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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So, apparentlly not only did the police department of the city of Belkley stand by with their thumbs up their asses while property was being destroyed...there were numerous incedents of people being severly beaten by the leftist.....It is my fondest hope that Jeff Sessions has the justice department investigate this matter and find out if there was indeed collusion and a conspiracy to allow the leftists to maim people based on their political beliefs, and if neccessarry overhaul the entire police department and have them take "political diversity training".....taught by Milo of course....or maybe the federal goverment can withdraw some grants and research money until the university starts protecting free speech.

These fucks dressed in black ain't real smart....I mean how easy would it be for some deranged trump supporter to cover themselves in black sneak into their ranks and in the middle of the confusion.......accidents happen.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Maybe we can give Berkeley the name of .."The Selma of the West"........

in a fine Democrat tradition....looks like a DNC cross burning in the old days.

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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Decades...those assholes are nominating for the chair of the DNC openly racist loon tunes...they stand on the brink of extenction as a political party.
They are just going back to their roots.

Hell. We're looking at Cal exit right now..... reasons are at the root.. the same argument the Dems had for session the last time they did it in the mid 1800.....

As a resident of Califorina.. Trumps wall is going up in the wrong place. It should be running on a north to south direction rather than east to west . Might as well start it at Vancouver.

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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'd like to know why federal funds are sent to state colleges in the first place. There should be NO federal involvement in these institutions.
Oh STATE funding to a state schools actually makes sense. . Question really should apply to all the Private colleges that get STATE funding...... including federal education loans grants and scholarships.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Here's a surprise. CNN interviewed Milo and then edited it severely to present a slanted piece that portrays him as a white supremacist inciting violence on college campuses.



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Member For 4 Years
Why is everyone so surprised the libtard's are acting as facists? Oh yeah we don't teach fact based history anymore in school......

Democrats or liberals or progressives... whatever name PC let's you use... through out US history have always been on the same side of every issue. In DEED..... Granted the rhetoric always blames the other side. They have always been pro subjection and anti Republic.. they were and are the party of Slavery. They inserted the 3/5 part to the document. They also opposed the 14th amendment. Even though they now depend on it for votes.
They were supporters of Germany in both Wars.. main reason we got into both late. THEY were even pro russia.. during the cold wars... they only became anti Russia when the Ruskies claimed to no longer be commies.. heck IMO the only reason they are at odds now is BO was pro Islamia and Putin isnt.

They are the people of racism. Homophobia. AnD just about every negative ist and ism you can name.

The fact that their propoganda mills have brain washed generations is the only real surprise to me. I guess having control over media and education helps.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The Democrat party which controls California have created a situation, where 2,500 illegal aliens attend Californai Universities without fear...and where American citizens who attend the universities are being terrorized.....I think the question needs to be the DNC any longer an American politcal party....or has it been co-opted to the point it is an arm of globalist colonialisim.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The Democrat party which controls California have created a situation, where 2,500 illegal aliens attend Californai Universities without fear...and where American citizens who attend the universities are being terrorized.....I think the question needs to be the DNC any longer an American politcal party....or has it been co-opted to the point it is an arm of globalist colonialisim.
I think it's called the Helsinki Syndrome.......

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
We will see if Fox actually give Milo a Fair hearing on Tucker Carlson Tonight 9pm.

Clinton New Network definitively did a hatchet job


Diamond Contributor
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Poor CNN...they picked one "Dangerous ******" to attack....this is going to blow up in their faces.....Milo is going to have their guts for garters when this is all said and done.The internet is going to blow up over this and CNN is going to be less than a footnote...

I love Milo. He's already forced several media outlets to apologize for calling him a Nazi, far-right and various other recent synonyms.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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I've come to the conclusion that the hard left, Hollywood, and Soro's paid thugs are looking to goad the government into a brutal crackdown so they can be the victims. The rioters at Berkley were partially paid thugs, partially student anarchists, and part democrat operatives. They are doing their best to polarize America, the MSM is doing it's part, so is Hollywood. The existential threat to Democracy and free speech isn't Trump and his administration, it's liberals who cannot accept they lost an election because the big fix was in for Hillary.

So they are going to fight with violence, subterfuge, and malice to anyone who does not tow the party line. Unfortunately for the liberals and their thugs, American's in general will take only so much shit before they call for change, or take action, or both. Arresting and jailing rioters for felony level offenses needs to begin. Protesting is fine, violent riots are not and they need to be put down with extreme force short of lethal methods if at all possible.

I am in complete support of the removal of federal funding for cities and states that enact sanctuary policies and ordinances. If they choose to violate federal law, then they need to be held accountable including the prosecution of elected and non-elected officials who openly flout the law. Same for Universities that practice the muzzling of free speech.

What all these political elite are gunning for is a massive showdown with Trump and the Republican's. It ain't going to be pretty, but I think that the majority of American's will not support the liberals in this quest. Government employees who actively participate in anti-governmental behavior and actions need to be shown the door with no chance of being re-hired by another agency. If they set up encrypted email accounts to conduct government business and not use their government email accounts, they need to be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. No exceptions. If they violate their oath's intentionally, they need to get kicked to the curb.

The political elites here and Europe are terrified of popular candidates and leaders because it is a direct threat to their status quo power arrangement, and against their societal engineering attempts to make the state all powerful over the individual.

As far as the most powerful weapon in the world goes, it's not the H-Bomb, the most terrifying weapon to the political elite and the globalists is simply the Truth, unfiltered and unadulterated Truth.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
We will see if Fox actually give Milo a Fair hearing on Tucker Carlson Tonight 9pm.

Clinton New Network definitively did a hatchet job
He did last night when he closed the show with Milo on the phone.... Now if Megan was still there... I doubt she could be fair especially to a gay Trump fan boy. BILL might be bit tough on him.. but he's that way with almost everybody.. he couldn't do Sheps show.. might get bloody. SEAN is to ignorant for Milo. Martha would just get confused. Morning crew maybe but that's too early for the network to air Milo.

Fox is not the conservative agency the press makes them out to be. Sure they have more righties than the other networks.. but at the end of the day they too are just MSM. And left of center.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I've come to the conclusion that the hard left, Hollywood, and Soro's paid thugs are looking to goad the government into a brutal crackdown so they can be the victims. The rioters at Berkley were partially paid thugs, partially student anarchists, and part democrat operatives. They are doing their best to polarize America, the MSM is doing it's part, so is Hollywood. The existential threat to Democracy and free speech isn't Trump and his administration, it's liberals who cannot accept they lost an election because the big fix was in for Hillary.

So they are going to fight with violence, subterfuge, and malice to anyone who does not tow the party line. Unfortunately for the liberals and their thugs, American's in general will take only so much shit before they call for change, or take action, or both. Arresting and jailing rioters for felony level offenses needs to begin. Protesting is fine, violent riots are not and they need to be put down with extreme force short of lethal methods if at all possible.

I am in complete support of the removal of federal funding for cities and states that enact sanctuary policies and ordinances. If they choose to violate federal law, then they need to be held accountable including the prosecution of elected and non-elected officials who openly flout the law. Same for Universities that practice the muzzling of free speech.

What all these political elite are gunning for is a massive showdown with Trump and the Republican's. It ain't going to be pretty, but I think that the majority of American's will not support the liberals in this quest. Government employees who actively participate in anti-governmental behavior and actions need to be shown the door with no chance of being re-hired by another agency. If they set up encrypted email accounts to conduct government business and not use their government email accounts, they need to be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. No exceptions. If they violate their oath's intentionally, they need to get kicked to the curb.

The political elites here and Europe are terrified of popular candidates and leaders because it is a direct threat to their status quo power arrangement, and against their societal engineering attempts to make the state all powerful over the individual.

As far as the most powerful weapon in the world goes, it's not the H-Bomb, the most terrifying weapon to the political elite and the globalists is simply the Truth, unfiltered and unadulterated Truth.
What they need to do is station FBI case officers and Ice Agents at metropolitan central police department headquarters in each of these "Sanctuary Cities" to identify aliens with criminal records and scoop then up immediately after the local system is done whit them irregardless of what local authorities say. There is no legal basis for Sanctuary Cities and they must defer to Federal Authorities by law. The problem is the Feds are relying on local authorities to contact the Federal authorities when they find someone like that & it isn't happening.

Why not just have the FBI & ICE review computer booking & trial records in these cities on a real time basis and each time a non-citizen is arrested with priors dispatch Ice to remove them as soon as the local system is done with their trials / sentencing - period. With the number of Aliens in these cities, the FBI & ICE officers will be kept plenty busy so it would not be a waste of resources. There is nothing to stop them from doing that now. If local authorities try to interfere, book them for obstruction of a Federal Investigation.

The 14th amendment cannot apply as immigration is clearly the purview of the Federal Government.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Milo Interview was disappointing. Tucker had him on for only a very short time. They gave him more air time the other night and half the interview tonight was him plugging his book. Seemed like Tucker's questions limited the impact Milo could have had if he was left free to discuss his view of what occurred on his own.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The whole Berkeley incident was priceless and why there are those of us who can't take liberals seriously.

They march in the streets demanding rights, demanding freedom of speech. They march in the streets yelling and screaming about gay rights and how there's no place for intolerance. Any action not in favor of someone who is gay or shrinking their rights is a bigot, racist, homophobe, flavor of the week-ophobe. California especially has some of the most strict ecological policies, they're proud to be tree huggers, save the planet, be damned those big nasty factories that would pollute our precious planet.

So what is their solution? Riot.
- Block another person's right to freedom of speech.
- Prevent a gay person from speaking out.
- Burn their trees
- Openly burn tires which is against both Ca state laws and EPA regs
- Assault unarmed women (women's rights?)

Well. Fucking. Done.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The whole Berkeley incident was priceless and why there are those of us who can't take liberals seriously.

They march in the streets demanding rights, demanding freedom of speech. They march in the streets yelling and screaming about gay rights and how there's no place for intolerance. Any action not in favor of someone who is gay or shrinking their rights is a bigot, racist, homophobe, flavor of the week-ophobe. California especially has some of the most strict ecological policies, they're proud to be tree huggers, save the planet, be damned those big nasty factories that would pollute our precious planet.

So what is their solution? Riot.
- Block another person's right to freedom of speech.
- Prevent a gay person from speaking out.
- Burn their trees
- Openly burn tires which is against both Ca state laws and EPA regs
- Assault unarmed women (women's rights?)

Well. Fucking. Done.
It is Ironic the Liberals SJWs would seek to silence a Jewish Immigrant LGBT Homosexual with a Black Boyfriend. He's a poster child for every almost Liberal cause out there but he must be silenced because he supports Trump. Free Speech dies at Berkeley of all places!

Liberal Insanity.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I would love to have an intelligent debate with folks who are liberal but I seriously can't seem to understand their logic. Recently the social media flare ups between Trump and arnie over 'the apprentice' and the responses from liberals and Trump haters.

"boo, Trump is bad, he's nothing more than a reality t.v. star, he has no business being president, he's unqualified, his wife is an immigrant!"

In the very next breath they say "I would love if arnie were president, he'd be a better president than Trump, yadda yadda."

So they would rather have an ex mr universe pageant winner and movie star. Because that's more qualified than a reality t.v. host. They gripe about Melania being an immigrant as first lady yet arnie himself IS an immigrant (and ironically why he CAN'T be president). Makes total sense. I'm left with no option except to laugh my ass off. Seriously, there's no shred of reasoning going on. I'd say the lights are on and nobody's home but I'm now skeptical if the lights are on at all or if it's just a reflection.
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