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Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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thank you...I guess I was hoping a sliver of light would penetrate throught the six inches of bone encasing his brain,but I should know better.
Nope, I just refuse to take my political advice from old, angry, week, little men like you. You have nothing left so you think that calling fat for the last few months, is supposed to hurt.
It's not my fault that you're a lonely week man. I don't know why my weight bothers you so much, I'm sure you have some personal problem you can fix on yourself. That Viagra stuff may help you work out some obvious built up frustration. If it doesn't they have, impoaid, pumps for that too.

Fix yourself and when you're perfect than maybe, I'll give a damn what you and your sick twin think.

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I firmly disagree with all of the above article's premises. Yes Flynn was taken down
the rest of the article is an anti Trump rant
The point of my posting that obviously Leftist article was that there are even some staunch Liberals who actually realize how deeply troubling this should be for EVERY American. When Intelligence Services manipulate the American People with selective release of classified intelligence YOUR FREEDOM & COUNTRY HAS ALREADY BEEN FORFEITED NO MATTER ON WHICH SIDE OF THE AISLE YOU MAY SIT. I was very concerned about this back in December & here again, and very few from the left seems to get it. In their quest to seek retribution against Trump because Their corrupt candidate lost, lost an election, They have chosen instead not only to harm it, but to forfeit the Democratic Republic itself.

I was hoping Trump had surrounded himself with enough good people to survive Foggy Bottom long enough to make real strides in shaking things up & draining the swamp. Thought if he got enough done quickly, he could get the majority of Americans on his side & it was working. The Democrats & Never Trump Republicans had to move more quickly than even they ever thought themselves.

This Flynn thing only tells me Trump likely won't survive this. The Intel community didn't leak this to the Post yet again just to take down Flynn. Career Intelligence people do not leak classified intelligence & risk imprisonment for political purpose without a bigger goal at the end of the rainbow than Flynn.

Priebus is the WH Leak to Ryan/McCain & they are passing that info to the press (ie:Australian Ambassador call & others). The powers that be won't be happy until Pence is sitting in the Big Chair & Priebus was probably promised VP for the risks he took to be the eyes & ears of the GOP (but I don't think he will get it). I don't give Trump a week before they go after him for real if he does not suffer a sudden illness/fatal heart attack before.
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The point of my posting it is that there are even some staunch Liberals who actually realize how deeply troubling this should be for EVERY American. When Intelligence Services manipulate the American People with selective release of classified intelligence YOUR FREEDOM & COUNTRY HAS ALREADY BEEN FORFEITED NO MATTER ON WHICH SIDE OF THE AISLE YOU SIT. I was very concerned about this back in December & here again, and no one from the left seems to get it. In their quest to seek retribution against Trump because Their corrupt candidate lost, lost an election, They have chosen instead to forfeit the Democratic Republic itself.

I was hoping Trump had surrounded himself with enough good people to survive Foggy Bottom long enough to make real strides in shaking things up & draining the swamp. Thought if he got enough done quickly, he could get the majority of Americans on his side & it was working. The Democrats & Never Trump Republicans had to move more quickly than even they ever thought themselves.

This Flynn thing only tells me Trump likely won't survive this. The Intel community didn't leak this to the Post yet again just to take down Flynn. Career Intelligence people do not leak classified intelligence & risk imprisonment for political purpose without a bigger goal at the end of the rainbow than Flynn.

Priebus is the WH Leak to Ryan/McCain & they are passing that info to the press (ie:Australian Ambassador call & others). The powers that be won't be happy until Pence is sitting in the Big Chair & Priebus was probably promised VP for the risks he took to be the eyes & ears of the GOP (but I don't think he will get it). I don't give Trump a week before they go after him for real if he does not suffer a sudden illness/fatal heart attack before.

Then the shit will hits the fan...the people left with a brain in their heads will realize their is a shadow that the voting booth can't touch, at that point ...the goverment will be the enemy of the people and all bets are off the citizens will feel any compulsion to obey or protect the goverment.....Ir is already shaping up that way as you say, and the DNC is going to have their war with Russia like they wanted....the establishment of both major parties this election is so reprehinsible so vile I really can't see anyone supporting either one of them any longer ...they both have conspired to make sure neither of the outsiders got into power.
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The point of my posting that obviously Leftist article was that there are even some staunch Liberals who actually realize how deeply troubling this should be for EVERY American. When Intelligence Services manipulate the American People with selective release of classified intelligence YOUR FREEDOM & COUNTRY HAS ALREADY BEEN FORFEITED NO MATTER ON WHICH SIDE OF THE AISLE YOU MAY SIT. I was very concerned about this back in December & here again, and very few from the left seems to get it. In their quest to seek retribution against Trump because Their corrupt candidate lost, lost an election, They have chosen instead not only to harm it, but to forfeit the Democratic Republic itself.

I was hoping Trump had surrounded himself with enough good people to survive Foggy Bottom long enough to make real strides in shaking things up & draining the swamp. Thought if he got enough done quickly, he could get the majority of Americans on his side & it was working. The Democrats & Never Trump Republicans had to move more quickly than even they ever thought themselves.

This Flynn thing only tells me Trump likely won't survive this. The Intel community didn't leak this to the Post yet again just to take down Flynn. Career Intelligence people do not leak classified intelligence & risk imprisonment for political purpose without a bigger goal at the end of the rainbow than Flynn.

Priebus is the WH Leak to Ryan/McCain & they are passing that info to the press (ie:Australian Ambassador call & others). The powers that be won't be happy until Pence is sitting in the Big Chair & Priebus was probably promised VP for the risks he took to be the eyes & ears of the GOP (but I don't think he will get it). I don't give Trump a week before they go after him for real if he does not suffer a sudden illness/fatal heart attack before.

I think they'll get busy finding the leakers and draining the swamp. I don't see Bannon as a fool. He knows what's going on.

It was always going to be blood bath. As I said earlier, I wasn't sure that Trump would not become a puppet of the elite but this onslaught tells me he is still an outsider. I'm not sure how it will play out but in the end either Trump will be defeated by the shadow government or the shadow government will be, for the most part, sucked down the drain. Trump needs to keep draining. It's early yet.


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That Viagra stuff may help you work out some obvious built up frustration. If it doesn't they have, impoaid, pumps for that too.

I'm not sure why you care if a guy uses viagra or anything else. You can't feel your ass so you don't know if he's giving you wood or cooked spaghetti.


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Then the shit will hits the fan...the people left with a brain in their heads will realize their is a shadow that the voting booth can't touch, at that point ...the goverment will be the enemy of the people and all bets are off the citizens will feel any compulsion to obey or protect the goverment.....Ir is already shaping up that way as you say, and the DNC is going to have their war with Russia like they wanted....the establishment of both major parties this election is so reprehinsible so vile I really can't see anyone supporting either one of them any longer ...they both have conspired to make sure neither of the outsiders got into power.
I don't know how they didn't realize it when they leaked & accused Russia of hacking the election & presented evidence only a moron or a Democrat would believe. I don't know how they didn't realize it when they tried to blackmail Trump with that pile of crap #Watergate dossier & when he didn't fall into line, they leaked it to the press. In case they missed it those times, this Flynn thing is the exact same leaking political witch hunt & I'm glad Hannity is talking about it now.... mostly because Trump Tweeted it..

After this.... Trump has to clean house fast, but I think it can't be done. If you don't see heads rolling soon, his will.

How does the shit hit the fan? If they off Trump, or impeach, what are we really going to do about it?
We'll wake up & what? Party like it's 1776?
March on Washington saying Pence not my President? Seriously?
We would probably watch Pence take the oath, grumble a bit & then breath a collective sigh of relief that the election is finally over. He could probably put Obama in as VP and it would be accepted by the sheeple.


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"How does the shit hit the fan?".....interesting question. No one talked about it so far. What are we supposed to do to make "shit hit the fan" ??? :)


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I always wonder about things. It doesn't mean I believe it's gospel or the only possibility, however this Flynn business may have been an agreed upon setup. Flynn has been at Trump's side quite a bit before he became POTUS and I'm sure they discussed quite a bit. Having worked in intelligence I'm sure it didn't just slip Flynn's radar what he did or didn't mention in a call. If you're going to set the bait and see what leaks and how it has to be somewhat believable or people won't buy it.

So you have Flynn regularly meeting with Trump for quite some time. Flynn has a phone conversation and casually mentions sanctions to Russia. What's a bright light to a moth with dems? Russia. Did Flynn say enough to break the law? No. He edged on it but didn't go far enough to actually break the law. Happy accident? Maybe. It involved Russia, Flynn doesn't go to jail, the nitwits high up in the intelligence community leaked it. I'd venture to say it's plausible this was bait and they took it. It was done early on potentially weeding out leaks prior to something serious like Pakistan or N. Korea. Which would again be plausible if looking to plant shit for eavesdroppers to find. You wouldn't want to wait until the 9th inning to get caught with your pants down.

All of this supposedly happened and POTUS was aware for weeks before calling for Flynn's resignation. Possibly a formality, you have to take some sort of action to satiate the press and mainstream. Just like Ollie North took the heat for Reagan and was paraded around in public through tons of hearings. Of course anything is possible, I just don't see a 3 star general who has met with Trump as much as he has, with a background in intelligence making this sort of 'booboo' unintentionally. I'd wager bets that the Hardy Boys wouldn't likely successfully tail a seasoned federal agent trained in evasion techniques either.

Plenty will probably think my tinfoil hat is on too tight but it's not like this sort of gaming b.s. doesn't go on within government. Similar to Deuce Bigelow finding TJ in the chicken and waffles joint. "That's racist" - "yea but you are here" - "yea, but figuring it out, that was racist". Doesn't mean it's not true. It's on the same idea of suspecting your bf or gf is going through your phone contacts so you rename one of your friends contacts to a suspicious name and see what happens. They bring it up all pissed because you're being shady and pointing fingers and then you simply smile and say 'going through my phone much? thought so.'


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I always wonder about things. It doesn't mean I believe it's gospel or the only possibility, however this Flynn business may have been an agreed upon setup. Flynn has been at Trump's side quite a bit before he became POTUS and I'm sure they discussed quite a bit. Having worked in intelligence I'm sure it didn't just slip Flynn's radar what he did or didn't mention in a call. If you're going to set the bait and see what leaks and how it has to be somewhat believable or people won't buy it.

So you have Flynn regularly meeting with Trump for quite some time. Flynn has a phone conversation and casually mentions sanctions to Russia. What's a bright light to a moth with dems? Russia. Did Flynn say enough to break the law? No. He edged on it but didn't go far enough to actually break the law. Happy accident? Maybe. It involved Russia, Flynn doesn't go to jail, the nitwits high up in the intelligence community leaked it. I'd venture to say it's plausible this was bait and they took it. It was done early on potentially weeding out leaks prior to something serious like Pakistan or N. Korea. Which would again be plausible if looking to plant shit for eavesdroppers to find. You wouldn't want to wait until the 9th inning to get caught with your pants down.

All of this supposedly happened and POTUS was aware for weeks before calling for Flynn's resignation. Possibly a formality, you have to take some sort of action to satiate the press and mainstream. Just like Ollie North took the heat for Reagan and was paraded around in public through tons of hearings. Of course anything is possible, I just don't see a 3 star general who has met with Trump as much as he has, with a background in intelligence making this sort of 'booboo' unintentionally. I'd wager bets that the Hardy Boys wouldn't likely successfully tail a seasoned federal agent trained in evasion techniques either.

Plenty will probably think my tinfoil hat is on too tight but it's not like this sort of gaming b.s. doesn't go on within government. Similar to Deuce Bigelow finding TJ in the chicken and waffles joint. "That's racist" - "yea but you are here" - "yea, but figuring it out, that was racist". Doesn't mean it's not true. It's on the same idea of suspecting your bf or gf is going through your phone contacts so you rename one of your friends contacts to a suspicious name and see what happens. They bring it up all pissed because you're being shady and pointing fingers and then you simply smile and say 'going through my phone much? thought so.'
Good points, but kind of a dangerous game when the villagers are coming at you with pitchforks & torches. The villagers have been doing that since Nov 8th.


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I don't think Trump is too worried about the mobs with pitchforks, they'll exist anyway. Like the villagers in Monty Python's Holy Grail dressing up the witch and trying to figure out what to do with her. It is a bit of a dangerous game but then again you have to test the waters somehow. Some may cite his inexperience but then there's no real grooming process for the presidency. They have access to situations and info no one else does, no way to really prepare for that test.

Just because a mechanic has dealt with cars all day every day for 20yrs and adjacent to the mechanical repairs is the paint job - doesn't mean they can successfully paint a car. Many senators and governors have basic experience but no real edge over what Trump's got if they'd been given his position.

What concerns me with the leaks is that they'll miss the forest for the trees and end up tanking our national security, chalking it up to 'collateral damage' while trying to assassinate Trump's character. That's far more dangerous than what may or may not have been said to a foreign ambassador. Without a 'trial mode' the best anyone including Trump can do as POTUS is play the game with lesser threats and non issues to try and sort out the various glitches before committing to the big moves. Better to find out you have leaks over a Russian phone chat than while in the middle of moving troops into position on the verge of a strike just to have the entire mission compromised.

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I'm not sure why you care if a guy uses viagra or anything else. You can't feel your ass so you don't know if he's giving you wood or cooked spaghetti.
Haha that one's funny... I'll have to remember that at the next gimp meeting.
At least you finally found a new insult other than my weight. It only took 3 months for you to find something else.

Gold star for you!

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what I meant by the shit hits the what this guy said...."If Trump is assassinated or run out of office it sets the stage for revolution"

suddenly the shadow state is no longer a tinfoil hat is a mainstream fact, and suddenly the people aren't looking to lynch their senators and govenors....they are looking to lynch and investigate the shadow goverment, the bankers.
Marx was wrong...religon is not the opiate of the masses...politics is.
Some of the shit the guy is saying is a bit flaky for me, but the essintials are pretty spot on...
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Diamond Contributor
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Haha that one's funny... I'll have to remember that at the next gimp meeting.
At least you finally found a new insult other than my weight. It only took 3 months for you to find something else.

Gold star for you!

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Isn't there a pack of twinkies and a John Stewart rerun you should be getting to.

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Well, they almost found a new joke..... Such sad, week, lonely little men

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Well dude you are sort of a two deminsional character....
Yeah, you and your better half, got all twisted when I posed parallels and, 'what if,' situations; but, you're too short- minded to even think about anything past what you're told; and, stuck on my weight and accident as being a driving force.

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Yeah, you and your better half, got all twisted when I posed parallels and, 'what if,' situations; but, you're too short- minded to even think about anything past what you're told; and, stuck on my weight and accident as being a driving force.

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Pointless dude... Do yourself a favor and let us have our discussion area and you take yours.

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what I meant by the shit hits the what this guy said...."If Trump is assassinated or run out of office it sets the stage for revolution"

suddenly the shadow state is no longer a tinfoil hat is a mainstream fact, and suddenly the people aren't looking to lynch their senators and govenors....they are looking to lynch and investigate the shadow goverment, the bankers.
Marx was wrong...religon is not the opiate of the masses...politics is.
Some of the shit the guy is saying is a bit flaky for me, but the essintials are pretty spot on...
Yeah, he is more than a bit Alt right. - but the rest of it was chilling considering he did it on 13th. Thought you might appreciate the vid. Of course he did a broadcast on RT the same day so it will be labeled as fake news / Russian Propaganda.
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Yeah, he is a bit Alt right w/ the Pizzagate stuff - but the rest of it was chilling considering he did it on 13th. Thought you might appreciate the vid.
I think I've seen him a couple of time...the girl makes some pretty good videos.....ex-CIA guys always make me for pizzagate I find it highly stands to reason our political class are psycopaths,and how the guy who owns a pizza parlor becomes on of the 50 most influential men in DC is very unusual....the guys who run pizza joint in my town couldn't get into the front door of the mayors office.

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you better run back...ej must be going nuts trying to figure out which Hitler meme to post today.
Does that mean you'll be a grown up and stop blowing it up?

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pointing out your idiocy is not blowing anything up..if you wanna fucking safe space do what the rest of America does...enroll in a University.
I've already been there, when I got both my electronics degrees.
But damnitman, silencing people you don't agree with by blowing there shit up, is doing exactly what you say you hate.
I guess you're learning from your furhur

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Yeah, he is a bit Alt right w/ the Pizzagate stuff - but the rest of it was chilling considering he did it on 13th. Thought you might appreciate the vid. Of course he did a broadcast on RT the same day so it will be labeled as fake news / Russian Propaganda.
Again as far as the shit hitting the fan...for instance this piling on of Trump by the media...what is it accomplishing...yes it allows the zombies a visceral emotional release like the 2 minute hates in 1984. but beyond that further discredits the mainstream media to a larger group of people, and by so doing it drives them into the arms of the Alt-media...suddenly you have people who've never watched the Alt-media checking it out, and the result will be they become aware of more and more information they normally wouldn't get....all they are accomplishing is swelling the ranks of Trump,and their only reward is making the mentally ill left even sicker.their antics more ridiculous and insane and discredits the left even further....This isn't 1968, the mainstream media does nor have total control to manufacture consent by having absolute control on information,the playbook of the 60s isn't going to work in the age of the internet.


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I think I've seen him a couple of time...the girl makes some pretty good videos.....ex-CIA guys always make me for pizzagate I find it highly stands to reason our political class are psycopaths,and how the guy who owns a pizza parlor becomes on of the 50 most influential men in DC is very unusual....the guys who run pizza joint in my town couldn't get into the front door of the mayors office.
Official name was Operation Reclaim and Rebuild. Here is one


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Hazy's reply to a facebook post regarding a Russian jet buzzing a US destroyer:

Holy shit, what a bunch of liberal morons. You people are supposed to be for peace yet are the idiots supporting nuclear war.
Look here imbeciles; The Black Sea is a body of water between Eastern Europe and Western Asia, bounded by Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russia, Turkey, and Ukraine. In other words, WHAT THE FUCK IS A US DESTROYER DOING THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE?
Perhaps since you all keep your heads in your asses you haven't noticed that NATO and especially the US under the Obama administration have spent years and millions of dollars to destabilize several countries, Russia among them. Hillary wanted to continue agitating the Russians who seem to only be minding THEIR business, while Donald Trump on the other hand is trying to be a statesman and exercise diplomacy. If somebody goes in my backyard with intent to scare me or harm me I'll buzz him too. Do you really think Putin is going to stand down while the US messes with him?

'We are READY' Russia issues warning to NATO after military tests conducted in…


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Our lexicon has been much enriched thanks to Trumpism. "Alternate facts" and all that. And now we have:

"illegal leaks"

As opposed to what? Legal leaks?


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Our lexicon has been much enriched thanks to Trumpism. "Alternate facts" and all that. And now we have:

"illegal leaks"

As opposed to what? Legal leaks?

Um, yes. There are illegal leaks and legal leaks.

Legal leaks do not involve classified material. Those are leaks we hear about such as, "The Trump transition team is in turmoil." The source is not cited because the source does not have permission to talk about such things and would be fired,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,but not charged.

There have been a couple legal leaks today. Who Trump plans to replace Flynn with has been leaked and early in the day that Puzdar was going to withdraw from Labor appointment. No classified information there, thus legal leaks.

Illegal leaks involve classified material. Those leaks reveal classified information. The source is not identified because he/she will not only be fired but they will likely also be charged in the same manner all who leak classified information are charged. Such as General Petraeus or Manning or Snowden.

The leaks on Flynn were illegal leaks because the information was classified. The government does not, by routine, admit that they monitor certain Diplomats phone calls. While it's generally known, that information is by routine, classified.
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