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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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It's not over... there's always hope!!
Like I said before!
It doesn't really matter IF the president is
Red or blue
Until we take ownership of this country
It's gonna be the same shit different day!


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No it's not ! The fucking FBI said so ! It's all fucking legal if your a Clinton . Facts ,emails even if she confessed to fucking kids while breaking kittens necks it would all be ok !

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telling ya...
everyone knows its bullshit. She is a theif and a murderer.
but, until we are run thoroughly to the ground and the American empire has fallen-nothing will change, we are fucked.

hopefully this horseshit will wake people up


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The reason you are so upset is because you trusted government. It's never been up to the FBI or DOJ to convict her.

Comey still got paid by the clinton foundation. The DOJ investigators are still friends of Podesta. Bill still paid Lynch a private visit on an airplane. I'm not sure what you thought was going to happen.

Hillary being charged or not has always been in the hands of the people. The current administration was never going to charge her.

You can be mad or not on wednesday.

I don't know man ,I did think justice could be done . The proof is overwhelming. There is not one person in power of our government who can stand it's disheartening. The FBI has become a laughing stock . The corruption is clear to the top .

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It is... the entire Clinton clan and all associated with them make me want to vomit.
Unfortunately they are the wretched chosen people -or- she really is the antichrist.


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telling ya...
everyone knows its bullshit. She is a theif and a murderer.
but, until we are run thoroughly to the ground and the American empire has fallen-nothing will change, we are fucked.

hopefully this horseshit will wake people up

Fuck it encourages them ! She gets in it will never be fixed never we will be Detroit !

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It's not over... there's always hope!!
Like I said before!
It doesn't really matter IF the president is
Red or blue
Until we take ownership of this country
It's gonna be the same shit different day!

How we taking control ? We have no representation anymore unless your talking of civil war ain't nothing gonna change it's too fucking late the real owners have made the choice it's globalism or die ! The fucking clock runs out Tuesday ! She is in we are a fucking shithole. Tuesday will decide if democracy dies or lives's on life support now

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How we taking control ? We have no representation anymore unless your talking of civil war ain't nothing gonna change it's too fucking late the real owners have made the choice it's globalism or die ! The fucking clock runs out Tuesday ! She is in we are a fucking shithole. Tuesday will decide if democracy dies or lives's on life support now

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I said my idea a few hundred pages back, it was drowned out by the political experts,
This is where her skating by is not ALL BAD. HER LIES AND DECEIT CAN BE A RALLYING CRY.

Look at what tea party tried and HoW the left garnered control.
The only way to do it peacefully is that way. Unfortunately it means that we will be a lost generation. but. We will be handing our children something better than what we were handed.

It has to start locally for one; and, built up from there. The hard part is it means being able to work together for the betterment of everyone. For two look at the electoral commission college map, that thing has to be restructured.


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The hard part is keeping local fucks from becoming corrupt along the way . My town is a mile by a mile we have cops making 120k as patrolmen everyone is related to someone in someway yes it's a crowed town 10 miles from manhattan but it's in this little crap hole too

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The fix is back in. The FBI clears Hillaroid once again. It took them a year to investigate her e-mails and then to clear her. Then they discover 650,000 on Weiners 'puter and she's cleared in a week. Is that reading one of those e-mails per second for the last 9 days? Of course, one has to remember that the FBI is under the DoJ's thumb..... which is under Obummer and Hillaroid's thumb.

The next 2 days are going to be interesting.

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The hard part is keeping local fucks from becoming corrupt along the way . My town is a mile by a mile we have cops making 120k as patrolmen everyone is related to someone in someway yes it's a crowed town 10 miles from manhattan but it's in this little crap hole too

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I know exactly what you're saying, I've lived in New Orleans LA for almost my entire life. We have a whole different level of corruption here.
Hell, the chocolate city mayor? Earl, Huey, Edwards and the morial crime family.

My point from day one here though, was changing from the top is a valiant attempt but fruitless waste of energy.
It has to start small and grow organically by determination and communication along with peers keeping each other in check. That and making the electoral map a true representation of the American populous. As it stands if it were that, than she would still not have a chance. But, that is not the case.


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The fix is back in. The FBI clears Hillaroid once again. It took them a year to investigate her e-mails and then to clear her. Then they discover 650,000 on Weiners 'puter and she's cleared in a week. Is that reading one of those e-mails per second for the last 9 days? Of course, one has to remember that the FBI is under the DoJ's thumb..... which is under Obummer and Hillaroid's thumb.

The next 2 days are going to be interesting.

I guess they shut down the NYPD case too .the Feds promised if they continue someone will go to federal prison on the Eric garner case ( choke hold ) He was cleared in NY but the Feds still can charge him if they like .

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It is... the entire Clinton clan and all associated with them make me want to vomit.
Unfortunately they are the wretched chosen people -or- she really is the antichrist.

She could be she has the power of Satan for sure . Evil seems to be winning so far . Satan laughing spreads his wings

These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.
And he saith unto me, the waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn with her fire.
For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.
And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
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How we taking control ? We have no representation anymore unless your talking of civil war ain't nothing gonna change it's too fucking late the real owners have made the choice it's globalism or die ! The fucking clock runs out Tuesday ! She is in we are a fucking shithole. Tuesday will decide if democracy dies or lives's on life support now

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Damn Arthur, this is the first time I've seen you upset!?



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Damn Arthur, this is the first time I've seen you upset!?

I'm more mad at myself for being duped . You had it right all along brother , I apologize for fuckin with ya . I had an old school hope of justice . I'm still voting for papa . But my disappointment is in myself for being a dumb fuck with Stars and Stripes in my eyes .

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She could be she has the power of Satan for sure . Evil seems to be winning so far . Satan laughing spreads his wings

These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.
And he saith unto me, the waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn with her fire.
For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.
And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
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That my dear, can apply to both candidates....Just sayin:blowkiss:


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It's bullshit Time it's a fucking joke man ! I'm voting for Trump . But any fight against her and corruption has been now proven useless

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Time is right's in the hands of the people and always has been from day one...nothing happened? are you kidding..Trump destroyed the RNC...their strangle hold is over....Assange destroyed the DNC.....Trump broke the glass ceiling...the idea that a non politician can't run, the idea that an outsider can't run...there are tons of people ready to pick up this fight lawyers,congressmen ect....and what happens when wikileaks or somebody else exposes this deal.....the faith of the people in the goverment is broken...they can no longer rule over us when so many of us refuse to aknowledge their legitamacy ...the are forced to install tyranny...and that leads to uprising.It's like Milo Y said....regardless of if trump wins or not I'm not going anywhere,Trump's supporters aren't going anywhere this is just the start....this 11th hour pardon of Hilary illustrates more than anything how corrupt and evil the goverment and the banks who funded hilary really think the people are going to believe the FBI went through 650,000 e mails and found nothing? they know their goverment has been highjacked......the DNC better fill america with illegal mexicans because no American is going to fight another war this goverment tries and starts. They will be fought every step of the way.....why do you think they did this on a the people of the US have every justification for a call to revolution..
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I'm more mad at myself for being duped . You had it right all along brother , I apologize for fuckin with ya . I had an old school hope of justice . I'm still voting for papa . But my disappointment is in myself for being a dumb fuck with Stars and Stripes in my eyes .

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No need for an apology bro, I recognized ur love for the country and I know your a really a nice guy...
Like I said, this is not about
Trump vs HILARY


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I'm more mad at myself for being duped . You had it right all along brother , I apologize for fuckin with ya . I had an old school hope of justice . I'm still voting for papa . But my disappointment is in myself for being a dumb fuck with Stars and Stripes in my eyes .

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It's not dumb. It's admirable.
I had that same hope during the McCain run.

Unfortunately it's people having those hopes destroyed and turning it into passion and determination that will save the country.
It's not lost, and it never will be.
It just needs to find its soul again. The more the media and other forces suppress it, the more the sleeping tiger reawakens.


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In the meantime I've seen credible reports that the agents are pissed about it
and the NYPD is holding very damning evidence that they're willing to release if she isn't charged.

I've also seen reports that Julian Assange and wikilieaks has major shit
that will be released tomorrow if she doesn't step down or is indicted.
Get your popcorn ready...lock&load.


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Hazy your my guru man ! (You know why I say this ) Give me a ounce of hope

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Assange has repeatedlly said that the bullshit the DNC is pushing of wikileaks getting their info from the russians is a lie. that they have got their infor from source in the US goverment....Comey has always had cushy ties to the Clintons it is no surprise he is protecting them he protected them during the e-mail hearings.....but there are people within the FBI that are more than willing to leak information to wikileaks....the global elite are pushing hard because they are on the brink of losing the whole enchilada...and I think they are going to lose.regardless of who wins the whitehouse. so we are forced to impeach the what ....she will take the whole DNC down with her.....hell these fucks assassinated Kennedy and got away with it...but back in those days people actually believed the goverment...not so much these days.


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Hazy your my guru man ! (You know why I say this ) Give me a ounce of hope

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Sorry, Arthur. No hope to be found. The best scenario is
Trump actually wins, he serves as POTUS for 3½ years
then some whacko liberal shoots him in the head and he turns vile,
becomes the anti-Christ
and the fun really starts.


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sometimes i worry about you Haze

Thanks, I'll be alright.
But the thought did occur to me last night. We know the Dems (and company) screwed
everything up. So now just like all the brothers thought Obummer was their messiah
Trump gets in there as the country's savior.
Just like prophesied everything goes well and we have peace and goodwill for three and a half ears
(almost one term) then some nutjob tries to off him so he can't run for reelection.
The AC is supposed to survive a head wound then gets mean.
I'm not totally nuts, Bro..I'm well read.

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Thanks, I'll be alright.
But the thought did occur to me last night. We know the Dems (and company) screwed
everything up. So now just like all the brothers thought Obummer was their messiah
Trump gets in there as the country's savior.
Just like prophesied everything goes well and we have peace and goodwill for three and a half ears
(almost one term) then some nutjob tries to off him so he can't run for reelection.
The AC is supposed to survive a head wound then gets mean.
I'm not totally nuts, Bro..I'm well read.
thank you


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Thanks, I'll be alright.
But the thought did occur to me last night. We know the Dems (and company) screwed
everything up. So now just like all the brothers thought Obummer was their messiah
Trump gets in there as the country's savior.
Just like prophesied everything goes well and we have peace and goodwill for three and a half ears
(almost one term) then some nutjob tries to off him so he can't run for reelection.
The AC is supposed to survive a head wound then gets mean.
I'm not totally nuts, Bro..I'm well read.

Fucking TIME said the same thing .. not exactly the same thing but similar!!



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Fucking TIME said the same thing .. not exactly the same thing but similar!!

Maybe @Time read his Bible and/or knows about Bible prophecy?
Trump sort of fits the bill..if he loses his cool. Barry Soetoro fits better
'cause the AC is supposed to swing both ways, and Killary fits for whore of babylon.

The shit keeps getting deeper. I've postponed all my purchases until Wednesday just in case
the shit hits the fan sooner than later


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Bitching sometimes works when accompanied with credible threats.
I got Wells Fargo to install an extra ATM and they're trying to figure out where to place additional handicap parking.
I threatened them with an ADA lawsuit..


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It's funny that last night I read that some liberal media outlet conceded a Trump
victory in the polls and tonight I saw the same map with the same numbers reversed
on an Univision newscast.
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