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The BOREAS RTA by Augvape and Roxy


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Just a few slots, not the criss crossed hatching.
That probably won't be so bad. Only time I've ever not really minded knurling was on the serpent where it was just a thin line of knurling along the top.


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I've never liked that criss crossed look. Reminds me of compression fittings or something. At least on my black Supreme I can't really see it.


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Right I've decided after trying out a number of different coil combinations in this tank, I come to the conclusion that this tank must have been designed for clapton coils. They have produced for me, the best for a nice rich flavour, and they are so easy to build on this perfectly sized deck.:)

I don't know if Roxy had these in mind when she was designing this atty, but the seem to suit this tank perfectly. :)
Well for me they do :)


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Right I've decided after trying out a number of different coil combinations in this tank, I come to the conclusion that this tank must have been designed for clapton coils. They have produced for me, the best for a nice rich flavour, and they are so easy to build on this perfectly sized deck.:)

I don't know if Roxy had these in mind when she was designing this atty, but the seem to suit this tank perfectly. :)
Well for me they do :)

I've got some pretty sweet SS vertebraid coils running in mine. Gangster.


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I think they're going to add a bit. I wanted some originally. Not sure why they chose not to other than maybe the look.
I have been having a bitch of a time when refilling, trying to get a grip on the top cap I always end up loosening the whole darn thing, thus causing a bunch of juice leakage. Gonna try scuffing up the cap with some sand paper to allow for grip. Have a black one on the way, wondering if the change will be incorporated?

However, even with this minor annoyance this tank is hands down freaking awesome!!!!


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I was quite pissed the pins on the jc went flying across my kitchen when I disassembled it for cleaning. I have to say I think that's dumb that they come out unless there's some reason for it that I haven't discovered yet.

I showed a pic of that in my review along with a warning.

Mine came with 2 spare pins.....fortunately for me, the ones that fell out just landed right on the paper towel and didn't get lost.


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I hope your talking about the Supreme the Original Aromamizer was nothing but a Paper Weight to me....straight garbage with a side of knurling..After 20+ different builds in various sizes and types I found nothing wicked well, every draw would dry hit and even after drilling it out and adding extra wicking ports it still wouldnt wick....It was a throw-away-tank for me.

really? my OG aromamizer RDTA was awesome. i'm pretty sure the Boreas' design was inspired by how well the Aromamizer RDTA performed in the wicking and vapor/flavor production. maybe you got a dud, but mine was a daily driver for months because of how well it worked. what makes the Boreas so appealing to me, is it's likeliness and improvements it's made upon the Aromamizer RDTA's design.


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really? my OG aromamizer RDTA was awesome. i'm pretty sure the Boreas' design was inspired by how well the Aromamizer RDTA performed in the wicking and vapor/flavor production. maybe you got a dud, but mine was a daily driver for months because of how well it worked. what makes the Boreas so appealing to me, is it's likeliness and improvements it's made upon the Aromamizer RDTA's design.
I was worried using the same wicking design would fail but I think it had to do alot with vacuum pressure, Im not the only one who experienced this with the Aromamizer...there are threads upon threads here with the same problem. I am surprised, and thankful that the Boreas wicks wonderfully well using the same method...


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I was worried about the boreas for the same reason. I tried and tried with my Mizer to get it to work, but nothing did. I finally gave up and it now sits on the shelf of shame collecting dust with all the other failed crap I have tried.


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I was worried about the boreas for the same reason. I tried and tried with my Mizer to get it to work, but nothing did. I finally gave up and it now sits on the shelf of shame collecting dust with all the other failed crap I have tried.

Boreas will wick anything you throw at it :)


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My Boreas Showed up Today :) Pretty Kick Ass tank :) The top cap is a bit slick, no big deal. Over all build quality is quite good :) I'm running mine in TC, Dual 3 mm 7 wrap spaced Ti coils with the 2.5 mm hole deck, 3 full air hole afc setting. Vapes like a boss :) Went through a whole tank this afternoon. To be expected, big coils, big air, lots of juice consumption.
Just wondering those who didn't have a good experience with the OG Mizer, What juice Viscosity are you using? I use 60VG 40PG and have had the best experience with the OG mizer's. I just love mine :)


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My Boreas Showed up Today :) Pretty Kick Ass tank :) The top cap is a bit slick, no big deal. Over all build quality is quite good :) I'm running mine in TC, Dual 3 mm 7 wrap spaced Ti coils with the 2.5 mm hole deck, 3 full air hole afc setting. Vapes like a boss :) Went through a whole tank this afternoon. To be expected, big coils, big air, lots of juice consumption.
Just wondering those who didn't have a good experience with the OG Mizer, What juice Viscosity are you using? I use 60VG 40PG and have had the best experience with the OG mizer's. I just love mine :)

i use 80/20 and max vg in my OG mizers with no problems. usually run horizontal 24ga SS or dual clapton build and wicks like a dream. i only run about 50-60 watts tho. not quite as high as others.


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My Boreas Showed up Today :) Pretty Kick Ass tank :) The top cap is a bit slick, no big deal. Over all build quality is quite good :) I'm running mine in TC, Dual 3 mm 7 wrap spaced Ti coils with the 2.5 mm hole deck, 3 full air hole afc setting. Vapes like a boss :) Went through a whole tank this afternoon. To be expected, big coils, big air, lots of juice consumption.
Just wondering those who didn't have a good experience with the OG Mizer, What juice Viscosity are you using? I use 60VG 40PG and have had the best experience with the OG mizer's. I just love mine :)

Do you have an opinion yet on which you like better? Boreas or Supreme?


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Ordered one. Now I just have to wait. For those that do have one... the only thing that concerns me is the 510 pin going through the bottom "cap". If the tank does leak, am I to assume it will leak into the pin connection?


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Ordered one. Now I just have to wait. For those that do have one... the only thing that concerns me is the 510 pin going through the bottom "cap". If the tank does leak, am I to assume it will leak into the pin connection?

I had that concern also when I first got it I was checking it a lot. It hasn’t leaked a drop and the oring around the base seals it completely. When I take it apart I check that oring to make sure it isn’t showing any wear.


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What tank are you talking about/ The Boreas? I havent gotten leaking from mine there at all.

I did learn something new about my beloved Boreas tonight... If your like me and try to vape the tank EMPTY, when the juice level gets low enough and one of the JFC slots is exposed to air when you tip it, you can get a nice juice covered hand... and desk. And security status report.... Lets not speak of this any more. I just hope i dont have to explain to to many people tomorrow why my status report smells like lemon meringue pie...


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Do you have an opinion yet on which you like better? Boreas or Supreme?

I ordered my Supremes from FT, to save some money, 68.29 for a SS & a Black one.They shipped 5 days ago, It will be a while until I get mine :(
One thing about FT they will be authentic for sure, the OG's were :)
You have both, what do you think?


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What tank are you talking about/ The Boreas? I havent gotten leaking from mine there at all.

I did learn something new about my beloved Boreas tonight... If your like me and try to vape the tank EMPTY, when the juice level gets low enough and one of the JFC slots is exposed to air when you tip it, you can get a nice juice covered hand... and desk. And security status report.... Lets not speak of this any more. I just hope i dont have to explain to to many people tomorrow why my status report smells like lemon meringue pie...
And it's really hot juice too - I have a blister to prove it LOL


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What tank are you talking about/ The Boreas? I havent gotten leaking from mine there at all.

I did learn something new about my beloved Boreas tonight... If your like me and try to vape the tank EMPTY, when the juice level gets low enough and one of the JFC slots is exposed to air when you tip it, you can get a nice juice covered hand... and desk. And security status report.... Lets not speak of this any more. I just hope i dont have to explain to to many people tomorrow why my status report smells like lemon meringue pie...
Weird, haven't run into that, and I've vaped it pretty dry. I'll have to keep an eye on it.


One of these days I'll get home at a reasonable hour and feel like building some coils for the rowdy deck. Tonight, however, is not the night.


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I ordered my Supremes from FT, to save some money, 68.29 for a SS & a Black one.They shipped 5 days ago, It will be a while until I get mine :(
One thing about FT they will be authentic for sure, the OG's were :)
You have both, what do you think?

I do like Boreas better. I expected a bigger deck and airflow on the Supreme. And I honestly hate those removeable pins they put in the jc. For the life of me I can't think of a good reason for them making them that way.


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Dafuq do you vape this thing at? I read your post the other day about needing to let the top cap cool down before you touch it.
Ive had juice take layers of skin off on may seem crazy but a blister is a good thing. If you tank is warm and you just took a draw your juice is extremely hot...think McDonald's coffee straight off the tap...just dont look up into the airholes while you fill ;)

Mikhail Naumov

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I do enjoy my Boreas, but I like my Supreme better. All of you guys saying the deck on the Supreme is so much smaller I just can't agree with. The true build size of the Supreme deck is 16.3mm, which is bigger than the deck of the Griffin, the Boreas I measured true build size to be about 16.8mm. .5mm isn't exactly a game changing size difference. I currently have 3mm 9 wrap 28 x2 with 32 ga dual fused claptons in my Supreme, I couldn't fit the same build at 10 wraps on the Boreas so for the most part they take the same sized builds. If you were using basic clapton wire or round wire builds the Boreas could maybe fit ONE more wrap.

I do enjoy the look of the Boreas more than the Supreme, it's a little sexier but once my black glass is on the Supreme I find the looks to be about equal. Overall, I personally get better flavor out of the Supreme than I do with an identical build in the Boreas. I think this is due to the Aromamizer Supreme airflow hitting the entirety of my coils head on where-as the Boreas spreads the airflow out all over the coil. Flavor/density the Supreme seems to do better. Also I find the knurling makes filling the Supreme worlds easier, and I do dislike that the JFC on the Boreas is connected to the airflow. I don't mind the pins in the Supreme, the fact they keep the airflow and JFC separate makes me more than okay with them being there.

I do enjoy the Boreas, I got it before my Supreme and thought it was for sure going to be the winner, then my Supreme came and ever since I finished my head to head tests the Boreas just kind of got set off to the side. Just my two cents, it's still a great RTA, I just like the Supreme a fair bit better.

The main point I'm trying to make is the claim that the Supreme deck is SO much smaller than the Boreas deck is untrue, there's a .5mm difference and for the most part the builds that max out of my Supreme also max out the Boreas. You may be able to fit one more wrap in there. I'm by no means here to hate on the Boreas and say team Supreme all the way, but some of the claims I saw Roxy make don't make sense to me. I don't see the Supreme as the little brother at all. The Boreas has a SLIGHTLY larger amount of airflow, maybe even equal, but I feel the Supreme has the airflow hitting the coil more efficiently. The build deck size is not largely different either. I also think the thinner chimney on the Supreme helps preserve the flavor more and the wider chimney mutes the Boreas flavor.

I realize I'm new here, I realize this is a Boreas thread. I am by no means trying to trash the Boreas it's a great RDTA and if you can't afford the Supreme it could very well be the better fit for you. I'm just trying to add a little variety to the thread, make sure things don't get too biased. I'm not trying to step on any toes here.

The Boreas does have a slightly larger, keyword being slightly, build deck that may be able to fit one more wrap of a basic clapton/round wire build, it holds more one ml of juice than the Supreme and there's maybe just a TOUCH more airflow plus it's also cheaper and slightly better looking. So it's not an all out slaughterfest when compared to the Supreme. It does have pros over the Supreme, I just find the Supreme can basically fit the same sized builds, gives a smoother draw, has the airflow more efficiently hitting the coils and combining that with the thinner chimney gives more dense/flavorful vapor.

I do find it funny that these days the wider chimney devices get the more favor, back in the day I remember the devices with chimneys wider than the amount of airflow being allowed in got a lot of hate due to it killing off flavor and vapor density. It seems this was forgotten about. I find the chimney width of the Supreme to be perfect for the amount of airflow being let in, where-as the Boreas chimney being a little too wide mutes flavor/density slightly. Plus as I said, the airflow on the Supreme is allowing ALL of your airflow to come in and immediately hit the coil directly, where the Boreas airflow has your airflow spread out and the two holes furthest left and right seem to be only really hitting the wicks and deck posts while the center two are the ones hitting the coil. This is why I feel the Supreme gives better flavor.
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I do enjoy my Boreas, but I like my Supreme better. All of you guys saying the deck on the Supreme is so much smaller I just can't agree with. The true build size of the Supreme deck is 16.3mm, which is bigger than the deck of the Griffin, the Boreas I measured true build size to be about 16.8mm. .5mm isn't exactly a game changing size difference. I currently have 3mm 9 wrap 28 x2 with 32 ga dual fused claptons in my Supreme, I couldn't fit the same build at 10 wraps on the Boreas so for the most part they take the same sized builds. If you were using basic clapton wire or round wire builds the Boreas could maybe fit ONE more wrap.

I do enjoy the look of the Boreas more than the Supreme, it's a little sexier but once my black glass is on the Supreme I find the looks to be about equal. Overall, I personally get better flavor out of the Supreme than I do with an identical build in the Boreas. I think this is due to the Aromamizer Supreme airflow hitting the entirety of my coils head on where-as the Boreas spreads the airflow out all over the coil. Flavor/density the Supreme seems to do better. Also I find the knurling makes filling the Supreme worlds easier, and I do dislike that the JFC on the Boreas is connected to the airflow. I don't mind the pins in the Supreme, the fact they keep the airflow and JFC separate makes me more than okay with them being there.

I do enjoy the Boreas, I got it before my Supreme and thought it was for sure going to be the winner, then my Supreme came and ever since I finished my head to head tests the Boreas just kind of got set off to the side. Just my two cents, it's still a great RTA, I just like the Supreme a fair bit better.

The main point I'm trying to make is the claim that the Supreme deck is SO much smaller than the Boreas deck is untrue, there's a .5mm difference and for the most part the builds that max out of my Supreme also max out the Boreas. You may be able to fit one more wrap in there. I'm by no means here to hate on the Boreas and say team Supreme all the way, but some of the claims I saw Roxy make don't make sense to me. I don't see the Supreme as the little brother at all. The Boreas has a SLIGHTLY larger amount of airflow, maybe even equal, but I feel the Supreme has the airflow hitting the coil more efficiently. The build deck size is not largely different either. I also think the thinner chimney on the Supreme helps preserve the flavor more and the wider chimney mutes the Boreas flavor.

I realize I'm new here, I realize this is a Boreas thread. I am by no means trying to trash the Boreas it's a great RDTA and if you can't afford the Supreme it could very well be the better fit for you. I'm just trying to add a little variety to the thread, make sure things don't get too biased. I'm not trying to step on any toes here.

The Boreas does have a slightly larger, keyword being slightly, build deck that may be able to fit one more wrap of a basic clapton/round wire build, it holds more one ml of juice than the Supreme and there's maybe just a TOUCH more airflow plus it's also cheaper and slightly better looking. So it's not an all out slaughterfest when compared to the Supreme. It does have pros over the Supreme, I just find the Supreme can basically fit the same sized builds, gives a smoother draw, has the airflow more efficiently hitting the coils and combining that with the thinner chimney gives more dense/flavorful vapor.
So your saying its "slightly" smaller in both things mentioned and costs more money? I would say that the Boreas wins by default in simple terms just from that...There are many other reasons I support the Boreas but why pay more for the same "Slightly" smaller thing?

Mikhail Naumov

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The 'slightly' smaller thing in my direct identical build tests can given me better flavor and vapor density, plus the knurling on the Supreme, and the JFC and airflow being separate make it worth more to me. YetiVape also has it for $44.99, ST Supply is selling the black for $40.99, so it's not like it's that much cheaper.

Smaller chimney conserves vapor density and flavor. The deck is slightly smaller, but for fused and staple clapton wire, the two decks fit the same builds. The airflow on the Supreme I find to be hitting the coil more efficiently. I have a feeling things have already gotten a bit too biased here. Also you have a tank design into Augvape, so there's other reasons I can see you supporting the Augvape product more. All I'm doing is being honest.


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The 'slightly' smaller thing in my direct identical build tests can given me better flavor and vapor density, plus the knurling on the Supreme, and the JFC and airflow being separate make it worth more to me. YetiVape also has it for $44.99, ST Supply is selling the black for $40.99, so it's not like it's that much cheaper.
Wouldn't just using a smaller drip tip solve the condensing issue you have with the Boreas? Rationalizing your purchase is one thing, picking and choosing why someone else should prefer a device is another. I like the JC and the AFC together, I almost never adjust the JC on any device already. While I understand why you like the Supreme you dont need to explain yourself to us-we all enjoy different things.

I appreciate that you posted your input on the Boreas vs Supreme and can only wait for my supreme to be delivered to see the changes myself. They are both nearly the same and its more of a slight difference in preference when choosing which. Ive had a bad history with Steamcrave and thats one of the bigger reasons I like the Boreas more, before I even had it.

Mikhail Naumov

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I own both products, I'm not rationalizing purchases of things that cost less than $100. Using a smaller drip tip doesn't suddenly change the fact that a wider chimney leads to flavor and density being lost, that's like saying putting a large drip tip on something with handicapped airflow is going to change the vape quality.

The build deck on the Boreas is only .5mm's bigger, truly. When it came down to my fused clapton and staple claptons, the decks were both maxed out by the SAME builds, so the deck being bigger gave me no benefit. Then there's my point where the airflow on the Supreme is hitting the coil directly with all the airflow, where-as the Boreas is splitting the airflow into four parts, and the further out two holes are really just hitting the wick/posts more than the coil.

$5 in price difference isn't a large one, just like a .5mm larger deck isn't a large difference to a 16.3mm deck.


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I own both products, I'm not rationalizing purchases of things that cost less than $100. Using a smaller drip tip doesn't suddenly change the fact that a wider chimney leads to flavor and density being lost, that's like saying putting a large drip tip on something with handicapped airflow is going to change the vape quality.

The build deck on the Boreas is only .5mm's bigger, truly. When it came down to my fused clapton and staple claptons, the decks were both maxed out by the SAME builds, so the deck being bigger gave me no benefit. Then there's my point where the airflow on the Supreme is hitting the coil directly with all the airflow, where-as the Boreas is splitting the airflow into four parts, and the further out two holes are really just hitting the wick/posts more than the coil.

$5 in price difference isn't a large one, just like a .5mm larger deck isn't a large difference to a 16.3mm deck.
Btw yeti VAPE is sold out!!

Mikhail Naumov

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That didn't take long, it's only been on their website for like four days. I think FastTech has it for $35 if you use the MAP coupon code. To be fair the only website I know of selling the Boreas is out of stock and on preorder as well.
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I own both products, I'm not rationalizing purchases of things that cost less than $100. Using a smaller drip tip doesn't suddenly change the fact that a wider chimney leads to flavor and density being lost, that's like saying putting a large drip tip on something with handicapped airflow is going to change the vape quality.

The build deck on the Supreme is only .5mm's bigger, truly. When it came down to my fused clapton and staple clapton, the decks were both maxed out by the SAME builds, so the deck being bigger gave me no benefit. Then there's my point where the airflow on the Supreme is hitting the coil directly with all the airflow, where-as the Boreas is splitting the airflow into four parts, and the further out two holes are really just hitting the wick/posts more than the coil.

$5 in price difference isn't a large one, just like a .5mm larger deck isn't a large difference to a 16.3mm deck.
Actually a smaller drip tip does in fact do the same job as using a small chimney, how could you possibly think it wouldnt? It wouldnt work in the opposing direction but closing down the airflow at a choke point does indeed add to the "charge" of flavor, this is why many people use their own drip tips instead of chuff caps on RDA's and RTA's.
The airflow path you may be correct but until a test with pressurized air and steam is involved I'd say the airflow will work just fine on both RTA's. Roxy gave her opinion just like you are now, neither of you are right and neither of you are wrong.

The Boreas is IN STOCK at STS: LINK


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I do enjoy my Boreas, but I like my Supreme better. All of you guys saying the deck on the Supreme is so much smaller I just can't agree with. The true build size of the Supreme deck is 16.3mm, which is bigger than the deck of the Griffin, the Boreas I measured true build size to be about 16.8mm. .5mm isn't exactly a game changing size difference. I currently have 3mm 9 wrap 28 x2 with 32 ga dual fused claptons in my Supreme, I couldn't fit the same build at 10 wraps on the Boreas so for the most part they take the same sized builds. If you were using basic clapton wire or round wire builds the Boreas could maybe fit ONE more wrap.

I do enjoy the look of the Boreas more than the Supreme, it's a little sexier but once my black glass is on the Supreme I find the looks to be about equal. Overall, I personally get better flavor out of the Supreme than I do with an identical build in the Boreas. I think this is due to the Aromamizer Supreme airflow hitting the entirety of my coils head on where-as the Boreas spreads the airflow out all over the coil. Flavor/density the Supreme seems to do better. Also I find the knurling makes filling the Supreme worlds easier, and I do dislike that the JFC on the Boreas is connected to the airflow. I don't mind the pins in the Supreme, the fact they keep the airflow and JFC separate makes me more than okay with them being there.

I do enjoy the Boreas, I got it before my Supreme and thought it was for sure going to be the winner, then my Supreme came and ever since I finished my head to head tests the Boreas just kind of got set off to the side. Just my two cents, it's still a great RTA, I just like the Supreme a fair bit better.

The main point I'm trying to make is the claim that the Supreme deck is SO much smaller than the Boreas deck is untrue, there's a .5mm difference and for the most part the builds that max out of my Supreme also max out the Boreas. You may be able to fit one more wrap in there. I'm by no means here to hate on the Boreas and say team Supreme all the way, but some of the claims I saw Roxy make don't make sense to me. I don't see the Supreme as the little brother at all. The Boreas has a SLIGHTLY larger amount of airflow, maybe even equal, but I feel the Supreme has the airflow hitting the coil more efficiently. The build deck size is not largely different either. I also think the thinner chimney on the Supreme helps preserve the flavor more and the wider chimney mutes the Boreas flavor.

I realize I'm new here, I realize this is a Boreas thread. I am by no means trying to trash the Boreas it's a great RDTA and if you can't afford the Supreme it could very well be the better fit for you. I'm just trying to add a little variety to the thread, make sure things don't get too biased. I'm not trying to step on any toes here.

The Boreas does have a slightly larger, keyword being slightly, build deck that may be able to fit one more wrap of a basic clapton/round wire build, it holds more one ml of juice than the Supreme and there's maybe just a TOUCH more airflow plus it's also cheaper and slightly better looking. So it's not an all out slaughterfest when compared to the Supreme. It does have pros over the Supreme, I just find the Supreme can basically fit the same sized builds, gives a smoother draw, has the airflow more efficiently hitting the coils and combining that with the thinner chimney gives more dense/flavorful vapor.

I do find it funny that these days the wider chimney devices get the more favor, back in the day I remember the devices with chimneys wider than the amount of airflow being allowed in got a lot of hate due to it killing off flavor and vapor density. It seems this was forgotten about. I find the chimney width of the Supreme to be perfect for the amount of airflow being let in, where-as the Boreas chimney being a little too wide mutes flavor/density slightly. Plus as I said, the airflow on the Supreme is allowing ALL of your airflow to come in and immediately hit the coil directly, where the Boreas airflow has your airflow spread out and the two holes furthest left and right seem to be only really hitting the wicks and deck posts while the center two are the ones hitting the coil. This is why I feel the Supreme gives better flavor.
Nice comparison, and I appreciate your opinion, even if I don't agree with most of what you said.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

Mikhail Naumov

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My main point here, is just because something is larger does not make it bigger. Like I said in my first post, I remember a time long ago when the RTA's with wider chimneys got a LOT of hate due to the wider chimney design causing the vapor to lose density and flavor. This seems to have been forgotten about.

On the deck, the Boreas true build size is 16.8mm, the Supreme is 16.3mm, so for fused and staple clapton wire, you're going to max out the build decks with the same, identical builds. Now if you use more rounded wire builds, yes you may be able to fit another wrap. One whole wrap isn't a game changer.

For me, personally, the JFC and AFC being separate made all the difference in the world, but the fact you have ALL of the airflow in the Supreme hitting the coil dead center, where the Boreas has maybe 40% of the airflow hitting the wicks/deck posts, combined with the larger chimney in the Boreas leads to loss of flavor. I'm not making these things up, I had the Boreas before I had the Supreme and that day I told myself 'I see no way the Aromamizer Supreme is going to beat this.' then I got the Supreme and I proved myself wrong.

I, personally, with identical builds, get better flavor and a more dense vape off the Supreme than I do the Boreas. The knurling on the Supreme also makes filling MUCH easier, and the JFC and AFC being separate makes more sense. What if you wanted to use high VG on a lower wattage? You close the airflow down, then your juice isn't wicking as good anymore. So it forces low wattage high-VG juice using vapors to deal with more airflow than they may want

Also, I said the Boreas MIGHT have a TOUCH more airflow than the Supreme, to be honest the amount of total airflow is about the same.

I am not trying to rationalize purchases, I own both products and neither are exactly bank breaking in terms of cost. I like the Boreas. I think it's a damned good device, I think if you own one you're going to enjoy the hell out of it. I like mine a lot. I just like my Supreme more, and I've given the reasons why.

In all honestly, you have Roxy, the designer of the tank, saying she likes the Boreas more. Maybe she really does, but you have to admit there's a certain amount of potential bias there. Raymo has an upcoming tank design into Augvape as well, so there's a certian amount of potential bias there as well. We are biased creatures, us humans, I honestly don't think there's a single one of us alive that can say we aren't biased.

But when it comes to these two devices, I think I can say I'm not. The first SC product I owned was the first Aromamizer. Anyone else remember that thing? In my opinion it was garbage. Then the Aromamizer V1 RDTA had a LOT of issues I did NOT like. Tiny ass build deck, a damned VAPE BAND for AFC, no topfill. Hell, I even think Steamcrave dropped the ball on the 22mm Aromamizer V2. But I like the Supreme better, and I gave reasons why. I'm just trying to contribute to this, leaving anyone on the fence about buying one tank or the other, to get information from someone who enjoys both products but likes the Supreme a little more.

The way Roxy described it, the deck on the Supreme you'd THINK was like 2mm smaller, but it's not, it's .5mm smaller and as I said, unless you use thinner, rounder wire type wire in your builds, the decks will be maxed out by the same sized builds. I can fit 9 wrap 3mm fused 28 x 2 with 32 ga claptons in my Supreme and that's the maximum for that wire. On the Boreas, it's also the maximum I can fit, I might be able to up the diameter to MAYBE 3.2mm and have it fit, but that's not a huge difference.

A bigger build deck does not make by default a better device, there's plenty of other factors. Like the Supreme airflow hitting the coil directly with ALL of the Airflow, the thinner chimney preserving flavor/density over a wider chimeny, the knurling on the Supreme making filling easier, the JFC and AFC being separate.

To be fair, the Boreas does have advantages. It holds one more ml of juice, it's cheaper, the build deck is a LITTLE bigger. I'm not saying the Supreme has the Boreas beat in every department, I'm just saying I personally have vaped both tanks a good bit and I like the Supreme more.

And no, a smaller drip tip doesn't fix the problem and here's why:

The vapor is STILL traveling up through that wider chimney, and the density/flavor is ALREADY LOST by the time it hits the drip tip. The drip tip is just bottlenecking it ONCE IT ALREADY LEAVES the chimney. So no, your claim is wrong Raymo, that fixes nothing. Also, read the page. In stock ON PREORDER, saying the tanks were leaving CHINA on the 30th of March, yesterday. So that's incorrect as well.

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