I ended up at Everzon too, thanks to the two of you! Got some drip tips, 510s and 810s, and yes they're random color too. But I also got the Cthulhu Mjolnir RDA that I've wanted for months (I hope). They are nearly out of stock, so I hope they really do have one to ship to me.
I've rarely ordered random-color drip tips because there are some colors I just can't manage. I have enough black drip tips to last any three or four people a lifetime, so I don't need or want black. I also don't want yellow or orange or bright-ass pink or lime green. So Deb, if you like any of those colors and they end up at my house, I'll gladly send them your way! lol
I thought I had enough drip tips until I got a good look at
@gsmit1's drip tip box. The devil immediately popped up on my shoulder and told me what a pitiful little tiny few drip tips I actually do have. I have a bad case of drip tip envy. So we'll have to see what we can do about that!
Deb, that VSticking VK530 mod isn't bad. To me it's comfortable to hold and is much easier to configure than some Yihi mods I've had. I like the little joystick on it. Hope you enjoy the one you ordered. (I also have not noticed that battery drain you spoke of - the mods I've had that have been terrible for that are the Smoant Charon 218 and the LV Centaurus).