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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Another cute meme with baseless information. Funny how people are worried Trump 'might' turn the white house into a hotel when the Clintons already HAVE turned it into one renting out the various rooms for side cash. Damn those pesky facts vs baseless pointless memes. Even the clinton news network doesn't have much defense of their practices and covered it.


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Throughout history, revolutions never really work out for the people. In modern history, revolutions are usually inspired by marxists and according to that philosophy, the revolution never ends. That means never ending purges for endless plots against the revolution that work to solidify the ruling party's grip on power. I think we started out with a good system and we just need to back to it.

Rather than revolution, we need a restoration.

Revolutions never work out for the people? A revolution is the very reason our country exists and we're not hailing the queen or driving on the left side of the road. The civil war ultimately brought us together and ended slavery, I'd say that revolution worked out pretty well for black Americans. Were there hard times? Sure but ultimately the end game was improvement. It doesn't mean that revolution is always the answer but to suggest revolutions never end well is beyond ignoring basic history.

Where it never really works out for the people is in the form of leadership. One group in power whether it be monetary or political or religious, governing over the masses. People have inherent weaknesses as proven over the many years of history where power and money change people, greed takes over. It's almost an addiction like gambling where you start out winning $5-10 and hey that's pretty fun. Maybe I can win $20, $100, $10,000. Next thing you know you're selling grandma's house out from under her to further your own agenda. Not exactly the same but the base principle is there.

People are never really equal when there are different classes. I'm not talking of prosperity, I'm speaking of power and position. Sure we aim to have equality under the law, but do we really? How is it that you or I get pulled over for speeding and get a ticket and yet a diplomat or congressman flash their credentials and are let off? I mean under the law, the line of bullshit we're fed is that it's a law for our own good. Speeding is dangerous, it has potential to cause injury to others and in order to protect the greater good we need to be governed by rules and held to those rules. So then is a speeding senator any less of a threat than a speeding pizza delivery driver? No. What's different? Status.

Sure our particular system says for the people by the people yadda yadda, it's not some rich monarch ruling over us without checks and balances. However when corruption runs rampant those checks and balances are nothing more than lip service. Explain why generals and soldiers are in prison for the same or lesser offenses than shillary's committed and she's running for potus. Double standard much? Put a dress on a pig all you like but at the end of the day it still yells 'oink' and still smells like shit.

On one hand the theory of laws to preserve equality make perfect sense. On the other application of said laws and the twisting of them to suit individual circumstances removes all validity of them. Explain why one robber gets 5yrs in prison, one gets 18mo, another gets 10yrs. Is stealing not stealing? I'm not talking about additional circumstances where people may have lost their lives in the process vs a non injury robbery where additional crimes were committed. It all boils down to who is on the defendants stand, who the judge is, what area it's in and down to whether the judge got laid last night and is feeling generous or if someone shit in their cheerios that morning and cut them off in traffic on the way to work. It's no longer rule of law it's whatever the hell suits someone and lets roll the 20 sided die of fate and see what pops up.

Obummercare is a perfect example of this. Oh well it's good enough to force down people's throats, make it a mandatory federal law right? So then explain if it's so good for everyone why it doesn't apply to congress? Congress got together and decided to make themselves 'exempt' then a judge ruled on it and said yep, sounds legit to me. Really? That's like asking the robber what he says is a sufficient penalty, they decide they shouldn't spend time in jail and one of their fellow thugs says yep, sounds right to me. So let it be written. Are you fucking kidding me? Of course they didn't want obummercare, they knew better. It was good enough to force upon the serf's, just not for them and the legal elites justified themselves so no worries, it's all good.

Anarchy isn't the solution but what gives one man the right or the credentials to proclaim rule over another? Dane Cook said it best when he said "we all cry, we all lie and we all take painful shits". A 'legal system' is anything but, the theory is there but the reality is a twisted shitshow and basically a line of bullshit so the wimps get to rule over the masses. It's the only way they get to a position of power because in a standard hierarchy of nature, the strongest make the rules. Neither is better than the other because in the end you have someone trying to rule another. Whether by force or by dazzling people with a bullshit story it doesn't change the end result. Is it any wonder then that of all governed states throughout history there have always been the repressed and those that repress them and some level of disdain as a result. Go back to your childhood and recall a time when another kid or sibling tried to 'be the boss of you'. How'd that pan out?


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I think Hilary is being made a "scapegoat for the empire"....the global elite I think pretty much figured they could rig a phony election, sell it by the sheer weight of their propoganda machine and and put their puppet in office...I think they didn't figure on the american people being open minded enough to actually listen to Putin's accqusations of Obama's and Hilary's plans to start a war in the Ukraine and in Syria, they figured americans would have a anti russian mindless knee jerk reaction......I think the globalist didnt figure on the power of the altmedia,and their investigation of Hilary and the DNC,and they didn't know how much Assange had....As wikileaks was able to make the connection betweeen Soros and the election rigging,I believe the globalist are finding it wiser to throw Clinton under the bus now, rather than have any further investigations of who is actually running the Clinton crime syndicate.I think we are getting real close to actually putting a name to the people who are running the westeren world and the names of the people who take us to war.Hilary is being sacrificed so the shadow goverment can stay in the shadows.....the FBI isnt run by Putin....its run by Obama.

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I'm taking it for what It is...
She done fucked up and hired a chick who is the daughter of the leader of Muslim World League; and wife of a freaky, fucking perverted moron.


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I'm taking it for what It is...
She done fucked up and hired a chick who is the daughter of the leader of Muslim World League; and wife of a freaky, fucking perverted moron.

Its would be pretty ironic that the biggest crime syndicate in history is taken down by this freak wiener . All the coverups all the payoffs all the dead bodies all over cause this guy texted dick pics to a 15 year old . You could not write a story like it it would be unbelievable .

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Its would be pretty ironic that the biggest crime syndicate in history is taken down by this freak wiener . All the coverups all the payoffs all the dead bodies all over cause this guy texted dick pics to a 15 year old . You could not write a story like it it would be unbelievable .

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dude is singing like a canary to keep his weiner out of gen-pop for as long as he can.
-- all puns intended. the dude is a total fucking slime ball.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Its would be pretty ironic that the biggest crime syndicate in history is taken down by this freak wiener . All the coverups all the payoffs all the dead bodies all over cause this guy texted dick pics to a 15 year old . You could not write a story like it it would be unbelievable .

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like I've always said.....History can turn on a dime.....still I dont think The syndicate is being taken down, I think they are falling on their sword by orders from higher up....lets face it the Clintons could serve roasted children at a state dinner and the average democrat would still kill for them, and the media would say the chicken was fabulous.
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dude is singing like a canary to keep his weiner out of gen-pop for as long as he can.
-- all puns intended. the dude is a total fucking slime

He is toast they have him on this one . He is seriously sick that he can't stop after it ruined his life . Everyone has bailed on him he will have the sheets around his neck first night inside .

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like I've always said.....History can turn on a dime.....still I dont think The syndicate is being taken down, I think they are falling on their sword by orders from higher up....lets face it the Clintons could serve roasted children at a state dinner and the average democrat would still kill for them, and the media would say the chicken was fabulous.

You right I saw on the news last night a man on the street interview on who people support one guy said "short of murder I'm voting Clinton" this is how low our standards and values have sunk .

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If I was Clinton both Weiner and Huma gotta get one behind the ear now . Just for stupidity. I be pissed to have my scam blown up

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He is toast they have him on this one . He is seriously sick that he can't stop after it ruined his life . Everyone has bailed on him he will have the sheets around his neck first night inside.

he is certainly and rightfully so, labeled as a creepy, perverted, fuckfaced, rotten piece of human stool.
- I wonder how much he used this laptop as a bargaining chip to try and save his own butthole

If I was Clinton both Weiner and Huma gotta get one behind the ear now . Just for stupidity. I be pissed to have my scam blown up

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you said blown and weiner -lol

- couldn't help it.


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he is certainly and rightfully so, labeled as a creepy, perverted, fuckfaced, rotten piece of human stool.

you said blown and weiner -lol

- couldn't help it.

Ha ha how fucking perfect that that's his last name !!!!

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Ha ha how fucking perfect that that's his last name !!!!

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the only thing that could be better would be if his first name were Richard.
or if he were related to Boner.


Diamond Contributor
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You right I saw on the news last night a man on the street interview on who people support one guy said "short of murder I'm voting Clinton" this is how low our standards and values have sunk .

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what does he mean short of murder...that bitch has murdered more people than Vito Genoviese. Democrats are going through this election with their fingers in their ears and their heads firmly placed up their asses.


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It's also a Ray Wylie Hubbard somg

Screw You.
I'm From Texas.

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Ok I just didn't get the post . Who was he saying screw you too? Or just a general statement in Texas ? Like Howdy ?

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I don't know...
I figured it was a Texas pride thing.

he's a cool cat (me being an asshole that says a lot)


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Just thinking out loud here, as I work through some things.

In a portion of my life, I'm essentially a private-sector subcontractor for a smallish government entity. Currently helping with a chicken ordinance. Small potatoes for sure, but it turns out, chickens are really fucking polarizing.

Yeah. Chickens. People adore them to a point where droves of them will gather at board meetings and yell. This happens all over the country. It's insane. Due to this being a rare occasion for high human turnout, I've noticed some broader patterns that match shit on the federal scale.

Observation #1
People are unnecessarily paranoid and distrustful of any level of government.

That sounds obvious, but please note I added the word "unnecessarily." In a town where a ton of people know each other, a tiny-ass government says "This growing demand for chickens is causing neighbor issues. We have to do something. But hey, we want to make sure all of you who already have chickens can keep your chickens. So let's talk and make sure we can keep all of you happy."

Nope. Any communication grinds to a halt as people spend all of their allotted time accusing Town Board members of some vast Anti-Chicken Conspiracy. They squeeze in complaints about other topics. They continually ask questions that have already been answered. These government people can predict this behavior, and I've witnessed them do it behind the scenes. They're essentially helping me get better at predicting it on my own.

Observation #2
People have no idea how government works and why it's there.

This is a problem because when people are not throwing out conspiracy theories, they're wasting time continually asking why they need to be legislated to death. Well, the answer was already laid out before talky-time: Neighbors can't stop whining at each other and taking offense to every damn thing. Which leads to...

Observation #3

The Not In My Back Yard people are clutching their pearls because of (in this instance) a few chickens next door. Some of these certain NIMBYs are the same people who demanded the town vote a pro-agriculture statement into town code. Lots of hypocrisy.

There are some "good" NIMBYs who will get together and help develop, say, an anti-fracking ordinance, but too many times, they're self-serving people with zero perspective. They have no idea that grasping at straws for "why X shouldn't be created" makes them look like morons. In the previous two ordinances I dealt with, NIMBYs somehow managed to crowbar the safety of eagles into their important list of reasons. Bald eagles, which don't even exist here.

Observation #4
Politicians can be far more patient than you probably realize.

No. Really. It's stunning. I can't tell you how many Board/Committee meetings I've been to, where people are putting down officials who just sit there unfazed.

There was a chicken meeting in another state where people where shouting at Board members, demanding they give up the names of recent complainers. Essentially, to track them down and threaten them. Nothing but calm replies. (The reason you see more yelling on TV is because... soundbites.)

This is why I could never be in government. Illogical shit makes me twitchy, so my gut reaction would be negative responses. I actually tracked down a high-placed person in a neighboring county to ask them how and why they just sit there and take it. Her response was "Hey, it's their turn to talk, and we want them to. We're happy they show up." She's totally cool with letting people spout off inaccuracies and nonsense and accusations. I've since received two confirmations of that.

Observation #5
Yeah, this post is long.

It's long because politics is a complicated thing. The above observations are just some of the reasons why this election is in the toilet. People don't have the inclination or the time to figure out enough to help it make sense. If they came to the table already knowing that politicians are lying attention whores who generally have good intentions of helping people if they can get past the bribes and partisanship and media nonsense, not much of what's going on right now would be a surprise.

Well, there are one or two surprises, but I won't be writing those down. Pointless.

Sorry for the intrusion. Needed to vent.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Just thinking out loud here, as I work through some things.

In a portion of my life, I'm essentially a private-sector subcontractor for a smallish government entity. Currently helping with a chicken ordinance. Small potatoes for sure, but it turns out, chickens are really fucking polarizing.

Yeah. Chickens. People adore them to a point where droves of them will gather at board meetings and yell. This happens all over the country. It's insane. Due to this being a rare occasion for high human turnout, I've noticed some broader patterns that match shit on the federal scale.

Observation #1
People are unnecessarily paranoid and distrustful of any level of government.

That sounds obvious, but please note I added the word "unnecessarily." In a town where a ton of people know each other, a tiny-ass government says "This growing demand for chickens is causing neighbor issues. We have to do something. But hey, we want to make sure all of you who already have chickens can keep your chickens. So let's talk and make sure we can keep all of you happy."

Nope. Any communication grinds to a halt as people spend all of their allotted time accusing Town Board members of some vast Anti-Chicken Conspiracy. They squeeze in complaints about other topics. They continually ask questions that have already been answered. These government people can predict this behavior, and I've witnessed them do it behind the scenes. They're essentially helping me get better at predicting it on my own.

Observation #2
People have no idea how government works and why it's there.

This is a problem because when people are not throwing out conspiracy theories, they're wasting time continually asking why they need to be legislated to death. Well, the answer was already laid out before talky-time: Neighbors can't stop whining at each other and taking offense to every damn thing. Which leads to...

Observation #3

The Not In My Back Yard people are clutching their pearls because of (in this instance) a few chickens next door. Some of these certain NIMBYs are the same people who demanded the town vote a pro-agriculture statement into town code. Lots of hypocrisy.

There are some "good" NIMBYs who will get together and help develop, say, an anti-fracking ordinance, but too many times, they're self-serving people with zero perspective. They have no idea that grasping at straws for "why X shouldn't be created" makes them look like morons. In the previous two ordinances I dealt with, NIMBYs somehow managed to crowbar the safety of eagles into their important list of reasons. Bald eagles, which don't even exist here.

Observation #4
Politicians can be far more patient than you probably realize.

No. Really. It's stunning. I can't tell you how many Board/Committee meetings I've been to, where people are putting down officials who just sit there unfazed.

There was a chicken meeting in another state where people where shouting at Board members, demanding they give up the names of recent complainers. Essentially, to track them down and threaten them. Nothing but calm replies. (The reason you see more yelling on TV is because... soundbites.)

This is why I could never be in government. Illogical shit makes me twitchy, so my gut reaction would be negative responses. I actually tracked down a high-placed person in a neighboring county to ask them how and why they just sit there and take it. Her response was "Hey, it's their turn to talk, and we want them to. We're happy they show up." She's totally cool with letting people spout off inaccuracies and nonsense and accusations. I've since received two confirmations of that.

Observation #5
Yeah, this post is long.

It's long because politics is a complicated thing. The above observations are just some of the reasons why this election is in the toilet. People don't have the inclination or the time to figure out enough to help it make sense. If they came to the table already knowing that politicians are lying attention whores who generally have good intentions of helping people if they can get past the bribes and partisanship and media nonsense, not much of what's going on right now would be a surprise.

Well, there are one or two surprises, but I won't be writing those down. Pointless.

Sorry for the intrusion. Needed to vent.
yeah I have just the oppisite experince..I was amazed at how veneal and stupid and down right mentally ill the mother fucking people who are my political represenatives are when I finally met them face to face.....and how everyone that works for them is just as inasane just as venal, and just as stupid.....I sort of expected them to be like mafia dons...classy smart and resonablely evil, but on the contrary I have found almost every represenative of all levels of goverment to be some of the worst human beings I've met,not worth the price of a bullet......I'd much rather trust my child with many felons than most of the members of the political class I've met...

For instance when I went to my first town hall with Pete Stark...I was absolutely floored...I had no idea how such a piece of walking excrament got elected to public office...he was one of those sickos that makes your skin crawl just being in the same room with was an eye opening experince..his predacessor was cut from the same pile of shit as he was.......on the other hand I had the honor of meeting Tom Trancredo, and he was one of the most humble, approachable,kindest guys youd want to met.
Or the people that work in Dianne Fienstiens offices, they treat the public like shit they have a reputation for it...go talk to them, and your start realize why the masses of Paris built guillotines.
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Or the people that work in Dianne Fienstiens offices, they treat the public like shit

Seems like the higher up you go (local/county/state/federal), the hourly people get progressively worse until they're mind-numbingly useless. I have to call the state a lot, and it's miserable. They never actually help; I only keep doing it for the paper trail.

Even at the local level, it took me almost a year to get the Clerk to actually help me out a little versus just saying hello and ignoring everything. It took about 15 months before I finally broke through to a Board member. At that's because he noticed I was talking to them like humans and actually thanked me. (Apparently they get talked down to a lot by people with agendas.)

BTW, the "political" bullshit... the nasty partisan mess and the strategizing to get anything done... Just as bad at the local level. Same exact shit. You just live around the corner from each other, which is a little unsettling.


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Member For 4 Years
Seems like the higher up you go (local/county/state/federal), the hourly people get progressively worse until they're mind-numbingly useless. I have to call the state a lot, and it's miserable. They never actually help; I only keep doing it for the paper trail.

Even at the local level, it took me almost a year to get the Clerk to actually help me out a little versus just saying hello and ignoring everything. It took about 15 months before I finally broke through to a Board member. At that's because he noticed I was talking to them like humans and actually thanked me. (Apparently they get talked down to a lot by people with agendas.)

BTW, the "political" bullshit... the nasty partisan mess and the strategizing to get anything done... Just as bad at the local level. Same exact shit. You just live around the corner from each other, which is a little unsettling.
exactlly we are having a local election and guess what..the daughter of local politico is running for office, and she is supported by the entire local political class.....working for the goverment now is more lucrative than working for the private sector.....we have created a class of apperetchiks...and just as Hilary is above the law the entire american political structure feels themselves above the citizens......
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