comes with the TFV4 is not a TC coil. The a Kanthal coil, and incapable of Temp Control. The new firmware must be acting differently than before, but rest assured that you never had temp control operating on that coil. The only mod that does TC (of a fashion) is the Asolo.
Does the four coil that comes with the TFV4 a TC coil?

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G925A using Tapatalk


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BTW, welcome to VU, and no, it does not do TC.

TF-Q4 (quadruple coil)

•Patented Quadruple Coil Head
•High Quality Kanthal
•More E-liquid Delivery Efficiency
•Work with 100% VG
•0.15Ω (40w-140w)
BTW, welcome to VU, and no, it does not do TC.

TF-Q4 (quadruple coil)

•Patented Quadruple Coil Head
•High Quality Kanthal
•More E-liquid Delivery Efficiency
•Work with 100% VG
•0.15Ω (40w-140w)
Thank you. This forum is great! Does Smok make a TC coil for the TVF4?

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G925A using Tapatalk


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FWIW, Just vape the hell out of those coils, they rock. Maybe consider the dual RBA, if you buil it with Stainless, you have the best of all worlds. No more coils to purchase, all the benefits of Temp control AND SS wire, all you'll need is the TF--R2 RBA, some Stainless wire, the in app upgrade, some cotton, and you'll never need to buy another coil.


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There is the problem. The tricoil that comes with the TFV4 is not a TC coil. The a Kanthal coil, and incapable of Temp Control. The new firmware must be acting differently than before, but rest assured that you never had temp control operating on that coil. The only mod that does TC (of a fashion) on Kanthol is the Asolo.
Which isn't temp control, it's dry hit prevention.


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There are a couple of temp control heads for that tank but I don't think the Triple is one of them.

TC uses wires which rise in resistance when heated... much faster than Kanthal.
That's how TC do what it do.
I suspect when the mod does not see that res rise, it's programming knows it's not a TC head and kicks out of TC Mode.
Some mods do this all the time, some allow Kanthal in TC (though there's no temp control actually happening). I haven't looked for a pattern, but that may be why the xCube is kicking the triple.
The change in resistance in kanthal is MUCH less than any TC wire, by far. Also that change is not linear to temperature. The only true TC for kanthal is innokin with its proprietary rda with the sensor, but that is measuring ambient temperature in the rda not wire temp.


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Spang! Gwarrrrrr!! Spang spang spang!!!!!! Gwarrrrrrr!!!

Alittle help here please guys.......


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Its alive!!!!!!!!! Ok, well maybe it dosn't controll every single syllable, I mean degree, but ya, basicly it controlls.......


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Hi people. Just a quick question about my Xcube 2.

Now I am mainly using TC after understanding how it works correctly, I notice there is a dual coil or single coil setting. When I use my SMOK RSBT2 I set it to duals, as it is duals, and my lemo I set to single.

But I tried Dual Coil and Single Coil on the Lemo V2 with NI200, and did not notice much difference.

The only thing I can think of is that the dual coil setting provides a higher starting wattage to get the coils up to temp quicker? As I don't see how it would be able to tell if it is single or duals apart from you telling it.

It would be great if someone could answer that, as I do like to understand the functions correctly on my devices, I understand batteries and coils MORE than my mods If I am honest because I was so focused on safety at the beginning.


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That is very strange, I know some people had to buy it again after upgrading but if you can apply it I don't know why it's disappearing from the device. Hopefully onebadwolf can help
I have this issue, whenever I put in fresh batteries, I have to connect my device to my phone, and upgrade to TI and SS to be able to select them from my device again. Luckily I do not have to pay, it just says upgrade and I click them both, then they are on my device.

Also slightly annoying as I like my lights set to change colour during use and my screen rotated 180 so I can see it during inhaling, and I have to do that each time I change the bloomin batteries lol.

Think I might reflash the device to 1.091 and downgrade it.


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I've got all 5 "hit" settings, love that feature.
Lock... check.

Any specifics on TC issues. I understand they fixed the dry burn issue a revision or two earlier (I've got 1.08).
Jim, Do you have a copy of the HEX file for 1.08? As thats what mine come as, and seemed to work better on that firmware.

1.091 was not bad, but 1.092 is even worse. I just downgraded back to 1.091 using the original flasher to solve the issue of having to upgrade so I can change from NI to TI and SS on my device, rotate my screen, and set up the LED to shade each time I put in fresh batteries.

Even changing the mode on 1.092 manually to TI, If I had not upgraded did not change the coeficcient or anything to TI, it stayed the exact same on my device, so I had to re-upgrade each battery change, so I thought sod that, luckily I had the 1.091 HEX file and went back to that. Seems much smoother too 1.091.

Back on 1.091 and having none of those issues :).

If anyone wants the original installer and 1.091, message me and I will share them. I am pretty sure on page 3 another poster has done the same thing though, so it might already be there for you :). You put the HEX file into each section, then flash it.


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Did you guys use smoks installer from the website? Or the one from onebadwolf?


VU Donator
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I have this issue, whenever I put in fresh batteries, I have to connect my device to my phone, and upgrade to TI and SS to be able to select them from my device again. Luckily I do not have to pay, it just says upgrade and I click them both, then they are on my device.
Also slightly annoying as I like my lights set to change colour during use and my screen rotated 180 so I can see it during inhaling, and I have to do that each time I change the bloomin batteries lol.
Think I might reflash the device to 1.091 and downgrade it.

If you downgrade below 91 you WILL lose TC on SS and TI. 92 runs stable for me. Try putting 92 on again, but when you do, erase the old firmware. When did your mod begin doing this?


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If you downgrade below 91 you WILL lose TC on SS and TI. 92 runs stable for me. Try putting 92 on again, but when you do, erase the old firmware. When did your mod begin doing this?
I recommend using the firmware/installer from smoks website. It ran fine for me zero issues.


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If you downgrade below 91 you WILL lose TC on SS and TI. 92 runs stable for me. Try putting 92 on again, but when you do, erase the old firmware. When did your mod begin doing this?
As soon as I installed 1.092. I think I will stick at 1.091 for now, it seems to work the best for me, I tried a reflash of 1.092 with the same issues.

So I use the installer from onebad wolf as you can downgrade as well as upgrade with that, the newer version just offers upgrading, and does not work for me anyway lol. The original installer works fine and is more what I am used to using anyway, its just a firmware flasher, same as the newer software, but with much more options.


VU Donator
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Try going to 92 again, it sounds like maybe the flash is being installed over the old version, instead of erasing the old version, and cleanly installing the new one. Here is an exellent vid. Follow it exactly. Also, I've heard the new installer is fixed, and working properly now. perhaps try it again.



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Try going to 92 again, it sounds like maybe the flash is being installed over the old version, instead of erasing the old version, and cleanly installing the new one. Here is an exellent vid. Follow it exactly. Also, I've heard the new installer is fixed, and working properly now. perhaps try it again.

I actually prefer the old installer though lol. It gives you more options to flash to whatever version you want, not just updates.

I will give it a go later tonight and see if I still have the issues, as connecting it to my phone to activate TI each battery change is annnoying, as I use NI200 and TI and switch them throughout the day from tanks to drippers.

Also it seems smoother on 1.091 than 1.092 was, but like I said I will try it with the new installer. It should have the same issues though unless they have changed something in the HEX file firmare update to the 1.092 I have.

I doubt it would be able to install the newer firmware over the old causing issue without erasing the old completely, kind of both running at the same time, due to it being a flasher it should completely overwrite everything on there.

But I will try it in half hour or so Just in case I am mistaken, and 1.092 works OK :).

EDIT: Be gone for ten minutes or so. I will report back if the new installer works for me and if It still has the same issues as before.


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But I will try it in half hour

I'm using the same 92 firmware, and as a rule, I don't leap the the newest firm ware for anything until other poor sould have beta tested it. 92 though really is an improvement, and I'm using the same hex file as you are, and I have not had the problems you are describing. I've been looking ver the firmware, and it appears that the chip on the Smok has several different memory locations, if not perhaps physical memory locations.

Waiting to hear the result.


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I'm using the same 92 firmware, and as a rule, I don't leap the the newest firm ware for anything until other poor sould have beta tested it. 92 though really is an improvement, and I'm using the same hex file as you are, and I have not had the problems you are describing. I've been looking ver the firmware, and it appears that the chip on the Smok has several different memory locations, if not perhaps physical memory locations.

Waiting to hear the result.
Well, the beta installer does now work. It is version 09B instead of 09A, so a later revision. edit; come to think of it, It might of been version 0.9b before, this is just a tweaked version of that. My memories not that good as you know.

But it still had the same issues on battery removal/reinsertion, such as losing all my set settings for the LED, the screen not rotated, and most of all no TI or SS on the device till I upgrade on my phone again.

To me, thats too big an issue as I change frequently between the two, NI200 and TI, so I downgraded again to 1.091 and am not having those issues.

I'm happy with 1.091 though, it does what I want, it works, and it doesn't lose all me settings each time I replace the batteries.

It took me a little longer as I had to turn my mac off, then launch windows via bootcamp, but 1.091 is where I shall be staying until another update that sorts those issues for me, or just stay at this as it just works :).

Thanks for the idea though man.

The new installer is also easier to use, but I am going to also keep the old installer due to being able to downgrade incase there is issues with future revisions :).
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I'm using the same 92 firmware, and as a rule, I don't leap the the newest firm ware for anything until other poor sould have beta tested it. 92 though really is an improvement, and I'm using the same hex file as you are, and I have not had the problems you are describing. I've been looking ver the firmware, and it appears that the chip on the Smok has several different memory locations, if not perhaps physical memory locations.

Waiting to hear the result.
Can I ask you what you find better about 1.092? As 1.091 changes the coeficcient correctly on my device on 1.091, and hear that is the only benefit of 1.092? As i can't really tell a difference, apart from 1.092 being buggy as hell on my Xcube lol

EDIT: Does anyone have any idea if SMOK is releasing any more updates for the device? As it is only revision 1.092 so far, surely they will make more improvements? Like the bugs some people are having, such as me, that others are not and vice versa.

One of the reasons I got my Xcube was the update function, and its my favourite device looks wise, and I use it frequently due to TI working perfectly on it as well, where as my SIgeleis only work with NI200 perfectly, I know the turning down 100F trick, but I still get dry hits and it seems a lot hotter than it should be even with the 100F reducement.

I think when my DNA 200 comes though I may feel a bit different about favourite devices :p
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VU Donator
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I find the TC on SS to be very much improved on 92. It was really choppy on 91. I am sure there must be a hardware hard reset for for the X Cube 2, I just havn't found it yet. It must be a combination of hard keys or the fire bar or both, likely at startup. That might cure your problem. There is obviously some memory retention, because as I recall, I didn'y have to set the clock again after the firmware upgrade. I may be wrong, I just don't remember for sure. I have only use the app to do the SS and Ti upgrade, as I don't own a device that will run the app. Check all the nooks and crannies of the app for a hard reset.

As far as future updates, who knows. Apparently Smok is far too grand these days to respond to anything. It has been about a month since I emailed support about an issue, and have not heard a single thing from them. What we need is a tame vaping uber geek from hell, to reverse engineer their firmware, and put out an opensource interface. I know there was a petition organized to try to get Smok to make the source public for the M80 since its TC was such a fail, but I've heard very little of that as of late.

Does you time remain set when you change the batts?


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I find the TC on SS to be very much improved on 92. It was really choppy on 91. I am sure there must be a hardware hard reset for for the X Cube 2, I just havn't found it yet. It must be a combination of hard keys or the fire bar or both, likely at startup. That might cure your problem. There is obviously some memory retention, because as I recall, I didn'y have to set the clock again after the firmware upgrade. I may be wrong, I just don't remember for sure. I have only use the app to do the SS and Ti upgrade, as I don't own a device that will run the app. Check all the nooks and crannies of the app for a hard reset.

As far as future updates, who knows. Apparently Smok is far too grand these days to respond to anything. It has been about a month since I emailed support about an issue, and have not heard a single thing from them. What we need is a tame vaping uber geek from hell, to reverse engineer their firmware, and put out an opensource interface. I know there was a petition organized to try to get Smok to make the source public for the M80 since its TC was such a fail, but I've heard very little of that as of late.

Does you time remain set when you change the batts?
No it doesn't, everything is literally reset to the beginning. You can understand that is quite annoying, so would rather stick with the 1.091 for now.

I will search for a hard reset, that essentially would leave the device either blank, or on its original firmware. I gather it would be original firmware, as nothing loaded at all would be quite strange, and it would be unuseable unless you had the original flasher (I think, maybe the new SMOK app would actually do it as well, as its still a flasher, just without potential to load whatever you want onto the device, an open source fix would be quite cool :)

The SMOK Is a different best though regarding TC, as wattage is not an option to be adjusted as usual its quite jumpy, from around 60 watts down to 20 and below to maintain the temp. You could actually call this a real temp controlling device, not just limiting in a way.


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I'm going to sit back this time and let some other brave soul volunteer to be the guinea pi... er test pilot on this one. BTW for any poor souls out there who have rooted Android phones with a OS less than Lollypop that can't run the BEC app, I have the older APK that will. IM me if you want it. If you don't know what rooted means, or what an APK is please don't ask me.

Also, I noticed on the "Official Smok Firmware Upgrade Guide"

They failed to mention that the batterys should be removed from the mod before upgrade. I'm sure most of us here know this, but it might save somebody some tears.


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those batteries were TrustFires

FWIW, I avoid using any battery that has the word "fire" in it. Surefire, Trustfire etc..... If you could clarify, now that I've installed MTP, should or should I not have it installed to do the Smok upgrade?

Edit: having done the upgrade, I've been testing my Frankencoil

by chainvaping it @ max VG @ 180 watts. Just checked my batts (LG 3000 mah), they are only slightly warm.
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VU Donator
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Figured it out..


The New update tool worked. the update worked. I've got 180 watts. However the fucking thing wiped out my SS and Ti upgrades. AGAIN!!! PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edit. Went to the shop, used another guys cell to log into the app, and my upgrades automagically re-appeared. Yaaaaa!!!!
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Haven't done any of it yet.

If its an Android tablet make sure it has Bluetooth 4, and is lollypop OS. If you want to use the old updater, and would like the hex file for .91, 92, or 93 let me know. As I wrote above, I also have the APK for older versions of Android.

FWIW, I put the X Cube up agains 2 other mods today, and I have no doubt its actually putting out 180 watts.


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If its an Android tablet make sure it has Bluetooth 4, and is lollypop OS. If you want to use the old updater, and would like the hex file for .91, 92, or 93 let me know. As I wrote above, I also have the APK for older versions of Android.

FWIW, I put the X Cube up agains 2 other mods today, and I have no doubt its actually putting out 180 watts.
Bluetooth is backwards compatible. And the X Cube II only requires kit-kat 4.4 I believe


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Running .93 but did have to send upgrade of SS and Ti again via app. Not buy just upgraded


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I will say at least with SS the Coefficient has changed. 0.00105 (default) is accurate


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Also, was anyway else a bit surprised they upped the wattage? Considering its branded as 160w on the mod? I wasn't expecting to get a wattage increase


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Bluetooth is backwards compatible. And the X Cube II only requires kit-kat 4.4 I believe

None of my bluetooth devices that are V2 or less even see the X Cube. The full implementation may be backwards compatible, but the Android implementation relys on the chipset Mfr. supplying a new stack, or upgraging to a higher version of of Android that has native BT4 support. My Samsung s-7560M On 4.04 will not see my mod BT,or run the new version of the app>My tablet on 4.04 will not load the new app, or see my mod on BT. The S-7560m will load the old versoin of the app, which I have as a APK, since Google Play only has the new app. Believe me, I have checked.
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None of my bluetooth devices that are V2 or less even see the X Cube. The full implementation may be backwards compatible, but the Android implementation relys on the chipset Mfr. supplying a new stack, or upgraging to a higher version of of Android that has native BT4 support. My Samsung s-7560M On 4.04 will not see my mod BT,or run the new version of the app>My tablet on 4.04 will not load the new app, or see my mod on BT. The S-7560m will load the old versoin of the app, which I have as a APK, since Google Play only has the new app. Believe me, I have checked.
I meant with Bluetooth 3 and up also EDIT: 4.3+ is the required of (per smoks site)
Although there is improved security with 4.0 along with lower power consumption, so may be a grey area here. Also just noticed the BEC app has just been updated so not 100% sure if it still works with 4.3. But I did have it running on 4.4 before. And honestly the device isn't worth it if it's not at least running 4.4 anyway. But lollipop (5.x) is not a requirement.
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