Nic is #1 priority, get a couple of liters of 100mg nic in PG base and pop in the freezer. You can then move on from there "but" nic is #1 priority, PG, VG and food flavoring is easily obtainable.
Mech's, yep, get a few a few good quality Mech's. I'd recommend a couple parallel's and a maybe a tube or two. You "must" do your homework though before attempting to use them. There are simple rules but very, very important rules that need to be respected and followed.
I've been trolling around and find a lot of clearance items and have been getting very good prices on RDA's, RTA's and Mech's. There are a couple that I paid full price for though, like my Anubis, Margarita and both VCP's (they're just so damn awesome I had to) but most other mods' I got excellent deals. That also goes for my RTA's and RDA's, hell have got a number of old school devices for under $10.
Anyway again, nic needs to be #1 priority, that is the critical piece that the FDA and/or States could shut this down soon, very soon. I just don't trust any Government Stool Sample ya know