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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
My point was that we can't even put 75,000 signatures on a document to declare ANTIFA a terrorist organization when that is exactly what it is.

The Dems are so well coordinated that these idiot stars have been showing us their playbook. They have had Antifa & BLM beating the shit out of Trump supporters for years now in front of cops and not getting arrested. They have the MSM lying to the American People wholesale with the most absurd narratives. They have 4 Judges ignoring the constitution & LAWS seeking to write their own and USURP the Powers of the no uncertain terms.

Open acts of Sedition perpreted daily by Dems with Sorros sitting there like the mafia Don pulling the strings & everybody knows it. Arrest him on racketeering charges & funding Terrorism already. Lock these idiots up who blocking off roads. Lock up these rioters. Bring misconduct and liable charges against these lying democrat congressman calling everyone racist without repercussions. Break up the 9th.
oh I agree we break up the 9th...I agree Trump should harass and attack the left on every possible every possible corner...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Here you go.....first it was ...Punch a facist,,now the left is calling for punching zionists...soon it will be
punch a racist
punch a sexist
punch a homophobe
punch a climate denier
punch a republican
punch a white privledge
punch a counter revolutionary.
1/4 of the Dems & many of their leaders are Jewish. punching zionists?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years

A federal judge on the Ninth Circuit has requested an en banc hearing, even though no one requested it, according to LawNewz. Such a request from the court is well within its authority. The site added that this is likely a dead end. It’s one of the most liberal circuit courts in the country and a majority of the judges (25 active) have to agree for the en banc hearing to move forward:

Chief Judge Sidney Thomas of the 9th Circuit Court has instructed both Trump’s DOJ team and lawyers for the State of Washington and Minnesota to file briefs due by Thursday February 16th, stating whether they believe the motion should be considered en banc. To get a rehearing, a majority of the 25 active judges on the court would need to vote in favor. Some legal experts contend however that it is unlikely that a majority of judges (most of whom were appointed by Democrats) would agree to this.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
As much as I'd love to shove my boot up the ass of the black bloc...I think that violence is how they want people to respond..
I totally disagree with you on this. They are counting on the fact that the people who oppose them will continue to behave in the same rational, peaceful, manner that we have so far. When the camel's back finally breaks, the sheer magnitude and speed of the reaction will make them rue the day that they "wanted" that response. They'll run and hide like the rats that they are when it finally happens.

I'll give you that they might think that is what they want. When they finally push us rational people to our breaking point, they will see how woefully unprepared that are to deal with us. We'll give the authorities time to clean this shit up, but if they don't we'll take care of it. I can assure you that once it starts, they will rue the day.

The black block has 2 inevitable endings coming at them. #1 - The government puts a stop to their BS. #2 - We the people will. Both endings are bad for them. #2 is worse.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Maybe it is because they realized they look like idiots.

I don't think they care. It's all about marginalizing Trump.

They know the EO is legal and will be upheld at the SC. It's all about the stay as a delay tactic, the ban is only 90 days and all they are doing is delaying it's effectiveness. But the broader goal is simply to make Trump look bad. They don't care how they look(80% SC overturns). All they care about is giving the media and leftists a bulletpoint, one Trump "loss", to counter the fact that Trump has been kicking their ass.

The en banc hearing is just a way to keep the stay in the forefront of the media attention so the focus is on the perceived Trump "loss".


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I don't think they care. It's all about marginalizing Trump.

They know the EO is legal and will be upheld at the SC. It's all about the stay as a delay tactic, the ban is only 90 days and all they are doing is delaying it's effectiveness. But the broader goal is simply to make Trump look bad. They don't care how they look(80% SC overturns). All they care about is giving the media and leftists a bulletpoint, one Trump "loss", to counter the fact that Trump has been kicking their ass.

The en banc hearing is just a way to keep the stay in the forefront of the media attention so the focus is on the perceived Trump "loss".
In the mean time they get a chance to double down and have a another 7 judge unanimous ruling against Trump that ignores the law in its entirety again and repudiates Trump while trying to write new law that will undermine the safety & security of the USA to maintain the illusion of the correctness of that ridiculous ruling.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I don't think they care. It's all about marginalizing Trump.

They know the EO is legal and will be upheld at the SC. It's all about the stay as a delay tactic, the ban is only 90 days and all they are doing is delaying it's effectiveness. But the broader goal is simply to make Trump look bad. They don't care how they look(80% SC overturns). All they care about is giving the media and leftists a bulletpoint, one Trump "loss", to counter the fact that Trump has been kicking their ass.

The en banc hearing is just a way to keep the stay in the forefront of the media attention so the focus is on the perceived Trump "loss".
Yeah I agree...if there is one axiom the elite and their sock puppets the left has learned and mastered it is.....the truth doesn't matter...perception matters...they don't give a damn about selling the truth they are masters at manufacturing perception...the right and libertarians get bogged down in trying to engage the left in the truth they get outraged by the lies and trying to rectify the is a waste of time...what we should be doing is spending our energies manufacturing a perception about the leftist and their globalist masters......that's why I say go ghandi on the left don't engage them in violence unless absolutely neccesary we must push the perception they are unhinged,violent and irrational, and not to be trusted with power


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yeah I agree...if there is one axiom the elite and their sock puppets the left has learned and mastered it is.....the truth doesn't matter...perception matters...they don't give a damn about selling the truth they are masters at manufacturing perception...the right and libertarians get bogged down in trying to engage the left in the truth they get outraged by the lies and trying to rectify the is a waste of time...what we should be doing is spending our energies manufacturing a perception about the leftist and their globalist masters......that's why I say go ghandi on the left don't engage them in violence unless absolutely neccesary we must push the perception they are unhinged,violent and irrational, and not to be trusted with power

The globalists have lost favor around the world. They are no longer a majority, at least in the Countries that have voted recently. Trump and Brexit. So, they have to make themselves look larger than they are. They have to puff themselves up like frogs to appear larger. They have to turn up the volume, not by more voices but by louder voices. They have to over sample.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The globalists have lost favor around the world. They are no longer a majority, at least in the Countries that have voted recently. Trump and Brexit. So, they have to make themselves look larger than they are. They have to puff themselves up like frogs to appear larger. They have to turn up the volume, not by more voices but by louder voices. They have to over sample.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
In the end the 9th circus won't matter much, Trump will come out on top (as usual) and in the end they will fail (as usual). Doubt he's concerned with that. I do think he'll continue the previous EO in the courts though if nothing else but to quash the upholding of an unconstitutional stay on a presidential temp ban. Preventing it from setting a new precedent, in time the headway it made will be nothing more than a fart in the wind and things will return to normal.

Watters cracks me up with his simple questions he asks people on the streets and their non answers or often times dead silence. The clips interjected from various movies are priceless and fitting. What's scary are the idiotic answers from people on the street are no worse than those we get from officials. Pelosi still thinks she's working with Bush (no clue what decade she thinks she's in), our actions in Crimea (or Korea, what the fuck they rhyme right?) or trying to sort out what an Aleppo is.

It would be interesting to use the left's playbook against them given the recent backlash over Ivanka's merchandise regarding Nordstrom and some of the others. Maybe the real news should be determining if those retailers are sexist or purely anti semitic. Given that Ivanka and her husband are both of the Jewish faith and all.


VU Donator
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As am American who hasn't lived there since 1997, and only spent 16 weeks there in that time period, I find myself asking the same question, over and over. "Where is my country?"

Watching the US now is like watching a slow train wreck, from my perspective. Interesting as all hell, but sad.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Here's an article that says George Soros has just bought intrests in Google's parent company, and in Netflix as well.Google has conspired with totalitarian regimes around the world to supress information and the truth, like the goverment of China, and Angela Merkel...

another interesting article about Soros and the Clintons finnancing the smuggeling of illegal alien africans, and ISIS memebers into europe.....
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Here's an article that says George Soros has just bought intrests in Google's parent company, and in Netflix as well.Google has conspired with totalitarian regimes around the world to supress information and the truth, like the goverment of China, and Angela Merkel...

another interesting article about Soros and the Clintons finnancing the smuggeling of illegal alien africans, and ISIS memebers into europe.....
Soros had stock in Google b4 they became Alphabet Inc.
He sold his Google stock and several others last year to buy some other tech companies
and now reinvested in Alphabet.

If you wanna have phun go down the Facebook wabbithole.
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