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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Yes, college is making people more stupid and has been for a long time. Simple problem solving is not taught anymore, not even at the low levels of education. "Problem solving" has to be complicated. Just look at the so called, new math.

The problem with complicating problems is that you end up watering down the problem and adding information that is not needed. The base problem is hidden in a bunch of mush. The more mush there is, the more likely it is to not understand the base problem and have non essential information screw up the result. In the math example linked above, there are a number of equations needed to get a simple answer and each equation is an opportunity to make a mistake. Make one mistake on one equation and the answer is wrong. So, the more complicated long version is more prone to wrong answers.

I'm often accused of being too simple when debating policy and economics. It's more complicated then that, I'm told. No, it's not. If I spend more than I take in, I'm broke. No amount of borrowing, accounting gimmicks or convolution will change it. The same is true at any scale. Me as and individual or the US as a country. Making it complicated only hides it and makes it more difficult to identify and solve the problem.

Of course my example itself, common core math, is a simple way to look at it. College teaches much more complicated reasoning skills and while the answers to problems sound well thought out, they end up looking like this;



Diamond Contributor
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the term is bewilder,darken or confuse the matter.....centuries ago is was punishable by death for an englishman to have a copy of the bible written in English...the english translations of the bible were smuggeled into england from holland....the Catholic Church did not want the common man to have access to the bible....only those wealthy enough to have the time and the money to hire a tutor to learn Latin had access to the bible....It created a class of Priests that had total control....our political class does the same thing it purposelly obsufactes everything in order to bury the common man under a tsunami of expertise in order to take the right to self determination out of the hands of the people and making it the sole domain of those who pay the price of a Harvard degree the uber rich. bloddy peasant are to stupid to govern themselves...


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I think your whisteling past the many Bernie supporters refuse to vote for Hilary....and with good reason, many good reasons, and independents aren't going to vote for a socialist....even though the DNC is doing it's best to stuff the ballot boxes with illegal aliens and immigrnts...the only problen the DNC has with America is that it is full of Americans...I don't think they can sell socailism especially as the democrtic socialist econmies of europe go down in flames...
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I think your whisteling past the many Bernie supporters refuse to vote for Hilary....and with good reason, many good reasons, and independents aren't going to vote for a socialist....even though the DNC is doing it's best to stuff the ballot boxes with illegal aliens and immigrnts...the only problen the DNC has with America is that it is full of Americans...I don't think they can sell socailism especially as the democrtic socialist econmies of europe go down in flames...
I'm not sure. If you add up the number people who work for the government (at all levels) to those who receive some kind of government assistance, the total exceeds those work full-time in private industry. In other words, we may already have passed a tipping point, beyond which voting can no longer fix things.


Member For 4 Years
I'm not sure. If you add up the number people who work for the government (at all levels) to those who receive some kind of government assistance, the total exceeds those work full-time in private industry. In other words, we may already have passed a tipping point, beyond which voting can no longer fix things.

It takes a smart man to admit, there are some things You just can't Fix. The numbers have swung the other way, Democrats just have bigger overall numbers now a days. IMO there isn't a good candidate on either side :( But some one has to be the President.


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It takes a smart man to admit, there are some things You just can't Fix. The numbers have swung the other way, Democrats just have bigger overall numbers now a days. IMO there isn't a good candidate on either side :( But some one has to be the President.
Not only do Democrats have more voters, Republicans only talk a good game and never deliver. How much did the FedGov shrink between 2001 and 2007, a six year period when Republicans held not only the White House, but both houses of Congress? Or look at the budget bills that the current Republican-controlled congress passed, which fully funds everything the Democrats wanted.

It's gonna be epic when they finally run out of other people's money.


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Her and her husband should be in jail . Read the Panama papers they are criminals at the highest level . Yet she is untouchable bernie has won more votes but she has the delegates. The last exit on the highway was 4 years ago and we zoomed past it with Obama . I fear we are truly fucked

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Diamond Contributor
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I'm not sure. If you add up the number people who work for the government (at all levels) to those who receive some kind of government assistance, the total exceeds those work full-time in private industry. In other words, we may already have passed a tipping point, beyond which voting can no longer fix things.
Tru dat. time to go galt...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Her and her husband should be in jail . Read the Panama papers they are criminals at the highest level . Yet she is untouchable bernie has won more votes but she has the delegates. The last exit on the highway was 4 years ago and we zoomed past it with Obama . I fear we are truly fucked

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Yeah Hilary is a Stalinist she would have no problem suspending the bill of rights.


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Right now, the sun is still shining, so I'm still making hay, but I feel a nip in the air indicating it's late in the season.

I think I'm a little farther north on the map. It's fair weather during the day but the leaves have fallen off the tree. The first snow is days away.

GOPe bailout of Puerto Rico bond holders anyone? Who's next?

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Ted Cruz looks like a registered sex offender

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Thats the problem . Its not about content or character its about who looks the part not whos best for the country . Obama is a great speaker and looks good in a suit . But he has destroyed our country all with a smile .And the fear of being called a racist if you disagree with his policies its all about appearance.

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I haven't seen any "good looking" candidates still running. I mean, Rubio was kinda cute and Carson was decent looking. But, of those left standing..............

Cruz has a turtle face.
Trump looks a bit cartoonish.
Hillary is not attractive in the least.
Bernie looks like he just rolled out of bed.


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I wounder if bernie or hillary are elected they will make Al Sharpton pay the 4 million in back taxes he owes ? Or is tax just for us unwashed masses

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I wounder if bernie or hillary are elected they will make Al Sharpton pay the 4 million in back taxes he owes ? Or is tax just for us unwashed masses
Taxes are only for those who don't help them get elected.

The both sat there for hours waiting for someone else to pay the check:


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without a telepromter Obama is a blithering idiot
My fellow American uuuhhh..mmmm duh duh mmmmmmmuuhhh there..uuuhhhmm dud duh ahah.....
his wife scares me


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How many 'ugh's has obama uttered in 7 years?
How many 'ugh's has obama elicited from Americans through executive orders?


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The scary part whats he gonna executive order his last few months ? Release more terrorist? Surrender to the Russians. Pardon everyone in prison

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Meanwhile, the RNC has had it's minions gerrymandering districts to their favor and passing laws that make it harder for Blacks and Latinos to become registered voters and actually participate in the process. If the Republicans had that shit being done to them, FOX would explode with how they're being maltreated and "it's the erosion of American society." I guess it's okay to fuck other people over - as long as they're not in your fascist little "Let's turn America into "Leave it to Beaver"" club.

There are parts of the Republican philosophy that I have leanings for - smaller, more effective government being one of them. But having that wrapped up with the Tea Bagger, religious right, sanctimonious, help myself get rich off the backs of the working stiffs, bullshit they're taking along for the ride makes voting for one of their candidates very unpalatable to me.

Not voting for Bernie either.
Where's John Anderson when you need him??


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GOP in Florida gerrymanderd Alan West right out of the 'House'.
One & done.
Crime? Truth.
Obey yo masta..


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How is the Gop making it hard for blacks to vote ?

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Maybe our black president should look into that along with our black attorney general for the last 7 years .

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Meanwhile, the RNC has had it's minions gerrymandering districts to their favor and passing laws that make it harder for Blacks and Latinos to become registered voters and actually participate in the process. If the Republicans had that shit being done to them, FOX would explode with how they're being maltreated and "it's the erosion of American society." I guess it's okay to fuck other people over - as long as they're not in your fascist little "Let's turn America into "Leave it to Beaver"" club.

There are parts of the Republican philosophy that I have leanings for - smaller, more effective government being one of them. But having that wrapped up with the Tea Bagger, religious right, sanctimonious, help myself get rich off the backs of the working stiffs, bullshit they're taking along for the ride makes voting for one of their candidates very unpalatable to me.

Not voting for Bernie either.
Where's John Anderson when you need him??

Where do you get your information? You don't seem to know what you're talking about.


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I think hes refering to voter id .wich of course only applies to black or latin or poor people not everyone . This way the evil RNC can olny have whites vote . Also he belives we should be a country without morals ,or have taxation with representation. Some pretty solid points of veiw.

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I didn't see anything correct in his post. Granted, there was a halftruth, gerrymandering, but he forgot about dimocrat gerrymandering. The party in power draws districts and they both gerrymander.


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I didn't see anything correct in his post. Granted, there was a halftruth, gerrymandering, but he forgot about dimocrat gerrymandering. The party in power draws districts and they both gerrymander.
So funny how all the black and Latinos whine about the Conservative. They don't even realize what the democrats are doing to them. Lol


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Meanwhile, the RNC has had it's minions gerrymandering districts to their favor and passing laws that make it harder for Blacks and Latinos to become registered voters and actually participate in the process. If the Republicans had that shit being done to them, FOX would explode with how they're being maltreated and "it's the erosion of American society." I guess it's okay to fuck other people over - as long as they're not in your fascist little "Let's turn America into "Leave it to Beaver"" club.

There are parts of the Republican philosophy that I have leanings for - smaller, more effective government being one of them. But having that wrapped up with the Tea Bagger, religious right, sanctimonious, help myself get rich off the backs of the working stiffs, bullshit they're taking along for the ride makes voting for one of their candidates very unpalatable to me.

Not voting for Bernie either.
Where's John Anderson when you need him??
what nonsense, we have 20 million illegal aliens, which is just an Orwellin meme for invasion. There is if you even bother videos of a DNC politican in Ca. telling a group of illegal Mexicans that if they go down and vote nobody will check to see if it's legl for them to vote...We have Videos of James O'keffe and project veritas going down and telling the poll workers they are Eric Holder and being handed Eric Holders ballot,projet Veritas telling poll workers they are not citizens and being offered ballots...fuck other people over..really..we have 20 million illegals who are totally OK with fucking over the entire democraticly elected laws of a sovergien nation ignoring laws voted on by those citizens as long as they let in your little "George Lopez Show" america if it wasn't for illegal immigant voting anf massive waves of immigration the left couldn't elect a dog cather in America...
This massive wave of immigration both illegal and unconstitutional is a way for the DNC to disenfranchise the citizens of the country.the immigration policies of America are being handed down from the TOP down, they are NOT a mandate from the people from the botton up, they are supported and pushed by the uber rich, the elite,and the corpratists...and usefull idiots swallow it because the uber rich wrap it in leftist the end the strata of Americans who are suffering the most from this globalsit agneda are the poorest Americans and the liberals in America don't give a fuck about their suffering and poverty as long as they can put a democrat in office.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Meanwhile, the RNC has had it's minions gerrymandering districts to their favor and passing laws that make it harder for Blacks and Latinos to become registered voters and actually participate in the process. If the Republicans had that shit being done to them, FOX would explode with how they're being maltreated and "it's the erosion of American society." I guess it's okay to fuck other people over - as long as they're not in your fascist little "Let's turn America into "Leave it to Beaver"" club.

There are parts of the Republican philosophy that I have leanings for - smaller, more effective government being one of them. But having that wrapped up with the Tea Bagger, religious right, sanctimonious, help myself get rich off the backs of the working stiffs, bullshit they're taking along for the ride makes voting for one of their candidates very unpalatable to me

Not voting for Bernie either.
Where's John Anderson when you need him??
So is having to have a legal ID to
buy a beer
rent a hotel room
file or foodstamps
cash an unemployment check
fly on an airplane
buy cigarettes
get into the DNC presidental convention
are these all racist policies? and if so how come the NAACP, the SPLC, and the DNC, has not tried to repeal a single one of these things in the last 100 years.

I haven't seen any white yahoos down at polling stations harassing peole what I have seen is the Black Panthers in front of polling stations with nightsticks menacing people, and I"ve seen an ilegitamte goverment refuse to prosecute them for it.

and hope this doesn't burst your bubble but from the Wall Street Journal

"black voter turnout in 2012 exceeded the rate of white voter turnout, even in the states with the strictest voter ID laws," despite the Democrats claiming the voter ID laws suppress the black vote.

While there is debate about the reasons why -- and if the phenomenon will last -- Riley's statistic checks out. Census data shows that indeed, for the first time ever, black voter turnout was higher nationally than white voter turnout, and at least just as high in the states with strict voter ID laws.
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Dems= charismatic black candidate.
Reps= weak kneed white pasta..


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Dems..moronic black totlitarian dickhead
Reps..moronic pasty faced globalist shill.
I agree with you adjectives.
But the great unwashed saw obama as a black messiah..
Not playing Devils advocate.
America's never suffered an in-yer-face tyrant as this.
The Cure is unmentionable..


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Yes the dems do so much for the black and poor ...Detroit and camden nj are shining examples of the party that cares .

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