Hey All!
Subbing the thread here as I am a relatively new to squonking. Just starting out with a few low end squonkers at the moment, would love to get a Sunbox or similar down the road but that is an endgame stuff for me.
My current squonk stable includes an HCigar VT Inbox, the CoV Wraith and a Kanger DripBox 2. Also the hunt for BF RDAs is somewhat of an obsession.
Current BF RDAs:
Stumpy (DIY BF)
Authentic Royal Hunter (DIY BF)
Aromamizer V-RDA
Velocity Mini
Hobo 3.1
Origen 16
Maze V2
Wraith RDA
I have been seriously looking at the GBox S100 as a dual battery squonker. The Lost Vape Droid would be ideal, with a scandalous price once landed here in Canada.