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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'll do you one better...I once went to a hearing up in Los Alamos New Mexico held by the Forest Service...the hearing was whether or not to allow a small time gypo company who hired about 8 guys permission to dig for gravel...The room was filled with all these rich well heeled scientist getting goverment grants bitching about ruining the view and bike paths....and I;m thinking to dipshits are outraged by a small time company providing jobs to 8 blue collar schmucks calling them an enviormental disaster and half the fucks in this room are .buying a new BMW off the money they make working on nuculear weapons technology.......Jesus fucking wept.

The leader of this group(the guy giving the presentation) is a California realtor transplant that buys and sell mansions backed up to public lands. Other rich California transplants don't like to see cows when they go for walks. Hence the the well funded push to have cattle banned from public land, it hurts the value of their Mansions.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The leader of this group(the guy giving the presentation) is a California realtor transplant that buys and sell mansions backed up to public lands. Other rich California transplants don't like to see cows when they go for walks. Hence the the well funded push to have cattle banned from public land, it hurts the value of their Mansions.
yes I've run into this in New Mexico....they don't like having to open and close gates when they are moutain biking, or hiking.....and if the price of beef goes up....they don't care they have more than enough money, the price of hamburger is of no concern to them.they eat steak...they also object to the fact the cattle are cis friendly.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It is. I've been enjoying the anti Trumper wails of despair.
As have I. They are so unhinged though that they are hitching their wagons to every fringe militant group out there and are sadly adopting their ideals without even having a clue what they are. The utter insanity is palpable & tastes so sweet but is truly disturbing to watch on so many levels.

As Trump would say - SAD.


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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Trump has done more in a few days then obummer did in 8 years !

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Donalds gonna have to take a day off..... for some golf..

So the press can get a break.. and maybe a sense of normalcy..... If they see the president acting like they are used to.. maybe they will realize the world didn't end last Friday.

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Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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He'll probably go over to England and scare the snot out of the leftists there, support Brexit, then go Golfing in Scotland.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Love the CNN propaganda machine trying to shape public opinion with use if polls & presentations that are very far from unbiased. Do they really think these tactics are winning the hearts & minds of the American people?



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So Mayor of LA was on CNN saying he thought federal funding could not be denied to them since they are a major port city that not only receives goods for themselves but also for a great portion of the country as well. Seemed like he was almost threatening in a veiled manner that goods flowing into the country could be blockaded if they didn't get federal funding to keep ports secure.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Agreed, but from his perspective, the media was lying with the shots they used.

Judging CNN's own interactive gigapixel shot taken during the, there is some validity to the claim that the media is also not being truthful. People are still entering the ground when the shot was taken.
Spectators were delayed entering the grounds by protestors and CNN did apparently seek to convey a narrative that was manipulated. They are just as childish as the president in attempting to manipulate the facts

View attachment 72759
I was there. The pics that they were showing had to be from at least 45 minutes before the ceremony. It was packed from the stage as far back as I could see during the ceremony. The media were absolutely trying to mislead people. I literally had to step on some snowflake protester's leg to get through. A lot of people turned around to try to find another way in. The Deploraball was nice. I threatened a couple of folks trying to stop me from getting through. I had my MVP3 in my hand, and I would have had no problem at all using the blunt end of it upside someone's head if I'd have had to. All in all, it was a great day.


Bronze Contributor
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This has nothing to do with my political preferences but im still pissed at trump for firing lou ferrigno off celebrity apprentice. Also i purchase one of his make american great again hats and it is horrible quality. I feel like mario and luigi when i put it on.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
This has nothing to do with my political preferences but im still pissed at trump for firing lou ferrigno off celebrity apprentice. Also i purchase one of his make american great again hats and it is horrible quality. I feel like mario and luigi when i put it on.

Shave the moustache.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I keep a clean face, the hat puffs out at the top its ridiculous. $30 bucks down the drain.
Less wind resistance...
I never wear clothes with advertising unless I get paid. I'd like a hat as a collectible
but I'd never buy one.
I did buy a Make America Great Again bumper sticker but decided against
putting it on my vehicle lest it be damaged by the loony mobs


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So Mayor of LA was on CNN saying he thought federal funding could not be denied to them since they are a major port city that not only receives goods for themselves but also for a great portion of the country as well. Seemed like he was almost threatening in a veiled manner that goods flowing into the country could be blockaded if they didn't get federal funding to keep ports secure.
...I think the mayor of l.a. is whisteling past the graveyard.......


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So Mayor of LA was on CNN saying he thought federal funding could not be denied to them since they are a major port city that not only receives goods for themselves but also for a great portion of the country as well. Seemed like he was almost threatening in a veiled manner that goods flowing into the country could be blockaded if they didn't get federal funding to keep ports secure.
The Mayor of LA couldn't get away with holding trade hostage.
The impact to the city would be hard for them to bear. This from wikipedia:
A department of the City of Los Angeles, the Port of Los Angeles employs nearly 896,000 people throughout the LA County Region and 3.6 million worldwide. Around $1.2 billion worth of cargo comes in and out each day at the LA Port...

Moreover, if Mayor Garcetti was to use the port for leverage he'd be asking for a fight with
and undoubtedly several other agencies for interfering in international trade. He's bluffing.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
That's why I don't like Fox any better than CNN. He spent the whole time arguing for his own view rather than ask guy questions and let him answer. The attorney had good points but the dick wouldn't let him talk.

Fox has been frustrating as hell. They ripped into Priebus about the inaugural crowd and made no attempt to correct the record. They even ran the PBS loop and called Spicer & Conway Liars. Literally thought I had MSNBC on for a minute. Fox has been very slow to challenge the lefts agenda of Propaganda spreading lately. Very disappointed.
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