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The Good Old Times


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Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Remember all of them. Never played Old Maid though. My grandparents were big into cards and we learned more sophisticated card games at a very young age, including one they called Methodist Rummy which was an awful lot like the game Phase 10, except we were playing it years before Phase 10 existed.


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Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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If you were a teen in the 70_s, you might remember running behind the mosquito truck in the 1960_s. My daughter thought I was lying.

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I remember runnin behind these, who know what toxins were really used :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
Fun fact-DDT was developed as part of army funded research because more troops were dying from mosquito-borne diseases in the pacific theater than were being killed by the enemy forces. The army declared it a matter of national security to deal with the blood-sucking pests, and so all of the testing that would normally take place was skipped. Once the war was over DDT had been quite effective and so no one ever thought to perform any testing. And it became the primary way of dealing with mosquitos back here in the states.

A side effect of DDT usage was it also did a very good job of killing numerous other blood sucking pests. The rise in bedbugs the past couple of decades is thought by some to be a direct result of bedbugs simply returning to their pre-ddt population levels.

It wasn't until the late seventies or early eighties that we discovered the harm that had been done to various other creatures by spraying DDT, especially certain fish populations as I recall. These trucks were still being used in many communities when I was growing up in the seventies.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Nope, never heard of this restaurant.
They operated under a number of different names in different parts of the country. Here is a (possibly incomplete) listing of the various different Big Boy franchises, I remember a couple. Some of them dropped their affiliation with Big Boy many years ago but still exist, as does the Big Boy name itself, but nowhere near the number that existed in the chain's heyday.


Diamond Contributor
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They operated under a number of different names in different parts of the country. Here is a (possibly incomplete) listing of the various different Big Boy franchises, I remember a couple. Some of them dropped their affiliation with Big Boy many years ago but still exist, as does the Big Boy name itself, but nowhere near the number that existed in the chain's heyday.
View attachment 216233
Thanks, Kad! But, still a nope on all of these, lol.


Cranky Old Fart
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They operated under a number of different names in different parts of the country. Here is a (possibly incomplete) listing of the various different Big Boy franchises, I remember a couple. Some of them dropped their affiliation with Big Boy many years ago but still exist, as does the Big Boy name itself, but nowhere near the number that existed in the chain's heyday.
View attachment 216233
They were Bob's Big Boy here on the west coast.

Lady Sarah

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Member For 5 Years
If you were a teen in the 70_s, you might remember running behind the mosquito truck in the 1960_s. My daughter thought I was lying.

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I remember runnin behind these, who know what toxins were really used :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
They still use trucks to spray for mosquitoes, but they use different chemicals these days. They still let the public know beforehand. I turn off the AC, so it doesn't suck in the fumes from that. I make sure to turn it back on in the morning.
What's bad is that the spraying seems to have no impact at all on any of the insect population.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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OK, ran across this picture, including lot's of comments from people saying they hadn't seen one since they were a kid, or their grandma used one, or things of that nature. Gathered it was somehow related to ironing but...I'm clueless. Someone who knows please explain this. By the way, my grandma still had an old washtub with one of those hand-crank wringers attached and a washboard, so I've seen old school laundry related items in use, I should be old enough to have seen something like this being used but I'm still clueless.


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