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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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She said
The fuck is wrong with you! In a violent manner! My wife got sacred lol!!!
She said Obama is here today, that fucking ******!! TRUE STORY BRO, her car was full of trump stickers and she has a HILARY devil picture painted on her drivers door, she was EXTREMELY FUCKING TRUMP FAN!!
She gave me a bunch of stickers and PINS! Then she said

is she in this thread?


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My wife got sacred
Now I've heard everything.
First you desecrate the image of Jesus
now you imply you're balling the virgin Mary, MOFO!



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Sorry to ask, but this has me a bit baffled lol, how exactly do you vote in the USA? Over here we go to a place that has been chosen as a polling station, get given a piece of paper with names on, choose who we want, then put it in a box.

After this, all votes get counted from each area then are put together to decide the winner, are they trying to say that it would take too much work to do in the USA? I understand it is much, much bigger than the UK, but if it was the same and split into smaller areas and each area counts their votes, surely it would be possible to directly vote? It seems a bit strange if they are saying they can't do this.
Outwest already described it pretty well. However what it also means is that many people's vote doesn't count depending where they live. The electoral college is a representative vote, so the people vote for X or Y at the polls. Then the electoral college takes that into consideration and those people that make the electoral college are 'supposed' to vote the way the people did. Further rules and regulations though also play into the mix if the state is a winner takes all.

Take California for example, they have a high number of electoral college votes because being representative of the population, California has a lot of people that need represented when compared to a less populated state like Idaho. California has 55 electoral votes out of 538 total for all 50 states, or basically 10.2% of the nation's total and 20.4% of the 270 electoral votes needed for someone to win the presidency. Idaho on the other hand only has 4 electoral votes.

Being a winner take all it doesn't matter of 99% of the people vote democrat and 1% vote republican or if 51% vote democrat and 49% vote republican. Either way democrats take all the electoral votes. No real point in living in California if you're a republican in other words. Where that matters, just to play with the numbers (and being unrealistic but showing the problem), let's assume 49% voted republican and 51% voted dem in California so dems get 55 electoral votes. Now let's assume that in other states like Arizona, New Mexico and Texas which total 54 electoral votes for all 3 states, that 99% of the people voted republican in all 3 states and only 1% voted democrat in all 3 states. 99% of the population of 3 states + 49% of California's population is the majority of all the citizens from Ca, Az, Nm and Tx but due to the winner takes all the dems would still technically win the election with a vote of 54 to 53 despite a much smaller fraction of the populous voting for the dems.

Yes it's an unrealistic scenario but when you factor in all the other states like New York which also leans democrat with 29 electoral votes and also is winner take all it's not very representative of the people. If it were truly representative of the population the votes wouldn't be winner take all, they would be split 50/50, 60/40 or however the votes averaged out. 55 dems and 0 reps is a much different picture than 35 dems and 20 reps, even if the state general leans left.

It's a very convoluted system when you start digging deep down. Our primaries are even worse with super delegates, coin flips and lord knows what else. Many places were calling winners before all the votes were even counted. The more oddball rules and regulation and bylaws and crap that can muddy the waters vs a clear vote of X or Y and the more room for things to get lost in the shuffle, reshuffled and the outcomes shaped.

Even though 24 states have consequences for 'faithless' electors (who choose someone other than that by popular vote for the state), that means that 26 states do NOT have consequences. A big reason for the electoral college rather than by individual popular vote stems back to the days of slavery and the south wouldn't have been too fond of that. The south was in a bit of a bind, technically they had a lot of people. Great because a larger population means more voting power. Problem, many of those people were slaves and slaves in those days were not deemed 'people'. They were deemed property, hence the 3/5 compromise where they worked to skirt the slavery issue. A person can't own another person but they can own 'property'.

If a slave is 'property' and you allow them voting rights, by law only recognized citizens can vote so allowing them to vote would mean they weren't 'property' and couldn't be owned as such. Insert 3/5 compromise where African American slaves were allowed to be counted as 3/5 of a vote, additional voting power but without giving them the same credit of a single complete vote as if they were a citizen. Taxation also played into it and the higher the 'official population' the higher the taxes. By counting the large number of slaves as only 3/5 of a 'citizen' or 'person' taxes were less than they would have been otherwise.

Long story short, it's a wicked mess and much of it extending back to more archaic days. Had it not been for slavery and people grumbling over taxes and property ownership back in the 1800's a direct vote may have been approved and the electoral college never needed nor implemented. The outcomes of various elections may have been rather different over the years.


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Outwest already described it pretty well. However what it also means is that many people's vote doesn't count depending where they live. The electoral college is a representative vote, so the people vote for X or Y at the polls. Then the electoral college takes that into consideration and those people that make the electoral college are 'supposed' to vote the way the people did. Further rules and regulations though also play into the mix if the state is a winner takes all.

Take California for example, they have a high number of electoral college votes because being representative of the population, California has a lot of people that need represented when compared to a less populated state like Idaho. California has 55 electoral votes out of 538 total for all 50 states, or basically 10.2% of the nation's total and 20.4% of the 270 electoral votes needed for someone to win the presidency. Idaho on the other hand only has 4 electoral votes.

Being a winner take all it doesn't matter of 99% of the people vote democrat and 1% vote republican or if 51% vote democrat and 49% vote republican. Either way democrats take all the electoral votes. No real point in living in California if you're a republican in other words. Where that matters, just to play with the numbers (and being unrealistic but showing the problem), let's assume 49% voted republican and 51% voted dem in California so dems get 55 electoral votes. Now let's assume that in other states like Arizona, New Mexico and Texas which total 54 electoral votes for all 3 states, that 99% of the people voted republican in all 3 states and only 1% voted democrat in all 3 states. 99% of the population of 3 states + 49% of California's population is the majority of all the citizens from Ca, Az, Nm and Tx but due to the winner takes all the dems would still technically win the election with a vote of 54 to 53 despite a much smaller fraction of the populous voting for the dems.

Yes it's an unrealistic scenario but when you factor in all the other states like New York which also leans democrat with 29 electoral votes and also is winner take all it's not very representative of the people. If it were truly representative of the population the votes wouldn't be winner take all, they would be split 50/50, 60/40 or however the votes averaged out. 55 dems and 0 reps is a much different picture than 35 dems and 20 reps, even if the state general leans left.

It's a very convoluted system when you start digging deep down. Our primaries are even worse with super delegates, coin flips and lord knows what else. Many places were calling winners before all the votes were even counted. The more oddball rules and regulation and bylaws and crap that can muddy the waters vs a clear vote of X or Y and the more room for things to get lost in the shuffle, reshuffled and the outcomes shaped.

Even though 24 states have consequences for 'faithless' electors (who choose someone other than that by popular vote for the state), that means that 26 states do NOT have consequences. A big reason for the electoral college rather than by individual popular vote stems back to the days of slavery and the south wouldn't have been too fond of that. The south was in a bit of a bind, technically they had a lot of people. Great because a larger population means more voting power. Problem, many of those people were slaves and slaves in those days were not deemed 'people'. They were deemed property, hence the 3/5 compromise where they worked to skirt the slavery issue. A person can't own another person but they can own 'property'.

If a slave is 'property' and you allow them voting rights, by law only recognized citizens can vote so allowing them to vote would mean they weren't 'property' and couldn't be owned as such. Insert 3/5 compromise where African American slaves were allowed to be counted as 3/5 of a vote, additional voting power but without giving them the same credit of a single complete vote as if they were a citizen. Taxation also played into it and the higher the 'official population' the higher the taxes. By counting the large number of slaves as only 3/5 of a 'citizen' or 'person' taxes were less than they would have been otherwise.

Long story short, it's a wicked mess and much of it extending back to more archaic days. Had it not been for slavery and people grumbling over taxes and property ownership back in the 1800's a direct vote may have been approved and the electoral college never needed nor implemented. The outcomes of various elections may have been rather different over the years.
Wow- that is very confusing indeed,thank you for your detailed explanation though!

It IS very convoluted, and I never knew about the 3/5 compromise that existed previously, I gather (and hope) this has not been in effect for a long time has it?

I am actually going to do some reading on our own voting system, I always believed individual votes were counted and it was a direct vote, but I could well be wrong, and outcomes here could well of been different too as like you mention, to stand any chance in the USA you need to either be Democrat or Republican, you need to be one of the main parties here too.
I would say Conservative and Labour are the main ones, closely followed by Liberal democrat.

Does anyone know who is likely to win? As in is there a clear leader at the moment, or is it a pretty close call?


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@Synphul - good addendum. Thanks. I had completely forgotten about that 3/5ths thing.

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Oh no the 3/5 compromise ended quite some time ago in 1868 under section 2 of the 14th amendment. It basically repealed the 3/5 compromise and said each person was to be counted. The issue though was still black rights and black citizens didn't get the right to vote until 1965's voting rights act. Various states, regions etc have had issues over the years and back when things like the 3/5 compromise was in effect women weren't allowed to vote either. They didn't get that right until 1920. Many people over the years weren't considered equal and preference was given to primarily white men and land owners. When many of our founding rules were put into place things were different, women couldn't vote or own property, black citizens couldn't vote or own property etc.

A bit hard to believe for some of us but taking for instance a republican primary candidate like Ben Carson. He's 65yrs old and by the time he reached 18yrs old (legal voting age), black citizens had only been allowed to vote for 4yrs when he would have been walking into a voting booth.


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Wow- that is very confusing indeed,thank you for your detailed explanation though!

It IS very convoluted, and I never knew about the 3/5 compromise that existed previously, I gather (and hope) this has not been in effect for a long time has it?

I am actually going to do some reading on our own voting system, I always believed individual votes were counted and it was a direct vote, but I could well be wrong, and outcomes here could well of been different too as like you mention, to stand any chance in the USA you need to either be Democrat or Republican, you need to be one of the main parties here too.
I would say Conservative and Labour are the main ones, closely followed by Liberal democrat.

Does anyone know who is likely to win? As in is there a clear leader at the moment, or is it a pretty close call?
The mainstream media is telling us that Hillary is leading in the polls and will probably win. If you look at who they're polling, they usually have it skewed to favor the Democrat party. If you look at the number of people that are showing up to the various rallies, Trump is leading by a huge margin. Of course one also has to also consider the cheating at the polls (ballot box stuffing, people voting more than once, non-citizens voting, votes being counted wrong by the machines, etc)

The man behind the curtain (those that run things behind the scenes - Soros, want it to be Hillary, so it wouldn't surprise me if that's what we end up with.

In regards to the voting machines, there are reports coming out of Texas that early voters have selected to vote a straight party republican ticket and the machine has checked Hillary's box. If the reports are true, then the fix is in.

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So, this proffesor who has correctly predicted the las 5 elections, gives this election to Trump by a huge margin......So where is this narritive that this is a close race coming from and why....we know from wikileaks, that the major news agencies are propoganda mills for Hilary,we know that something like 90% of journalists support Hilary the people who work for the propoganda mills, we know that journalists have come out and openly admitted that they feel justified in being bias and slanting the news because Trump is the devil...we now know the polls taken by the propoganda mills were purposely manipulated to be false...why?....The only explanation is that the election is rigged...the propoganda mills are pushing a narritive that will make it seem plausable that Hilary was legally elected when they steal the vote....the idiots at home who still watch the mainstream media and are ignorant,will swallow it whole, because the media has created the big lie, that Hilary is popular.


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So, this proffesor who has correctly predicted the las 5 elections, gives this election to Trump by a huge margin......So where is this narritive that this is a close race coming from and why....we know from wikileaks, that the major news agencies are propoganda mills for Hilary,we know that something like 90% of journalists support Hilary the people who work for the propoganda mills, we know that journalists have come out and openly admitted that they feel justified in being bias and slanting the news because Trump is the devil...we now know the polls taken by the propoganda mills were purposely manipulated to be false...why?....The only explanation is that the election is rigged...the propoganda mills are pushing a narritive that will make it seem plausable that Hilary was legally elected when they steal the vote....the idiots at home who still watch the mainstream media and are ignorant,will swallow it whole, because the media has created the big lie, that Hilary is popular.

Relax before you have a massive stroke!
Too fucking early to be ANGRY


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the name of the game is to make people believe Hillary was elected fairly.
Just like we been saying-


The powers at be, want her to be crowned queen; therefore, she will be.

California and the northeast decide everything for everyone in between.... like it or not we will have Mrs President.


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Ohio 18
New York 29
Arizona 18
Georgia 16


27 to win...
This system is so fuck up!


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Ohio 18
New York 29
Arizona 18
Georgia 16

that's the shit that drives me nuts...
Screenshot (5).png

if anything is going to ever change... it has to start at that map... or at the local levels.


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Guys im for trump but I don't think he has a chance in hell watch Hillary has something up her sleeve about him she's just waiting. I honestly feel either way our county is FUCKED .........................

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I think this is a better option than the two we have to choose from

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that's the shit that drives me nuts...
View attachment 64879

if anything is going to ever change... it has to start at that map... or at the local levels.
Yes it has to start local and is in some places.

Only problem is that will take some time... and we live in an instant gratification society. That's the strategy the libs have used over the last century to get us where we are.. you get people elected to school boards that support you. From there city concils and so on. Years down the road you have transformed the the system from the inside. Up is now down.

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Yes it has to start local and is in some places.

Only problem is that will take some time... and we live in an instant gratification society. That's the strategy the libs have used over the last century to get us where we are.. you get people elected to school boards that support you. From there city concils and so on. Years down the road you have transformed the the system from the inside. Up is now down.

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instant gratification-that is what trump is running on, and why it will fail
long term/big picture thinking has to prevail
the only way to work it; effectively and sustain it, is just the way the left did it. Trumps method of feeding off desperation, will only throw us further down.


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This from one of the darlings of the left...this from one of the biggest icons of progressive polotics....



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This from one of the darlings of the left...this from one of the biggest icons of progressive polotics....

For once that fat fuck spoke from his heart not his political stance . He is still a douchebag but i gained a ounce of respect for him on his insight on the pain of everyday Americans especially in the rust belt .

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oops wrong thread...... now we like Mikey because he said something pro-trump.

the hypocrisy runneth deep here.


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all that proves is the policies of the Obama/DNC have been economically disastorous to the blue collar workers of america ..perhaps becausr the DNC has flooded the country with illegal mexicans,and their financial supporters have moved blue collar jobs all you have proven is that the DNC is the party of the elite...or is your mind so fucking banal you think a piece of papper froma diploma mill is a ceritification of IQ you fucking dimwit....Einstien is said to have had an IQ of 160....the smartest man in America has an IQ of 200,he lives on a small rural farm, went to the University but left and never accquired a degree,he was a bouncer in a bar, and spent most of his life working construction, and runs a website where he discusses his various therioes and thoughts.

hey wheres your chart for who repeat offending black felons that are high school drop outs are voting for?or immigrant muslims who support sharia living on welfare,or hispanic women recieving food stamps....who they voting for...wheres the chart?..or do you just have a problem with white people being allowed to vote.
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oops wrong thread...... now we like Mikey because he said something pro-trump.

the hypocrisy runneth deep here.
no you fucking halfwit we dont like mikey....what we like is the fact that even a far left dipshit like this can see that the DNC is the party of the elite and uber wealthy...something that escaped your notice while you were hunting for nazis in your moms basement.


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cool your going to committ suicide by spray can...go for it....hey if you want to install literacy test at the polling stations Im OK with that...but you better go ask the DNC if they are....They dont think you should even have photo ID, Im pretty damn sure they wouldnt want a test if their average voter could spell their own english.

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