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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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The Cromwell

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we've gone from keyboard warriors to keyboard liberals really think this is helping their you really think people are going to vote for the DNC when it keeps exposing racism, calling for assassinations, and beating political opponents in the streets... this is just going to make the wall 10 feet higher and give Trump 4 more years.
In 4 years neither side will want trump.


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In 4 years neither side will want trump.
as niether side wanted Obama...again the lefts paranormal skills for gazing into the great beyond and making predictions about Donald Trump as been an unmitigated disaster.....every prediction they made about Trump has been dead wrong...he doesn't own the playbook.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
To be fair, they made the commercial long before the "Muslim ban."

But not before immigration was a political topic. The commercial is politically motivated. It's not their first politically motivated commercial.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Wasn't it amazing that the Dems had busloads of demonstrators outside with pre-made professionally printed signs just during Trump's announcement for the SCOTUS Pick. Almost like a billionaire was funding them. Wonder how many other signs they had to throw away that had the other names Trump was considering.



Diamond Contributor
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Wasn't it amazing that the Dems had busloads of demonstrators outside with pre-made professionally printed signs just during Trump's announcement for the SCOTUS Pick. Almost like a billionaire was funding them. Wonder how many other signs they had to throw away that had the other names Trump was considering.

Did you see Ben Sasse's tweet about it? :cheers:


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Member For 4 Years
contrast this quote of President of the Philipines with Mexico promising to give 50 million dollars to harbor illegal mexicans in the US.

"To Filipinos (in the United States), you better be on the right track. If you are not allowed to stay there, where you are staying, get out because if you are caught and deported, I will not lift a finger. You know that it is a violation of the law,” Duterte said on Monday morning.

“If he has policies to protect his country, I will understand … So out of respect, I will not interfere,” Duterte added

Now contrast that sentiment with this from the Narco terrorist state known as mexico.

"We are going to focus the money on one fundamental objective, which is the defense of the rights of Mexicans. This means legal advice, informational campaigns, the hiring of lawyers where it is necessary.''

The Drug cartels of all of latin america run Mexico...and they need a porous border to survive...

Rights of Mexican illegal s ?

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Member For 4 Years
Not really surprised about the Bud commercial. I've seen a ton of people get pissy and feel betrayed that an American icon like AB would be pro immigrant. Considering they sold out to belgium/brazil owned Inbev 9yrs ago, the shock value is low. What? Foreigners coming to the US then being pro immigrant?! Oh yea, same shit different day.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The poor liberals...the democrats in america have raised an entire generation of democrats who have never actually seen an opposisiton party....their parents have to remember as far back as Regan ......they don't know how to react when they don't get their way.....the RNC have been a bunch of neo-con weasels for so long that the left just assumed all opposition was dead.


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Cracks me up when protesters are out in droves, freely marching through cities, blocking roads, screaming their opinions after leaving their homes and travelling to any destination they desire to have their tantrum all while bitching about the rights they don't have. Then calling President Trump a dictator. If dictators are known for anything it's of course allowing their opposition to freely run their pie holes and march around, naturally.

Palm: Hello, Face?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Cracks me up when protesters are out in droves, freely marching through cities, blocking roads, screaming their opinions after leaving their homes and travelling to any destination they desire to have their tantrum all while bitching about the rights they don't have. Then calling President Trump a dictator. If dictators are known for anything it's of course allowing their opposition to freely run their pie holes and march around, naturally.

Palm: Hello, Face?
after watching this since the election the conclusion I've come to for why the left has become unhinged is. They lost the whole enchilada..the lost the state legislatures, they lost govenorships the lost the senate and the house...oh they can virtue signal all they want on the floors of congress, but at the end of the day they are POWERLESS....white guilt, class warfare,the power of the propoganda mills are the tools they've always relied on and they are going down in flames...the long march of global socialisim/facisim is crashing and burning....a wild desperate attempt is being made to prop up the rejected narritive, but it's no use...and like a drowning man they flail and attempt to drag down anyone close to them....pobrecitos.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
after watching this since the election the conclusion I've come to for why the left has become unhinged is. They lost the whole enchilada..the lost the state legislatures, they lost govenorships the lost the senate and the house...oh they can virtue signal all they want on the floors of congress, but at the end of the day they are POWERLESS....white guilt, class warfare,the power of the propoganda mills are the tools they've always relied on and they are going down in flames...the long march of global socialisim/facisim is crashing and burning....a wild desperate attempt is being made to prop up the rejected narritive, but it's no use...and like a drowning man they flail and attempt to drag down anyone close to them....pobrecitos.
More over the historically Democrat union base of the party is being given a seat at the table in many of Trumps negotiations with big business. Trump met with black community leaders today at White house to ask their help in crafting plans to clean up urban areas. The current obstructionism & Divisional Protest mentality promoted by the Democrats will hurt their party for a decade to come.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
More over the historically Democrat union base of the party is being given a seat at the table in many of Trumps negotiations with big business. Trump met with black community leaders today at White house to ask their help in crafting plans to clean up urban areas. The current obstructionism & Divisional Protest mentality promoted by the Democrats will hurt their party for a decade to come.
Decades...those assholes are nominating for the chair of the DNC openly racist loon tunes...they stand on the brink of extenction as a political party.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Dems against FREE SPEECH! Rioting on UC Berkeley Campus to stop a speech by Milo.
I live in WI and Trump wanted to come to Harley this week for a speech and Harley declined because of this shit.... I'm thinking it may hurt them in the long run because I'm thinking who buy's their bikes!
Back on topic they are getting what they want in some cases and will keep it up. I said all along his first target should be Soros!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Dems against FREE SPEECH! Rioting on UC Berkeley Campus to stop a speech by Milo.
LOL...This is Berkely...there is not a single member of the teaching or administrative staff who is not a communist, anrachist, or UC Davis the adminsitration is just window dressing, they have told the campus police and the Berkely city police to stand down and let the rioters do whatever they want the city council of Berkeley would love to see Milo and free speech dead....any talk to the contrary is like I said window dressing...on a sunnier note..this will make Milo a household word, and project his thought farther out into the world...this is no longer the world of the mainstrean media and people will be googeling and youtubing Milo to see what it is he is saying....LOL...there is no bad publicity.....
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I live in WI and Trump wanted to come to Harley this week for a speech and Harley declined because of this shit.... I'm thinking it may hurt them in the long run because I'm thinking who buy's their bikes!
Back on topic they are getting what they want in some cases and will keep it up. I said all along his first target should be Soros!
fuck Harley Davidson..they've earned the title of pussybikes now....when a gay british man can stand up to these fucks alone and Harley can't.... I say fuck Harley I hope they go bankrupt.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Milo knew Berkeley wouldn't allow him to speak...he did this for two reasons... to let the world see exactlly who and what the left are and what they do to their political enemies....and to get as much free publicity as possible...the liberals come off as brownshirts and delegitamize the DNC as a politicla party.., and the UC system as cowards or worse co conspirators of brownshirts


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
LOL...This is Berkely...there is not a single member of the teaching or administrative staff who is not a communist, anrachist, or UC Davis the adminsitration is just window dressing, they have told the campus police and the Berkely city police to stand down and let the rioters do whatever they want the city council of Berkeley would love to see Milo and free speech dead....any talk to the contrary is like I said window dressing...on a sunnier note..this will make Milo a household word, and project his thought farther out into the world...this is no longer the world of the mainstrean media and people will be googeling and youtubing Milo to see what it is he is saying....LOL...there is no bad publicity.....
So Ironic the Birthplace of the Free Speech Protest Movement in America also rings it's death knell on behalf of the Liberal Hypocrites in America. Milo could not have planned it better. Fox had Milo Live interview on air.

Flip to CNN & they are talking about Trump losing his cool on phone call with Australia. No mention of Berkeley. CNN finally did a segment on it after the fires were put out trying to downplay the severity of the incident. Their pictures showed a dance party in the square being broken up.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So Ironic the Birthplace of the Free Speech Protest Movement in America also rings it's death knell on behalf of the Liberal Hypocrites in America. Milo could not have planned it better. Fox had Milo Live interview on air.

Flip to CNN & they are talking about Trump losing his cool on phone call with Australia. No mention of Berkeley. CNN finally did a segment on it after the fires were put out trying to downplay the severity of the incident. Their pictures showed a dance party in the square being broken up.

NO berkeley was not the sight of the free speech movment......a bunch of white privledged college kids and black racist co-opted that name....the free speech movement was a movment led by the IWW union the Wobblies a bunch of blue collar workers just prior to and during the first world war...they carried soap boxes around and would stand out on street corners telling the people not to go to the war in europe as it was just a profit making scheme by the elite and that the workers of germany and the US would not profit a whit for dying in the war.....they were usually arrested for sedition.
Nope Berkeley has now earned the title of the home of Gay this point I think the US should just cut California loose...any counties that want to stay in the US are welcomed the rest ...they're on their own,
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