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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I had the SAG awards on TV for 5 minutes the other night until Ashton Kutcher started going off about His America. Turned off the changed the channel & turned off the TV so I would not contribute to their ratings! Agree completely we need to hold Hollywood & MSM to account.
no not held to account...utterly destroyed....we need them for entertainment like we need CNN for news...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I had the SAG awards on TV for 5 minutes the other night until Ashton Kutcher started going off about His America. Turned off the changed the channel & turned off the TV so I would not contribute to their ratings! Agree completely we need to hold Hollywood & MSM to account.
We know the entertainment industry is controlled by a handfull of corporations and these corporations are all globalists...we also know that the entertainers are trival vapid fucks who spend their time trying fill their days with as much decadence and indulgences as possible and there isn't a single molecule of eglitarianisim in them...their lives are one self absorbed narrsistic romp after the other...We all know the people who hire them have given them a script to read, and that script is the globalist agenda...they are is becoming more and more transparent how they corporate elite manufacture the stupid do liberals have to be...when they see a corporate media pushing a certain agneda, that they don't question the agenda and who profits from it......


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years

So how many guys out there think they would get a fair trial in this courtroom?

I still think those hats need two big old greasy Palm prints on them. Worthless until they've been grabbed good at least once.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I still think those hats need two big old greasy Palm prints on them. Worthless until they've been grabbed good at least once.
I like the fashion..... it allows those of us with an IQ above a turnip to avoid those with IQs beneath a can see stupid coming a block can whip out your MAGA cap and send them into a grand mal seziure for the fun of watching them foam at the mouth.


Diamond Contributor
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Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Nice. The gatorade shower after winning a big game is a great American tradition.

Exactly what I was thinking. Getting the victory Gatorade cooler shower from two little hotties. Damn! Life is good. This winning shit is getting ridiculous!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Think they are thinking they whipped up enough anti-Trump sentiment to make a run at impeachment. McCain & Grahm signaled they would go along with Dems with their joint statement. I don't think they have near enough. See whether or not they back down after he fired Yates.

Was watching Fox news and seeing Krauthammer: Trump Enacted Immigration Ban in 'Most Amateurish' Way and said to myself they are going after him. Right after that we hear Yates was defying order.....

Right thing to do to fire her. Defining moment. CNN is trying to make case that Kushner is actually running the country.

Hopefully Trumps action took the wind out of their sails. They are now spinning that his action is the actions of a demagogue...
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Diamond Contributor
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Think they are thinking they whipped up enough anti-Trump sentiment to make a run at impeachment. McCain & Grahm signaled they would go along with Dems with their joint statement. I don't think they have near enough. See whether or not they back down after he fired Yates.

Was watching Fox news and seeing Krauthammer: Trump Enacted Immigration Ban in 'Most Amateurish' Way and said to myself they are going after him. Right after that we hear Yates was defying order.....

Right thing to do to fire her. Defining moment. Hopefully it took the wind out of their sails.

Both of those old washed up warmongers should resign.


Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
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Have trouble posting some of these

Especially when I know he did nothing more than apply into law on a temporary basis the policies that Congress and Obama administration actually wrote.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Think they are thinking they whipped up enough anti-Trump sentiment to make a run at impeachment. McCain & Grahm signaled they would go along with Dems with their joint statement. I don't think they have near enough. See whether or not they back down after he fired Yates.

Was watching Fox news and seeing Krauthammer: Trump Enacted Immigration Ban in 'Most Amateurish' Way and said to myself they are going after him. Right after that we hear Yates was defying order.....

Right thing to do to fire her. Defining moment. CNN is trying to make case that Kushner is actually running the country.

Hopefully Trumps action took the wind out of their sails. They are now spinning that his action is the actions of a demagogue...
I can't stand Krrauthammer.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I liked what he did for Reagan,,,He is an opinion maker who gets it. He is now running a script. Trump is actually gonna drain the swamp and the swamp is fighting back.
Krauthammer likes his little position on the MSM..he won't stray to far off the reservation because he likes the big paycheck he gets for helping to create the illusion the RNC is relevant.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years

CNN interviewed an Iranian(I think) refugee who's parents were held in the airport this weekend. Trying to do a "poor refugee" piece. The guy turned out to be a Trump supporter. He said he likes Trump for being a good businessman and for keeping the country safe. LOL. They asked about the immigration ban and he said well, it might be right or it might be wrong, they know more about it than I do. There are good and bad people over there. My parents just didn't know what was going on in the airport.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
If I remember correctly, he was one of the "He'll never get elected" crowd.

Krauthammer likes his little position on the MSM..he won't stray to far off the reservation because he likes the big paycheck he gets for helping to create the illusion the RNC is relevant.
It is a damn good signal they are going after Trump in a concerted way. I watched Fox for hours tonight. They gave more weight to the negative side of the issues than the administrations side. It was slanted coverage for fox.

Trump signed the order banning lobbying by any admistration official for 5 yr and lifetime for foreign govt. That was too musch for the swamp...They will band together to take him out.

The only thing that will save Trump will be the polls on this. Trump will win more support than any of them can imagine from this challenge. The backlash should quell them. Defining moment......

Honestly was wary of Turmp as a republican but after seeing the media bias supported him. Damn glad I did. Haven't been happier with a president elect since Reagan. This is a man that has my support even if part of me thinks he is bat-shit crazy.



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Diamond Contributor
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CNN interviewed an Iranian(I think) refugee who's parents were held in the airport this weekend. Trying to do a "poor refugee" piece. The guy turned out to be a Trump supporter. He said he likes Trump for being a good businessman and for keeping the country safe. LOL. They asked about the immigration ban and he said well, it might be right or it might be wrong, they know more about it than I do. There are good and bad people over there. My parents just didn't know what was going on in the airport.
I watched him say that on Fox.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Very interesting & very telling. This must be the guy on the ground the Dems used to create the mess in the first place. Dont tell me Obama institued this policy 6 times in past without a protocol being previously enacted. This was a manufactured crisis to unseat a sitting president. In no uncertain terms this was an attempted coup.

Thank god the Trump administration was savvy enough to use own Obama's policies against the press and the Dems. Why the administration can't make headway in the media tells you just how committed the forces against him are.

This will consolidate support for Trump.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It's a full on onslaught from the globalist elite, R and D alike. And the media of course.

Trump is proving he is a genuine outsider. I thought so from the pre election attacks but wondered if insiders would get his ear once he got elected. Apparently, he can't be bought or otherwise persuaded to fall in line. So far, he's making my vote count. He's ripping the elite a new asshole. Hopefully he lives through it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Thank you Sean Hannity! Finally someone from fox who will tell the truth! Sorry I wasted my time watching the opposition.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It's a full on onslaught from the globalist elite, R and D alike. And the media of course.

Trump is proving he is a genuine outsider. I thought so from the pre election attacks but wondered if insiders would get his ear once he got elected. Apparently, he can't be bought or otherwise persuaded to fall in line. So far, he's making my vote count. He's ripping the elite a new asshole. Hopefully he lives through it.
He'll survive it. It was so ill conceived as to be called ridiculous. It didn't stop them from trying though. Kind of scary though.

How far will they go when Hillary gets indicted? I really want to see that lying bitch in orange!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Obama ought to follow the example of presidents with far more honor than he has and sit down and shut the fuck up. In one week Trump has made your failed 8 years of presidency irrelevant. Retire on your continued $250,000/yr on the taxpayers dime & STFU! Trump is taking $1/yr. In 1 wk he has done more than you ever could have considered to improve this country.

Your party's actions are an embarrassment to this country. Time to go in grace....


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I don't know as that it makes any difference whether Mexico has 50ft walls all the way around it or no walls at all. Their border, their problem. They're a nation unto themselves, let them decide and whatever floats their boat. We don't want people illegally crossing our border and that's our right. Mexico doesn't need a wall for us to justify having one.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
contrast this quote of President of the Philipines with Mexico promising to give 50 million dollars to harbor illegal mexicans in the US.

"To Filipinos (in the United States), you better be on the right track. If you are not allowed to stay there, where you are staying, get out because if you are caught and deported, I will not lift a finger. You know that it is a violation of the law,” Duterte said on Monday morning.

“If he has policies to protect his country, I will understand … So out of respect, I will not interfere,” Duterte added

Now contrast that sentiment with this from the Narco terrorist state known as mexico.

"We are going to focus the money on one fundamental objective, which is the defense of the rights of Mexicans. This means legal advice, informational campaigns, the hiring of lawyers where it is necessary.''

The Drug cartels of all of latin america run Mexico...and they need a porous border to survive...
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
One of the most amazing things about the Trump administration is...though he is not a republican and has never really claimed to be one...Donald Trump is acting more like a Republican than the entire RNC of the last 30 years combined....Everyday Trump illustrate what a lying, dishonest, inept,cowardly,useless sack of shit the RNC has been....his boldness and energy is in stark contrast to the mealy mouthed excuses, and outright betrayls of the american people committed by the RNC for decades....the more he does, the more the people see that there is no reason to support the RNC


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Question..... what happened to the polling?

Last 20 years we have weekly polls on everything....

Now... they have been using the same poll numbers when mentioned since the election.

Could it be Trump already has a higher approval than O ever did.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Question..... what happened to the polling?

Last 20 years we have weekly polls on everything....

Now... they have been using the same poll numbers when mentioned since the election.

Could it be Trump already has a higher approval than O ever did.

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well after the manufactured lies during the election that the MSM called polling....I think when the media uses the word ......poll....people start laughing.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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The attorney General is sworn to uphold the constitution and the law, not the president.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The attorney General is sworn to uphold the constitution and the law, not the president.
Very true....... hopefully the US will have one of those soon..

The politicians quit dragging their feet on confirmations.... maybe Trump won't make so many decisions by himself.

Personally I think his l acknowledging of cabinet is Slowing him down. You think the press a political are freaking out now.... imagine if he had a full staff to help.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The attorney General is sworn to uphold the constitution and the law, not the president.
Thanks Robert....comic relief is always welcomed.....but actually your brand of comedy is more of"why'd the chicken cross the street?" What's the matter robert did Trump grab your pussy?....after 8 years of Eric the gun running Holder and Loretta Lynch you pipe up is the Presidents sworn duty to protect the nation and if he feels this bitch isn't up to the job it is his duty to get rid of her.....again more drive by stupid from you...the bitch obviously made a partisan and obstructionist move and we have no time for that....calling her a consitutionalist is like calling BLM a civil rights movment....they are both laughable covers for shitheads...sounds like Robert it's time for more butthurt cream...lube up baby it looks to be you're in for a long HARD ride....elections have consequences,remember.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Um pretty sure that's the Israeli West Bank Barrier ... This has already been on a bunch of sites that make up bullshit lol.
maybe, but having known alot of illegal salvadorians and guatemalans I do know that Mexico deports alot of illegals...after raping and robbing them they get a bus ride back to guatemala...maybe Mexico figures the fear of being raped and robbed by their border patrol is more effective than barbed wire.
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