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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
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Not gonna happen. HuffPo is already reporting that Lady Gaga is gonna go political during her half-time show.


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Member For 4 Years
So, this is to the brownshirts in black masks that terrorized berkeley in an effort to shut down free speech through violence.....the result of your efforts to silince Milo's message backfired just sent his newly released book to the top of the bestsellers list....epic fail.
This not new..... everytime the libs boycott a company or product. Sales always increase.

If you are conservative and want to make money.... get the libtard's to boycott you or just complain about you.... next thing you know your as rich as Rush Limbaugh. Or just a gay Brit with a pool heated on libtard tears.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
CNN is now trying to say the Berkeley Riot was staged by Right Wing, Breitbart, & Milo. No Shame with their Fake News. How much longer are they going to get away with this utter crap?



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Robert Reich has long been an idiot.[/QUOTE
CNN is now trying to say the Berkeley Riot was staged by Right Wing, Breitbart, & Milo. No Shame with their Fake News. How much longer are they going to get away with this utter crap?


"I've heard Don that Robert Reich is a pedophile...I mean I don;t know that for sure but I've heard he rapes little boys.....I wouldn't bet against it Don...I mean I don't wanna say factually but I've heard there is a relationship between known pedophiles and Robert Reich Don..."

yeah that isn't slanderous at all is it.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yeah so..... what you have there is a wife and mother... feeling the HELL her family will be put through over the next 4-8 years...........

This is also why people cry at weddings and births.. joy of the moment combined with knowing fear of the future.

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Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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The whole Berkeley incident was priceless and why there are those of us who can't take liberals seriously.

They march in the streets demanding rights, demanding freedom of speech. They march in the streets yelling and screaming about gay rights and how there's no place for intolerance. Any action not in favor of someone who is gay or shrinking their rights is a bigot, racist, homophobe, flavor of the week-ophobe. California especially has some of the most strict ecological policies, they're proud to be tree huggers, save the planet, be damned those big nasty factories that would pollute our precious planet.

So what is their solution? Riot.
- Block another person's right to freedom of speech.
- Prevent a gay person from speaking out.
- Burn their trees
- Openly burn tires which is against both Ca state laws and EPA regs
- Assault unarmed women (women's rights?)

Well. Fucking. Done.
Perhaps the Hell's Angels and Mongols can put aside their differences and provide security at the next event. The paid thugs and agitators would probably think twice about starting a riot when confronted with men who would have no issue with using a chain or baseball bat, or worse to enforce security. Let the MSM cry about that. LOL


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Love to see them try this ANTIFA rioting at the Super Bowl. Something tells me it wouldn't fly too well there.


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NYU Professor Launches Tirade Against NYPD For Not Beating Up Gavin McInnes and apparently does not advocate free speech for those that do not agree with her.

Warning Video contains vulgarity.
Why is it that these women always look like a farm animal with a wig on?.........".I'm a professor...I;m a professor!".....So, What..."I'm a cabdriver, I'm a cabdriver"....liberal elitist pig.
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Diamond Contributor
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Appeals Court Denies Justice Department's Motion to Lift Travel Ban Restraining Order

Has the world gone insane? How could the 9th circuit deny a stay on the immigration restraining order?

Seems like they were pissed that he tweeted about a judge rather than honestly ruling on the legality of the Presidents order & severe overreach of the Settle judge's ruling. Legislation from the bench is obvious.

William C. Canby was appointed by Jimmy Carter and Michelle T. Friedland was appointed by Barack Obama.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years

Has the world gone insane? How could the 9th circuit deny a stay on the immigration order?

Seems like they were pissed that he tweeted about a judge rather than honestly ruling on the legality of the Presidents order & severe overreach of the Settle judge's ruling. Legislation from the bench is obvious.

William C. Canby was appointed by Jimmy Carter and Michelle T. Friedland was appointed by Barack Obama.
To be expected.....and get ready for even worse...When Trump was running every single institution of power was against him..the political elite, the economic elite, the cultural elite, the religous elite, the intellectual elite...every one of these institutions are controled and owned by the globalists, and used behind the mask of liberalisim to direct humanity toward a One World goverment in every aspect and avenue of our lives we have been groomed to accept the New World Order.The globalist agenda has never been to use force to put humanity in slavery, their agenda has always been to manipulate the minds of humanity to embrace slavery to ask for the collar around our necks..they have used the media to control our reality, the Universities to manifpulate our thinking, the Churches to pervert our relationship with ourselves, the entertainment industry to put us to sleep....they never dreamed there were enough of us awake enough to vote for Trump and put him in power....

But now that we have elected Trump, those same insitutions have no intention of allowing us to divert from the path of universal bondage, they have just begun to fight,,every dollar,every talking head and movie idol of the corporate media,every church poor box,every university,....all have one purpose in mind destroy Donald Trump and those awake enough to see what is going on..War has been declared, we have a massive federal goverment owned by the globalist,,not just corporate america, corporate america died a long time ago...,.this is global corporations now that own our goverment and there are thousands of goverment workers who are owned by the globalists ..congressmen,judges, heads of agnecies, life long beauracrats,this framework has been put into place since the early 20th century..since the creation of the Federal Reserve Act, and the Income Tax was illegally put in place.....the people who work in our federal goverment PROFIT personally selling their country men into bondage......We are not a free indpendent people and state we are just one of the cogs of global colonialism...

Everyone of these institutions and all the resources at their disposal is being geared toward killing Donald Trump and the United States of America..It is essintial that the idea of nationalisim, the independent nation state, and the indivdual human, be destroyed...we must join the borg, because if we don't join the borg the borg will die...if we continue to exist as an indpendent nation state governed by free individuals we become a light to all humanity to remember what it is to be free, to remember what it is to be happy and creative and prosperous.....we must accept misery and constant strife and poverty and slavery, and war as long as we exist, as long as one candle of light exists...human conciousness can evolve toward an enlightend world...without that candle...we see from history... like the Dark Ages humanity is thrown into a hellish netherworld that took them centuries and centuries to crawl out of,where a massive body of knowledge was forgotten and had to be painfully recreated.....We call it the Dark Ages because it was a nightmare for the average man, but it was the heyday of the Catholic Church, and the Aristocracy of europe they enjoyed almost unlimited power...That is why the Westeren culture is under attack why our childeren are taught to hate their own people's history and they are taught a perverted narritive about westeren they forget how and why indepence must be protected at all costs.

There have been comparisons made of Donald Trump to Andrew Jackson....Jackson was considered a hick,crude, unenlightend hayseed, who lacked the polish and refienment to enslave the people with a fluidity of lies....on his innaguration day he opened the doors of the whithouse to the common men and as expected much like the idiots who make up say our typical NFL fan base they trashed the place.Trump like Jackson is taking on a War with the Central Banks centered in Europe, who saw our country and it's people as nothing more than a contineint and a people to rape for it's wealth.. let's hope Trump is as successfull at destroying the Banks,and remember Jackson was the first President to have an assassination attempt directed at him....I expect the Banks will do the same with for now they are doing it through the media, but they are capable of doing worse.
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Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Appeals Court Denies Justice Department's Motion to Lift Travel Ban Restraining Order

Has the world gone insane? How could the 9th circuit deny a stay on the immigration restraining order?

Seems like they were pissed that he tweeted about a judge rather than honestly ruling on the legality of the Presidents order & severe overreach of the Settle judge's ruling. Legislation from the bench is obvious.

William C. Canby was appointed by Jimmy Carter and Michelle T. Friedland was appointed by Barack Obama.
The long game is afoot. Once the Supreme Court gets it's next justice (soon) Trumps executive order will land there and be scrutinized as to it's constitutionality. Congress gave the executive branch the authority to implement Immigration orders.

Trump will triple down on his immigration stance. The congress won't because they are still too scared of losing a voting demographic.

The MSM is in a near Psychotic Break over Trump, with their constant barrage of negativity and bullshit stories, they only appease themselves and the loonies who still believe what they see and hear from the MSM. We are a few weeks away from people actively tuning out, In a perverse way, when you repeatedly and vocally project negative context about a situation or individual, it has the opposite effect a short while later.

A really nasty fight is coming when Trump's administration begins digging into the entrenched bureaucracy in D.C. I fully expect a lot of firings and criminal cases against government employees who actively work against America.

With mid-term elections coming up, it would be wonderful if the Democrats lost a number of seats in the Senate and House. That would push the far left into psychotic violence, and the people would demand that the violence be stopped. They are creating a self-fulfilling prophesy of Trump as a strong man Dictator. They want to get clamped down on so they can justify their domestic terrorism.

We are in for a wild 4 years in this world. When Brexit finally gets triggered, and a Populist Right Politician like Le Pen comes to power in Europe, it will mean the breakup of the EU. This terrifies the Global elite to no end because the EU is their lab experiment on how to implement absolute control over the individual by the state while calling it "Democracy" when in fact it is just Totalitarian Socialism. Several ex politicians in the EU have said that there will be a civil war within 30 years on the continent. my personal view is 10-15 years.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The long game is afoot. Once the Supreme Court gets it's next justice (soon) Trumps executive order will land there and be scrutinized as to it's constitutionality. Congress gave the executive branch the authority to implement Immigration orders.

Trump will triple down on his immigration stance. The congress won't because they are still too scared of losing a voting demographic.

The MSM is in a near Psychotic Break over Trump, with their constant barrage of negativity and bullshit stories, they only appease themselves and the loonies who still believe what they see and hear from the MSM. We are a few weeks away from people actively tuning out, In a perverse way, when you repeatedly and vocally project negative context about a situation or individual, it has the opposite effect a short while later.

A really nasty fight is coming when Trump's administration begins digging into the entrenched bureaucracy in D.C. I fully expect a lot of firings and criminal cases against government employees who actively work against America.
They will hang up the SCOTUS pick as log as possible and will probably take a number of months. In the interim, many who are entering may not have been properly vetted in Obama's & his appointees in SD attempts to rush these people through the system before Trump was able to shut it down & implement real reform of the process.

We are watching Democrats lying through their teeth all over MSMs about this being a muslim ban, inciting the world with their rhetoric using Hollywood, MSMs, Protests in street that are attacking free speech & designed to intimidate the sheeple.

They will attempt impeachment before they ever allow his administration to move forward with reform.

How far are we going to allow this to go before we take to the streets to back America? The silent majority cannot stay silent much longer.

The division countries like Iran, North Korea & China see in our Government will embolden them further. They are risking a real terrorist attack on the homeland hampering the administration like this. I really don't want to see Trump have an I told you so moment like another attack on USA to get them to stop this bullshit.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Trump just needs to do what he is doing ...light as many fires as possible attack on as many fronts as possible, don't let the globalist have any one front to attack make them wind up chasing their own tails....


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Member For 5 Years
True, they will stall the SCOTUS pick, but there is the thermo-nuclear possible action in the Senate, which will be used for court picks. IF the Dems force it.

They need to go after the funding for the programs that allow hoards of poorly vetted "immigrants" into the country.
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