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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Fox has been frustrating as hell. They ripped into Priebus about the inaugural crowd and made no attempt to correct the record. They even ran the PBS loop and called Spicer & Conway Liars. Literally thought I had MSNBC on for a minute. Fox has been very slow to challenge the lefts agenda of Propaganda spreading lately. Very disappointed.

Rupert Murdoch had donated lot's of money to the Dem and Killary
even though he allegedly supported Trump.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I've got a couple of them that I'm saving for the next couple of libtards that piss me off. I'm going to put them on their cars so one they get vandalized by one of their own.

You're going to have to go into the printing business, those libtards
seem to have nuthin better to do than reproduce..there will be more than a couple of libtards

Dude! Those Trump BS's and hats are gonna be worth much more money than yer old baseball card collection..LOL

My home office door is steel so I put my bumper sticker up with magnets..
my kid gave me a "Supreme" bumper sticker I put under the MAGA.

I did scan the MAGA bs for future reproduction.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Rupert Murdoch had donated lot's of money to the Dem and Killary
even though he allegedly supported Trump.
Well aware of it, however, while it may explain it does not excuse their participation in the lies of the media. They did later say that people were delayed getting on the mall but why they didn't take CNN's Gigapixel and throw it in CNN's face is beyond me. Fox is just as guilty of perpetuating the lies as the rest of them lately.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I've got a couple of them that I'm saving for the next couple of libtards that piss me off. I'm going to put them on their cars so one they get vandalized by one of their own.

You don't even have to do that. The limo that the snowflakes burned while protesting Trump and his "anti muslim, anti immigration" views on inauguration day belonged to a muslim immigrant.

Liberals break and burn their own shit 'in protest'. They shut down their own streets. They disrupt their own cities that voted for Hitlery.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Fox has been frustrating as hell. They ripped into Priebus about the inaugural crowd and made no attempt to correct the record. They even ran the PBS loop and called Spicer & Conway Liars. Literally thought I had MSNBC on for a minute. Fox has been very slow to challenge the lefts agenda of Propaganda spreading lately. Very disappointed.
FOX is and never has been anything other than just another MSM...

Fox News.... well they just have a few more non libs on camera more..... in fact their NEWS staff is mostly made up of libs. Only the commentators are other than libs.. at least half of those are non Repulican.. just right of center.

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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Well aware of it, however, while it may explain it does not excuse their participation in the lies of the media. They did later say that people were delayed getting on the mall but why they didn't take CNN's Gigapixel and throw it in CNN's face is beyond me. Fox is just as guilty of perpetuating the lies as the rest of them lately.

Agreed, but it's the nature of the beast.
Sensationalism sells. Yellow journalism has always been a thorn in the ribs of truth
and Rupert is among the worst offenders.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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The Mayor of LA couldn't get away with holding trade hostage.
The impact to the city would be hard for them to bear. This from wikipedia:
A department of the City of Los Angeles, the Port of Los Angeles employs nearly 896,000 people throughout the LA County Region and 3.6 million worldwide. Around $1.2 billion worth of cargo comes in and out each day at the LA Port...

Moreover, if Mayor Garcetti was to use the port for leverage he'd be asking for a fight with
and undoubtedly several other agencies for interfering in international trade. He's bluffing.
He'd be dealing with the Teamsters, you know the guys who were mobbed up and then began to vanish the mobster enforcers when they got too greedy.
Add to the mix that Trump would have no problem sending in federal troops to keep the port open and running.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
He'd be dealing with the Teamsters, you know the guys who were mobbed up and then began to vanish the mobster enforcers when they got too greedy.
Add to the mix that Trump would have no problem sending in federal troops to keep the port open and running.
LOL..yea, where is Jimmy?
Nah, he's bluffing or stupid. It took Carlos Gimenez no time at all to cave
and he endorsed Killary. Even though Gimenez is Cuban-American he's
no fan of Donald, but he has a lot of good advice, if Gimenez shut down the Port of Miami
the people would crucify him.


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Member For 4 Years
at the risk of sounding like Gary Johnson....and what is a Shia Le he one of those Kardashians I've heard talk about?
Just another liberal Celebrity Jackass who was recently arrested for assault at his wall. This might help you:

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Just another liberal Celebrity Jackass who was recently arrested for assault at his wall. This might help you:

View attachment 72943
Oh I saw his leave it to beaver gangsta schtick, but I had no idea what the fuck he is known for......gitt'n down in de hood. with Ken and Barbie......these tired old jokes are so threadbare Tom Wolfe coined the term "radical chic" for them over 30 years ago.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yes ....Ashely Judd exposed herself like some kind of inbred troglodyte who stumbled out of a "holler" in appalachia the kid sister of the banjo picker in the movie deliverance.....and Mondana was well...herself a stupid skank who still hasn't quite figured out the whole sex issue....spent too much time on her knees in a catholic church and decide she liked it...

The real creme de l creme...... was this disgusting piece of filth Trump makes a quip about gold diggers and it is unforgiveable...meanwhile the femminists of america lionize a,woman who kidnapped, tortured and raped , and eventually killed a man for money. Can femminists and really the entire left of america really be taken seriously anymore....
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
You can't control the learn you have to tolerate things you can't can't change the bitter cold of winter and you learn to tolerate it...especially if you are poor you learn to tolerate alot of things you don't have the funds to change...bad food, lousy nieghborhoods, worn clothes, old cars,social contempt..cloddish people have to be tolerated you can't change them...disease,death, none of us misses those bullets, dissapointments,broken hearts the list is endless......
But where and how did we become acclimated to the idea, that the International left and liberals have a right to use violence as a legitamte political have we learned to accept the fact that the leading thinkers of the left can kill cops, plant bombs,beat people in the streets as they leave political rallies, relish the idea of blowing up the whitehouse,and espouse the idea of assassinations as a political remedy...we tolerate this out of the left we give them this permission, a permission we would never dream of extending to conservative or libertarian thinkers. We need to stop this shit, we need to bust the balls of anyone who tries to use violence to control or suppress anyone's god given right to think,to speak...


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Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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I've been reading up on the freakout by the open border folks and liberals over Trump's closing the borders to a number of countries with radical Islamist populations. It's laughable and quite sad that these globalist goons seem to think that if they bitch, cry, and scream a lot, the citizens of the USA will somehow support them. The MSM seems to be going into one upsmanship to bring the most tear jerker sad stories about the poor persecuted refugees left at the airports and refugee camps, crying to any camera or journalist they can find.

This situation with the Presidential Order had to happen. During Obama's tenure, commonsense was ignored, the will of the people was ignored, immigration law was ignored. Instead of bringing in Doctors, Engineers, and people who would contribute to America, refugees were brought in who are largely illiterate and barely schooled. Naturally these "immigrants" cloister themselves and refuse to learn English and associate with anyone out of their tribe or nationality. Their view is that the country and it's citizens need to change the established social norms and accept their way, or they will get violent. There is no assimilation, nor will there be because the "immigrants" worldview is shaped by their religion and pandered to by the political left.

What is really telling is that Zuckerberg and all the tech oligarchs are blasting Trump and freaking out. They know their cheap IT labor is now threatened. They might actually have to (gasp!) hire American citizens!

The New York Times (I think) published an article where they tried to bring shame on the Trump administration because a family of Iranian's were denied boarding their plane in Iran. The family was on vacation visiting relatives. The family was also admitted into the USA on persecuted refugee status a couple years ago. So WHY would the family return to the country that persecuted them to go on Holiday? Who paid for the trip?

The answer is we paid for it. There is growing evidence and verified reports that "refugees" are taking vacation trips back to their homelands while still receiving government benefits, food stamps, and welfare. Why would they go back? The answer is pretty simple, they were not persecuted refugees at all, they are economic refugees and welfare pouncers.

In Europe, the countries with the lowest welfare payments also happen to have the lowest refugee populations. Merkel with her insane policies essentially has destroyed most of Europe. The economy will begin to collapse as the cost of feeding and housing the immigrant horde spirals, and this is BEFORE the family reunions and bringing family members in begins. The 2+ million refugees will grow to 4 or 5 Million once the family members of the refugees begin to enter Europe. The official line of bringing in immigrants to fill current and future labor needs because Germany's low birth rate is pure unadulterated bullshit. The globalists simply want to bring about a change in the population demographics, eliminating opposition, and increasing the dependence on the state.

If there was a more perfect plan to destroy the European Union, I can't think of one.

Perhaps the rest of the world will wake up and decide to take back their future from the people who despise them and consider them to be nothing but a number in the grand unified worldview of Global government.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I've been reading up on the freakout by the open border folks and liberals over Trump's closing the borders to a number of countries with radical Islamist populations. It's laughable and quite sad that these globalist goons seem to think that if they bitch, cry, and scream a lot, the citizens of the USA will somehow support them. The MSM seems to be going into one upsmanship to bring the most tear jerker sad stories about the poor persecuted refugees left at the airports and refugee camps, crying to any camera or journalist they can find.

This situation with the Presidential Order had to happen. During Obama's tenure, commonsense was ignored, the will of the people was ignored, immigration law was ignored. Instead of bringing in Doctors, Engineers, and people who would contribute to America, refugees were brought in who are largely illiterate and barely schooled. Naturally these "immigrants" cloister themselves and refuse to learn English and associate with anyone out of their tribe or nationality. Their view is that the country and it's citizens need to change the established social norms and accept their way, or they will get violent. There is no assimilation, nor will there be because the "immigrants" worldview is shaped by their religion and pandered to by the political left.

What is really telling is that Zuckerberg and all the tech oligarchs are blasting Trump and freaking out. They know their cheap IT labor is now threatened. They might actually have to (gasp!) hire American citizens!

The New York Times (I think) published an article where they tried to bring shame on the Trump administration because a family of Iranian's were denied boarding their plane in Iran. The family was on vacation visiting relatives. The family was also admitted into the USA on persecuted refugee status a couple years ago. So WHY would the family return to the country that persecuted them to go on Holiday? Who paid for the trip?

The answer is we paid for it. There is growing evidence and verified reports that "refugees" are taking vacation trips back to their homelands while still receiving government benefits, food stamps, and welfare. Why would they go back? The answer is pretty simple, they were not persecuted refugees at all, they are economic refugees and welfare pouncers.

In Europe, the countries with the lowest welfare payments also happen to have the lowest refugee populations. Merkel with her insane policies essentially has destroyed most of Europe. The economy will begin to collapse as the cost of feeding and housing the immigrant horde spirals, and this is BEFORE the family reunions and bringing family members in begins. The 2+ million refugees will grow to 4 or 5 Million once the family members of the refugees begin to enter Europe. The official line of bringing in immigrants to fill current and future labor needs because Germany's low birth rate is pure unadulterated bullshit. The globalists simply want to bring about a change in the population demographics, eliminating opposition, and increasing the dependence on the state.

If there was a more perfect plan to destroy the European Union, I can't think of one.

Perhaps the rest of the world will wake up and decide to take back their future from the people who despise them and consider them to be nothing but a number in the grand unified worldview of Global government.

I'm with you man I'm sick of this shit .Boston is having a march for Muslim immigrants tomorrow . I guess they forgot about the assholes with pressure cookers in their backpacks already . Let rich Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia take them . Why don't these people just take a homeless person off the street feed them let them live in their house? Don't ask any questions or judge the person before they do just bring them home to your family !

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Just spent an 1/4 hour listening to MSNBC commentators whine about the 10 states enacting legislation to curb protesting complain that these measures are trying to curb the right to protest & to stop them blocking traffic is unconstitutional and horrifying that in one state they are making it legal to commit murder by running over protestors blocking the road while completely ignoring that it is illegal for protesters to block traffic in the first place. They are completely unhinged!

All state should follow North Dakotas example. Be a lot less of these fucktards running out into traffic blocking roads if they do.


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Member For 4 Years
It's not just Bialik, I've run into Jews elsewhere who are all pro muslim. Comparing Trump to Hitler and all that libtard fantasy. Funny, it was their libtard obummer who failed to stand up for Israel at the UN and let sanctions be brought against them and Trump who backs Israel.

Not to mention for as into their history, heritage etc as some Jews supposedly are they have no fucking idea how Jews are treated by muslims and forget their whole history. How even in times where Jews were afforded protection by muslims they were second class citizens. Several periods in history where they were forced to convert to islam. Jews have been pushed out of arab nations for the most part. It would do them well to take a real history lesson, they might just learn something. Muslims are not their friends. Muslims were persecuting and killing Jews long before Hitler came along.

I'd love for the libtards to spend some time in places like North Korea so they learn the difference between a democracy and dictatorship. They weep in their cheerios at the mention of waterboarding, I'd love to see them shit their pants when they get to witness a cabinet member executed with an anti aircraft gun for falling asleep on the job. Not just read about it, actually witness it. Or go watch some historical footage of the way cops beat back crowds at the Watts riots so they know what police 'brutality' looks like. Not just slowly walking a screaming crowd of protesters back but lines charging the crowd and using their night sticks to beat the hell out of anyone within reach. No rubber bullets, just the stock of their shotgun or rifle upside the head. Maybe then they'd gain a little perspective.

Prancing around in pink hats because we won't allow unvetted refugees entrance to the country or pissing and moaning because the federal government doesn't want to foot the bill for abortions isn't exactly the same as an entire ethnicity asking for the right to drink from the same fountain. Given a wider lens view of the world it's definitely a case of panties in a twist due to first world problems. Celebs don't exactly have much perspective since vacationing in Dubai is hardly 'first hand' knowledge of the situation.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I've been reading up on the freakout by the open border folks and liberals over Trump's closing the borders to a number of countries with radical Islamist populations. It's laughable and quite sad that these globalist goons seem to think that if they bitch, cry, and scream a lot, the citizens of the USA will somehow support them. The MSM seems to be going into one upsmanship to bring the most tear jerker sad stories about the poor persecuted refugees left at the airports and refugee camps, crying to any camera or journalist they can find.

This situation with the Presidential Order had to happen. During Obama's tenure, commonsense was ignored, the will of the people was ignored, immigration law was ignored. Instead of bringing in Doctors, Engineers, and people who would contribute to America, refugees were brought in who are largely illiterate and barely schooled. Naturally these "immigrants" cloister themselves and refuse to learn English and associate with anyone out of their tribe or nationality. Their view is that the country and it's citizens need to change the established social norms and accept their way, or they will get violent. There is no assimilation, nor will there be because the "immigrants" worldview is shaped by their religion and pandered to by the political left.

What is really telling is that Zuckerberg and all the tech oligarchs are blasting Trump and freaking out. They know their cheap IT labor is now threatened. They might actually have to (gasp!) hire American citizens!

The New York Times (I think) published an article where they tried to bring shame on the Trump administration because a family of Iranian's were denied boarding their plane in Iran. The family was on vacation visiting relatives. The family was also admitted into the USA on persecuted refugee status a couple years ago. So WHY would the family return to the country that persecuted them to go on Holiday? Who paid for the trip?

The answer is we paid for it. There is growing evidence and verified reports that "refugees" are taking vacation trips back to their homelands while still receiving government benefits, food stamps, and welfare. Why would they go back? The answer is pretty simple, they were not persecuted refugees at all, they are economic refugees and welfare pouncers.

In Europe, the countries with the lowest welfare payments also happen to have the lowest refugee populations. Merkel with her insane policies essentially has destroyed most of Europe. The economy will begin to collapse as the cost of feeding and housing the immigrant horde spirals, and this is BEFORE the family reunions and bringing family members in begins. The 2+ million refugees will grow to 4 or 5 Million once the family members of the refugees begin to enter Europe. The official line of bringing in immigrants to fill current and future labor needs because Germany's low birth rate is pure unadulterated bullshit. The globalists simply want to bring about a change in the population demographics, eliminating opposition, and increasing the dependence on the state.

If there was a more perfect plan to destroy the European Union, I can't think of one.

Perhaps the rest of the world will wake up and decide to take back their future from the people who despise them and consider them to be nothing but a number in the grand unified worldview of Global government.
What is most telling of all is that the immigration ban was not first enacted by Trump.

Obama's administration crafted & enacted it more than once, including the list of countries to which it applies. Each time he enacted it, people were detained at airports in the exact same manner with the same confusion now evident at the airports (minus the protesters).

The only difference was the manner in which the media and Democrats have reacted. Very telling indeed.
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