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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) just issued the following statement on President Trump’s firing of acting Attorney General Sally Yates:

"After eight long years of a lawless Obama Department of Justice, it is fitting–and sad–that the very last act of the Obama DOJ is for the Acting AG to defy the newly elected President, refuse to enforce the law, and force the President to fire her. Sally Yates now joins the ignominious succession, from Eric Holder to Loretta Lynch, of Attorneys General who put brazen partisan interests above fidelity to law.

President Trump was exactly right to fire an acting Attorney General who refused to carry out her constitutional duty to enforce and defend the law. Yates’ lawless partisanship highlights why the Senate needs to act now–and Senate Democrats should end their extreme political obstruction and delay–and confirm Jeff Sessions immediately. America needs and deserves an Attorney General who will be faithful to the Constitution and uphold the law."​


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maybe, but having known alot of illegal salvadorians and guatemalans I do know that Mexico deports alot of illegals...after raping and robbing them they get a bus ride back to guatemala...maybe Mexico figures the fear of being raped and robbed by their border patrol is more effective than barbed wire.

Oookay then... I was just pointing out that this is a "fake" picture of the supposed Mexican border wall that keeps circulating around. I get the point that is trying to be made, but posting bullshit doesn't help either side as far as I'm concerned


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Oookay then... I was just pointing out that this is a "fake" picture of the supposed Mexican border wall that keeps circulating around. I get the point that is trying to be made, but posting bullshit doesn't help either side as far as I'm concerned
I agree, and thanks for would also be helpfull if the DNC didn't circulate the bullshit narritive that somehow 30 million poor illiterate,and in alot of cases crimianlly insane fucks were somehow a boon to the American working class.


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Have trouble posting some of these

Especially when I know he did nothing more than apply into law on a temporary basis the policies that Congress and Obama administration actually wrote.
Is there anyone that actually believes that we need to do or say anything in order for the Islamic bastards to recruit? Look... To them, we are infidels. They already hate us. They already want to kill us. Screw them. I hope we do lots more to piss them off... Honolulu suckbar to them, too!


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As I said, liberals are a special kind of stupid. I'm enjoying the show.
We really couldn't have scripted a more entertaining meltdown had we tried. Tucker Carlson had some libtard on his show that was actually complaining that Trump was throwing things at then so fast that they didn't have a chance to absorb it all. Lol... He stumbled upon the master plan... And thinks it is a mistake. Hehe...
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Missing in all of the hoopla about Yates being fired is her replacement..... Boente is an Obama appointee. IMO, that's ingenious on Trump's part. Put in a guy appointed by Oblamer and there's no way they can say Trump put his own guy in. Naturally, the media isn't talking about Boente at all. Not a smidgen. It would ruin their (fake) narrative.

Ms. Trixy

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Good choice for Supreme Court Justice this evening. President Trump is keeping well on his promises. It must be exhausting, but a promise is a ALL of the people of the United States.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Good choice for Supreme Court Justice this evening. President Trump is keeping well on his promises. It must be exhausting, but a promise is a ALL of the people of the United States.
Oh cool....moronic .tifeling ass narsisstic hollywood actors, and precious snowflakes mass head explosion in 3....2....1....BOOM.

Ms. Trixy

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I will not dignify your response with an educated answer. Have a nice evening.


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Gorsuch was a solid pick for SCOTUS. Bonus, he won't be falling asleep all the time like RBG. Seriously, if you can't stay awake during class it's time to go.

The protesters are just hurting their own cause, they've cried wolf so many times and used it as an excuse to whine that the minute the word 'protest' or 'protester' is mentioned there's a kneejerk association of 'illegitimate asshat' that accompanies it. Much like the liberals were all geared up and ready to protest the SCOTUS nominee before it was even announced. Why bother wait to find out who it is to make a legit complaint, have a cut and paste complaint already locked and loaded. Proof they don't even know what they're protesting.

If ever anything actually justifying a real protest were to come up it wouldn't matter. No one will care, just another bunch of ranting blowhards.


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Hahahaha.... Ewwwwww!

I still don't see one single thing that would ever make me want to convert to Islam. I guess that explains why people only do it when their lives are threatened.


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YOU!...I have to live in the same state as this vile hag.when the wind is just right you can detect the stench of this walking corpse rotting.
I live directly down wind........ I even get to pay extra smog taxes... for the privilege.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk


Diamond Contributor
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Republicans approve Price & Mnuchin without any Dems in attendance since they boycotted hearing. Democrats have signaled they are refusing to represent their own states voters by boycotting hearings. Now they will be crying foul!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Republicans approve Price & Mnuchin without any Dems in attendance since they boycotted hearing. Democrats have signaled they are refusing to represent their own states voters by boycotting hearings. Now they will be crying foul!
You do realize what this means don't you?.......the Dems are now working for Putin...bastards.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
for those of us old enough to remember the 1960's....this is so boring......after recieving the Nobel Peace Prize Obama turned right around and increased the number of troops in afghanistan by five fold..I wonder if they were all from states who voted for Obama.......Obama dropped 100k bombs during the reign of Barry the divine..I wonder if he dropped them on the states that voted for him.....Obama and HIlary manufactured the syrian refugge crisis....perhaps we should take the above shithead rude pundit and give his and other Obama voter's home to the refuggees and send him to syria.


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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Diamond Contributor
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Oookay then... I was just pointing out that this is a "fake" picture of the supposed Mexican border wall that keeps circulating around. I get the point that is trying to be made, but posting bullshit doesn't help either side as far as I'm concerned
Some excel at fake news. Take all the photo shopped pics posted by some.
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