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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Today some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry have come forth to stand alongside the rest of the stable of globalist corprate media slaves,and whores...Yes the usually reticent and somewhat shy enclave of animated Disney Characters have come together to fight what they see is the "Dangerous" junta now installed in the whitehouse.

"Donald Trump would have me interned in a camp somewhere with armed gaurds who would grab my pussy, just because I'm a muslim female cartoon character"...said Jasmin of Aladdin fame.

"Fuck that Orange bitch" shouted Snow White "He's not my presedent.I'll give free blow jobs to anyone who shoots him"

"Trump wants to make America White again...there is no place for those of us who are blue or green or magenta...." mulled Winnie the Pooh

"Sure we are animated Characters, but we have minds of our's not like the studios can just put words in our mouths, sure we know some of our fans may get upset but we have to speak for those who can't , those living in the shadows..those overseas markets" said Baloo the Bear.

"I don't know..... when I saw Katie Perry standing up alone..just her and her tens of millions of dollars against those stupid white women who work at Walmart who voted for Trump,well it just brought tears to my eyes and I knew had to do something, so I called up Jayz and beyonce,and we decided to work together to smash facisim in America...,.I'm so gratefull to both of them, they are such beautifull people , and they really opened my eyes to the white privleddge and white supremacy.. that I never realized I'm surrounded by... like a fish swimms through water and never sees it..." shared Areil of the Little Mermaid...

The oldest and most revered memeber of this dynamic group Mickey Mouse intoned....."Not only will the revolution be teleivezed we are going to sell it in every theatre in America"

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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Oh Cromwell like all leftist is having a hard time facing the fact that he is a usefull idiot for the globalists, and the banking elite....he is still telling himself Obama and Hilary got elected from the donations of elderly black "folks" who ate cat food for a whole year so they could donate their social security checks to the DNC...the central banks are doing to the US what they threatened England with for the brexit...economic warfare if they didn't toe the line of the banking cartels and the corporatist...but it really doesn't matter because ......TRUMP IS HITLER!
Well Trump did make reference to a New Order....

Btw I did not vote for Obama, voted Johnson.
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It very clear to me now
Why Charlie defends crazy!!
You need to see a liberal doctor
You double dick asshole



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I'm gonna troll ur ass you double dick mofo... you might as well delete ur account Charlie... you need help fucker!!


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Diamond Contributor
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I know the rules
Ask ur twin

I already have your quote admitting you are gonna troll another member.. that is your stated intention I will simply go to the mods and see if they find if that fits within the bounds of the rules......


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Member For 4 Years
I already have your quote admitting you are gonna troll another member.. that is your stated intention I will simply go to the mods and see if they find if that fits within the bounds of the rules......

Oh wow.... u playing nice now?
Who am I taking to?
I'm sorry... I won't troll ur account anymore!
There you happy?
Wait... who's gonna go to the mods?

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