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The Good Old Times


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Lannie would you tell Rich I said hi and that I miss talkin with him, thank you my friend
I will tell him. :)

Did anyone have a rock tumbler
As a kid I love to collect rocks, they kept fallin outta my head :giggle:


But really they did polish stones

We still have one (more of an industrial sized one) out in the shop somewhere. We never use it anymore, but when we lived in Oregon and went rockhounding every weekend, that thing got a workout.

Who had one of these jewels


The new ones come as 2 separate pieces

Still have my original one from the 70s, and I still use it quite frequently. You know when I'm cutting french fries: BANG! BANG! BANG! You gotta hit that thing so hard, it's quite loud, but effective. ;)

I loved browsing the card files for a book. There was something about the smell of the card stock, it was almost as wonderful as the smell of the books. :)

I very much remember Sandy. My mom would never let me ride him/her. Maybe because there were five of us, and she didn't ever have that many spare dimes (quarters, later). But I showed her. I got a REAL horse when I was 16, and he was much better than that mechanical one. ;)

Lady Sarah

Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Who remembers

May be an image of corn and text
Every freakin' week, including after I got sick and tired of it. Reruns after reruns. Minnie Pearl and her hats with the tags still on them like she was fixin' to return them any day now. Anything will get old after you hear and see the exact same thing at least 4 times. But then, I guess my alcoholic adoptive parents couldn't remember watching those episodes before.


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
No picture with this, just a funny story about the Olden Days, when engines were engines. ;)

I used to have a '71 'Cuda, with a 383 engine and two 4-bbl carburetors. That thing would move. And it was very LOUD. Well, one of our drag racing group managed a local gas station, and we were all going to go out for pizza and beer one night, but Mike was fiddling around getting the gas station locked up and I was getting impatient. So I whomped the gas pedal once, hard, WOOO-BAH! to illustrate my redheaded impatience, but the noise vibrated the front glass on the office enough to set the alarm off. So Mike had to go reset the alarm but the cops were on the way by then, so we had to wait around for them to show up and prove that nobody was really trying to break into the gas station. One of the cops looked like he didn't believe the story, and one of the other guys said, "SHE DID IT!" so I had to do it again, so they could see that a loud revved engine could, in fact, set off the burglar alarm. I thought I was going to die of starvation before we finally got out of there and went to have our pizza.

Now, if somebody stands on their accelerator, you say, "Did you hear something?" Bah.


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I always hated bologna, from birth, and we didn't have an outside TV antenna, just rabbit ears on the B&W set, but all that other stuff? Damn right! :) (I always thought hose water tasted funny. Must have been all the lead. And I used to stick my tongue on my Nana's windowsills, also painted with lead paint. It tingled my tongue and I thought that was really neat. I can still remember the taste....)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
May be an image of 4 people<<,P-y-R
This one is kind of hard to believe…. On Sept. 3, 1966, after 14 years on TV (and ten years on radio before that), the last episode of The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet, which made Ricky Nelson a household name, aired on ABC.
Ricky, had a number of hit records, first as Ricky and later as Rick. He first sang on the show to impress a girl he was seeing. It was a very smart move on his Dad's part to let it happen.
So, if you are old enough, were you watching 58 years ago tonight? And if this is before your time, did you ever watch it in reruns?


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I have to confess, I never saw that show. Maybe my parents watched something else instead. They had primary control of the TV, except for Saturday mornings (cartoons!). Of course, I know of the Ozzie and Harriet show, and Ricky Nelson, but I never saw the show. Boo. I've never seen it being run as re-runs, either, at least not that I've noticed.


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
We had Pepsodent toothpaste in a shaving cream can when I was a kid. I loved the taste of it, and the can made it seem somehow more special, which caused me to want to brush my teeth without being knocked on the head. So maybe there was a method to that madness? ;)

I don't remember the Nipits (was EVERYTHING licorice flavored back then? LOL!), but I do remember the Hamm's bear. I miss all the old beer commercials. Especially the Budweiser Clydesdales, they were always so cool.

Back to the licorice flavor... It must have been the first flavor that anyone experimented with, eh? I see commercials for that boast so many different flavors (I don't remember, 50?), and I yell at the TV, "THERE'S ONLY ONE FLAVOR FOR LICORICE!" If it's not licorice flavored, it's not licorice! It's just sugar.

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