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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Trump supporters are being attacked all across America by the "Tolerant & Inclusive Left" often while Police Stand nearby watching.

When the Police abdicate their responsibility to the Public Safety by failing to intervene, it becomes the Public's responsibility to take action to defend themselves.
The Police and authorities are playing a very dangerous game. By not intervening when a mob targets individuals and does physical damage to them, it's only a matter of time before these violent assholes kill someone, then the folks going to rally's in support of Trump will be armed. What would the cops rather deal with? Violent Agitators and Thugs from the college fringe, or Armed citizens, some with military training. Your right to protest ends when you take up violence to harm others who don't agree with you.


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ECF Refugee
The Police and authorities are playing a very dangerous game. By not intervening when a mob targets individuals and does physical damage to them, it's only a matter of time before these violent assholes kill someone, then the folks going to rally's in support of Trump will be armed. What would the cops rather deal with? Violent Agitators and Thugs from the college fringe, or Armed citizens, some with military training. Your right to protest ends when you take up violence to harm others who don't agree with you.
You mean most with military training. The ones you see are NOT the ones you need to be worried about.


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I would ask how far the commie/Nazi/democrat hand is up your ass, but it is obvious it is far enough all up in you to move your lips and tickle your brain
Haha... Almost makes me want to take him off of my ignore list just to see what he's been saying. Too bad I treat my ignore list like my savings account. What goes in gets forgotten about...


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WikiLeaks reveals CIA files describing hacking tools
WASHINGTON (AP) — WikiLeaks published thousands of documents Tuesday described as secret files about CIA hacking tools the government employs to break into users' computers, mobile phones and even smart TVs from companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft and Samsung.




March 08, 2017

The documents describe clandestine methods for bypassing or defeating encryption, antivirus tools and other protective security features intended to keep the private information of citizens and corporations safe from prying eyes. U.S. government employees, including President Donald Trump, use many of the same products and internet services purportedly compromised by the tools.

The documents describe CIA efforts — cooperating with friendly foreign governments and the U.S. National Security Agency — to subvert the world's most popular technology platforms, including Apple's iPhones and iPads, Google's Android phones and the Microsoft Windows operating system for desktop computers and laptops.

The documents also include discussions about compromising some internet-connected televisions to turn them into listening posts. One document discusses hacking vehicle systems, indicating the CIA's interest in hacking modern cars with sophisticated on-board computers.

WikiLeaks has a long track record of releasing top secret government documents, and experts who sifted through the material said it appeared legitimate. The chairman of the House intelligence committee, Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., said he was very concerned about the release and had asked the intelligence community for more information about it.

Former CIA Director Mike Hayden told MSNBC he had undertaken only a cursory review of the documents, but that if they were what they were purported to be, it would amount to a "very extensive file of the tactics, techniques, procedures, targets and other political rules" under which the CIA hacks targets. "If it is that, it would be very, very damaging," he said.

Jonathan Liu, a spokesman for the CIA, said: "We do not comment on the authenticity or content of purported intelligence documents." White House spokesman Sean Spicer also declined comment. Missing from WikiLeaks' trove are the actual hacking tools themselves, some of which were developed by government hackers while others were purchased from outsiders. WikiLeaks said it planned to avoid distributing tools "until a consensus emerges" on the political nature of the CIA's program and how such software could be analyzed, disarmed and published.

Tuesday's disclosure left anxious consumers who use the products with little recourse, since repairing the software vulnerabilities in ways that might block the tools' effectiveness is the responsibility of leading technology companies. The revelations threatened to upend confidence in an Obama-era government program, the Vulnerability Equities Process, under which federal agencies warn technology companies about weaknesses in their software so they can be quickly fixed.

It was not immediately clear how WikiLeaks obtained the information, and details in the documents could not immediately be verified. WikiLeaks said the material came from "an isolated, high-security network" inside the CIA's Center for Cyber Intelligence but didn't say whether the files were removed by a rogue employee or whether the theft involved hacking a federal contractor working for the CIA or perhaps breaking into a staging server where such information might have been temporarily stored.

"The archive appears to have been circulated among former U.S. government hackers and contractors in an unauthorized manner, one of whom has provided WikiLeaks with portions of the archive," WikiLeaks said in a statement.

Some technology firms on Tuesday said they were evaluating the information. Microsoft Corp. said it was looking into the report, while the maker of secure messaging app Signal said the purported CIA tools affected users' actual phones and not its software design or encryption protocols.

The manufacturer of the popular Telegram mobile messaging app said in a statement that manufacturers of cellphones and their operating systems, including Apple, Google and Samsung, were responsible for improving the security of their devices. It said the effort will require "many hours of work and many security updates" and assured its customers that "If the CIA is not on your back, you shouldn't start worrying yet."

The tools described in the documents carried bizarre names, including Time Stomper, Fight Club, Jukebox, Bartender, Wild Turkey, Margarita and "RickyBobby," a racecar-driving character in the comedy film, "Talladega Nights."

That RickyBobby tool, the documents said, was intended to plant and harvest files on computers running "newer versions of Microsoft Windows and Windows Server." It operated "as a lightweight implant for target computers" without raising warnings from antivirus or intrusion-detection software. It took advantage of files Microsoft built into Windows since at least 10 years ago.

The files include comments by CIA hackers boasting in slang language of their prowess: "You know we got the dankest Trojans and collection tools," one reads. The documents show broad exchanges of tools and information among the CIA, NSA and other U.S. intelligence agencies, as well as intelligence services of close allies Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

WikiLeaks claimed the CIA used both its Langley, Virginia, headquarters and the U.S. consulate in Frankfurt, Germany, as bases for its covert hackers. The AP found that one purported CIA hack that imitates the Domain Name System — the internet's phone book — traced to an internet domain hosted in Germany.

In an unusual move, WikiLeaks said it was withholding some secrets inside the documents. Among them, it said it had withheld details of tens of thousands of "CIA targets and attack machines throughout Latin America, Europe and the United States."

WikiLeaks also said its data included a "substantial library" of digital espionage techniques borrowed from other countries, including Russia. If the authenticity of the documents is officially confirmed, it would represent yet another catastrophic breach for the U.S. intelligence community at the hands of WikiLeaks and its allies, which have repeatedly humbled Washington with the mass release of classified material, including from the State Department and the Pentagon.

Tuesday's documents purported to be from the CIA's "Embedded Development Branch" discuss techniques for injecting malicious code into computers protected by the personal security products of leading international anti-virus companies. They describe ways to trick anti-virus products from companies including Russia-based Kaspersky Lab, Romania-based BitDefender, Dutch-based AVG Technologies, F-Secure of Finland and Rising Antivirus, a Chinese company.

In the new trove, programmers also posted instructions for how to access user names and passwords in popular internet browsers like Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Some documents were classified "secret" or "top secret" and not for distribution to foreign nationals. One file said those classifications would protect deployed hacks from being "attributed" to the U.S. government. The practice of attribution, or identifying who was behind an intrusion, has been difficult for investigators probing sophisticated hacks that likely came from powerful nation-states.


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Rep. Steve King (Photo: Charlie Neibergall/AP)
Representative Steve King, R-Iowa, told the New York Times on Tuesday that he believes in the existence of a “deep state” attempting to undermine President Trump’s administration.

“We are talking about the emergence of a deep state led by Barack Obama, and that is something that we should prevent,” King told the Times. “The person who understands this best is Steve Bannon, and I would think that he’s advocating to make some moves to fix it.”

The term “deep state,” which is relatively new to American politics, has been used to describe a permanent military, intelligence and law-enforcement bureaucracy manipulating government policies in secret.

King added that Trump “needs to purge the leftists within the administration that are holdovers from the Obama administration, because it appears that they are undermining his administration and his chances of success.”

King’s remarks echoed a previous statement made on his Twitter account, where he wrote the president “needs to purge Leftists from executive branch before disloyal, illegal & treasonist [sic] acts sink us.”


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Trump Signs Repeal of Obama’s Social Security Gun Ban
On a day when legislation benefiting women and black colleges and universities was signed with much pomp and circumstance, President Trump quietly followed through on his pledge to defend the Second Amendment by signing the repeal of Barack Obama’s Social Security gun ban.
The U.S, House voted to repeal the ban on February 2 and the Senate voted to repeal it on February 15.

The ban was fashioned behind closed doors in the summer of 2015 and Breitbart News reported:

The specific details of the ban are unknown, as it is being put together “outside of public view.” But the LA Times reports that a ban on gun possession due to inability to handle finances would be sweeping; that it would cover those who are unable to manage their own affairs for a multitude of reasons–from “subnormal intelligence or mental illness” to “incompetency,” an unspecified “condition,” or “disease.”

The Times notes that the finances of roughly “4.2 million” Social Security beneficiaries are handled by someone else.

As bits and pieces of the ban continued to be revealed over the following months, it was evident that Social Security beneficiaries who required help managing their finances were in jeopardy of losing their Second Amendment rights. An overview of the ban–provided by the Social Security Administration (SSA)–showed it was structured so that persons under mental duress and requiring help with their finances could be investigated by the SSA, then turned over to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) to be barred from gun purchases.

Page 19 of the SSA overview said:

Under our representative payee policy, unless direct payment is prohibited, we presume that an adult beneficiary is capable of managing or directing the management of benefits. However, if we have information that the beneficiary has a mental or physical impairment that prevents him or her from managing or directing the management of benefits, we will develop the issue of capability. If a beneficiary has a mental impairment, we will develop the capability issue if there is an indication that the beneficiary may lack the ability to reason properly, is disoriented, has seriously impaired judgment, or is unable to communicate with others.

Put simply, beneficiaries who caught the SSA’s attention by having someone help with finances could be investigated. The investigation would include a look at mental health and the findings could then serve to justify a prohibition against gun ownership. The Obama administration finalized the ban during the week prior to Christmas 2016, but concern over violations of the Due Process rights of Social Security beneficiaries had already taken center stage and calls for repealing the measure were legion.

For the few of us who might not know the Obama administration conspired
to prohibit those on social security disability from possessing guns

BTW, the above ties in with a similar law which makes illegal that holders of
certain medical prescriptions and users own guns.
Due to the rules of this forum
I can't elaborate but think the moderators in this thread and forum will allow what I've mentioned.



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CIA faces huge problem over malware claims
Already embroiled in a row with President Donald Trump amid his claims that spies are leaking secrets against him, now the CIA is facing its own damaging leaks.

This time it's the American intelligence community's familiar foe - Wikileaks - with another cache of what look like highly sensitive secret documents, this time about the CIA's technical capabilities.

The National Security Agency faced its problems when Edward Snowden passed on documents to journalists - but this time it's the NSA's sister agency.

While the NSA is the agency charged with collecting what is called signals intelligence and the CIA's job is to recruit human spies, the reality is that the technical and the human side of espionage have been drawing closer for years.

The CIA created a Directorate of Digital Innovation whose director told me the priority was making sure the agency stayed on top of technology.

While the NSA may sift global internet traffic looking for intelligence, the CIA prioritises close access against specific targets who it is interested in.

And getting into someone's electronic devices can be vital if you are trying to target them - either to recruit them as an agent or for a drone strike against a suspected terrorist.

Tracking the source
These latest leaks will be a huge problem for the CIA as the Snowden leaks were for the NSA (although there will be less surprise about these capabilities now since we learned so much from the Snowden files).

There is the embarrassment factor - that an agency whose job is to steal other people's secrets has not been able to keep their own.

This will be added to by the revelations that the US consulate in Frankfurt was used as a base for the technical operations which may cause problems in Germany where the Edward Snowden revelations caused intense domestic debate.

Then there will be the fear of a loss of intelligence coverage by the CIA against their targets who may change their behaviour because they now know the spies can do.

The CIA is alleged to have found a way to listen to conversations that took place close to Samsung TVs

And then there will be the questions over whether the CIA's technical capabilities were too expansive and too secret.

Because many of the initial documents point to capabilities targeting consumer devices, the hardest questions may revolve around what is known as the "equities" problem - when you find a vulnerability in a piece of technology, how do you balance the benefit of leaving that vulnerability in place so the intelligence agency can exploit it to collect intelligence with the benefit to the public of informing the manufacturer so they can close it and improve everyone's security?

If an intelligence agency has found a vulnerability then other hackers might do as well. The NSA faced questions about whether it had found the right balance and now it may be the CIA's turn.

There will be anger in the CIA and some of that will be directed at Wikileaks.

Wikileaks has said the source of this latest cache of documents came from a former US government hacker or contractor.

But it is an organisation that the US intelligence community has claimed may have been a route for information hacked from the Democrats by the Russians during last year's election to make it into the public domain.

No doubt the CIA will be trying to establish the exact source of the latest leak and understand the timing - coming right in the middle of an intensifying row between American spies and their own president.


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Wikileaks: CIA has tools to snoop via TVs
Wikileaks has published details of what it says are wide-ranging hacking tools used by the CIA.

The alleged cyber-weapons are said to include malware that targets Windows, Android, iOS, OSX and Linux computers as well as internet routers.

Some of the software is reported to have been developed in-house, but the UK's MI5 agency is said to have helped build a spyware attack for Samsung TVs.

A spokesman for the CIA would not confirm the details.

"We do not comment on the authenticity or content of purported intelligence documents," he said.

Hacked TVs
The effort to compromise Samsung's F8000 range of smart TVs was codenamed Weeping Angel, according to documents dated June 2014.

They describe the creation of a "fake-off" mode, designed to fool users into believing that their screens had been switched off.

Instead, the documents indicate, infected sets were made to covertly record audio, which would later be transferred over the internet to CIA computer servers once the TVs were fully switched back on, allowing their wi-fi links to re-establish.

Under a "future work" section, it is suggested that video snapshots might also be taken and the wi-fi limitation be overcome.


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President Donald Trump to Planned Parenthood: Get Rid of Abortions to Keep Federal Funding

The Trump administration has informed Planned Parenthood it will have to quit performing abortions in order to keep its federal taxpayer funding.

Maggie Haberman at the New York Times reports the White House has made an “informal pitch” to Planned Parenthood, offering continued federal funding to the nation’s largest abortion business if it agrees to stop performing abortions.

“As I said throughout the campaign, I am pro-life and I am deeply committed to investing in women’s health and plan to significantly increase federal funding in support of nonabortion services such as cancer screenings,” Trump reportedly said in a statement to the Times. “Polling shows the majority of Americans oppose public funding for abortion, even those who identify as pro-choice. There is an opportunity for organizations to continue the important work they do in support of women’s health, while not providing abortion services.”

However, Dawn Laguens, executive vice president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), rejected Trump’s proposal.

“Let’s be clear, federal funds already do not pay for abortions,” she said. “Offering money to Planned Parenthood to abandon our patients and our values is not a deal that we will ever accept. Providing critical health care services for millions of American women is nonnegotiable.”

During his presidential campaign, Trump outlined four policy commitments in a letter to pro-life leaders:

  • Nominating pro-life justices to the U.S. Supreme Court
  • Signing into law the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would end painful late-term abortions nationwide
  • Defunding Planned Parenthood as long as they continue to perform abortions and reallocating their funding to community health centers that provide comprehensive health care for women
  • Making the Hyde Amendment permanent law to protect taxpayers from having to pay for abortions
The provision to end Planned Parenthood’s federal funding would redirect it to other federally qualified healthcare centers (FQHCs) that provide more comprehensive health services, but do not perform abortions.

Nationally, there are 13,000 FQHCs – a figure that outnumbers Planned Parenthood facilities by 20 to 1.

A recent Marist poll found that 61 percent of Americans oppose taxpayer funding of abortion, including 40 percent of those who say they are “pro-choice,” and 41 percent of Democrats.

Planned Parenthood performs more than 300,000 abortions per year and receives over a half billion dollars in federal taxpayer funding annually. The organization has been referred for possible criminal prosecution by congressional committees following allegations it sells the harvested body parts of aborted babies for a profit.


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Lawmakers probe claim DOJ aided Iraqi terror suspect days before November election

So they catch the guy who fought against US Troops in Iraq who entered US as Refugee under false identity & Obama DOJ declines to prosecute because publicity of trial would help Trump in Election, they let him go instead & now no one knows where he is in USA or what he is plotting.

Utterly criminal lack of regard for Public Safety. Investigation including prosecutions necessary IMHO.


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Remember back in the good old days ...when you were a kid, and you'd wait all week for the Sunday edition of the paper to hit your doorstep....and you'd spend half the day reading the'd stretch it out and read all your favorites, moving onto your least favorite, and then rereading everything all over again.....with a little imagination you could stretch it out to half the day.....
I feel like the MSM is like that today.....I can read the headlines and it's like reading the comics all over again...just one leftist hollywood clown or wrinkeled MTV star. or Democrat political has been having an absolute mental breakdown over the White Devil in the whitehouse.....each one trying to outdo the other in ridiculous's comical... the train has left the station, and these clowns have been relegated to lining the paraket's cage where they belong.


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Member For 4 Years
he was a cool dude...
He still is. Ambassador Keyes, born Agust 07, 1950 won my admiration
not only because he's a smart puppy and a credit to his race but because he's put his freedom where his mouth is
as a pro life activist protesting abortion and the utter anti-Christian dis of the University of Notre Dame for
hosting pro abortion speakers AND for granting Barry Soetoro an honorary degree.
Obama’s appearance drew quite a bit of criticism from conservative Catholics and Bishops.

...he's a cool dude.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
He still is. Ambassador Keyes, born Agust 07, 1950 won my admiration
not only because he's a smart puppy and a credit to his race but because he's put his freedom where his mouth is
as a pro life activist protesting abortion and the utter anti-Christian dis of the University of Notre Dame for
hosting pro abortion speakers AND for granting Barry Soetoro an honorary degree.
Obama’s appearance drew quite a bit of criticism from conservative Catholics and Bishops.

...he's a cool dude.
fucker is a cerdit to America..a strong free Individual.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
fucker is a cerdit to America..a strong free Individual. point in bringing Keyes up though was in reference to Boater's comment
that we can call him a racist.
It really isn't about race but about soul and intellect.
We're all blood red on the inside
but there's some folks be them black or white on the outside that look pretty damn yella and I don't mean Asian.
Soetoro is one of them yella fellas...

However I did notice a certain "uppity" attitude emerge from some
right after Obummer got elected
as if his victory signaled the defeat of "whitey". The BLM movement exemplifies
that attitude. It isn't "all lives matter" anymore and that's not only a shame and major setback
for cooperation it is serving to create a dangerous backlash where intelligent people
are beginning to wonder if we're becoming or at least accept being labeled "racist" when in fact what we are
is freedom loving Americans colored Red, White, and Blue.


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These people need a boycott, already jumped on my kid about it
Nike becomes first major brand to launch hijab for women

Nike's new hijab is designed to make sport more comfortable for Muslim women and goes on sale in 2018.

The light fabric has tiny holes for breathability and the length has also been designed to stop it coming untucked during activity.

Nike said it had been developing the new sporting hijab for a year.

Sporting hijabs have been around for several years, but Nike is the first major international company to embrace the sports needs of Muslim women.

Small sporting brands such as Capsters and ResportOn have previously been seen as leading brands of sporting hijabs.
Muslim women sports...Uhmmm, but I read in the Kur'an that..never mind, nothing makes sense


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Take ur Meds or clean ur fucking house
No life lonely motherfuckers

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