Pulse22 I like, but it doesn't seem to squonk freely. Not sure if it's diameter of the hole in the pin, or just the height of the coil, but it seems like it's a hassle staying saturated.
Wasp Nano, I didn't like at all. Can't remember why, but I just didn't like it and it's parked. And I have two, cuz one arrived with no BF pin, and they just sent me another...
Gorge, I like a lot - that's one I ordered another, and actually was considering a third - then I lucked into a second Goon 22, so it's not urgent.
Flave I have seriously considered, but I'm wondering if perhaps it's just paying more for basically a Gorge but with one cap.
A lot of the "hot" atties are a little too restricted for me, i think.
I'd get another Haku if I could.
I'd get an O-atty or a Typhon if they didn't cost too much, as I'd want authentic on those.
I might just sit tight and see what comes next...
You'd probably like the Soul S dude, it took the place of my Goon 22. I really love the Apocalypse also. Halfway open.
I'm trying like crazy to nail down Le Concorde, I slept too long on that and now I'm kicking myself. Seems that might be up your alley too.