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STS will be shutting down website due to FDA


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Then manage the a great man once said "Wars are not won by hurting for your country, but making the other poor bastard fell intense pain for his".................Sorry I plagerized that comment.....:rolleyes:

Time to vote any 2 term or longer politician out of office............and buy stocks in tar, feathers and railroad ties.................Oh and put some "puts" on pitchforks too!!!
I'm managing the pain by hoarding. 4 new mods, 8 new RTA's, 50 notch coils, 30 boxes of .25 Crown coils, 5 spools of SS wire, 5000ml of juice, and tons ofcotton. Plus I'm not done yet. I'm not that worried about juice as I think there will always be a black market for it.

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My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Here is his answer from Saturday night when I asked him if the rumor I heard was true.

Screen Shot 2016-05-23 at 7.13.23 PM.png


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Im in lol. Covert op. sales for vaping.(singing mission impossible theme song in my head)
And Mr. Phelps won't have to worry about the self destruct..............we will be vaping the evidence a way and will disavow any knowledge of the source of ....bad stuff:kickbutt:........................


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I disagree. I've never voted for an R or D for President yet. And, I always vote. :D
Me either! Both sides are crooked lowlife, good for nothing retards that coudnt see their cocks if it was in their own moths ....
oops sorry about I have forgotten the golden rule. "I will always treat others better than I expect to be treated"


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Me either! Both sides are crooked lowlife, good for nothing retards that coudnt see their cocks if it was in their own moths ....
oops sorry about I have forgotten the golden rule. "I will always treat others better than I expect to be treated"

Way to go Cuz


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Me either! Both sides are crooked lowlife, good for nothing retards that coudnt see their cocks if it was in their own moths ....
oops sorry about I have forgotten the golden rule. "I will always treat others better than I expect to be treated"
On this specific issue there is no both sides. This is a Democratic sponsored and supported action. Period.

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I'm managing the pain by hoarding. 4 new mods, 8 new RTA's, 50 notch coils, 30 boxes of .25 Crown coils, 5 spools of SS wire, 5000ml of juice, and tons ofcotton. Plus I'm not done yet. I'm not that worried about juice as I think there will always be a black market for it.

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Trying to catch up with you fast.......other than the nic and other accessories I don't think they will be able to declare soft drink flavoring, candy and confection flavors, cake flavoring a tobacco product. Our concentrated flavoring is basically exactly the same stuff used in food stuff............................Now that is a real hoot, whats Mr. and Mrs. Liberal dumbass going thing if their pumpkin cookie flavoring has a CAUTION this flavor is a Tobacco Product..............:teehee::teehee::giggle::giggle:


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I still stand by what i posted but I understand. don't mind if I don't stand too close will you?? Right now I'm trying to stand far away from any D or R politico's............don't want to get tarred and feathered with them, and I have a severe allergy to hemp rope......


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Yes old outdated legislation being used as a public interest dipping net by the FDA. And they will get away with it unless and until clarification is given. And that could take a LOOOOONNNNGGG time. Time that we ain't got. Vaping still wasn't a thing in 2009. It was gathering some steam but I mean seriously....what devices were you using in 2009? This is the argument. The FDA is saying "We were given the right to run this industry into the ground because we're saying it's ALL tobacco now!" and unless Congress rectifies that position NOW we are screwed. Yep.
Yeah, it was still pretty new at the time. I was using a 901 cig-a-like, and vaping was beginning to be known in my state, but it was also new enough that I got accosted by cops in '09 who thought I was smoking illegal drugs in public with my "tube pipe".

I tried to get Sen. Coburn to do something to protect vaping back when the Tobacco Control Act was still in the works, but from the way he responded, he felt that the TCA wouldn't affect it.


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Yeah, it was still pretty new at the time. I was using a 901 cig-a-like, and vaping was beginning to be known in my state, but it was also new enough that I got accosted by cops in '09 who thought I was smoking illegal drugs in public with my "tube pipe".

I tried to get Sen. Coburn to do something to protect vaping back when the Tobacco Control Act was still in the works, but from the way he responded, he felt that the TCA wouldn't affect it.
are just as dumb and inbred aa most of the other state politicians....................I know I have to put up with their stupidity daily.................


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I think having a Political Science degree gives me a pretty good understanding of it.

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the fact one can get a degree in the science of part of the problem with the world today. Our problems that we are all complaining about in our fed govt today started before the civil war. And it was the civil war that gave us the govt we have today. Look at historical documents form before the civil war. this country referred to itself as "THESE" United States. During the civil war it changed to "The" United States. There was a dramatic shift of power and perception of power prior to the civil war and the civil war solidified that power shift from the states to the fed. Now we have an out of control federal govt doing things it was never intended to do by the founding fathers. unelected officials making laws, judges legislating from the bench, the president demanding legislation that is clearly not in the scope of power of the federal govt as outlined in the Constitution, laws being passed that arent even being read first,states undermining the constitution. And the worst part of it all is people are actually happy with and demanding this type of shit.

people think this country is supposed to be a was never intended to be a true was supposed to be a representative republic. Hell the word republic is in the pledge of allegiance, it is not "the democracy for which it stands"

we all think voting for the president is a major thing. meanwhile we lose sight on the fact its not the president you need to worry about....its Congress. Its your state govt you should be worried about. its your state govt who should be standing up to the FED and saying BS you dont have that authority only the States have that authority, but instead they allow the fed to leech power away from the states more and more. the govt we have today is not the govt we had 100 years ago or 200 years ago. it has mutated right under the noses of the people into a oligarchial dictatorship disguised as democracy


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the fact one can get a degree in the science of part of the problem with the world today. Our problems that we are all complaining about in our fed govt today started before the civil war. And it was the civil war that gave us the govt we have today. Look at historical documents form before the civil war. this country referred to itself as "THESE" United States. During the civil war it changed to "The" United States. There was a dramatic shift of power and perception of power prior to the civil war and the civil war solidified that power shift from the states to the fed. Now we have an out of control federal govt doing things it was never intended to do by the founding fathers. unelected officials making laws, judges legislating from the bench, the president demanding legislation that is clearly not in the scope of power of the federal govt as outlined in the Constitution, laws being passed that arent even being read first,states undermining the constitution. And the worst part of it all is people are actually happy with and demanding this type of shit.

people think this country is supposed to be a was never intended to be a true was supposed to be a representative republic. Hell the word republic is in the pledge of allegiance, it is not "the democracy for which it stands"

we all think voting for the president is a major thing. meanwhile we lose sight on the fact its not the president you need to worry about....its Congress. Its your state govt you should be worried about. its your state govt who should be standing up to the FED and saying BS you dont have that authority only the States have that authority, but instead they allow the fed to leech power away from the states more and more. the govt we have today is not the govt we had 100 years ago or 200 years ago. it has mutated right under the noses of the people into a oligarchial dictatorship disguised as democracy
I agree with everything you say except the part about the degree. The fact of the matter is politics has been around since the family unit has been around. There's politics in everything we do whether it be at home, at work, or in government. Why shouldn't there be a degree for it? There's a degree for everything else.

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Member For 4 Years much to comment on. Politically, I lean conservative. However, we do need a house cleaning, vote everyone out, remind them who they work for. Then we need campaign reform, that is, a limit in the time you have to campaign as well as the amount of money that can be collected/spent by a candidate. The amount of money spent on campaigns, all politicians are bought and paid for to some extent. Neither party will allow this to happen unless the politicians fear for their jobs (hence voting everyone out as a precursor). They are fine with two parties, but that type of campaign reform could allow for so many more candidates to run that the competition could be crazy.

As far as deeming fda regs...I'm not so sure why everyone thinks it will be so severe. I would rather people see it as a vape doomsday so they will be more active, but i think reality will be much calmer. I googled glass pipe and first two places that popped were in the usa and sold all types of drug paraphanalia in two states where pot isnt legal. And to best of my knowledge, glass pipes are generally for crack? I doubt there will be much regulation of hardware or 0mg juice. The only reason vaping can even possibly considered a tobacco product is nicotine. In australia, you have to buy your nic and juice separate and combine them yourself(they even sell their juice bottles half full). It is likely that is what will happen here. One or two companies will apply for applications to sell nicotine and 0mg juice wont need the application process. If it comes to it they may even call juice water flavoring.

I think in australia, you cant buy nicotine, but you can import it. I guess it depends how they word the regulations...nonetheless, we need to fight the good fight. But do think they could really ban online sales of a clearomizer but not crack pipes?


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I think in australia, you cant buy nicotine, but you can import it. I guess it depends how they word the regulations...nonetheless, we need to fight the good fight. But do think they could really ban online sales of a clearomizer but not crack pipes?

This is the FDA we're talking about

If you look at the CIAs history with illegally trafficking in the main ingredient of crack and what the FDA disallows to be marketed as healthy (salmon, fresh vegetables) and does allow (sugary granolas, kids cereals) that kind of incongruity can easily exist

These are true facts


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I can see the problem with political science degree. Part of the problem is that people see politics as a career now. Our fore fathers served out of duty and had full time gigs going as well. Politics was more of a sideline thing. On the opposite side, politicians do have many more responsibilities and constiuents to worry about (not sure how many really worry about constituents though). Maybe they don't have more responsibities, but the world is way more complex than it was a few hundred years ago.

Well...maybe Obama sees it as a sideline gig. Not that I was a big Bush fan, but I remember all the dems complaining about him going to his ranch too much, but haven't heard much about Obama's extravagent vacations (renting out entire hotels and such) and all the golf he plays.
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This is the FDA we're talking about

If you look at the CIAs history with illegally trafficking in the main ingredient of crack and what the FDA disallows to be marketed as healthy (salmon, fresh vegetables) and does allow (sugary granolas, kids cereals) that kind of incongruity can easily exist

These are true facts

Marketing may be changed but you can still buy salmon and granola. I wouldn't want to, but you can probably even get salmon online. ; )


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Me either! Both sides are crooked lowlife, good for nothing retards that coudnt see their cocks if it was in their own moths ....
oops sorry about I have forgotten the golden rule. "I will always treat others better than I expect to be treated"

I'll be voting for the Republican this year. They finally got one that may be worthwhile.


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Yep.that collateral damage hurts.

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Maybe, but is he trustworthy? His track record doesn't reflect his current stance.
Maybe he is, maybe he isn't, but we know for sure that she isn't. His track record? What about hers? Lmfao. I'll just reference Benghazi and her emails and leave it at that. Truth be told she should be in prison not running for POTUS.

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Maybe, but is he trustworthy? His track record doesn't reflect his current stance.

Who knows if he's trustworthy. If he proves that he isn't, I'll drop him. But I know Clinton is not and I voted for Gary Johnson in '12 but this year I can't take his basically open borders policy that he has been talking about so he is not an option. Trump is good enough that I don't have to write someone in.

I thought I was a Dem when I was young. Then I learned a few things. So a change in positions by a non politician doesn't bother me much. I've evolved myself over the years too.
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the fact one can get a degree in the science of part of the problem with the world today. Our problems that we are all complaining about in our fed govt today started before the civil war. And it was the civil war that gave us the govt we have today. Look at historical documents form before the civil war. this country referred to itself as "THESE" United States. During the civil war it changed to "The" United States. There was a dramatic shift of power and perception of power prior to the civil war and the civil war solidified that power shift from the states to the fed. Now we have an out of control federal govt doing things it was never intended to do by the founding fathers. unelected officials making laws, judges legislating from the bench, the president demanding legislation that is clearly not in the scope of power of the federal govt as outlined in the Constitution, laws being passed that arent even being read first,states undermining the constitution. And the worst part of it all is people are actually happy with and demanding this type of shit.

people think this country is supposed to be a was never intended to be a true was supposed to be a representative republic. Hell the word republic is in the pledge of allegiance, it is not "the democracy for which it stands"

we all think voting for the president is a major thing. meanwhile we lose sight on the fact its not the president you need to worry about....its Congress. Its your state govt you should be worried about. its your state govt who should be standing up to the FED and saying BS you dont have that authority only the States have that authority, but instead they allow the fed to leech power away from the states more and more. the govt we have today is not the govt we had 100 years ago or 200 years ago. it has mutated right under the noses of the people into a oligarchial dictatorship disguised as democracy

Someone gets it!


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Is this thread about STS or presidential election?

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You don't see the correlation? There's an old Yiddish saying, "the fish stinks from the head down". If you don't think this election has anything to do with all of our individual rights then I just can't help you.

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Maybe he is, maybe he isn't, but we know for sure that she isn't. His track record? What about hers? Lmfao. I'll just reference Benghazi and her emails and leave it at that. Truth be told she should be in prison not running for POTUS.

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HIs........Her's.........................HE's made more employed more people, created more jobs, made deals, made, Lost, made, lost and then re-made more money than She has stolen and wasted.........

And I'm pretty sure that there are fewer DEAD bodies as a result of any "deals" HE's made............

I rest my case.....................I'll take HIS devil over HER devil any day...


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Is this thread about STS or presidential election?

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The two are really married at the hip is unlikey that we would be discussing STS shut down, without the influences of the other part of this thread............
So yea.....their both relevent.....unfortunately.


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SubTankSupply shows no indication of a shutdown, nor have their high prices dropped. But they have gotten a lot of pub from this. Just sayin'....


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Who knows if he's trustworthy. If he proves that he isn't, I'll drop him. But I know Clinton is not and I voted for Gary Johnson in '12 but this year I can't take his basically open borders policy that he has been talking about so he is not an option. Trump is good enough that I don't have to write someone in.

I thought I was a Dem when I was young. Then I learned a few things. So a change in positions by a non politician doesn't bother me much. I've evolved myself over the years too.
Old ex- blue dog DemoNcrat here....was a DemoNcrat that is, a Rebloodlican right now for obvious reasons...................and after this election Independent...........I'll swing to the party (since we're FORCED to choose one) that has the candidates I choose..........READ my lips....I CHOOSE.

Guess I've just become FICKLE and Flighty in my cynical old age........


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Old ex- blue dog DemoNcrat here....was a DemoNcrat that is, a Rebloodlican right now for obvious reasons...................and after this election Independent...........I'll swing to the party (since we're FORCED to choose one) that has the candidates I choose..........READ my lips....I CHOOSE.

Guess I've just become FICKLE and Flighty in my cynical old age........

I was too lazy to vote when I thought I was a Dim, being in the military the absentee voting method was a bit much, lol. I've been unaffiliated since but registered Republitard to vote Trump in primaries. It'll be the first time in my life to vote for a R or D in the general. I vote for the person, not a party.

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