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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I see the butthurt cream isn't working on your savegly ravaged back passage Robert......try a aloe vera enema....I thought we sat you down and helped you grasp things like wikileaks,fake news, phony polling that cost Hilary the election.......wait a minute..wwwaaaaittt a didn't take the butthurt cream orally did you?

Though I'm sure you've heard this before...just take a deep breath and ....Relax.
Fake news like all the photoshopped pics about Obummer and Hitlery posted on here?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Fake news like all the photoshopped pics about Obummer and Hitlery posted on here?


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years

They all had good excuses. No room. Live with someone else. No "resources".

Here's a thought;

Rather than spend your time protesting, do something constructive to better yourself and your position in life. Help yourself so you can directly help others. If you can't get your own shit together you have no business worrying about someone else, especially someone from another country.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
They all had good excuses. No room. Live with someone else. No "resources".

Here's a thought;

Rather than spend your time protesting, do something constructive to better yourself and your position in life. Help yourself so you can directly help others. If you can't get your own shit together you have no business worrying about someone else, especially someone from another country. mean like these guys


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Lol... After 8 years of Barry, I think the civil discourse is getting better.

It was quiet for a long time. You had to go into back alleys and small private groups to hear what people really thought about NObama. You can trash a white guy in public without getting branded. Now that's privilege for ya.

If you really want to have some fun, ask an anti Trump person what a fascist is. The answers are highly entertaining. They really do not know.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
  • If you like chicks in bikinis, you might be a fascist.
  • If you like Hooters, you might be a fascist.
  • If you don't want folks inviting themselves to live in your house for free, you might be a fascist.
  • If you like dogs, you might be a felinogyst, hateful, fascist.
  • If you like cats, you might be a rodentogyst fascist.
  • If you buy your own food, you might be a lousy, no good, son of a mysogonystic fascist.
  • If you like watermelon you might be... Oh hell no... Gotta stop right there.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
You fascist. Go run for President. :giggle:

And since you didn't mention that you liked the human race, that makes you a racist, too. Welcome to the club.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Lately I'm appalled at how many politicians
haven't read the Constitution

They're not reading it on purpose.

If they actually took the time to read it, they would have to acknowledge that it's not a living breathing document, but a carefuly crafted piece of literature with a precise meaning that was meant to endure the test of time

It's called denial.


Silver Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Member For 2 Years
Rat always find the cheese. It is a great idea to stop illegal immigrants,what ever it takes. It would work even better, if we start prosecuting greedy "businesses" that hired them. Illegals wouldn't come here, if no one would hire them. No cheese, no rats.
It would be very helpful to "reduce" the government to a bare minimum. That would help our economy, and dramatically reduce the "terrorist " treat. In the past Our government has directly or indirectly created, schooled, and financed every group of extremists that are causing us trouble now.
Isis is a big problem, but nothing compared to Soros, that degenerate had destroyed numerous countries by running them into hyperinflation, and civil war. Demonstrations financed by him are just the beginning.
Soros, Rothchilds, and Fed. are the biggest treat to our freedom and independence. It is a good time to get them out of our homes, wallets, and life in general.
From strictly economic standpoint, Hitlers idea was to collapse corrupt Imperial Germany that was controlled by "foreign" corrupt bankers, and bring the country back to people and prosperity. Borders were open, who ever didn't like it had an option to leave. Many had decided to stay, and protect their wealthy lifestyle. Didn't work out.

There should be no tolerance for violent protesters.

Our country is divided more then ever. We can see the struggle of the former "middle " class that has been devastated by manipulative government/ banking policies for last 20 years. No work, no money.
On the other side we have a part of our society that got used to living off government help, that is ready to fight to keep their "privilege " and lifestyle. It will be hard, and pointless to keep both sides happy.
Trump is a businessman, and I hope he will keep it all in a good business. His ideas are promising, will see if he will bring his promises to fruition,
Rats become anxious, once you take away the free cheese. That is a good time to bring out the cats, and terriers.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
They're not reading it on purpose.

If they actually took the time to read it, they wouldn realize that it's not a living breathing document, but a carefuly crafted piece of literature with a precise meaning that was meant to endure the test of time

It's called denial.
Bro, I suspect if they actually took the time to read it they wouldn't understand it.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
That too...

I'm recalling that commercial with Shannon Sharpe taunting the other team... " You can't even spell Constitution..." (He really said, "...Dow Jones").
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Silver Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Member For 2 Years
  • If you like chicks in bikinis, you might be a fascist.
  • If you like Hooters, you might be a fascist.
  • If you don't want folks inviting themselves to live in your house for free, you might be a fascist.
  • If you like dogs, you might be a felinogyst, hateful, fascist.
  • If you like cats, you might be a rodentogyst fascist.
  • If you buy your own food, you might be a lousy, no good, son of a mysogonystic fascist.
  • If you like watermelon you might be... Oh hell no... Gotta stop right there.
You just made my day. LOL. Spilled my bourbon while reading it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Only forty??? What's up is the MSM taking Black History month off.
I think they are only talking about false things the media itself says rather than repeatedly replaying the lies of Democrats. If they counted the Democratic lies, it would be a much, much larger number!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Well..yeah that's pretty stupid alright.....but it's hard to beat this one.

"IT MIGHT TIP OVER"?????? :crazy:

Heard people joking about Johnson back then but never saw it.
Seriously Toasted:drunk:

Almost makes Waters look good!:poop: Not only that, Georgia reelected him! :crazy::crazy:
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