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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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you triggered me Time...I feel threatened...don't bring hate into our community...LOL




Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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you triggered me Time...I feel threatened...don't bring hate into our community...LOL
LOL, you sound just like a college kid. A Sophomore college kid who has problems and protests having to read Plato's Republic cause it's too hard and too long.

Seriously, I have concerns for our future if our youth are scared of ideas not fed to them by the nanny state.


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LOL, you sound just like a college kid. A Sophomore college kid who has problems and protests having to read Plato's Republic cause it's too hard and too long.

Seriously, I have concerns for our future if our youth are scared of ideas not fed to them by the nanny state.
Plato was a racist,mysoginist,patriarchial oppresser....and he used too many big words ...


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Old bernie only paid 13 percent in taxes and took 60k in deductions and is in the top 5 percent of income earners i bet hes not gonna vote for him . While hillary made more in one speach to wall street then he did all year . The party of caring .
Make America great again .

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Old bernie only paid 13 percent in taxes and took 60k in deductions and is in the top 5 percent of income earners i bet hes not gonna vote for him . While hillary made more in one speach to wall street then he did all year . The party of caring .
Make America great again .

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I heard Gramps didn't get a job until he was in his that right.


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I'm gonna call it.

Trump vs Hillary

The Burn doesn't have enough fuel. It's over.

Trump is a genius. I knew they'd try to get him at the convention but he has a good chance of having the bound delegates for the first ballot. But, even if he's short by a few with pledged delegates, he was able to shine a spotlight on the backroom dealings and I don't think they'll be able to deny him. I think there will be enough unpledged delegates that understand what it would do and they'll vote Trump first ballot covering any shortfall.

Anyway, that's how I see it.


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I think you have called it correctly. Bernie is out Cruz needs a miricale now after NY kasich never had a chance and should of been out a month ago . If the republicans try to bump Trump at the convention its over for them as a party forever and Hillary wins . Unfortunately i don t think Trump will be her in the general election nothing sticks to her and the clinton machine and the msm have yet to start their all out attacks on Trump and his past . Get ready comrades 4 more years of Obama on steroids . We wont even reconize ourselves when its over .

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Bill and Opus for President!



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I'm gonna call it.

Trump vs Hillary

The Burn doesn't have enough fuel. It's over.

Trump is a genius. I knew they'd try to get him at the convention but he has a good chance of having the bound delegates for the first ballot. But, even if he's short by a few with pledged delegates, he was able to shine a spotlight on the backroom dealings and I don't think they'll be able to deny him. I think there will be enough unpledged delegates that understand what it would do and they'll vote Trump first ballot covering any shortfall.

Anyway, that's how I see it.
I don't think so...the kind of people who put a bullet in Kennedy's head, and start wars will have no problem rigging a nomination.


Platinum Contributor
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I think you have called it correctly. Bernie is out Cruz needs a miricale now after NY kasich never had a chance and should of been out a month ago . If the republicans try to bump Trump at the convention its over for them as a party forever and Hillary wins . Unfortunately i don t think Trump will be her in the general election nothing sticks to her and the clinton machine and the msm have yet to start their all out attacks on Trump and his past . Get ready comrades 4 more years of Obama on steroids . We wont even reconize ourselves when its over .

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She was always going to be very hard to beat, but I think Trump has a fighting chance. The numbers I've seen at least keep me interested.


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I don't think so...the kind of people who put a bullet in Kennedy's head, and start wars will have no problem rigging a nomination.

But with a bullet, you have a patsy and it doesn't lead back to you. Kennedy was elected, then shot.

The GOP nomination is now under a spotlight. Others, like Ron Paul, could not get it out in the open. Trump has. I think they'll have to go back to the bullet if they want deniability.


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People once trusted the goverment .Nobody would think back then our own would have anything to do with Kennedy. Much like clinton nothing stuck to them either Teddy murdered a girl yet his fat head got elected for the next 30 years . Nothing sticks to democrats cause the media is in their pocket .Nixion had 18 min of blank tape that ruined his life . The great general Petraeus let his gooma see a email and he got crucified and disgrased ,hillary had classified emails im sure the russians Chinese and issis saw but hey not a problem .Also sold all our uraniam rights to the russians after a nice deposit was made to her foundation ....yawn nothing to see here .

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People once trusted the goverment .Nobody would think back then our own would have anything to do with Kennedy. Much like clinton nothing stuck to them either Teddy murdered a girl yet his fat head got elected for the next 30 years . Nothing sticks to democrats cause the media is in their pocket .Nixion had 18 min of blank tape that ruined his life . The great general Petraeus let his gooma see a email and he got crucified and disgrased ,hillary had classified emails im sure the russians Chinese and issis saw but hey not a problem .Also sold all our uraniam rights to the russians after a nice deposit was made to her foundation ....yawn nothing to see here .

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nothing stuck to the Bush family either and they're up to their asses in corruption.


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But with a bullet, you have a patsy and it doesn't lead back to you. Kennedy was elected, then shot.

The GOP nomination is now under a spotlight. Others, like Ron Paul, could not get it out in the open. Trump has. I think they'll have to go back to the bullet if they want deniability.
They'll sight Parlemintary by laws and fine print and rules, but in the end they know the American people don't have the guts to put them up against the wall....the devil you know is better than the one you don' what they are counting on....I think you underestimate the inhumanity and bloodlust of these people.


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She was always going to be very hard to beat, but I think Trump has a fighting chance. The numbers I've seen at least keep me interested.
they're hoping both liberal men and women vote with their vaginas.


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The old man was CIA .I see the goverment no different then i see orginized crime . They gotta get a taste of everything and you dont become the boss not having a few bodies under your belt .but the only difference between the two is organized crime has a code of honor and when you get involed you know who your dealing with and the circumstances.

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Diamond Contributor
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The old man was CIA .I see the goverment no different then i see orginized crime . They gotta get a taste of everything and you dont become the boss not having a few bodies under your belt .but the only difference between the two is organized crime has a code of honor and when you get involed you know who your dealing with and the circumstances.

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that and the Mafia doesn't kill innocent women and childeren......Yeah old Bush was head of the CIA and in Dallas the day Kennedy was shot or so I understand....I don't believe in coincedences.


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Being from north Jersey i must clarify there is no mafia . Its just a sterotype to inpune hard working Italian Americans who attened social clubs .

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Diamond Contributor
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Being from north Jersey i must clarify there is no mafia . Its just a sterotype to inpune hard working Italian Americans who attened social clubs .

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yes but the question is ..would you have had to clafiry that if Vinnie wasn't holding an icepick to your ear?


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They'll sight Parlemintary by laws and fine print and rules, but in the end they know the American people don't have the guts to put them up against the wall....the devil you know is better than the one you don' what they are counting on....I think you underestimate the inhumanity and bloodlust of these people.

I think they are like cockroaches, when the light turns on they'll scurry for dark cracks. They did it to Ron Paul and the Tea Party but the lights were dim, the media did not report it. I don't think they'll be able to get Trump cause the lights are on. I'm seeing RNC committee people, politicians that weren't for trump, and pundits starting to change their tune. The cockroaches don't like to do their dirty breeding out in the open, IMO.


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I dont know nothing i dont see nothing ....we all mind our own business .

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Diamond Contributor
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I think they are like cockroaches, when the light turns on they'll scurry for dark cracks. They did it to Ron Paul and the Tea Party but the lights were dim, the media did not report it. I don't think they'll be able to get Trump cause the lights are on. I'm seeing RNC committee people, politicians that weren't for trump, and pundits starting to change their tune. The cockroaches don't like to do their dirty breeding out in the open, IMO.
well in that case they'll have to buy him off,or shoot him...make him an offer he can't refuse


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ECF Refugee
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I dont know nothing i dont see nothing ....we all mind our own business .

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I'm sure Mr. Bruno will see you that you see everything that way. Excuse me, going back to being a simple country boy. :)


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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I think they are like cockroaches, when the light turns on they'll scurry for dark cracks. They did it to Ron Paul and the Tea Party but the lights were dim, the media did not report it. I don't think they'll be able to get Trump cause the lights are on. I'm seeing RNC committee people, politicians that weren't for trump, and pundits starting to change their tune. The cockroaches don't like to do their dirty breeding out in the open, IMO.
True, the states caucus and primary systems are under the microscope and getting a lot of unwanted attention from the media, which is good. They no longer can hide behind arcane rules, I hope this election demolishes a lot of the back office deals, it won't completely, but it will make a lot of people aware of just how our political players play the game.


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@UncleRJ i was gonna say like Sargeant Schultz but i was afaid these young ones would have no idea what i was talking about !

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The old man was CIA.
1976-77, Director of the CIA. Wasn't politically active until '64 when he became the Chair of the Republican Party in Harris County (Houston).

I liked GHWB and voted for him over Bill in '92. I have it on very reliable inside "family" information that Senior was privately unsupportive of GW running for President and didn't approve - he's not the favorite son, Jeb is.

As for the current crop..
Trump is a demagogue, but a very coy and smart one. He's maneuvering himself into the position where it'll be practically impossible for the party not to nominate him with out risking a total collapse. We are truly and totally fucked if he wins.
Cruz is almost down to having to rely on the "I'm not that asshat Donald!" angle to stand a chance. The man scares me personally and it's no wonder he has no friends in Congress. We are truly fucked if he wins.
Sanders is too far on the left to appeal to the moderates, and even the ideas he's come out with that I could possibly agree with would never make it through Congress. We are truly fucked if he wins.
And Hillary, well, I'm not in love with her or much of what she espouses. I'm much more of a centrist and she's still too much to the left on a lot of issues for my liking. We are truly fucked if she wins.

America and it's politicians have forgotten that the art of politics is reaching compromise. Not everyone is going to get what they want. You try to make it work the best for the greatest amount of the people. Somewhere in the de-evolution into partisanship stonewalling, that has been forgotten.

So my secret hope is that Trump wins, just so America can get what it really deserves: an asshat President and four years of complete and utterly ineffective government that leads to the precipice of total collapse. Perhaps that will motivate some true change in how we select and elect our officials.


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The media is as corrupt as most politicians.....really sad.
The media has just kept pace with the politicians. Partisanship and corruption in the American media is nothing new by any means. It's just more accessible than ever today.


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Msm is run by the Democratic party look how many leave white house jobs for jobs as "reporters". Its all a sickining joke most of us are just sheep .

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1976-77, Director of the CIA. Wasn't politically active until '64 when he became the Chair of the Republican Party in Harris County (Houston).

I liked GHWB and voted for him over Bill in '92. I have it on very reliable inside "family" information that Senior was privately unsupportive of GW running for President and didn't approve - he's not the favorite son, Jeb is.

As for the current crop..
Trump is a demagogue, but a very coy and smart one. He's maneuvering himself into the position where it'll be practically impossible for the party not to nominate him with out risking a total collapse. We are truly and totally fucked if he wins.
Cruz is almost down to having to rely on the "I'm not that asshat Donald!" angle to stand a chance. The man scares me personally and it's no wonder he has no friends in Congress. We are truly fucked if he wins.
Sanders is too far on the left to appeal to the moderates, and even the ideas he's come out with that I could possibly agree with would never make it through Congress. We are truly fucked if he wins.
And Hillary, well, I'm not in love with her or much of what she espouses. I'm much more of a centrist and she's still too much to the left on a lot of issues for my liking. We are truly fucked if she wins.

America and it's politicians have forgotten that the art of politics is reaching compromise. Not everyone is going to get what they want. You try to make it work the best for the greatest amount of the people. Somewhere in the de-evolution into partisanship stonewalling, that has been forgotten.

So my secret hope is that Trump wins, just so America can get what it really deserves: an asshat President and four years of complete and utterly ineffective government that leads to the precipice of total collapse. Perhaps that will motivate some true change in how we select and elect our officials.

Calling Trump a demagouge I find a bit ludicrous...In my lifetime the only President that came closest to being a demogouge was Obama he was ascribed with superhuman attributes..He was the "smartest" man to sit in the whitehouse despite an obvious pedestiran intellect and absolutely no acedemic accomplishments or real world manifestations of this massive mind....he was the great unifier despite the fact the country is more divided than since the 60s..he was going to bridge the muslim world despite the fact he's toppeled muslim goverments and bombed and droned plenty of muslims and the muslim world is even more hostile than when he took power...we saw videos of parents teaching preschoolers the "Obama song" like little Maoists, we had a Nobel Peace Prize awarded for the monumentaul accomplishmnets of Obama learning to tie his own shoe laces,and then we had members of the Nobel committee publicly saying awarding Obama was a huge mistake.We had zealots running around with copies of books just before the election Obama supposedly wrote which he most likely never did like Elvis groupies..We had supposed journalist swooning like teenage girls describing their orgasims at the mere sight of Obama and the bolts of pleasure running up and down their legs....I mean get real .....we have lived through 8 years of a demagouge that would make a banana boat nation blush with embarassment.


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Calling Trump a demagouge I find a bit ludicrous
Then you either don't understand the meaning of demagogue, or you're just a fucking twit.

"demagogue noun
a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument."

All Mexicans are rapists and drug smugglers according to Da' Donald.
No Muslims should be allowed into the US because they're all terrorists says Da' Donald.

So, yeah, a demagogue and a xenophobe.

If you want to be so ass-hurt over Obama, talk to your party and ask them why they couldn't find and field better candidates to oppose him, or maybe they need to look at their platform and see why it didn't appeal to the voters. Your bitching and ranting over it is wasted otherwise.


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All Mexicans are rapists and drug smugglers according to Da' Donald.
No Muslims should be allowed into the US because they're all terrorists says Da' Donald.

Liar liar.

Find me the video of Trump saying ALL Mexicans or ALL Muslims.


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He never said all mexicans are rapists . He said many Illegals are rapists and drug dealers ! Number 1 they are Illegal !

And in case you havent seen whats happening in europe with the mass importing of muslims then your the twit !
What do the democrats/socilist offer a old woman who makes dillinger look like a angel and a old commie who wants to turn us into Venezuela.
Yea we are ass hurt over Obama because hes been fucking us in it for 7 years !

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Then you either don't understand the meaning of demagogue, or you're just a fucking twit.

"demagogue noun
a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument."

All Mexicans are rapists and drug smugglers according to Da' Donald.
No Muslims should be allowed into the US because they're all terrorists says Da' Donald.

So, yeah, a demagogue and a xenophobe.

If you want to be so ass-hurt over Obama, talk to your party and ask them why they couldn't find and field better candidates to oppose him, or maybe they need to look at their platform and see why it didn't appeal to the voters. Your bitching and ranting over it is wasted otherwise.
This I should expect from someone who "Liked" George Bush......


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talk to your party and ask them why they couldn't find and field better candidates to oppose him, or maybe they need to look at their platform and see why it didn't appeal to the voters
Just realized that will never happen. It's too easy to blame somebody else for the problems rather than have some responsibility and accountability for it.


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What about CBS,NBC,ABC,CNN,MSNBC? Is that real enough

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Diamond Contributor
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Then you either don't understand the meaning of demagogue, or you're just a fucking twit.

"demagogue noun
a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument."

All Mexicans are rapists and drug smugglers according to Da' Donald.
No Muslims should be allowed into the US because they're all terrorists says Da' Donald.

So, yeah, a demagogue and a xenophobe.

If you want to be so ass-hurt over Obama, talk to your party and ask them why they couldn't find and field better candidates to oppose him, or maybe they need to look at their platform and see why it didn't appeal to the voters. Your bitching and ranting over it is wasted otherwise.
OOOhh boy where to start with this claptrap...xenophobe....LOL..the US takes in 90% of the worlds LEGAL immigrants..90%...on top of that we have over 20 million forgien nationals who have essintailly told the people of the US to go fuck themselves, that their ballot boxes don't matter that they don't respect the people of the US enough to allow them to vote for and write their own laws and that they have no intention of allowing the people of the US a right to self determentation, that they have no intention of extending the people of the US the same rights they reserve for their own home countries and if you get pissed your laws are not recognized by forgien nationals whose immigration laws are far more draconian than have some imbicle call you a xenophobe...LOL..sorry Barbie....


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He never said all mexicans are rapists . He said many Illegals are rapists and drug dealers ! Number 1 they are Illegal !

And in case you havent seen whats happening in europe with the mass importing of muslims then your the twit !
What do the democrats/socilist offer a old woman who makes dillinger look like a angel and a old commie who wants to turn us into Venezuela.
Yea we are ass hurt over Obama because hes been fucking us in it for 7 years !
WRT Europe, are you talking about Paris and Brussels? Or or you just referring to the massive issue with Syrian and Libyan refugees trying to escape the violence and war and ISIS?

Okay, true, Da' Donald didn't say "ALL", verbatim. But that's not really the point. It's casting the net over immigrants and painting them with the same brush. It's prejudicial at best. Bigoted and xenophobic is closer to home.


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ECF Refugee it matter...are you serious....the Bush family makes Vito Genovise look like a fucking choir boy and a piker hell the grandfather was a total creep...
GHWB was no saint, but Little Fuckwad GWB was a useless tooled twaddle that only moved by the will of the corporate strings.


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OOOhh boy where to start with this claptrap...xenophobe....LOL..the US takes in 90% of the worlds LEGAL immigrants..90%...on top of that we have over 20 million forgien nationals who have essintailly told the people of the US to go fuck themselves, that their ballot boxes don't matter that they don't respect the people of the US enough to allow them to vote for and write their own laws and that they have no intention of allowing the people of the US a right to self determentation, that they have no intention of extending the people of the US the same rights they reserve for their own home countries and if you get pissed your laws are not recognized by forgien nationals whose immigration laws are far more draconian than have some imbicle call you a xenophobe...LOL..sorry Barbie....
How you go from Donald being a xenophobe to prattling on about immigration is totally astounding. Unless of course you're also a xenophobe. In that case, we should all return to our ancestral home: Africa. I hear it's really great there.
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