Didn't know there was a lingering smell. Of course, I wouldn't though.
<sarcastic rant>
My sister-in-law two days ago was explaining her husband had spread creolin in the barn where I've been housing a dog, "just in case you go up there and smell something funny because I don't know if you would or not."
It was all I could do not to pee from laughing internally. My wife thankfully intervened. "Um, he smells exactly nothing, never has, never will. He doesn't doesn't have olfactory nerves. Those are what let us smell."
Chuckling by then, "Yeppers, my pea brain didn't ever tell me to make those noives see," I said. Her sister stood there looking dumbfounded, which is kind of a natural state I think. She has been told exactly the same thing nearly twenty years of knowing her. Kind of makes me desire seeing what an industrial meat grinder would do to my head, at times.
Because of course, it's all my fault that I been fucked up since birth, even before. * sighs *
</sarcastic rant>
So, no, I wouldn't have noticed. I genuinely & sincerely do thank you for pointing it out. No, there is no sarcasm in this statement of gratitude. I do appreciate people pointing out things like sour smelling milk, bad smelling foods, politely and discretely telling me I'm rank. I do bathe but yes, at times I might skip what others would think a time to go bathe.
For example, I might go out and do a bunch of hard core work, still feel okay and not bother showering. Yesterday, I felt like hammered shit after working outside a lot. I knew, I needed to shower. Could feel the grunge coating me. So, I'm not all together remiss in knowing when to bathe.
It's nice if people are nice enough to point these kind of things out for a non-smeller. Also we like the idea of getting us out of areas where there may be oh, gas leaks, toxic chemicals causing havoc, areas lacking oxygen. We have no sense of these kind of things either. I used to go into the freezers for an apple processing plant. The atmospheric pressure in these is negative 20 when they are shut. That means you have about three minutes before you pass out, seven until you get brain damaged.
And no, I'm not brain damaged from apple freezers. Maybe a few other things but not apple freezers. I worked with a good crew who made sure I always went in with a buddy, in fact all of us did.
Lack of smell also explain why I can be just happy vaping unflavored juice, too. That and adding flavors adds cost, adds some extra concern of risk.
Excuse me, chow time for the critters.