Well I'm going to go ahead and say how I really feel about this thing...
Here's the pieces and parts mostly how I received them, granted I wiped some of the grease off of them from being used all night:
Pay close attention to the switch, which is technically three pieces. The delrin, The copper inside the delrin, And that big old beefy chunk of copper is the switch basically. Switch housing is that crown looking piece. And then the brass tube that's it.
But I say pay attention to the switch because this f****** thing was used all night. And there is no arc marks, no marring of any kind, nothing. The throw of the switch - before I found that the magnets were cracked was pretty stiff. When I replaced it with a silver plated spring, it made to throw a lot softer so it's more what I'm used to. It's comfortable.
This is not a mod I would recommend a newbie get into. because if they don't know what they're doing it's a real good way to find out just how well your batteries are wrapped. And we all know that can have catastrophic consequences. My current batteries are all well wrapped, but they fit in their snuggly I have to literally take a coiling rod and push the battery out from the top.
This is a heavy piece. Much heavier than any of my rig mods by far with and without a battery in them. The tube is thick as hell, The threads are smooth as s***, and the button is smooth as s***. like I said I did find one thing wrong with this yesterday and that was a sliver of brass stuck inside the switch housing. Again it could be from threading a brand new tube together. And if you notice on the inside of the top half of the mech, there's some kind of dirt or maybe that's from the coating process, I'm not really sure I do know that it does not come out. But you're not looking at the inside of this thing.
Overall I enjoy it if I set it down I definitely know I'm not holding something. My fingers will be lifting 250 lb weights before too long by themselves. LOL.
My biggest complaint about this thing is the delrin. I f****** hate delrin. Ultem or PEEK would have been fine since they are a little bit denser and a little harder. But delrin is just f****** garbage for this purpose.
Was it worth the bread that I spent on it? Absolutely. Well I gush over this company? No I've seen a lot of pictures of different devices. I can honestly say for this being my first mod from these guys, if they can keep the quality standards up like this continuously, they will have my business indefinitely.
I will say that these things are mighty pricey. I seen a pure silver mod by this company for $1,500.
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