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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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They pay taxes, and are affected by all the laws passed by politicians. They SHOULD get a vote, like it or not. You do expect them to pay taxes and abide by the laws the politicians pass, right?

Yes.... they pay taxes and should continue to.. BUT when they committed that felony they CHOSE to give up some rights. Like the right to vote. They are the ones that CHOSE to NOT follow the laws. I also expect NON citizens to follow our laws when they are here and pay taxes if they are working and living here. Do you think NON citizens of a country should vote, also?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yes.... they pay taxes and should continue to.. BUT when they committed that felony they CHOSE to give up some rights. Like the right to vote. They are the ones that CHOSE to NOT follow the laws. I also expect NON citizens to follow our laws when they are here and pay taxes if they are working and living here. Do you think NON citizens of a country should vote, also?
exactlly there are reasons crime is's a gamble.... you are not entitled to win the risk.That being said..I know several felons who are better citizens than 90% of those who vote...they are intelligent,informed and morally solid men...whereas it is a joke that Hilary,Obama,the DNC,and the media get to vote when they have all colluded to rig an election and steal the people's right to self determination.....Hell Jeffry Dahmer has more of a a moral highground to be allowed to vote than Hilary Clinton.
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ON the bright side your ex mayor is the governor.

Moonbeams being a form of light and all.

You also have the Raiders... for now.

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there is..I repeat ..there is nothing .....bright about Jerry can accusse him of alot of things ,but bright ain't one of them...his daddy was govenor so he gets to be one too.


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exactlly there are reasons crime is's a gamble.... you are not entitled to win the risk.That being said..I know several felons who are better citizens than 90% of those who vote...they are. intelligent,informed and morally solid.
exactlly there are reasons crime is's a gamble.... you are not. entitled to win the risk.That being said..I know several felons who are better citizens than 90% of those who vote...they are intelligent,informed and morally solid. men...whereas it is a joke that Hilary,Obama,the DNC,and the media get to vote when they have all colluded to rig an election and steal the people's right to self determination.....Hell Jeffry Dahmer has more of a a moral highground to be allowed to vote than Hilary Clinton.
He probably will..

men...whereas it is a joke that Hilary,Obama,the DNC,and the media get to vote when they have all colluded to rig an election and steal the people's right to self determination.....Hell Jeffry Dahmer has more of a a moral highground to be allowed to vote than Hilary Clinton.


Bronze Contributor
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And you think Trump is no different? He scares me, not having any political experience and having the nuclear codes....

You're kidding us, right? That's about as dumb of a statement as I've seen on here. Obama didn't have any experience managing anything. Community Organizers use fear (or anger) to motivate people to demand action from their representatives. You can't do that with an opposition you alienate when you're the politician. You get the congress we have now.

He runs a good campaign, but when elected, he continues to run a campaign. He divides, he doesn't unite. Then he claims 'obstruction' over the division he created. You can't claim to be trying to bring both sides together, and then go onto television and blame one side for everything wrong.

If I was a businessman, I wouldn't do any business with somebody who talked to me the way that Obama talks to leaders of the Republican Party. This guy sucks as a leader.... and as a follower.


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Well then the choice is easy.... the rich Asshole or the felon.

Let see... vote for the asshole or the person trying to get at my asshole?

Which to choose?????

Unless you like a person (**cough** Hillary **cough**) trying to get IN your asshole. :teehee:


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
there is..I repeat ..there is nothing .....bright about Jerry can accusse him of alot of things ,but bright ain't one of them...his daddy was govenor so he gets to be one too.
My hands are clean.. I didn't vote for him... either time. Daddy wasn't that bad... but I probably would have voted against him also.

OK not completely clean.... I did vote for the Governator........

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Platinum Contributor
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You do expect them to pay taxes and abide by the laws the politicians pass, right?

Not me. I advocate that nobody pays taxes or abide by the laws politicians pass.

The government has proven itself incapable of managing money and those "laws" don't apply to everybody as we've seen so they don't apply to anybody.


Platinum Contributor
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Yes.... they pay taxes and should continue to.. BUT when they committed that felony they CHOSE to give up some rights. Like the right to vote. They are the ones that CHOSE to NOT follow the laws. I also expect NON citizens to follow our laws when they are here and pay taxes if they are working and living here. Do you think NON citizens of a country should vote, also?

I am a felon in a solidly red state. I'll be voting today as I have for many years.


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I am a felon in a solidly red state. I'll be voting today as I have for many years.
Alot of people don't understand that felons get alot back after a certain time period.
Everyone who is a legal resident who pays their taxes deserves a vote.

Screw You.
I'm From Texas.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Alot of people don't understand that felons get alot back after a certain time period.
Everyone who is a legal resident who pays their taxes deserves a vote.

Screw You.
I'm From Texas.

It varies by state. Here, everyone gets to vote unless they are under supervision(locked up, on parole).


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It varies by state. Here, everyone gets to vote unless they are under supervision(locked up, on parole).

I live in California... All you need is to do is apply for drivers liscense or state ID card.. not that you actually need them to vote. Check the box on the form..... your registered to vote. Citizen or eligible or not.


Silver Contributor
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It varies by state. Here, everyone gets to vote unless they are under supervision(locked up, on parole).
I'm not 100% sure of the requirements here in Texas(unless your in Texas lol) but I have a few friends who did time and are out, free and clear and can vote.

Screw You.
I'm From Texas.


Platinum Contributor
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I live in California... All you need is to do is apply for drivers liscense or state ID card.. not that you actually need them to vote. Check the box on the form..... your registered to vote. Citizen or eligible or not.

ID required here and you must register and be eligible.


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In my sleepy little township, as usual, I parked my car, went inside, removed my licence from my wallet on the way to the check in table, grabbed my bit of paper, I voted sticker and a cookie, voted and walked out in less than 10 minutes.

Talked to my cousin who lives in Columbus Ohio and he says the polls are absolutely CRAZY with lines out the door in the mid afternoon hours.

Look's like something BIG is going on.

Tomorrow I will be either celebrating or crying in my beer.


Platinum Contributor
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And you think Trump is no different? He scares me, not having any political experience and having the nuclear codes....America has its problems but I'm thankful for having the freedom to do what I want, where I want, with who I want, etc..
With Trump in office I feel my Freedom here in the USA would be jeopardized ...You see I look at Trump maybe becoming a dictator if he's elected..
He scares the hell out of me ...just sayin

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You don't have the freedom to do what you want when you want or with who you want. I'm guessing that you can't name a single freedom that Trump will take from you.

I can name freedoms that Hitlery will try and take from me. Real ones, not just a "feeling".


Platinum Contributor
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You don't have the freedom to do what you want when you want or with who you want. I'm guessing that you can't name a single freedom that Trump will take from you.

I can name freedoms that Hitlery will try and take from me. Real ones, not just a "feeling".
Opinions Vary....

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You don't have the freedom to do what you want when you want or with who you want. I'm guessing that you can't name a single freedom that Trump will take from you.

I can name freedoms that Hitlery will try and take from me. Real ones, not just a "feeling".

Yep, for starters we already know that Hitlery will be coming straight for the Second Amendment and wanting to take our guns.


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Yep, for starters we already know that Hitlery will be coming straight for the Second Amendment and wanting to take our guns.
Won't affect me..I can't own guns..I'm a convicted felon..2 counts of aggravated assault in '95
Just sayin

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Diamond Contributor
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Won't affect me..I can't own guns..I'm a convicted felon..2 counts of aggravated assault in '95
Just sayin

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well then since you are the center of the Universe ....I guess since it doesn't affect you the Republic is in no real peril.....
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Platinum Contributor
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won't affect you at all...

Ah, but it does.

Preservation of the Constitution effects everybody, particularly the 2nd.

As for directly effecting me, While my wife and children and grandchildren can protect themselves by being so armed, I don't have to use,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,less legal means of protecting them. That, and my neighbor currently shoots all the at large dogs running around killing our animals. I need him and his kids to remain so armed, lest I have to do the job myself.

So yes, the 2nd amendment does indeed effect me.
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