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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Member For 3 Years
Look for a recession beginning possibly before the end of this year.
The timing is always hard to predict, but we are well overdue now. Stock prices have been in bubble territory for several years. Housing priced are getting there again in some markets. In the end though, the global banking cabal holds the strings (threads?) by which the debt-inflated economy hangs and can cut some of them any time they wish.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The timing is always hard to predict, but we are well overdue now. Stock prices have been in bubble territory for several years. Housing priced are getting there again in some markets. In the end though, the global banking cabal holds the strings (threads?) by which the debt-inflated economy hangs and can cut some of them any time they wish.
I'm thinking sometime between the next 2 FED meetings...... Fed interest rates are what have driven the stocks up...... Without Obummer they have no reason to prop up the market. . So they spike the rate. Crash the market. We start the recovery that has been put off for the last 10 years.

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Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
I'm thinking sometime between the next 2 FED meetings...... Fed interest rates are what have driven the stocks up...... Without Obummer they have no reason to prop up the market. . So they spike the rate. Crash the market. We start the recovery that has been put off for the last 10 years.
It's not just "the market" as in stocks and housing. The world-wide bond market is way bigger than either of them, and then there's another order of magnitude more of derivatives piled on top of that. Much of this has to be cleared before a real recovery is possible, and doing that will make the Great Depression look like a minor recession. The powers that be know this, which is why they keep kicking the can down the road.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ok, MEME's aside. Is it worth it to be so partisan? I am an independent. Do you want to encourage Elitism? .
Just funnin' with the folks, Zam:giggle:


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It's not just "the market" as in stocks and housing. The world-wide bond market is way bigger than either of them, and then there's another order of magnitude more of derivatives piled on top of that. Much of this has to be cleared before a real recovery is possible, and doing that will make the Great Depression look like a minor recession. The powers that be know this, which is why they keep kicking the can down the road.
Yeah I know... its a house of cards. All propped up by free money from the fed.

And we call China the currency manipulators.......

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The timing is always hard to predict, but we are well overdue now. Stock prices have been in bubble territory for several years. Housing priced are getting there again in some markets. In the end though, the global banking cabal holds the strings (threads?) by which the debt-inflated economy hangs and can cut some of them any time they wish.
Oh Cromwell like all leftist is having a hard time facing the fact that he is a usefull idiot for the globalists, and the banking elite....he is still telling himself Obama and Hilary got elected from the donations of elderly black "folks" who ate cat food for a whole year so they could donate their social security checks to the DNC...the central banks are doing to the US what they threatened England with for the brexit...economic warfare if they didn't toe the line of the banking cartels and the corporatist...but it really doesn't matter because ......TRUMP IS HITLER!


VU Donator
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Member For 5 Years
Oh Cromwell like all leftist is having a hard time facing the fact that he is a usefull idiot for the globalists, and the banking elite....he is still telling himself Obama and Hilary got elected from the donations of elderly black "folks" who ate cat food for a whole year so they could donate their social security checks to the DNC...the central banks are doing to the US what they threatened England with for the brexit...economic warfare if they didn't toe the line of the banking cartels and the corporatist...but it really doesn't matter because ......TRUMP IS HITLER!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Think its time to carve up the Nutty 9th Circuit Court, but IMHO since they have a 15 month backlog we need to increase the number of justices to allow both the 9th & New 12th district to keep up with workload. As these would be Trump appointees, it would address the imbalance in this historically liberal court that has more decisions overturned by the Supreme court than any other circuit.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I really don't see how a civil war is to be avoided...or to be truthfull it is not a civil war the left is pushing for,seeing as how without importing millions of forgien nationals the DNC would have zero political power in America. Rather it is like what is happening in europe, a move by the global elite to import a literal army of forgien nationals to invade the country in order to wrench power from the citizens.It is why the left is so adamant about the so called "rights" of immigrants without their source of forgien mercinaries the left/DNC would wither and die off,to be no more relevant on the American landscape as say the "Green" party.I mean really folks the only thing the average liberal knows or likes about the hordes of third worlders they are fighting so hard for is...they vote democrat...and they make excellent domestic workers for their households.
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for who ...the upshot of the last one was that federal goverment took absolute power over the country....
Maybe some believe that progress is only made with bloodshed and upheaval. Progress surely can be the reverse for the losing party.


Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Yeah I know... its a house of cards. All propped up by free money from the fed.
The US military has also played a large role. Be a a major oil-exporting country, offer to sell your oil for some currency other than US dollars, and watch what happens. Refuse to play nice with the global banking cartel while trying to form a gold-backed currency and watch what happens. Such governments get regime-changed and the first thing that happens is their finances get reformed with acceptable debt-money.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The US military has also played a large role. Be a a major oil-exporting country, offer to sell your oil for some currency other than US dollars, and watch what happens. Refuse to play nice with the global banking cartel while trying to form a gold-backed currency and watch what happens. Such governments get regime-changed and the first thing that happens is their finances get reformed with acceptable debt-money.
Didn't take long to park 18 warships 50mi off coast of Iran.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Suprise, Surprise..... Nutty 9th Circuit upholds Travel Ban Restraining Order ruling against Justice Department. Clear Judicial Overreach along Party lines!

Split the 9th & pack both pieces to level the playing field along party lines. The role of the Judiciary is to interpret written law, not to make it.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The US military has also played a large role. Be a a major oil-exporting country, offer to sell your oil for some currency other than US dollars, and watch what happens. Refuse to play nice with the global banking cartel while trying to form a gold-backed currency and watch what happens. Such governments get regime-changed and the first thing that happens is their finances get reformed with acceptable debt-money.
Kennedy tried to do it with a silver backed currency didn't he ....they got his mind right though in a big damned hurry.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Suprise, Surprise..... Nutty 9th Circuit upholds Travel Ban Restraining Order ruling against Justice Department. Clear Judicial Overreach along Party lines!

Split the 9th & pack both pieces to level the playing field along party lines. The role of the Judiciary is to interpret written law, not to make it.
This is what I mean about a civil war being inevitable....the 9th circut is not interested in the law, they are interested in an agenda, and once the courts become lawless then tyranny has no obstacles, they start governing from the bench the voice of the people is silinced ...tell me ,,the scum that were beating people in the streets of Berkelely...did you hear one single major democrat condem them...did you hear one single insitution of the elite condem them...the mayor of Berkeley applauded them..the Chancellor of one of the most elite colleges in the western world applauded what do you think stands between the left beating you in your home for thought crimes once Trump leaves offcie...the RNC?..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Do you seriously think that if a group of right wing milita...dressed up in combat gear with masks over their faces went to the University of Berkeley and started beating people attending a speaker who was espousing reperations for blacks, or socialisim, or the Nation of Islam..or a domestic terrorist like Angela Davis...that the Chancellor of the Univesity would be cool wid you think that every single news outlet in America would be asking every single day every single republican politician in the country if they denounced the violence.
Nope..the American liberals have openly declared war on free elections...they feel like Mao. that goverment comes out of the barrel of a gun or a brick or a bat .....that is the future of America...
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Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It only took the 9th circus 2 days to not interpret the law. Apparently, they can't read the constitution or the USC.

I'm shocked.


Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Nope..the American liberals have openly declared war on free elections...they feel like Mao. that goverment comes out of the barrel of a gun or a brick or a bat .....that is the future of America...
Mao was right, all power does come from the barrel of a gun. What the left (I refuse to call them liberals, because they are not liberal) seems to have forgotten is that they no longer control the government's guns, and that most of the guns in private hands belong to people who oppose them. We are generally peaceable folk who won't initiate violence, but we certainly will defend ourselves if that should become necessary.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Mao was right, all power does come from the barrel of a gun. What the left (I refuse to call them liberals, because they are not liberal) seems to have forgotten is that they no longer control the government's guns, and that most of the guns in private hands belong to people who oppose them. We are generally peaceable folk who won't initiate violence, but we certainly will defend ourselves if that should become necessary.
I have to disagree with you man...a population that doesn't bother voting...a population that sit quite as illegal alien brownshirts beat people in the streets of San Jose, and at the University of Berkeley...are hardly gonna be manning the barricades.
although in fairness.they did elect Trump and destroy the mainstrem who knows maybe you're right


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Remember when some KKK nutjob endoresd Trump and the whole power structure hounded him to denounce the come your media hasn't asked a single democrat to denounce the berkeley brownshirts



Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
I have to disagree with you man...a population that doesn't bother voting...a population that sit quite as illegal alien brownshirts beat people in the streets of San Jose, and at the University of Berkeley...are hardly gonna be manning the barricades.
although in fairness.they did elect Trump and destroy the mainstrem who knows maybe you're right
Somehow I don't see San Jose or Berkeley as representative of the the country as a whole. ;)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Somehow I don't see San Jose or Berkeley as representative of the the country as a whole. ;)
no but what was telling was how the DNC not only did not denounce it they tried to deflect the blame onto Trump...,The DNC was willing to like they did with the Klan to use violence as a political tool...


Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
no but what was telling was how the DNC not only did not denounce it they tried to deflect the blame onto Trump...,The DNC was willing to like they did with the Klan to use violence as a political tool...
Yep. And they might get away with that in places like coastal California where they outnumber rational people by a huge margin. But places like that are few and far between.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
so what do you think stands between the left beating you in your home for thought crimes once Trump leaves offcie...the RNC?..HAHA
My gun cabinet...

the 9th circut is not interested in the law, they are interested in an agenda, and once the courts become lawless then tyranny has no obstacles, they start governing from the bench the voice of the people is silinced
Well said! Tyrrany is exactly the term. I fear that we on the Right at some point will need to have a REAL good old fashioned "Tea Party" to get them to understand we will not tolerate it.

tell me ,,the scum that were beating people in the streets of Berkelely...did you hear one single major democrat condem them...did you hear one single insitution of the elite condem them...the mayor of Berkeley applauded them..the Chancellor of one of the most elite colleges in the western world applauded them
Well said. DNC is responsible for the actions of these ANTIFA, BLM, Socialist, etc "Fringe" militant groups as they are deploying them to terrorize the Free Speech of opposition Activists as they are seeking to keep the right from rallying around these figures and organizing to oppose them in a meaningful way.

Nope..the American liberals have openly declared war on free elections...they feel like Mao. that goverment comes out of the barrel of a gun or a brick or a bat .....that is the future of America...
It is a declared war. We on the right aren't getting that because we expect Trump to fight it. We have to take it much more seriously and start having discussions about what we can do to show support for Trump and our opposition to these tactics and groups.

I'm thinking getting the NRA organizing massive Republicans Supporting Our President gun rallies simultaneously across America with ANTIFA/BLM/PROTESTER TARGETS where the right can showcase our belief in & dedication to the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms might be a good way to start.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
My gun cabinet...

Well said! Tyrrany is exactly the term. I fear that we on the Right at some point will need to have a REAL good old fashioned "Tea Party" to get them to understand we will not tolerate it.

Well said. DNC is responsible for the actions of these ANTIFA, BLM, Socialist, etc "Fringe" militant groups as they are deploying them to terrorize the Free Speech of opposition Activists as they are seeking to keep the right from rallying around these figures and organizing to oppose them in a meaningful way.

It is a declared war. We on the right aren't getting that because we expect Trump to fight it. We have to take it much more seriously and start having discussions about what we can do to show support for Trump and our opposition to these tactics and groups
As much as I'd love to shove my boot up the ass of the black bloc...I think that violence is how they want people to respond...I think we have to meet them in the streets with non-violence and flowers in our hair and peace signs...for as long as we can....we have to let the world see who these people was how we won the election it will be how we win the next one.


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dickweed..LOL........the only people who benifited from the civil war were the uber rich, the european bankers,(Rothschild) and the political class....and I suppose the military contractors.
you missed a couple it gave the Masons work to build the Lincoln memorial and create a symbolic illusion. :)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
As much as I'd love to shove my boot up the ass of the black bloc...I think that violence is how they want people to respond...I think we have to meet them in the streets with non-violence and flowers in our hair and peace signs...for as long as we can....we have to let the world see who these people was how we won the election it will be how we win the next one.
Didn't say to use violence. Merely to exorcise our 2nd amendment rights in a safe & responsible manner in significant numbers across America to deliver a subliminal but unmistakable message.....


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Well the left or globalist twats or whatever they're going by these days certainly seem to be pushing for a civil war. Not sure why, when the game playing skirts they hide behind ultimately fail them they're going to be left with heaps of smart mouths and man buns. Not sure a civil war is something they're prepared for. While I'm not advocating for one I certainly as hell wouldn't back down from one either. It may have been a day or two since I wore the uniform but pretty sure it still fits. I know the oath I took is still valid, I gave my word.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
exactlly man...we stay peacefull and law abiding as long as we can...
My point was that we can't even put 75,000 signatures on a document to declare ANTIFA a terrorist organization when that is exactly what it is.

The Dems are so well coordinated that these idiot stars have been showing us their playbook. They have had Antifa & BLM beating the shit out of Trump supporters for years now in front of cops and not getting arrested. They have the MSM lying to the American People wholesale with the most absurd narratives. They have 4 Judges ignoring the constitution & LAWS seeking to write their own and USURP the Powers of the no uncertain terms.

Open acts of Sedition perpreted daily by Dems with Sorros sitting there like the mafia Don pulling the strings & everybody knows it. Arrest him on racketeering charges & funding Terrorism already. Lock these idiots up who blocking off roads. Lock up these rioters. Bring misconduct and liable charges against these lying democrat congressman calling everyone racist without repercussions. Break up the 9th.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Well the left or globalist twats or whatever they're going by these days certainly seem to be pushing for a civil war. Not sure why, when the game playing skirts they hide behind ultimately fail them they're going to be left with heaps of smart mouths and man buns. Not sure a civil war is something they're prepared for.
Going there would be a bad idea for the left. The chance of a positive outcome for them in such a scenario has decreased dramatically since they no longer have one of their own at the helm.
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