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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Like Honda said just take 50 miles from the water and sink it the rest of the state is pretty good people....for my tastes..dump everything south of LA including LA...santa barbra....santa cruz....the entire SF bay area..Marin County..flush them all...but the rest of the state is wonderful.

Sure, but much like Syrian refugees, I can't take that chance.

Better safe than sorry. Collateral damage, and all that. LOL.


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No we we don't need any more Eropean influence on this continent.....

Besides geographically and climate wise. I can't think of a better place w that dead center of California to live. Everything I could ever want or need to do is within a 2 hour drive. Where else can you go skiing at 8000 feet to surfing at 80 degrees on the same Christmas day and still have dinner with the family.

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It's already on the continent. The idea is to isolate much of it with a wall around California.

Yeah, I've seen the commercial. Looks fun. Not fun enough to live there though. I have no intention of living under tight rule just so I can go play on the weekend. Seems like,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,selling out.

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Rigged election, Nah!

it boggles the fucking mind at how far these criminal fucks are willing to go to get the Witch elected.

We have crossed into the looking glass here folks.

I wish my Tantalus field was operational. Need to get Scotty on it asap.
we have crossed into totalitarianisim where a huge portion of our population wants chaos and lawlesness.....and because they are illiterates ..they will get it


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it's rigged....fuck Hilary Clinton we should be inditing the board of Goldman we should be cutting ties with saudi arabia and quatar,we should be inditing CNN....the Democrats are voting for the puppet of the uber rich and the war profiteers period all the social justice lipstick they smear on this pig aint gonna hide it.

They'll have to throw them away wednesday.


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Germans think the US is a democracy?
Kind of ironic when you think about it...the german people are being raped by muslim hordes....due to a policiy they didn't vote for, imposed on them by a small handfull of elites....hardly people who should be giving lessons in democracy....though I'm pretty sure this poster was made at the DNC headquarters and not Germany.


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it's in Aleppo.

Speaking of Aleppo............................

Turkey and the US are moving troops to the Syrian border for a ground assault on Raqqa. Russia has warned Turkey not to go more than 25 clicks into Syria. NATO has put 300,000 troops on alert to move on Russia.

Anyway, things are ramping up. They(US government) seems to be hiding these developments using the election. Nobody is reporting about it much.


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Does anyone find this fucking insane....from The Washington Free Beacon...FREE ELECTIONS MY ASS.

"Bundlers for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign joined Clinton ally and Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe in donating to the state senate campaign of Jill McCabe.

The Wall Street Journal first reported on donations from Common Good VA, McAuliffe’s political action committee, to McCabe’s Virginia state senate campaign in 2015. McCabe is the wife of Andrew McCabe, the FBI deputy director who helped in the investigation into Clinton’s email practices.

McAuliffe contributed $467,500 to McCabe’s campaign through his PAC, making her the third-largest recipient of contributions from McAuliffe in 2015. The Virginia Democratic Party provided an additional $207,788 to McCabe in the form of mailers, the Wall Street Journal noted."


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Sure, but much like Syrian refugees, I can't take that chance.

Better safe than sorry. Collateral damage, and all that. LOL.
Yes but it was Eastern Transplants that killed California.

No sinking Cali or even walling it off. Is only a bandaid on the problem... as the real source resides on the coast of a different ocean.

Fair is fair.... maybe we chop off a California sized chuck from both the right and left coasts.....

I could learn to deal with a Las Vegas beach house.

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We already did all that. His name Was Barack Obama. Before that was Bush. Before that Clinton and another Bush.

I would like to do something other that reconfirming the definition of insanity.

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Does anyone find this fucking insane....from The Washington Free Beacon...FREE ELECTIONS MY ASS.

"Bundlers for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign joined Clinton ally and Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe in donating to the state senate campaign of Jill McCabe.

The Wall Street Journal first reported on donations from Common Good VA, McAuliffe’s political action committee, to McCabe’s Virginia state senate campaign in 2015. McCabe is the wife of Andrew McCabe, the FBI deputy director who helped in the investigation into Clinton’s email practices.

McAuliffe contributed $467,500 to McCabe’s campaign through his PAC, making her the third-largest recipient of contributions from McAuliffe in 2015. The Virginia Democratic Party provided an additional $207,788 to McCabe in the form of mailers, the Wall Street Journal noted."

Nothing to see pulse , nobody gives a shit .

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And you think Trump is no different? He scares me, not having any political experience and having the nuclear codes....America has its problems but I'm thankful for having the freedom to do what I want, where I want, with who I want, etc..
With Trump in office I feel my Freedom here in the USA would be jeopardized ...You see I look at Trump maybe becoming a dictator if he's elected..
He scares the hell out of me ...just sayin

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And you think Trump is no different? He scares me, not having any political experience and having the nuclear codes....America has its problems but I'm thankful for having the freedom to do what I want, where I want, with who I want, etc..
With Trump in office I feel my Freedom here in the USA would be jeopardized ...You see I look at Trump maybe becoming a dictator if he's elected..
He scares the hell out of me ...just sayin

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I do think Trump is different. Sure he's still a rich elitist. .. he is just not a politician....

Personally I think we need to stop electing politicians to executive offices... in fact i would be for banning politicians from being RE elected. We certainly need to ban campaigning prior to 3 to 6 months before an election. This 2 year crap is stupid.

We do need politicians.... we don't need to elect them though.

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And the results are in. We're fucked.
Either by a lying crooked hypocritical shedevil felon in a pantsuit or the riverboat gambling ompalompa looking billionaire

Screw You.
I'm From Texas.


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And you think Trump is no different? He scares me, not having any political experience and having the nuclear codes....America has its problems but I'm thankful for having the freedom to do what I want, where I want, with who I want, etc..
With Trump in office I feel my Freedom here in the USA would be jeopardized ...You see I look at Trump maybe becoming a dictator if he's elected..
He scares the hell out of me ...just sayin

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based on what? you say you FEEL, based on what...Jill Stien the candidate for the Green Party a liberal femminist has said."A vote for HIlary is a vote for war"...Camillia Pagllia another femminist has said Hilary is a nightmere....Hilary started wars all through the middle east in Libya,Eygpt, and Syria..she pushed for a war in the Ukraine, and is still pushing for war with Putin who has warned the world against Hilary's war drums....all this blood on theis bitch's hands and you FEEL Trump is dangerous...based on what..your suppoert one of the biggest War Pigs on the planet...and your afariad of Trump starting a war...LOL
Political experince......what a joke..experince in what????..lying,assassinations.\, whole scale murder,drone strikes,selling state secrets, taking bribes from the bankers, and sharia controlled goverments who kill gays, and treat women as cattle., and who think the westeren republics should be destroyed and their bizzare theocracy installed.....experince in acting above the law and lying to congress,experince in subverting the votes of millions of democrats and stealing the nomination,experince in conspiring with a corrupt media to be nothing more than a propoganda mill where wikileaks has exposed them as in total collusion with the DNC...a woman who has time and time again shown she has nothing but contempt for the law and who calls half the population irredemable deplorables,who has demonstrated that she is above the law...who acts as a dictator in front of your eyes and you FEEL Trump would be a dictator....based on what...

You are supporting one of the most evil and corrupt politicians on the planet, and thanks to wikikleaks we know she is...we don't FEEL she is we KNOW she is....and you can project all the delusions you want on to Trump it doesn't change the fact you support a mentally imbalanced world class criminal.

Political experince....really...share with us what the proffesional political class has accomplished for American citizens....not illegal aliens and syrian muslims, but American citizens.....destroyed our industrial base, shipped the economic life blood of the nation overseas, burden the population with a debt that is unpayable,murder us and others in their little wars, jailed and surpressed, and even murdered political dissidents, srolen our civil liberties?...which of these do you feel is their greatest accomplishment.
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Gold Contributor
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And the results are in. We're fucked.
Either by a lying crooked hypocritical shedevil felon in a pantsuit or the riverboat gambling ompalompa looking billionaire

Screw You.
I'm From Texas.
Well then the choice is easy.... the rich Asshole or the felon.

Let see... vote for the asshole or the person trying to get at my asshole?

Which to choose?????

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And you think Trump is no different? He scares me, not having any political experience and having the nuclear codes....America has its problems but I'm thankful for having the freedom to do what I want, where I want, with who I want, etc..
With Trump in office I feel my Freedom here in the USA would be jeopardized ...You see I look at Trump maybe becoming a dictator if he's elected..
He scares the hell out of me ...just sayin

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Have you been living on a different planet for the last 8 to 15 years..

Because dictatorship is what we have had for at least that long.

Time to pull our heads our of our anal cavities people. Those are not roses you have been smelling.

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Well then the choice is easy.... the rich Asshole or the felon.

Let see... vote for the asshole or the person trying to get at my asshole?

Which to choose?????

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I believe that trump is the lesser of the two evils.

But the choices just suck

Screw You.
I'm From Texas.


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And you think Trump is no different? He scares me, not having any political experience and having the nuclear codes....America has its problems but I'm thankful for having the freedom to do what I want, where I want, with who I want, etc..
With Trump in office I feel my Freedom here in the USA would be jeopardized ...You see I look at Trump maybe becoming a dictator if he's elected..
He scares the hell out of me ...just sayin

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Be ready to be quoted by FANBOIS



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Have you been living on a different planet for the last 8 to 15 years..

Because dictatorship is what we have had for at least that long.

Time to pull our heads our of our anal cavities people. Those are not roses you have been smelling.

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Lived here in lala land last 10yrs..I guess it would qualify as living on another planet,

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Rigged election, Nah!

it boggles the fucking mind at how far these criminal fucks are willing to go to get the Witch elected.

We have crossed into the looking glass here folks.

I wish my Tantalus field was operational. Need to get Scotty on it asap.
They pay taxes, and are affected by all the laws passed by politicians. They SHOULD get a vote, like it or not. You do expect them to pay taxes and abide by the laws the politicians pass, right?


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They pay taxes, and are affected by all the laws passed by politicians. They SHOULD get a vote, like it or not. You do expect them to pay taxes and abide by the laws the politicians pass, right?
you miss the point...this wasn't done through a democrat process of legislation this was a bit of parlimentary tricks to stuff the ballot boxes...if you want to have the discussion about restoring voting right fine and dandy lets have that debate,but stop with the bullshit, about calling this anything but what it was.I think their are valed arguments on both sides about restoring voting rights to felons...but it should be decided by the citizens not the DNC
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