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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Beats me, Dude. Did the post have a dick or nipples..or both?

It was something like
Trump wins
Then some boom him in the head then a liberal takes over's gone bro...
Hahaha I remember that...


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In the meantime I've seen credible reports that the agents are pissed about it
and the NYPD is holding very damning evidence that they're willing to release if she isn't charged.

I've also seen reports that Julian Assange and wikilieaks has major shit
that will be released tomorrow if she doesn't step down or is indicted.
Get your popcorn ready...lock&load.
been hearing that for weeks, as far as I'm concerned, the maid/printer is enough
as is the spirit dinner


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Yea, pretty much a joke. It's owned by an egyptian jewish dude who is buds with Killary,
donated $6.4 billion to her campaign this time around
and something like 10 million last time. Cute ass weather chicks though

Why can't we have weather chicks like that over here?!
6.4 billion?
Holy motha fucka!!
With that fucking money
You can afford every fucking RAPPER, NBA players, singers dancers the KARDAAHIANS



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Trump is on high octane fucking shit!! The guy never gets tired... man!!



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Pope Comey absolves Hillary of all sin.

Asian markets go ape shit..


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Thanks, I'll be alright.
But the thought did occur to me last night. We know the Dems (and company) screwed
everything up. So now just like all the brothers thought Obummer was their messiah
Trump gets in there as the country's savior.
Just like prophesied everything goes well and we have peace and goodwill for three and a half ears
(almost one term) then some nutjob tries to off him so he can't run for reelection.
The AC is supposed to survive a head wound then gets mean.
I'm not totally nuts, Bro..I'm well read.
well in that case...come the rapture can I have your car.....cause I read the Hopi prophesies.I gotta say people been using biblical propshey to predict the end of the world every year since the year 1000.
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Maybe @Time read his Bible and/or knows about Bible prophecy?
Trump sort of fits the bill..if he loses his cool. Barry Soetoro fits better
'cause the AC is supposed to swing both ways, and Killary fits for whore of babylon.

The shit keeps getting deeper. I've postponed all my purchases until Wednesday just in case
the shit hits the fan sooner than later

End of Days Hazy ?

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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Why can't we have weather chicks like that over here?!
6.4 billion?
Holy motha fucka!!
With that fucking money
You can afford every fucking RAPPER, NBA players, singers dancers the KARDAAHIANS

Yo, the weather chicks ARE here. Nah, that was 6 million


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Why can't we have weather chicks like that over here?!
6.4 billion?
Holy motha fucka!!
With that fucking money
You can afford every fucking RAPPER, NBA players, singers dancers the KARDAAHIANS

Yo, the weather chicks ARE here. Nah, that was 6 million


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Yo, the weather chicks ARE here. Nah, that was 6 million

6m? Ok
I meant local American channels..
I have to go ytubes to watch sexy weather girls... why can't we have them on our local channels?!
I hate male weather man!!



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End of Days Hazy ?

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The time change was tonight so the end of the day comes more daylight savings crap for a while.
Could be Arthur, could be..According to Sir Isaac Newton
that won't come down until 2060, I think Nostradamus concurs
Jesus said no one would know. (Like a thief in the night)


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6m? Ok
I meant local American channels..
I have to go ytubes to watch sexy weather girls... why can't we have them on our local channels?!
I hate male weather man!!

Dude I am fucking sure there's a Hispanic TV channel where you live.
I'm sure there are at least two. Look in your TV guide.


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I don't know man ,I did think justice could be done . The proof is overwhelming. There is not one person in power of our government who can stand it's disheartening. The FBI has become a laughing stock . The corruption is clear to the top .

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If you thought justice could be done, you've not been paying attention. The word is Just-us. Not justice.

Tuesday is what matters.


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Member For 4 Years
Maybe @Time read his Bible and/or knows about Bible prophecy?
Trump sort of fits the bill..if he loses his cool. Barry Soetoro fits better
'cause the AC is supposed to swing both ways, and Killary fits for whore of babylon.

The shit keeps getting deeper. I've postponed all my purchases until Wednesday just in case
the shit hits the fan sooner than later

While I know many prophecies, no.

I'm into trends, history and mass delusions(the current followers of the evil hitlery are simply a product of mass delusions).


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While I know many prophecies, no.

I'm into trends, history and mass delusions(the current followers of the evil hitlery are simply a product of mass delusions).
I've studied propaganda, persuasion techniques, indoctrination, subliminals,
neurolinguistics, hypnosis, ETC., all that shit -
the other night I watched a video by occupy democrats
and afterwards for a couple of seconds wanted to vote for Hillary
and considered if there was any way to change my already cast vote.

Yea, it's an induced mass delusion.
It doesn't affect those of us who wear Hazy Shades...

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Look on the bright side. All you registered voters will be called for jury duty. When the prosecuter asks you questions just say, "If Hillary Clinton wasn't guilty of a crime, nobody is." And look 'em right in the eye.

Chances are, you'll be released early.
I figure if they ever make me go and I get picked
I'll tell the judge I believe in exercising my right of jury nullification
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ECF Refugee
I got removed from potential jury duty when I lived in Texas and they asked me about the full range of punishment for a guy going on trial for money laundering. Full range was probation to 20 years. I said he should get the needle. The judge sent me on my way. :devil:


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Ok ok
Fuck the polls
Here's my prediction



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Bronze Contributor
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I've studied propaganda, persuasion techniques, indoctrination, subliminals,
neurolinguistics, hypnosis, ETC., all that shit -
the other night I watched a video by occupy democrats
and afterwards for a couple of seconds wanted to vote for Hillary
and considered if there was any way to change my already cast vote.

Yea, it's an induced mass delusion.
It doesn't affect those of us who wear Hazy Shades...
Hidden Persuaders..


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"The Lincoln Bedroom? Here i Cum!"

Elton John..


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Sink California under water, problem solved :D
Just the western 50 to 100 miles..... or so will do.. that's where the crazies live anyway...

Although if a full 150 mile wide chunk we to fall off I might have beach front property. I just need a 40 minute head start... so I can get to the sierras and some altitude. To ride out the tsunami.

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It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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Just the western 50 to 100 miles..... or so will do.. that's where the crazies live anyway...

Although if a full 150 mile wide chunk we to fall off I might have beach front property. I just need a 40 minute head start... so I can get to the sierras and some altitude. To ride out the tsunami.

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Have it split into an island at the San Andreas fault line.


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Just the western 50 to 100 miles..... or so will do.. that's where the crazies live anyway...

Although if a full 150 mile wide chunk we to fall off I might have beach front property. I just need a 40 minute head start... so I can get to the sierras and some altitude. To ride out the tsunami.

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Just give it to the EU and extend Trump's wall around it. The whole State.

That way, those fucks can live with the policies they enjoy. Much better to let them live in the shit bed they make for themselves then to get off easy by drowning.


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Have it split into an island at the San Andreas fault line.
That's what I was thinking.. where's Lex Luther when you need him? Just sink everything to the left or west of the fault.... might just be a major step to curing the world's ills.

House'll get flooded..... but we can rebuild.

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Just give it to the EU and extend Trump's wall around it. The whole State.

That way, those fucks can live with the policies they enjoy. Much better to let them live in the shit bed they make for themselves then to get off easy by drowning.
No we we don't need any more Eropean influence on this continent.....

Besides geographically and climate wise. I can't think of a better place w that dead center of California to live. Everything I could ever want or need to do is within a 2 hour drive. Where else can you go skiing at 8000 feet to surfing at 80 degrees on the same Christmas day and still have dinner with the family.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Just give it to the EU and extend Trump's wall around it. The whole State.

That way, those fucks can live with the policies they enjoy. Much better to let them live in the shit bed they make for themselves then to get off easy by drowning.

Like Honda said just take 50 miles from the water and sink it the rest of the state is pretty good people....for my tastes..dump everything south of LA including LA...santa barbra....santa cruz....the entire SF bay area..Marin County..flush them all...but the rest of the state is wonderful.


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Like Honda said just take 50 miles from the water and sink it the rest of the state is pretty good people....for my tastes..dump everything south of LA including LA...santa barbra....santa cruz....the entire SF bay area..Marin County..flush them all...but the rest of the state is wonderful.
That about right 50 miles from ocean accessible navigatable water. This would cover Sacramento. Say Camp Pendleton north to Oregon. SAN Diego isn't that bad. Might as well go to Canada for that mater.

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