I will tell him.Hey Lannie would you tell Rich I said hi and that I miss talkin with him, thank you my friend
Did anyone have a rock tumbler
As a kid I love to collect rocks, they kept fallin outta my head
But really they did polish stones
We still have one (more of an industrial sized one) out in the shop somewhere. We never use it anymore, but when we lived in Oregon and went rockhounding every weekend, that thing got a workout.
Who had one of these jewels
The new ones come as 2 separate pieces
Still have my original one from the 70s, and I still use it quite frequently. You know when I'm cutting french fries: BANG! BANG! BANG! You gotta hit that thing so hard, it's quite loud, but effective.
I loved browsing the card files for a book. There was something about the smell of the card stock, it was almost as wonderful as the smell of the books.
I very much remember Sandy. My mom would never let me ride him/her. Maybe because there were five of us, and she didn't ever have that many spare dimes (quarters, later). But I showed her. I got a REAL horse when I was 16, and he was much better than that mechanical one.