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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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yep, send a fool on a fool's errand dipshit....political labeled Trump Hitler..idiots like you are making it possible for violence and censoring of free speech with violence to occur....your flippant use of a smear rather than reasoned arguments tells us all we need to know about have no reasoned arguments if you did you would offer them rather than tossing the name Hitler around...and by doing so you associate Trumps voters with Nazis and in so doing you give legitamacy to attack with violence those and people like you are turning America into a third world shithole where politics is decided by who has the most Venezuela.

What I find to be a sad thing is that there's a vaper who uses the nick "Vaped Crusader"
who is a very nice guy and holds a political outlook similar to us. I hope nobody confuses the two.
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Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I've yet to find liberals that can hold an intelligent conversation regarding politics. Maybe I'm lucky enough to find all the hypocrites and whack jobs. Recently on social media ran across criticisms from an Aussie resident bastardizing President Trump for not wanting unvetted refugees (aka the pause/ban). Ironically PM Turnbull obviously doesn't want them either, so if the refugees are so wonderful why doesn't Australia want them? For that matter Australia has stricter regulations on pets coming into their country than we do on refugees. How come, what are they scared of? It's fine for other nations to cast judgements so long as they're not expected to do the same I suppose.

Another was over comments made by Emma Watson, the new lead for Beauty and the Beast. She likes to bash President Trump as well. I wonder how she feels being given the star role in a film produced by Disney Films, given Walt Disney was a republican. If her ever so educated millennial ass even did the math on that one. Walt by the way who naturally, being a conservative, was labeled as a racist, anti semitic, nazi lover. Gee where have I heard that tired story before? Apparently the liberals and hollywood are so hand in hand they share the same philosophy of laziness. Don't come up with anything original, just keep pumping out the same tired crap. Way to show that racist, anti semitic, nazi like POTUS - take the lead in a Disney film. lmfao.

It's not really any wonder that the tech companies are trying to sue the government for the temporary hold on refugees. Given all the willingness of failbook and apple to work with the gov to stop terrorists. They all but did their level best to protect them so it's pretty clear which side their on - and it's not with the U.S. The overall political war coming from various outlets is amazing and sad. From the AB halftime commercials (trying to act like AB is anything more than a shell of a U.S. company, that ended years ago when Brazilian/Belgium owned InBev bought them out - not surprising they're pro immigrant now) to mobile game apps.

Earlier I was messing around and went to play 'temple run' on my phone. The game loaded up to what appeared to be a middle eastern desert map (one I previously had no access to and had never downloaded or played) accompanied by a full screen pop up. The pop up went rambling on and on about how they're a U.S. based company but how they believe in America being a place for refugees and how they support letting the refugees come here and left the option to help their cause of bringing even more refugees here. FUCK. THAT. Deleted that piece of shit immediately from my phone. Apparently others have noticed and have deleted it as well.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I've yet to find liberals that can hold an intelligent conversation regarding politics. Maybe I'm lucky enough to find all the hypocrites and whack jobs. Recently on social media ran across criticisms from an Aussie resident bastardizing President Trump for not wanting unvetted refugees (aka the pause/ban). Ironically PM Turnbull obviously doesn't want them either, so if the refugees are so wonderful why doesn't Australia want them? For that matter Australia has stricter regulations on pets coming into their country than we do on refugees. How come, what are they scared of? It's fine for other nations to cast judgements so long as they're not expected to do the same I suppose.

Another was over comments made by Emma Watson, the new lead for Beauty and the Beast. She likes to bash President Trump as well. I wonder how she feels being given the star role in a film produced by Disney Films, given Walt Disney was a republican. If her ever so educated millennial ass even did the math on that one. Walt by the way who naturally, being a conservative, was labeled as a racist, anti semitic, nazi lover. Gee where have I heard that tired story before? Apparently the liberals and hollywood are so hand in hand they share the same philosophy of laziness. Don't come up with anything original, just keep pumping out the same tired crap. Way to show that racist, anti semitic, nazi like POTUS - take the lead in a Disney film. lmfao.

It's not really any wonder that the tech companies are trying to sue the government for the temporary hold on refugees. Given all the willingness of failbook and apple to work with the gov to stop terrorists. They all but did their level best to protect them so it's pretty clear which side their on - and it's not with the U.S. The overall political war coming from various outlets is amazing and sad. From the AB halftime commercials (trying to act like AB is anything more than a shell of a U.S. company, that ended years ago when Brazilian/Belgium owned InBev bought them out - not surprising they're pro immigrant now) to mobile game apps.

Earlier I was messing around and went to play 'temple run' on my phone. The game loaded up to what appeared to be a middle eastern desert map (one I previously had no access to and had never downloaded or played) accompanied by a full screen pop up. The pop up went rambling on and on about how they're a U.S. based company but how they believe in America being a place for refugees and how they support letting the refugees come here and left the option to help their cause of bringing even more refugees here. FUCK. THAT. Deleted that piece of shit immediately from my phone. Apparently others have noticed and have deleted it as well.
I'll contemplate using the US as a toilet bowl for the garbage of the third world the day that liberal/socialist/corporatist policies provide...full employment for citizens, with jobs that provide for upward mobility,full health and mental health care for Vetrans,the abolition of homelessness,the payment in full of the national debt,When the US schools and Umiversties have the highest test scores in the world.when we have an economy healthy enough that any blue collar woker can afford a home.When half our population isn't strung out on street drugs, that our political class is selling them.When we aren't involved any forgien wars.When our major political parties aren't run by the central bankers and corporations.......when we get our house in order.
Yeah this whole epiphany of so called american companies jumping on the band wagon of pro immigration just illustrates how many forgien owned or globallly owned companies are involved in our economy and our politics....It amazes me that the same people that are pissed the corporations own our presidents are quite happy to support those same corporations when those coporations want to flood the country with the refuse of the third a liberal the corporations are at one and the same time..Satan himself and Mahatma Ghandi ....they don't let the thought enter their silly fucking heads that...If the global corporations are shilling for the massive importation of rapeugees to eradicate just western cultures,it's probablly no better an idea for the average man, than GMOs, the central banks,Love Canal,the FDA,war profiterring....or any of the other schemes that profit the corporate is as if the left is terrified to .....Think.

I mean use your fucking brains people....When was the last time you saw the major corporations buying air time during the super bowl to shill for...homeless people, the unemployed americans, the poor in america,drug abuse among american Indians, childhood obesity, ect.....but this year we have commericals protraying immigrant as the Christ child fleeing into Eygpt, and the American people as mean spirited cretins....come on have to be a brain dead zombie to think the same corporations that buy our political class to poison,rape,and send our own citizens to forgien wars for profit....give a fuck about Lupe and her chica's struggles for a better life.....they spent that money because it profits globalist colonialism not because it profits their slaves.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
NOAA Scientists Manipulated Temperature Data To Make Global Warming Seem Worse
Bates said NOAA scientists made a “blatant attempt to intensify the impact” of global warming to eliminate the “pause” in temperature rise since 1998. The Daily Mail claims Bates showed it “irrefutable” evidence NOAA’s study relied on “unverified” data.

Bates’ objections to the paper were ignored by his superiors, who let scientists make “decisions and scientific choices that maximised warming and minimised documentation” in advance of a major United Nations climate summit in Paris, France.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
NOAA Scientists Manipulated Temperature Data To Make Global Warming Seem Worse
Bates said NOAA scientists made a “blatant attempt to intensify the impact” of global warming to eliminate the “pause” in temperature rise since 1998. The Daily Mail claims Bates showed it “irrefutable” evidence NOAA’s study relied on “unverified” data.

Bates’ objections to the paper were ignored by his superiors, who let scientists make “decisions and scientific choices that maximised warming and minimised documentation” in advance of a major United Nations climate summit in Paris, France.
What's your fucking problem Tap.........don't you believe in science......


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years

Only when I find out that POS Obama pressured them to falsify data so he could lie to the nation & world to sell his Climate Change agenda.
the IPCC has been falsifying data since day one.....that was why they were sell a myth...


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It's not that I don't believe in climate change, something is a bit messed up. Ice caps are melting, there's a new northern channel that previously wasn't there due to ice melt. Northern contained winter patterns have been drawing closer south over the years rather than sticking near the poles more the way they used to. I find it hard to take the 'global warming' community seriously though. Not when there's millions of cars on the road, thousands of jets in the air and they're blaming it on cow farts and bbq's. That's just in the US, let alone the rest of the world.

Then came carbon credits, literally a plan to throw money at a situation and make it better. Go find a cancer patient and hurl dollar bills at them, see if they're cured. Nope. Same thing with 'carbon credits'. Paying a fine doesn't reduce the emissions.

No telling how much effect on the weather is from the government themselves playing with their toys like haarp. I'm not saying they've joined with aliens and are manipulating the weather to maintain global power or anything but it does make someone wonder. If there are specific clauses in government documents regarding 'thou shalt not use weather modification as a weapon against others' why the need for such a statement/regulation.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It's not that I don't believe in climate change, something is a bit messed up. Ice caps are melting, there's a new northern channel that previously wasn't there due to ice melt. Northern contained winter patterns have been drawing closer south over the years rather than sticking near the poles more the way they used to. I find it hard to take the 'global warming' community seriously though. Not when there's millions of cars on the road, thousands of jets in the air and they're blaming it on cow farts and bbq's. That's just in the US, let alone the rest of the world.

Then came carbon credits, literally a plan to throw money at a situation and make it better. Go find a cancer patient and hurl dollar bills at them, see if they're cured. Nope. Same thing with 'carbon credits'. Paying a fine doesn't reduce the emissions.

No telling how much effect on the weather is from the government themselves playing with their toys like haarp. I'm not saying they've joined with aliens and are manipulating the weather to maintain global power or anything but it does make someone wonder. If there are specific clauses in government documents regarding 'thou shalt not use weather modification as a weapon against others' why the need for such a statement/regulation.
I do not discount global warming, but I also don't believe Obama had a right to force a government agency to falsify scientific data to justify his agenda.

I mean what next? Pretty soon we'll have the CIA & NSA pressured into falsifying Classified Intelligence Reports & Main Stream Media Manipulation to De-legitimize his successor by saying he's a puppet of a foreign government....Oh wait....That sounds familiar...


Diamond Contributor
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Another was over comments made by Emma Watson, the new lead for Beauty and the Beast. She likes to bash President Trump as well. I wonder how she feels being given the star role in a film produced by Disney Films, given Walt Disney was a republican. If her ever so educated millennial ass even did the math on that one. Walt by the way who naturally, being a conservative, was labeled as a racist, anti semitic, nazi lover. Gee where have I heard that tired story before? Apparently the liberals and hollywood are so hand in hand they share the same philosophy of laziness. Don't come up with anything original, just keep pumping out the same tired crap. Way to show that racist, anti semitic, nazi like POTUS - take the lead in a Disney film. lmfao.

Liberals have become so used to famous people yapping their traps that there was a big blowup of Taylor Swift fans because she refused to denounce Trump. She's always been apolitical in her public dealings. So far, she's had more sense than to alienate a large bloc of her fan base.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So, this is a discussion on immigration, specifically sanctuary cities, but it should also be used in an investigation for voter fraud.

"…I can tell you half of my family would be eligible for deportation under [President Donald Trump’s] executive order, because if they got a false Social Security card, if they got a false identification, if they got a false driver’s license prior to us passing AB60, if they got a false green card, and anyone who has family members, you know, who are undocumented knows that almost entirely everybody has secured some sort of false identification. That’s what you need to survive, to work. They are eligible for massive deportation."

This is a great place to start. I'd like someone to ask that halfwit how many of his family with false identification voted. If I were in charge, that's were my investigation would start. Finding false identifiaction and cross referencing those with voter logs. Kill two birds with one stone catching the illegals and voter fraud.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
VU Donator
Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
So, this is a discussion on immigration, specifically sanctuary cities, but it should also be used in an investigation for voter fraud.

"…I can tell you half of my family would be eligible for deportation under [President Donald Trump’s] executive order, because if they got a false Social Security card, if they got a false identification, if they got a false driver’s license prior to us passing AB60, if they got a false green card, and anyone who has family members, you know, who are undocumented knows that almost entirely everybody has secured some sort of false identification. That’s what you need to survive, to work. They are eligible for massive deportation."

This is a great place to start. I'd like someone to ask that halfwit how many of his family with false identification voted. If I were in charge, that's were my investigation would start. Finding false identifiaction and cross referencing those with voter logs. Kill two birds with one stone catching the illegals and voter fraud.
So the moron admitted half his family has committed a crime (felony) by using false documentation and identity theft. Hopefully, he just made his family a prime target for ICE to come a knocking.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Member For 5 Years
I am so loving the left's freakout over the Patriots win of the Superbowl. Bunch of idiot dolts who have nothing better to do with their lives than scream and cry about a football team winning the Superbowl.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So the moron admitted half his family has committed a crime (felony) by using false documentation and identity theft. Hopefully, he just made his family a prime target for ICE to come a knocking.

Yeah, but I'm more into the bigger picture.

There has to be a way to find stolen SSN's. A focus on SSN's would solve a few problems. The illegal immigrant problem would benefit from a SSN crackdown. They could identify and thus prove voter fraud by cross referencing stolen ID. And it could take illegals out of SS, SSDI, Medicare and medicaid.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So, this is a discussion on immigration, specifically sanctuary cities, but it should also be used in an investigation for voter fraud.

"…I can tell you half of my family would be eligible for deportation under [President Donald Trump’s] executive order, because if they got a false Social Security card, if they got a false identification, if they got a false driver’s license prior to us passing AB60, if they got a false green card, and anyone who has family members, you know, who are undocumented knows that almost entirely everybody has secured some sort of false identification. That’s what you need to survive, to work. They are eligible for massive deportation."

This is a great place to start. I'd like someone to ask that halfwit how many of his family with false identification voted. If I were in charge, that's were my investigation would start. Finding false identifiaction and cross referencing those with voter logs. Kill two birds with one stone catching the illegals and voter fraud.
So, half his family has so much contempt for the people of America, that his family spits on the laws and society that Americans citizens have voted on to goveren their country....hmmm....yeah deport them first....The democrats are delusional, I'm sure this idiot thought this would somehow illicit outrage toward Trump on my part...on the contrary, it makes me despise him his no good rat bastard family and the DNC all the more....Mexicans think they have a right to break our laws...I'd fine and deport every single one of them, and the horse they rode in on,I'd shut legal immigration from Mexico down completely for 5 years and tell them ...when the day comes our ICE agents haven't arressted a single illegal mexican is the day we allow legal immigration from mexico....on a very very selective and limited basis.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yeah, but I'm more into the bigger picture.

There has to be a way to find stolen SSN's. A focus on SSN's would solve a few problems. The illegal immigrant problem would benefit from a SSN crackdown. They could identify and thus prove voter fraud by cross referencing stolen ID. And it could take illegals out of SS, SSDI, Medicare and medicaid.
oh there is...I've talked to people who are accountants for companiew who hire illegals...the illegal gives them a phony ss #..the accountant sends the number into the goverment to be verified...a month latter..the goverment says it's a phony number....Juan gets called into the office and says...aaaaiiii caramba I forgot my is the correct one.....the accountant sends the "correct" number to the goverment...a month latter the goverment says it's a phony number....and over and over and over again until Juan dies of old age.......of course if I got into a store to buy a pair of new balance sneakers...they can verify my Credit card number in about 15 seconds....E-verify now.
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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Member For 4 Years
Dude, pay attention! The president with the largest disapproval rating and the longest list of failed accomplishments
and illegal/unconstitutional executive orders just LEFT the presidency not the other way.
What I said was true.
Trump entered office with the lowest approval rating in history.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Member For 5 Years
Just yell "Migre! Migre!" at the top of your lungs from a spot where you can't be seen and watch the assholes and elbows doing triple time for the nearest exit on a construction site.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
What I said was true.
Trump entered office with the lowest approval rating in history.
I see the butthurt cream isn't working on your savegly ravaged back passage Robert......try a aloe vera enema....I thought we sat you down and helped you grasp things like wikileaks,fake news, phony polling that cost Hilary the election.......wait a minute..wwwaaaaittt a didn't take the butthurt cream orally did you?

Though I'm sure you've heard this before...just take a deep breath and ....Relax.
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