I agree, but history can change on a dime.....go ask merkel hows it going trying to comitt genocide on the german people.....not as fucking easy as she thought even with a million troops.from the islamic world...look at the brexit.....people have no patience with the GOP they will start a new party..only the media tries and make it seem they are relevant...you close down the internet in america you are going to get a revolution,....maybe not with guns but the people will bring the machine crashing down...we are not europeans, we are a crude and backwoods people prone to rebellion.and with crazy ideas like freedom and gun ownership.....only democrats and damn few of them will believe for a second the election wasnt rigged...Hilary steals this election and it will put the entire political class on very very thin ice, the goverment of the US will lose all credibility and support of the people....you can not govern a people who hate you for very long..Also the Trump candidacy has broken the hold of thought and speech control we are all Trump now and people will more and more start speaking their minds openly.The media is not in control, the media has lost control, they have with this election shown themselves to be vile nd dishonest nobody will believe a word they say anymore, they have openly said they lie and will continue to lie to make sure the DNC maintains control...look at how many young voters have sworn off the DNC because of the DNC stealing their votes and assassinating the people who exposed the theft of the Sanders voters......the elite are not in the driver seat,Mr.Toads wild ride is about to start.