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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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I predict these violent leftists are going to fuck with the wrong person and try to do a beat down on him or her and find their hides perforated with 9mm or .38 Special rounds. It's only a matter of time before they attack the wrong person and get dead because of it. Some gangsta puke or a violent immigration activist is going to pop a blade out and then they will encounter someone who is willing to use lethal force to defend their life.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Sad to see such fear and loathing running rampant in America.
And that is a NON PARTISAN statement.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
How childish for the president of the USA to get upset about crowd size...
Agreed, but from his perspective, the media was lying with the shots they used.

Judging CNN's own interactive gigapixel shot taken during the, there is some validity to the claim that the media is also not being truthful. People are still entering the ground when the shot was taken.
Spectators were delayed entering the grounds by protestors and CNN did apparently seek to convey a narrative that was manipulated. They are just as childish as the president in attempting to manipulate the facts



Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Agreed, but from his perspective, the media was lying with the shots they used.

Judging CNN's own interactive gigapixel shot taken during the, there is some validity to the claim that the media is also not being truthful. People are still entering the ground when the shot was taken.
Spectators were delayed entering the grounds by protestors and CNN did apparently seek to convey a narrative that was manipulated. They are just as childish as the president in attempting to manipulate the facts

View attachment 72759
Either way, it simply shows that the MSM is going all out to take on Trump. They've pretty much dug their heels in and now face an administration that will attack right back. The MSM is desperate to blast the congress and administration, they are snuffling in the mud for anything, anything at all that can be spun and used in an attack. Personally, I quit watching the news years ago, they lost all credibility with me long ago.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Either way, it simply shows that the MSM is going all out to take on Trump. They've pretty much dug their heels in and now face an administration that will attack right back. The MSM is desperate to blast the congress and administration, they are snuffling in the mud for anything, anything at all that can be spun and used in an attack. Personally, I quit watching the news years ago, they lost all credibility with me long ago.
Exactlly....the point that escaped robert is...the media was caught , thanks to wikileaks ,colluding with the DNC prior to the election and not just the occasional slip, but in a massive and concerted effort, so much so...I think it was it the NY Times that actually came out and said.."OK sorry about that...from now on we promise to print the truth."... There were articles being written about the death of the free press...the hostility toward Trump was transparent to the degree that polls taken among americans found over 90% no longer trusted the media.
The corporate media was exposed as a tool of the elites...and this exposure pissed the shadow goverment off...Their propoganda mill had been manufacturing the consent of the masses forever,they had been the kingmakers being able to pour whatever reality they wanted into the ears of the stupid. to be able to put whoever they wanted into office....Obama was a perfcet example he was a creation of the media...all Trump is doing is hammering back ...he is doing nothing more to the media but using every single one of their own lies to show that the media is a propoganda mill and showing the people how their opinions and reality are attempting to be manipulated to lead them like sheep...I hope that what he is doing continues I hope he hammers back at them for the next 8 years I hopes he calls out their lies and allow them to discredit themselves to the point they go bankrupt...It is like Hilary and the DNC...James Comey didn't force Hilary to committ crimes he merely exposed them.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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A cry for help robert???? ...don't can always buy more.

I really think it is funny that you think that I am butthurt. It is really obvious just who has been butthurt for the last 8 years and still not over it.

To get personally butthurt over the religion of politics is not too bright.

And it IS obviously a faith based religion with many.

If I was butthurt I would be posting Fake news photoshopped images of Trump.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I really think it is funny that you think that I am butthurt. It is really obvious just who has been butthurt for the last 8 years and still not over it.

To get personally butthurt over the religion of politics is not too bright.

And it IS obviously a faith based religion with many.

If I was butthurt I would be posting Fake news photoshopped images of Trump.
8 years????? Try 28...... I for one have been against all 4 presidents preceeding Trump. Along with their opponents.

Reagan being the last anti establishment candidate. Still not sure who the elites and press hate more Trump or Reagan. We will just have to see if they continue complaining about Trump 25 years later.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Busy day:
  • Build Wall
  • Restrict immigration from several countries associated with Islamic Extremism.
  • INS mandate to begin deportation of Illegal immigrants w/ criminal records & enforce immigration law
  • Ends Catch & Release
  • Took steps to insure an illegal immigrant's country will accept deportations by using visa approvals
  • Steps for Restriction of funding to Sanctuary Cities that seek to interfere with ICE
  • Adds 5,000 Ice officers
  • Adds office to identify, investigate illegal immigrant crime
  • Ultimatum to Mayor of Chicago - curb Murder & Crime rate or Feds will come & do it for you.
  • Expedite Dakota & Keystone & use US Steel - 28,000 jobs
  • Call for Investigation into Voter Fraud & Irregularities
  • Dow passes 20,000
Last edited:


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Busy day:
  • Build Wall
  • Restrict immigration from several countries associated with Islamic Extremism.
  • INS mandate to begin deportation of Illegal immigrants w/ criminal records & enforce immigration law
  • Ends Catch & Release
  • Took steps to insure an illegal immigrant's country will accept deportations by using visa approvals
  • Steps for Restriction of funding to Sanctuary Cities that seek to interfere with ICE
  • Adds 5,000 Ice officers
  • Adds office to identify, investigate illegal immigrant crime
  • Ultimatum to Mayor of Chicago - curb Murder & Crime rate or Feds will come & do it for you.
  • Expedite Dakota & Keystone & use US Steel - 28,000 jobs
  • Call for Investigation into Voter Fraud & Irregularities
  • Dow passes 20,000

Trump has done more in a few days then obummer did in 8 years !

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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Agreed, but from his perspective, the media was lying with the shots they used.

Judging CNN's own interactive gigapixel shot taken during the, there is some validity to the claim that the media is also not being truthful. People are still entering the ground when the shot was taken.
Spectators were delayed entering the grounds by protestors and CNN did apparently seek to convey a narrative that was manipulated. They are just as childish as the president in attempting to manipulate the facts

It's a common leftist tactic to use comparison photos taken out of context(differing times, differing circumstances, etc.)

I went to a local presentation by a group trying to shut down cattle grazing on public land. During the presentation they showed comparison pictures. Pictures of one area without grazing that was lush and green with wildflowers and all pretty. Pictures of another area that had grazing with dead brown vegetation, kinda bare and dusty. Look what the cattle are doing to the land was the point of the pictures. I noticed something wrong as I'm familuar with both locations. After the presentation they took questions. I asked for the dates of the pictures. Well, the no cattle picture was taken in May. Spring time when there is plenty of moisture and most wildflowers bloom around here. It's green and pretty here in the spring. What about the other one. It was taken in late August. It's arid here during mid to late summer. Grass turns brown and dies, there are no wildflowers, it's dry and dusty. There are almost universal burn bans(no campfires) during August.

The differences in the photos, green and lush vs brown and dead had nothing to do with cattle and everything to do with seasons.

These inaugration comparison photos are the same. Taken out of context at differing time points during the ceremony to make a false impression.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It's a common leftist tactic to use comparison photos taken out of context(differing times, differing circumstances, etc.)

I went to a local presentation by a group trying to shut down cattle grazing on public land. During the presentation they showed comparison pictures. Pictures of one area without grazing that was lush and green with wildflowers and all pretty. Pictures of another area that had grazing with dead brown vegetation, kinda bare and dusty. Look what the cattle are doing to the land was the point of the pictures. I noticed something wrong as I'm familuar with both locations. After the presentation they took questions. I asked for the dates of the pictures. Well, the no cattle picture was taken in May. Spring time when there is plenty of moisture and most wildflowers bloom around here. It's green and pretty here in the spring. What about the other one. It was taken in late August. It's arid here during mid to late summer. Grass turns brown and dies, there are no wildflowers, it's dry and dusty. There are almost universal burn bans(no campfires) during August.

The differences in the photos, green and lush vs brown and dead had nothing to do with cattle and everything to do with seasons.

These inaugration comparison photos are the same. Taken out of context at differing time points during the ceremony to make a false impression.
Tried accessing webcam feed archives from the Earthcam website that maintains three webcams on the national mall for a non slanted shot but for some reason the footage from the inauguration is conveniently not available. It was worth a try.

I know he had a smaller crowd than Obama did, but that gigapixel CNN posted actually shows people waiting outside trying to get in while the event was going on (amazing shot w/ panninh & zoom btw). The narrative is out there to make Trump look like an egomaniac & that was the goal, but it would be nice to come up with a good shot showing CNN is engaged in false & misleading reporting to put them in their place a bit.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Tried accessing webcam feed archives from the Earthcam website that maintains three webcams on the national mall for a non slanted shot but for some reason the footage from the inauguration is conveniently not available. It was worth a try.

I know he had a smaller crowd than Obama did, but that gigapixel CNN posted actually shows people waiting outside trying to get in while the event was going on (amazing shot w/ panninh & zoom btw). The narrative is out there to make Trump look like an egomaniac & that was the goal, but it would be nice to come up with a good shot showing CNN is engaged in false & misleading reporting to put them in their place a bit.

I'm sure (given that we seem to read and view the same articles..) you know that
demonstrators from BLM and other groups were blocking several entrances and attacking or provoking
people who were trying to get inside...this while DC police looked on and did nothing because they were told to stand down.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The Cromwell said: ↑
How childish for the president of the USA to get upset about crowd size...
Agreed, but from his perspective, the media was lying with the shots they used.

It was the media who sought to make an issue out of crowd size to begin with.
I don't think Trump was upset about the allegation he had a smaller crowd
as if the media was talking about his small hands again..
rather he is upset at the continuing manipulation of the facts by the media in order to discredit him.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Member For 5 Years
Expect a ton more of that selective editing. Hell, they issue a "Sorry" and then go right back to doing it again. The MSM has sooo much hate for Trump and his administration that they cannot think beyond the immediate news cycle. This selective editing just pounds more nails in their coffin. They just don't get it, or think the sheeple will ignore it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It's a common leftist tactic to use comparison photos taken out of context(differing times, differing circumstances, etc.)

I went to a local presentation by a group trying to shut down cattle grazing on public land. During the presentation they showed comparison pictures. Pictures of one area without grazing that was lush and green with wildflowers and all pretty. Pictures of another area that had grazing with dead brown vegetation, kinda bare and dusty. Look what the cattle are doing to the land was the point of the pictures. I noticed something wrong as I'm familuar with both locations. After the presentation they took questions. I asked for the dates of the pictures. Well, the no cattle picture was taken in May. Spring time when there is plenty of moisture and most wildflowers bloom around here. It's green and pretty here in the spring. What about the other one. It was taken in late August. It's arid here during mid to late summer. Grass turns brown and dies, there are no wildflowers, it's dry and dusty. There are almost universal burn bans(no campfires) during August.

The differences in the photos, green and lush vs brown and dead had nothing to do with cattle and everything to do with seasons.

These inaugration comparison photos are the same. Taken out of context at differing time points during the ceremony to make a false impression.
I'll do you one better...I once went to a hearing up in Los Alamos New Mexico held by the Forest Service...the hearing was whether or not to allow a small time gypo company who hired about 8 guys permission to dig for gravel...The room was filled with all these rich well heeled scientist getting goverment grants bitching about ruining the view and bike paths....and I;m thinking to dipshits are outraged by a small time company providing jobs to 8 blue collar schmucks calling them an enviormental disaster and half the fucks in this room are .buying a new BMW off the money they make working on nuculear weapons technology.......Jesus fucking wept.
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